Jan. 20, 2021: Another day that will live in infamy for Americans, and Jan. 6, 2021 will be remembered as a day like no other in American history because a duly elected President was set up to take the fall of a perfectly timed storming of the Capitol with only one goal in mind, and that was to stop Congress from doing their job by living up to the same oath that only days earlier the 117th Congress took the same oath and preceded to ignore it over the next 2 weeks of by impeaching the same duly elected president a 2nd time, and for a 2nd time denying a sitting President of the United States his Constitutional right to ”Due Process’ or afford him the same right of every citizen the ‘Presumption of Innocents!’
It’s the first time in American history where it’s government that is built by the People and for the People won an election on by not putting America’s interest’s first, but somewhere near the bottom by reestablishing the ‘Destroying of American from within’ agenda of a past President who was not a constitutionally required ‘Natural Born’ Citizen because of what’s beginning to be a pattern by a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that’s now beginning to look like intentionally not allowing the court to hear the case that challenged his Citizenship, and did it again with the Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris, and there’s more, and again when he wouldn’t hear any of the two cases on the challenges of the 2020 elections!
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!
What comes next is just knowing that it was Bush 43’s father Bush 41 who signed America up for being part of the New World Order back in 1992 by signing on with the beginning stages of the United Nations Agenda 21 that began with Bush 41, and known as the United Nations Rio Accords Earth Summit agreement!

Next we move ahead to Bush 43’s role in nominating John Roberts to the Supreme Court and why that’s important to what’s been going in America, but the reason the American people’s constitutional rights are not only being attacked, but now are being systematically eliminated, and this has been going on over the last 28 years!
I had to do a little digging this morning due to the fact I wanted to see who was the Chief Justice before John Roberts, and what was behind his appointment, and the time line to further bolster my theory about Chief Justices role in the worst decisions to ever come out of the Supreme Court that hurt and not to help America of the American people!
While Bush 43’s nominated John Roberts’s confirmation was pending before the Senate, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died on September 3, 2005. Two days later, Bush withdrew Roberts’s nomination as O’Connor’s successor and announced Roberts’s new nomination as Chief Justice.
Globalist enthusiast Bush 43’s Chief Justice Roberts appointment to the most powerful position in all of America’s court system as Chief Justice was a great honor in itself, but to be the Chief Justice with an Agenda that wasn’t in sync with our founders blueprint for America, and as we now know and witnessed, spells death for a nation that’s been built on guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms designed especially by the people and for the people!
Chief Justice Roberts first mission was to make sure that fellow Globalist and George Soros sponsored Barack Obama, who didn’t meet the Constitutional requirement of having to be a Natural Born Citizen some how disappear! The real question here is that did Speaker Nancy Pelosi who had Obama’s documents altered to show that he was a Natural Born Citizen when he wasn’t!
By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
(September 2011)
WASHINGTON – Is this the case that will break the presidential eligibility question wide open? (September 2011)

Or was it Chief Justice Roberts not allowing the challenges to Obama’s citizenship that would have disqualified him to be heard by the other justices of the Supreme Court? Either way you look at it Nancy Pelosi, in her first of 3 stints as Speaker of the House, is guilty of aiding and abetting, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to violate the constitution to overthrow the government, and committing a fraud upon the American People! Hey, works for me, and after all it’s only my opinion!
Founder’s Req. to be ‘Natural Born’ Ignored and Lied About by Obama, Kamala, and the MSM, WHY?
17 August 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
Obama was put into office for one reason and one reason only. He was put into office to end capitalism, private property ownership and the individual’s right to self-determination. This is all accomplished through Agenda 21 and ultimately what Patrick Wood calls technocracy. Technocracy is the takeover of all energy use, thus, ultimately, all finance, through programs such as capping CO2 emission, Cap and Trade, etc. Carbon credits, under this system is destined to become the new currency. ~~AGENDA 21!
In a new report, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) deconstructs the mythology that has surrounded the sustainability planning program since it was adopted at the U.N. Earth Summit more than 20 years ago.

It’s been called “the most dangerous threat to American sovereignty”; “An anti-human document, which takes aim at Western culture, and the Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions,” that will bring “new Dark Ages of pain and misery yet unknown to mankind,” and “abolish golf courses, grazing pastures and paved roads,” in the name of creating a “one-world order.”
The 28 Year Old Hidden Agenda 21, Not Socialism, is the Dem’s ‘Deep State’ ‘End Game’ for 2020 America!
26 March 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
After Hillary’s loss we had John McCain attacking President Trump’s “Nationalism” as being unpatriotic and Globalist George W. Bush pushing the New World Order as inevitable!
When did it say, and where was it ever said that the People, especially in the only nation in the world that was built by the People and for the People, that the people don’t get the final say in the future of America, and the future of it’s people?

