Which in translation means all this blatantly nonsensical, unconstitutional, and illegal Bull Shit that supposedly is coming out of the Biden ‘White House’ that can only be considered or interpreted as those ‘Shiny Object’ distractions that are also known as ‘Red Herrings,’ which if you didn’t know are those clues that are intended to be misleading or distracting that the ‘Swamp’ is using to hide/coverup Paul Harvey’s ‘Rest of the Story’ that ‘We the People’ will never be privy to!
Now as a result ‘We the People’ have been either grasping at straws or chasing that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to get to that truth for at least the last 30 years, but you got to know its been a lot longer than that, and when you consider what Edward R. Murrow warned us about that he knew back in 1964 about the Mainstream Media being the biggest user and abusers of those ‘Red Herrings’ when it comes to the ‘News Divisions’ of the Mainstream Media, ‘BUT’ when it’s decided that the ‘NEWS’ has to make money, and has to get ‘RATINGS,’ it’s no longer news—it’s entertainment. So, if people are bothered by the fact that we seem to be having entertainment as news, it’s because the news divisions decided that money and ratings were more important than reporting the truth to ‘We the People’ of the United States of America who believes that we are still that nation that will be indivisible with liberty and justice for all!
During the 4 year Trump Presidency and even before, and let’s say ‘Way’ before, ‘We the People’ have been subjected to a flood of intentional and orchestrated ‘Red Herrings’ that’s goal it was to hide/cover the nefarious tracks of treason of the United Nations handlers that got it’s start all the way back in 1951, and under a top secret program titled, “OPERATION AGGRESSI.”
1951’s United Nations “OPERATION AGGRESSI” is Today’s 2021 and 2022’s 2.0!
12 August 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

You want to talk about how many ‘Red Herrings’ there were, and what they were and when they were used, I dont have the time, but I assure that you can find everything you need to know that I’ve said to verify my facts by just searching through my combination 2 Blogs that I’ve been obsessed with for the last 15 to 20 years! because there were more than enough to steal the 2008 Elections, 2012 Elections, the attempted but failed 2016 Elections, the 2018 Midterms Elections, the 2020 cyber attacked Elections, and finally the 2021 Senate runoff Elections in Georgia! Hello!!!
Now if that wasn’t bad enough ‘We the People’s’ got our asses kicked in 2020 Elections by what we’ve been able to easily now recognize as just another new and technically improved version that has not only been in the works since 2016 when Hillary Clinton lost to Donald J. Trump due to a technical glitch that was caused due to the fact that when you have close to 100% of anything, let alone the Mainstream Media polls that picked Hillary to win the 2016 election over President Trump by a landslide, you have to know that something isn’t right, but more than that is somebody not only knows something, but is bragging and laughing about it!
Not only wasn’t there something right, but I have a gut feeling that it was the cause of why an investigation before the 2016 elections were even held, and the result of that had to be a unofficial investigation because it happened to fast for the approval to have gone through the beauracracy’s that would have stopped it, especially knowing they only had weeks before the 2016 to uncover the plan to use those same proverbial Soros’s ‘fixing’ voting machines that stole the 2004 Venezuelan election in 2004 to steal ‘We the People’s’ America’s election in 2016!

Does anybody think that those 307 voting districts in those 16 Swing States that were discovered before the 2016 election, and by the way had Soros’s proverbial fingerprints all over them, and than by coincidence in 2020 happening again in those same16 Swing states and within a lot of those same 307 voting districts that had the same, but technically upgraded, George Soros’s same proverbial fingerprints all over them also? Now with that being said does anybody think that Soros was involved? Well if you want to know what I think…..Duhhh, is my answer to you!!
I really could give a shit on whether or not anybody likes or hates Donald J. Trump because when it comes right down to it why should it matter, and that’s because if you haven’t figured it out yet then let me help you with learning how to follow that trail of Bread Crumbs again on Veterans Day 2021…
We the People of The United States are sovereign, and Not Subjects to be Ruled!
6 January 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
…and that you can take to the bank, and no matter how you feel about Donald J. Trump again just know that it was President Trump’s 4 years in office that showed ‘We the People’ just how great America could be when the ‘Left’s’ Progressive knee was removed from the throat of America’s exceptionalism!

