(Part I, 2,366 Words)

..You need to except the premise that what’s happening to America today is a result of Bush 41’s committing America and the American People to the United Nations Agenda 21, 30, and hopefully never 50, then everything that’s going on in America today is a bipartisan effort to destroy America from within, then everything that’s happening to America today will make perfect sense!
You need to understand that this is not a Republican or Democrat Agenda that’s happening to America today, but a bipartisan George Soros inspired Socialist New World Order Agenda that both sides of the aisle have been paid for to adopt, using the same Harry Reid unconstitutional reconciliation ‘Nuclear Option’ rule change that Harry Reid used, with the aid of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, to pack the lower courts to block any future President from undermining or even reversing any of Obama and Biden’s unconstitutional agenda by using his unchecked by a corrupt DOJ, FBI, IRS, and CIA presidential powered Executive Orders and/or Presidential Memoranda to force the George Soros inspired New World Order down every American’s throat no matter if your a Republican or Democrat!

You need to accept the fact that the United Nations Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. Agenda 21 calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth. Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Only then, they say, will there be ‘social justice’ which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21/30 plan.
What you need to know is that ‘Social Justice’ under the guise that our Constitutional Republic is being a bad thing, especially for all America compared to the rest of the world, is a crock of shit! Our founders, as are the world’s dreamers who continue to make their way to our shores, started as a destination of every right deprived self-motivator whose ambitions have been stifled by these blood line hand-me-down thinker’s for the people who they rule over, and like people that can’t do teach, and like those failed dreamers in America who have given up on their dreams, has resulted them making excuses for not being able to use those constitutional guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms to their benefit, and as a result have become one of those glorified pencil pushing order takers/politicians that we elected to represent ‘We the People’s’ individual states wants and needs, when reality, and without a force to enforce their will, will get their day in ‘We the People’s’ criminal courts that will allow them the same ‘Due Process’ that they couldn’t even extend to a duly elected sitting President of the greatest country in the history of the world!
Social Justice!

Social justice is the equal access to wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. A Brief History of Social Justice Social Justice as a concept arose in the early 19th century during the Industrial Revolution and subsequent civil revolutions throughout Europe, which aimed to create more egalitarian societies and remedy capitalistic exploitation of human labor.
You also need to know that not only has the United Nations been under the noses of the American people for all these years, but on American soil with living free with much of the cost being picked up by the American taxpayer, and that this is not the first time the United Nations has played a role in their attempt to take down of America’s envied and respected exceptionalism that included the American people’s constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms when in 1951, which is out of sight and out of mind for today’s millennials who if you haven’t noticed are the ones pictured being shown holding those ‘defund the police,’ stop ‘Climate Change,’ and declaring that America is a ‘Racist’ Country run by ‘White Supremist’ signs who are more than likely being paid from one of George Soros’s sponsored ‘Black Lives Matter or Antifa, and due to the fact that since the mix messaging of the reasons behind 9/11, that with a little 20:20 hindsight we should all realize now had more to do with being that proverbial warning shot across the future direction of America’s bow than it did that ‘shiny object’ hoax of those ”Weapons of Mass Destruction,’ and more about George Soros’s New World Order agenda via Vladimir Lenin’s “Give me one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the Whole World!”

Please bear with me for a moment, I am a ‘Baby Boomer,’ but still with it, at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it, and the reason I’m telling you this is because I know that what’s going on today when it comes to the United Nations role in the shoving of George Soros’s New World Order down the throats of not only America, but the rest of the world, and believe it or not this isn’t the first time the United Nations attempted to capture America!

It was in 1951 under a top secret program titled, “Operation AGGRESSI.” In strange fashion, forces flying the flag of the United Nations began to occupy small towns and cities across the United States. This was intended to test the will of the people and see if they would accept a UN “takeover.” ‘We the People’ Baby Boomer generation’s parents and grandparents turned them away, and in the same ‘2020 ‘We the People’ need to again fight back with all we have to turn back this Communist China’s George Soros’s orchestrated 2020 Cyber-Attacked stolen election by the now United Nations sponsored New World Order that’s not only been based is New York City, but has been there since the end of WWII in the hopes that eventually the United Nations would get another generational chance to destroy America from within!
Speaking of 9/11, how is it possible that over the last 20 years since 9/11 that we might still believe that America was being attacked by terrorists from terrorist nations that had to more than likely make connecting flights to come so far when there are so many more American Embassies around the world that they could have not only hit, but would have sent the same message! Hmmm..
Aggressive Deception of the American People Concerning 9/11

There is a picture formerly available from the Bush Presidential Library which shows George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia’s U.S. Ambassador, on the White House balcony two days after September 11, 2001. The men are smoking cigars. Reporters inquiring about the photo more recently have been told it is no longer available from the Bush Library. Maybe the picture in this case says more than a thousand words ever could. Again, two days after almost 3,000 Americans were murdered by 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudis, the Saudi Ambassador yucks it up with the President, Dick Cheney, and the National Security Adviser on the White House balcony.
Immediately after September 11, 2001, Bandar arranged for a mass exodus of Saudi royals, intelligence personnel, and other Saudi nationals from the United States, including members of the bin Laden family, with the full cooperation of the United States government. He placed them beyond the reach of any future inquiry.