Let me tell you how all this got started and what it is that every American Citizen, it’s local, city, county and state and our men and women in Blue, and our fighting men and women in the military are witnessing today, and that is America and the American people are ideologically under siege in an attempt to overthrow ‘the’ people’s government, a.k.a. The United States of America, not the representatives of the people, and that’s the way it has always been, and that’s the way it will always stay, PERIOD!!
The problem is that the peoples representatives who we the People sent to Washington DC to not only represent us, but to protect and defend the Constitution, have done neither, and as a result have now committed more than few very serious crimes against our Republic!
The first one being violating their oath, then conspired with other members of Congress to overthrow the Peoples government, intentionally aided and abetted the Obama Administration that had intentionally choreographed the timing of the corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ to be in command of those agencies at exactly the same time the members of Congress did nothing to stop the Obama Administration from carrying out their mission to destroy American from within by eliminating not only the peoples constitutional rights, but to Constitution and ignoring the ‘Rule of Law!’
They also needed a little help from some perfectly placed operatives who have been buried in our government for so long, and the reason why term limits were never an option, even though the people requested it several times to be part of their election day mandates, as was the the peoples mandate to have a Federal Voter ID Law which fell on deaf ears on both sides of the aisle as well, and now we all know why!
It’s the culmination of last 28 years of our elected officials getting together and deciding what the future of America will be, and that’s because of these outside interests and Globalist who care more about their own power and greed, have decided that the American not only know how to run their own lives or spend their taxpayer dollars on things that matter to the world before America, and as a result we will make those decisions for America and the American people!

The plan from day one the plan was to find a way to strip the American people of their guaranteed rights, eliminate the Constitution, but whatever you do, don’t allow America to be great again! You see those guaranteed rights can’t be allowed to be seen by the rest of the world’s population because it sets a bad example, and the New World Order can’t survive with the people of the world having guaranteed rights, or any rights for all that matters!
Globalist George W Bush jumped on John McCain’s America-trashing bandwagon, and had the gall to imply that globalism is inevitable, cannot be stopped and we “cannot wish globalism away.” Oh-and that were a bunch of bigots if we don’t agree.
It’s the same approach that Elite EU thugs use to threaten and bash Britain, Hungary and Poland for the crime of wanting to keep their countries intact.
Based upon the following research and upon researching the plethora of laws on the books today, it is obvious that many current laws and in some cases, the laws they were based on are blatantly
I make no interpretations myself but let the founding documents speak for themselves with highlighting and underlining done for the sake of clarity.
The following excerpts from founding documents will clearly show:

1. The Constitution of the United States is the “Supreme Law of the Land” and any law that strays outside the boundaries enumerated in it are undeniably unconstitutional.
2. The undisputable fact that acts passed by Congress or by State legislatures which do not conform to the Constitution of the United States have been found by the Supreme Court to be “null and void and have no effect”.
3. The enactment of unconstitutional laws by legislators clearly violated their Oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America”.
4. The violation of this Oath by an elected official/public officer could therefore be construed as a “Treasonable Act”.
It is important to note that the wording of Article 3 Section 3 of the Constitution regarding the definition of treason has been an area of debate as to its interpretation and implementation in law as mentioned below. Whether legislators who pass unconstitutional acts are committing the crime of treason or, just “treasonous acts” where they may be charged with lesser offenses is the question at hand.
Under Number 4: The violation of this Oath by an elected official/public officer could therefore be construed as a “Treasonable Act”.

The following are treasonous acts by today’s just recently sworn in Congress, who after just under 2 weeks violated their constitutional oath to protect and defend the Constitution not only once, but twice when they impeached a duly elected President a 2nd times without affording President Trump his constitutional guaranteed right of ‘Due Process, or afford President Trump the right to the presumption of innocents!
Under Number 2: The undisputable fact that acts passed by Congress or by State legislatures which do not conform to the Constitution of the United States have been found by the Supreme Court to be “null and void and have no effect”.
The illegal and unconstitutional acts by Barack Obama, the impeachment of President Trump, and that’s both of them will be renedered ‘Null and void due to the fact that the President wasn’t afforded due process or the presumption of innocences, and now Vice President Kamala Harris because like Barack Obama is not and never be eligible, because of thier citizenship ever be able to be the president or Vice President of the United States, and because of that any action that Obama took back then, and whatever action Kamala Harris might do in the future will be considered ‘Null and void!