I lived and worked for too many years to count in North Jersey while commuting like most in the tri-state area of Connecticut, New Jersey, Staten Island, Long Island and even as far as Eastern Pennsylvania, and as a result I’ve seen more than enough Donald J. Trump doing his thing that wasn’t in my league by a long shot, but there are a couple of things that stand out in my mind that either hindsight or Prevagen affords me, that I remember!
Trust me when I say when it comes to circuses, Trump had it all over The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, and that’s only because the Trump show was on year round while The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus was only in the tri-state area for just a couple of months at best!
The first thing that stands out about Donald J. Trump in my mind was the fact that every time a presidential Election year came rolling around the Mainstream Media always asking him if he was planning on Running, and his response was, at least as I recall it right, always the canned response of “If I’m Needed or if I Need to! PERIOD!!!

The next incidence that stands out in my mind that I will never forget, is knowing that when Donald J. Trump claimed that Muslims were being seen on TV cheering the 9/11 attacks on in New Jersey, I can go one better and tell you specifically that it was in Jersey City New Jersey, the mainstream decided to use another one of their many ‘Red Herrings’ that they have at their disposal to discredit those citizen Trump’s claims about the celebrating going on in New Jersey on 9/11!
Sorry about this but I just I remembered a third incident to add to the other 2 that deals with another ‘Red Herring,’ and that the Mainstream Media used to try and cover up for Obama’s obvious attempt, and after Speaker Pelosi intentionally altered Obama documents back in 2008 to show that he was a constitutionally required by law, a Natural Born Citizen’ when it was known by the ‘Swamp’ that he wasn’t!

What you should take away from this one ‘Act of Treason’ by Nancy Pelosi alone back in 2008, is that it proves that both sides of the aisle had to know the truth about the Mainstream Media and the role they played in the deception, and that what I’ve been telling you about both Chief Justice Roberts and Mitch McConnell being the key to the future of America is ‘Spot on,’ and if ‘We the People’ continue to act like ‘Deer In the Headlights’ while waiting for that 2nd and final shoe to drop, then today’s ‘Veterans Day’ where we as a country honor those that came before who risked and some time forfeited their lives to fight for those Constitutionally guaranteed rights that today’s younger generations along with all those other Americans that hail from other generations are so easily willing to give up one of most cherished Guaranteed rights, and that’s the ‘Freedom’ of choice!
Freedom of choice!!!! What the hell am I talking about you’re probably asking yourself right, well check out the meme I’ve posted with this observation of mine and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about!

Well with that being said let’s get back to checking out those attacks on Donald J. Trump lying about what he said he saw on TV during the attacks of 9/11, and if you recall is when the Mainstream Media decided to join hands in unity to do everything in their power to discredit those same Trump comments about those celebrations!
Well I’m here today to tell you that I lived in New Jersey for 60 years while commuting into the World Trade Center via the ‘PATH Trains for at least 25 years, I left that job and the city in 1999, and even though I had only worked in Manhattan for 25 years, I had been living in Bergen County New Jersey, and during this time in the Ramsey/Mahwah New Jersey Area!
Now on September 11, 2001 I with my wife had just settled down for a long cocktail hour, and because of the events of the day were more than willing to having more than a few! I’m older now, but at the time, and after I turned on the TV I saw those exact same events unfolding that Citizen Trump said he saw at the time, and that’s the same celebrating going on in Jersey City New Jersey on the roofs of the Muslim Community that the Mainstream Media was trying to get the whole world to believe!
What happened next, and if you lived where I did at the time in New Jersey can verify it, ‘We the People’ were treated to a show of military aircraft that were not only flying low and up and down on the Jersey side of the Hudson River, but making a lot of noise, which neither myself nor my wife were accustomed to, but because of that noise, (Drum Roll Please) …I ‘Sprang,’ yes I said ‘Sprang’ which was my perception of reality at the time, but as far as today goes, I’m reserving ‘Spranging’ for my grandchildren only!