It is obvious that the 9/11 terrorists did not emerge out of bat caves in Afghanistan. They lived here in the United States, training for a suicide mission [sic.] which required massive logistical support. The immediate conclusion of anyone thinking through the plot, is that this had to be state-sponsored terrorism!
Question(s) to ponder….
I would say it’s time to find new Blood on both sides of the aisle who won’t choose to take that proverbial knife to a gunfight, but instead show some real heart and soul by pushing back, which is something that’s been missing from our founder’s formula for success in America and our elected officials for a very long time!
You need to not only except that this is what’s happening to America today, but forget about the idea that our founder’s ‘Checks and Balances’ are going to be able to protect and defend the constitution!!
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

You need to educate yourself and your children about what Globalism is going to do to their Constitutionally guaranteed ‘Rights, Liberties, and Freedoms, their education when it comes to what they are being taught, and ‘WHY! Start and share these must reads for a better understanding of these series of United Nations Agendas…
The 28 Year Old Hidden Agenda 21, Not Socialism, is the Dem’s ‘Deep State’ ‘End Game’ for 2020 America!
26 March 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
The Writing’s on the ‘Wall’: Agenda 21, Strong Cities Network, and North American Union!
22 January 2019 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
United Nations ‘New World Order’s’ Agendas 21/30 ‘ARE’ Officially ‘Out of the Closet!’
13 April 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

You have to except that America, and this is according to the world’s failed leadership, is the major problem, and that according to always looking for a handout is not that ‘Shining City Upon a Hill’ that Ronald Reagan bragged about, and if you understand that, then everything that’s happening to America today, and again, will make perfect sense!
Once you except the fact that without eliminating our local, county, and state police, and then eliminating our fighting men and women of our armed forces, that their globalist set of international laws that Obama recommended to the America and the American People when he delivered his farewell message at the United Nations when traditional President Obama called for America to be ‘Bound By International Laws,’ GIVE UP CONTROL!!
In his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama laid out what he views as his foreign policy legacy — and in so doing, highlighted how America itself still has much work to do. Specifically, Obama found 11 separate opportunities to talk down his own country.

What you also need to understand is that in order for these Anti-American Globalist New World Order Agenda traitors to pull off this 29 years in the making commitment by Bush 41 to the United Nations Agenda 21, they’re going to have to beat not only the American people into submission when it comes to being forced to accept their international law over every American citizen’s already granted constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms, but…
As we saw in the diversity of the last new members of congress, I have a feeling that all those immigrants that have risked their lives from around the world to be free, will be more than willing to accept the ‘Free’ bait until they are positioned to vote to be free!
These, or should I say ‘We the People’s’ elected to office glorified pencil pushing order takers wanting to replace our local, county, and state police, along with our fighting men and women who defend the greatest country in the history of the world with an international police/military force that’s mission would be to eradicate the world of ‘Violent Extremism,’ which by the way is what Speaker Pelosi, and who was backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, when she called ‘THE’ mob, excuse me, ‘THE’ Trump Mob, as being those same ‘Violent Extremists,’ is by coincidence same goal/mission to be eliminated by the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network!’

Oh, did I forget to mention that it was Obama’s 2nd AG Loretta Lynch, along with other violations to the constitution, who unconstitutionally violated America’s sovereignty by quietly approving the manned by Communist China troops United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ to work on American soil with some of America’s largest, and by coincidence Blue Cities, then everything that’s happening to America today will make perfect sense!
What you need to accept is that after Vice President Kamala Harris finally went to the border to visit our Neighbors to the South, especially Mexico, and then knowing that this unconstitutional Vice President, like the unconstitutional President Barack Obama documents that Pelosi had to alter due to our founders constitutional required in order to be President or Vice President, a ‘Natural Born Citizen,’ which neither one of them are, but what you probably didn’t know is that it’s not a coincidence that both of their ‘Strong Suit Agendas’ is and always has been, GUN CONTROL!
Why do I mention this and why am I doubling down on what you might already know, well it’s because after VP fraud Kamala Harris visited Mexico, we see Mexico suing US gun manufacturers over arms trafficking!

I don’t know about you, but I don’t recall seeing the Biden Administration suing Mexico for doing nothing to curb those COVID carrying illegals from coming to America, doing nothing to curb the flow of fentanyl that is killing America’s youth, but that’s only if the ‘China Virus’ doesn’t get them first, and then suing Mexico for allowing abandoned children to be sexually abused and then left stranded in America to fend for themselves in a foreign country!
Every American needs to know that even though the lower courts or the Supreme Court is not officially packed, its been being packed since the day Bush 41 signed America and the American people into a life without a guarantee of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

We watched Harry Reid and Barack Obama after losing the Majority in the Senate during the 2014 Midterms to use the same ‘Nuclear Option’ (Simple Majority) that they used to shove Obamacare down the throats of every American, to pack the lower courts using the same Nuclear Option to seat progressive Judges and Justices whose job it was to block any future President’s Administration who might try to reverse or eliminate Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders or Presidential Memoranda before giving up the majority role in the Senate!

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