Under Number 1: The Constitution of the United States is the “Supreme Law of the Land” and any law that strays outside the boundaries enumerated in it are undeniably unconstitutional.
All the members of congress who were present while President Obama violated the Constitution and did nothing to honor their oath by preventing it from happening are considered to be by the Constitution as being treasonous, a.k.a. Traitors!
First, the Constitutional requirements for an Oath supporting the Constitution:
Article 2, Sec 1 “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States.”
Article 6. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States!

Second, the areas of the Constitution regarding treason:
Article 2, Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
The ‘Citizens’ United decision is ruining America
31 July 2017 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
The Citizens United decision — along with Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Obamacare — is jeopardizing American sovereignty.
Article 3, Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Article 3, Section 3: I don’t know about you but war by any other name is still war, and that an economically motivated Levying of War through Obama’s sponsor George Soros’s against America’s best economical Domestic and Foreign Policies fits right into that definition of ‘Levying War!’

Now add to that Soros’s 2009 announcement that came right after Obama’s 1st Inauguration, when he declared that it would be China that would be his new Economic Superpower, and that China must lead the New World Order, creating it, owning it and supplanting the United States as the world’s economic superpower, and at that point America’s already in the ‘Red’ trade deficit with China went further into the ‘Red’ while China’s headed further into the ‘Black to the tune of reaching close to if not higher, $700 billion dollars, but not only that, it appears that the theft of America’s Intellectual Property skyrocketed with the highlight being when in 1998, the New York Times’ Jeff Garth broke a story about the Clinton administration’s willingness to permit two U.S. aerospace corporations to transfer sensitive missile technology to the Chinese. The CEO of one of the corporations, Loral, had pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars of campaign contributions into the Democratic National Committee. In return, the Clinton administration waived controls on Loral’s export of these technologies to the Chinese aerospace industry.
The following article is by Ethan Huff, DC Clothesline:
Obama, Biden and Schiff committed treason against America through cyber warfare election fraud!
The “kraken” is finally being released, and it is revealing that big Democrat names like Joe Biden, Adam Schiff and Barack Obama committed treason against the United States by engaging in cyber warfare against our election process.
Gen. Thomas McInerney, one of President Donald Trump’s allies in the fight for a fair and honest election, told Worldview Weekend‘s Brannon Howse during an exclusive interview that the election fraud conspiracy runs much deeper than many realize, involving enemies both foreign and domestic.
Contrary to what some are now saying that this is all just politics as usual, McInerney confirmed that traitors who occupy high-level positions both in our government and in foreign governments have been colluding to steal elections for many years.
Obama utilized the scheme to win reelection in 2012, for instance, while the Democrat Party used it during the most recent primaries to prevent Bernie Sanders from beating Joe Biden.
“You know that’s politics, we’ve been cheating,” McInerney says about the common excuse that is given for such “irregularities.” “No, it’s not politics – this is treason.”

According to McInerney, the United States has never seen this magnitude of treason in its history. Consequently, there is no possible scenario in which patriotic Americans should ever accept the claim that Joe Biden “won” the presidency.
“You people that have done this are guilty of treason against the United States, and we are going to demand this president, insist this president not leave office until the American people have had a full disclosure of what’s going on.”
Attorney Sidney Powell is also fighting the good fight for a free and fair election, and she could use your help. To learn more, check out her Defending the Republic website.
So when will Obama, Biden and Schiff be prosecuted?
As it turns out, treason is a unique offense being the only crime expressly defined by the Constitution as applying to Americans who have betrayed their allegiance to the nation. The penalty for treason is death.
With that said, many are wondering when these high-profile traitors will finally face the music for their crimes, which have been going on for decades. These crimes would seem to have culminated in the 2020 election, which McInerney says is the worst instance of treason this country has ever faced.
“The American people must demand that the president stay in office until this is cleared up because it’s treason,” McInerney says. “It’s a coup d’état against the government of the United States, and we cannot accept that.”
Mary Fanning, who also participated in the same interview, added that this is not merely an attempt by the treasonous Democrats to steal an election. It is an effort to steal America.