There are two ‘huge’ events that occurred over the last 30 years that have not only accelerated the intentionally generated ‘HATE’ for America that exists today, and comes from the actions of one man in two separate but same incidences that happen at two different times that are separated by 12 years!
The first of these 2 events started in 2004 when the now constantly targeted Wikileaks, that was way ahead of the ‘Hacking Curve,’ but also way head of anybody who even understood what ‘being hacked’ even meant! Hmmm….
The second event was catching those same Soros voting machines before the 2016 elections that allowed not only America but the world just the way American had been remembered before Republican Bush 41, and without the American people or Congresses approval, signed ‘We the People’ up anyway to join over 170 other countries leadership in an effort to try and eliminate everything that makes America great because it’s setting a bad example for the rest of the world’s not so free people!
The failed leaders of these other countries were so enraged by America’s ‘example setting’ exceptionalism that they inked and then signed a document demanding that because the situation had gotten so bad, and of course that is because of the world wide internet that allowed all people from all nations to see what the rest of the world has that they don’t!

With just using a little common sense do you think that just maybe the reason why Obama surrendered ‘We the People’s’ Internet before leaving office to the United Nations, and that just maybe the reason for ‘Big Tech’ censoring anything and everything that has to do with Conservative values or the benefits of Capitalism, and possibly the same reason why the same Conservative values and the Benefits from Capitalism when it come speaker on campuses giving lectures are banned, canceled, or just run off!?
Maybe if your country was targeted because of the excesses that come from successes maybe you as a concerned and caring leader could take a page out of the greatest country in the world, and then give your people a shot at calling the shots when it comes to determining their own futures, and not blame the success and excess for your own feckless leadership abilities where you now have decided, and now on the record for coming up with this what I call a cop out, especially for any leader of a country who for all these years have always known where their bread has been buttered!
All I can say is if I were a leader of a country that wasn’t owned by the people like America has been since it’s constitutional inception was officially in the book for some 245 years, and you and your not owners of their own country citizens who had always been looked after for as long as you can remember, and the reason you were looked after was in this country of immigrants there are more than not American citizens whose heritage is proudly displayed wherever you look, and I would have to guess that your nation is well represented in America’s melting pot, so, my point is if that’s the case why would the leaders of any country who know that America is owned and run by ‘We the People’ and not who I call ‘We the Peoples’ elected ‘Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Takers, trust anything they say first of all, but then proverbially ‘Shiting where you Eat’ by signing on the dotted line of a document that can only hurt you down the road, especially when it says that:

“All your plans and all of your goals depend on finding a way to separate the American taxpayer’s dollars from the hard working American taxpayers, and then of course sitting back and doing nothing when you hear about U.N. Agenda 21 citing the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected, followed by the United Nations Agenda 21 calling for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth than they already have do to those now legal American citizens who came from those same nations who, at least until now, still maintain those close family ties even generations later!
I have to believe that although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have here in America, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Only then, they say, will there be ‘social justice’ which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21/30 plan first, but the possible final nail in these distant but close relatives coffin!! Ouch!