“The founding fathers may not have known about cyber warfare, but they certainly recognize tyranny,” she says. “When we have China and Iran having access to our elections, we cannot let them steal America through their illegal acts of treason and act of war against this country.”
Fanning further suggests that all entities who were complicit in the steal, including Fox News, are likewise guilty of treason. Every news outlet, personality, corporation or whatever else that knowingly furthers the lie that Biden won the election is an enemy of our nation because the process was rigged.
◾Used Executive Action in direct opposition to the law, and unilaterally changes the law for at least five million illegal aliens; Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
◾In direct violation of ACA Law (Section 36B ) ordered subsidies be paid under Federal Exchange. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
◾Ignored law by taking Iran Deal to UN prior to 60-day review period mandated by Iran Nuclear Agreement Review, and failed to turn over side agreements as outlined. – “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
◾Ignored Congressional Treaty Powers. Article II Section 1, Article II Section 2
◾Operation Choke Point program – Direct infringement on 2nd Amendment.
◾Violated statute on “Material Support of Terrorism” by returning top terrorists back to terrorist organizations. Article II Section 3; Dereliction of Duty Article II Section 4
◾Violated Appropriations Act (DOD Section 8111) – GAO report; Article II Section 3
◾Ignored law that requires Congress be notified prior to any detainees being moved from Guantanamo. “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
◾Using EPA to “legislate” over States, Congress, and Federal Court; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8; Direct violation of Presidential Oath.
◾Appointed 24+ Federal agency czars without advice and consent of the Senate; Violation of Article II Section 2

◾Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern Executive privilege is negated.
◾23 Executive Orders on gun control – infringement of the 2nd Amendment
◾Exposed identity and methods of operation of a Navy SEALs team – Illegal for a President to reveal classified military secrets. Article II Section 3
***Joe Biden Outed Seal Team Six After Bin Laden Raid!
Did former Vice President and now President Joe Biden publicly out members of SEAL Team Six after they successfully carried out the raid on a compound to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bid-Laden?
The short answer: yes.
◾2 Executive actions mandating private health information on patients be turned over to NICS – Violation of HIPPA law.
◾Executive Order Bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
◾ Unilaterally issued new exemptions to immigration restrictions law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists. – Article 1 Section 1; Article I Section 8 Congress shall have the Power. To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.

◾Issued directive instructing ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws in certain cases. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
◾Release of convicted illegal aliens ordered in direct opposition to Law-Article II Section 3
◾Expanded executive action for amnesty to illegal immigrant relatives of DREAM Act beneficiaries. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
◾Executive action directing DHS that almost all immigration offenses were unenforceable absent a separate criminal conviction. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
◾Ignoring Law (2006 Secure Fence Act) “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
◾Used DOJ to ignore section 8 of the Voting Rights Act.” he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
◾Used DOJ to prevent Arizona and Alabama from enforcing immigration laws. – 10th Amendment
◾Information memorandum telling states that they can waive the work requirement for welfare recipients, thereby altering the 1996 welfare reform law. – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress.
◾Used NLRB to dictate to a business where they can do business. (Boeing Dreamliner Plant). No Constitutional authority to do so.
◾NDAA – Section 1021. Due process Rights negated. Violation of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments.

◾Executive Order 13603 NDRP – Government can seize anything
◾Executive Order 13524 – Gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI.
◾Executive Order 13636 Infrastructure Cybersecurity – Bypassing Congress Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress
◾Attempt to tax political contributions – 1st Amendment
◾DOMA Law – Obama directed DOJ to ignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforce the law.” he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
◾Dodd-Frank – Due process and separation of powers. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau writing and interpreting law. Article. I. Section. 1
◾Drone strikes on American Citizens – 5th Amendment Due Process Rights negated
◾Bypassed Congress and gave EPA power to advance Cap-n-Trade
◾Attempt for Graphic tobacco warnings (under appeal) – 1st Amendment
◾Four Exec. appointments – Senate was NOT in recess (Court has ruled unconstitutional yet the appointees still remain)

◾Obama took Chairmanship of UN Security Council – Violation of Section 9.
◾ACA (Obamacare) mandate – SCOTUS rewrote legislation and made it a tax because there is no Constitutional authority for Congress to force Americans to engage in commerce. SCOTUS has no authority to Legislate or lay taxes. Article I Section 1 & 8.
◾Contraceptive, abortifacients mandate violation of First Amendment
◾Healthcare waivers – No president has dispensing powers
◾Refuses to acknowledge state’s 10th Amendment rights to nullify Obamacare
◾Going after states (AZ lawsuit) for upholding Federal law (immigration) -10th Amendment.
◾Chrysler Bailout -TARP – violated creditors rights and bankruptcy law, as well as Takings and Due Process Clauses – 5th Amendment (G.W. Bush also illegally used TARP funds for bailouts)
◾The Independent Payment Advisory Board (appointees by the president). Any decisions by IPAB will instantly become law starting in 2014 – Separation of Powers, Article 1 Section 1.
◾Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I, Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachable under Article II, Section 4; War Powers Act – Article II Section 3.
◾Obama falsely claims UN can usurp Congressional war powers.
◾Obama has acted outside the constitutional power given him – this in itself is unconstitutional.
◾Bribery of Senator Ben Nelson and Senator Mary Landrey. (Cornhusker Kickback and Louisiana Purchase) Article II, Section 4.

◾With the approval of Obama, the NSA and the FBI are tapping directly into the servers of 9 internet companies to gain access to emails, video/audio, photos, documents, etc. This program is code named PRISM. NSA also collecting data on all phone calls in U.S. – Violation of 4th Amendment.
◾Directed signing of U.N. Firearms treaty – 2nd Amendment.
◾The Senate/Obama immigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives
◾Obama altered law – (A president has no authority to alter law) Delayed upholding the Employer Mandate Law (ACA) until 2015 – Individual Mandate will be enforced. A President does not have that authority – Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States; The president “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed” -Article II, Section 3; Equal Protection Clause -14th Amendment.
◾Obama altered law – ACA Medicare cuts delayed until 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
◾Obama altered law – Enforcement of eligibility requirements for ACA delayed until 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
◾Obama wavered ACA Income Verification Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
◾Obama altered law – Delayed ACA caps on out of pocket expenses until 2015. (when implemented premiums will skyrocket) Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
◾Obama ignored judicial order to fulfill legal obligation regarding Yucca Mountain waste. Article II, Section 3

◾Waived Federal provision that prevents U.S. From arming terrorist groups – Article I. Section 1; Impeachable under Article III, Section 3.
◾Directed State Department HS to ignore law barring entry to U.S. those giving political or charitable aid to known terrorist groups. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
◾Obama shelves part of the ACA Law for Insurers, extending the life of non-qualifying (according to ACA) plans until Jan. 1, 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.
◾Obama waved ACA individual mandate for those that lost their insurance. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.
◾Obama alters ACA law and exempts companies employing between 50-100 full-time workers from business mandate until 2016. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.

◾In total, Obama has unilaterally altered ACA 24 times. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.
Clearly Obama and a lot of the members from both sides of the aisle of Congress have not respected or protected the Constitution. Obama has broken his oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Article II, Section 1.
Note: Executive Orders/Actions by the president were not designed for, nor do they give a president the authority to use as, a means to override or alter legislation or any other Constitutional violation. Executive Orders cannot defy Congressional intent.
Let the Games Begin, but this time around that charges against members in Government in high places won’t be prefabricated, but instead the real deal and slam dunked validated with proof!
Tomorrow, January 21, 2021 the House’s first Constitutionally required order of business that needs to be done right away is to draw up articles of Impeachment for Both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris!
President Biden for Influence Peddling and getting his fair share of his son and family member’s Influence Peddling Business’s highly profitable enterprise where the Ex-Wife of the Mayor of Moscow gave the Bidens a check for $3.5 Million, China handed Hunter Biden a check for $1.5 Billion while accompanying his father who was Vice President Joe Biden under Barack Obama at the time, and using taxpayer dollars to pay for ‘Airforce 2,’ Hunter’s get out of jail for free transportation after his father used a $1 Billion dollar taxpayer funded and approved aid package to Ukraine to run a Quid Pro Quo’ on the Ukrainians so that his son could not only escape from being investigated, but so could stop by and pick up that $1.5 Billion dollar check from the Chinese so Joe could make it back in more than enough time to make hat January 5, 2017 Meeting in the Oval Office!

So if now “President Joe Biden Was in the Room” for that White House meeting to make plans to sabotage a President Elects Administration 15 days before President Trump was even supposed to be inaugurated, and then with everything else, how could President Joe Biden confessing to a White House audience just 7 years ago that his chance of being normal after having to brain surgeries was in the range of 35% to 50%, and that was before all his other failures, faults and crimes against America and the American people, how in the Hell is it possible that the election wasn’t fixed, but even worse than that, thinking 80 Million Americans are that fu*cking stupid, and you do know that you can’t fix stupid!
Listen, I know impeaching President Trump 2 times without due process or being given the benefit of the Presumption of innocence far exceeded to any possible comparable crime, but hell he deserved to be impeach because of a Phone call with a foreign leader when the known in advance listener’s to the conversion would be taking notes, but than having the President offering up the transcript of the phone conversation, which never happens by the way, the very next day!
When it comes to impeaching Vice President Kamala Harris it’s just a simple request of having Chief Justice Roberts removed from his position, given his well deserved ‘Perp’ for his involvement in so many Supreme Court Decisions that he intentionally manipulated or just refused to let be heard by the other justices because they might have helped America instead of what now appears to be hurting America in pretty much every instance, especially if you were seeing the world through a pair of socialistically tinted glasses!

When you have a 2nd unconstitutionally qualified to be either the President or Vice President, and you’ve been stuck for 15 years on the why and how this could happen not once but now a second time, it’s easy to retrace your steps, and by using a little common sense with a little deductive reasoning it could have only happened because of one thing, and after watching Chief Justice Roberts ‘punt’ on the most important decision that the Supreme Court has had to make in a long time, especially when it was about the challenges to the integrity of the 2020 elections, and send those cases back to the same states lower courts whose elections were the ones being challenged!
At that point I realized that such an easy decision to be made by the Supreme Court when it came to the constitutional requirement for any candidate who wants to be the President or Vice President, has to be a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, and the only way someone who is not a Natural Born’ Citizen can get past the gatekeepers is to ‘punt’ in the same way Chief Justice Roberts ‘punted’ in the case challenging the integrity of the election results and sending those cases back to the same lower courts who were being challenged to make the final determination again!
Back to the January 5, 2017 meeting in the Oval Office. Vice President Joe Biden was in on the meeting with President Obama, FBI director James Comey, anti-Trump DOJ official Sally Yates, unmasking queen Susan Rice, virulent trump hater CIA director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence turned CNN talking head James Clapper.
The topic was the Russia investigation. Sort of. The true topic was what to do about President-elect Trump. How much were they going to tell him about the investigation into the Russians? Or what we now know was a counter-intelligence operation against him.
This was the meeting Rice strangely recounted in a letter to herself minutes after Trump’s inauguration. The meeting where, according to Rice, Obama insisted everybody do things “by the book.” Why wouldn’t things be done by the book? Why say it? Can anyone say C-Y-A? (And what book are we talking about anyway? Clearly it wasn’t a law book. And God knows they didn’t have much use for the Good Book. I want to see this book. Can you get it on Amazon? And who but the grizzled chief in every ’80s cop buddy movie says “I want it done by the book” anyway?)

It was out of that meeting, according to Comey, that Clapper suggested Comey only tell Trump about the salacious details in the Steele Dossier. Comey flies to Trump Tower to “warn” Trump about the dirt, and that CNN is holding back on the dossier because they hadn’t found a news hook yet. “Somehow,” by the time Comey can even hail a cab back to the airport, CNN knows about his Trump Tower briefing. They have their hook. The Steele dossier is unleashed. (How’d you spend those 30 coins of silver, Clapper?)
They Knew!
Remember: Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Yates knew for a fact that the dossier was Hillary’s work and was junk. Bruce Ohr makes that clear in his sworn testimony. The New York Times’ (belated) article on how the CIA was pushing the bogus document is further indication.
Yet the FBI director — guided by the Director of National Intelligence — did not tell Trump that. They did not make the President-elect of the United States aware that a lurid dossier set to go public accusing him of conspiring with Russia — of being, a traitor — was the work of Clinton and the DNC. Why? Because if they told Trump the truth, the Steele Dossier would be a one-day story. Or at best the collusion narrative would be immediately exposed as an anti-Trump concoction.
Put aside your loathing of the Big Orange Monster for five seconds. How on earth can you think what these top security officials did was right? Ethical? In keeping with their oath. Impossible.
If Pelosi’s House doesn’t take up those 2 impeachment slam dunks right away, I would think that a page out of one of Maxine Water’s book would be welcomed by the American people in general, and in her words….
“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them! And you tell them that they are not welcome, anymore, anywhere!”