Every American should know that it was Wikileaks in 2004 who produced those documents that proved it was Smartmatic voting machines that were used to rig the 2004 Venezuela elections in favor of Marxist candidate Hugo Chavez, but what’s even more important to know why and how Smartmatic came out of nowhere to snatch a mufti-million dollar contract in an electoral process that ultimately reaffirmed Chavez’ mandate that all-but destroyed his political opposition! Hmmm, does the term ‘Packing the Court,’ a.k.a., H.R.1, Obama’s 3rd Term, and Biden’s Unconstitutional Policies with the help of George Soros ring a bell?
H.R.1, Obama’s 3rd Term, Biden’s Unconstitutional Policies,…..CPAC!!
24 February 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
If you think about it Assange’s Wikileaks were not only ahead of the ‘Hacking Curve,’ but in my book the first ‘Whistleblower who like Edward Snowden acted without hesitation when it came to exposing those same traitors who were behind the scenes in 1992 when the ‘Bipartisan” plan to destroy America from within using the United Nations series of agendas that dealt with ‘Sustainable Development’ as their ‘Blueprint’ to kick off their what would be ‘Nefarious’ seditious, and treasonous road trip to again, destroy America from within!

Now that we know the truth, and not the agenda driven lies by the Radical Left with the help of the Mainstream Media and censoring ‘Big Tech,’ about both Assange and Snowden that we’ve learned had nothing to do with the accusations that labeled both of them as being traitors, I think that it might be time for ‘We the People’ to first right this wrong, but then to decide whether or not both Assange and Snowden should be considered/nominated to be added to this list of American ‘Loyalists and Patriots!
Edward Snowden is a computer programmer who worked as a subcontractor for the National Security Agency (NSA). Snowden collected top-secret documents regarding NSA domestic surveillance practices that he found disturbing and leaked them.
18 Ways Julian Assange Changed the World
I’m sure you didn’t know that Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks revealed the American military’s war crimes, the American government’s corruption and the American corporate media’s pathetic servile flattery to the power elite.
Did you know also not know that Assange and WikiLeaks not only revealed the American military’s war crimes, the American government’s corruption and the American corporate media’s pathetic servile flattery to the power elite. So, if you’re a member of our ruling class, you would view those as textbook examples of dickery.
Again here’s the link to the list of 18 ways Julian Assange changed the world by being a dick, which is something I would much prefer over the ‘Pussy’ footing around and being a nice guy like Kevin McCarthy just happens to be, and when it comes to preserving what I personally believe is no longer a top priority for the Republican Party, but what ‘We the People’ need and want provided when it comes to those once cherished list of conservative values, where the most important one that stands out in my mind, especially today on Veterans Day 2021, limiting the size of government!
America, we have a problem!

The ‘Deep State Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media and their out of control ‘Censoring’ partner ‘Big Tech,’ that I’ve ‘Spot On’ labeled correctly, still won’t ‘Give up’ either McConnell’s ‘HUGE’ financial and family ties to George Soros’s mentored Communist China or Chief Justice Roberts’s fingerprints that have been found on every Supreme Court Decision that has not only undermined the integrity of the Supreme Court, but threatens if not already eliminated most of our Constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties and Freedoms that highlights America’s ‘Exceptional’ history of always being there and anywhere in the world when called for or asked to be!
Unfortunately it’s ‘We the People’ that have come to a place in history when we, and not what I call our elected to office ‘Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Takers, need to make the decision that will decide the future path of America!!

The choices are limited, but knowing that there are only 363 days until the 2022 Midterm elections, let me give you my proverbial ‘CliffsNotes’ version that simply says that it’s time to either shit or get off the pot when it comes to taking back our Republic ‘OR’ caving to the George Soros inspired proponents of New World Order that ideologically wise will be the same Socialism that’s failed where it’s been tried in the world 100% of the time!
One of the tools we need to help us make these difficult decisions is the process of elimination to assist not only me, but you as well, when it comes to making the decision on the level of hate for America that both of these upper tier members of Congress either have or not, and who unfortunately have the power to make a ‘HUGE’ difference for either the good or for the bad when it comes to the future of America!
The bottom line here is that I’ve done the proverbial heavy lifting when it comes to verifying the documentation and history of both candidates with Mitch McConnell being first!

McConnell was a one time Republican WHIP, a 2 time Republican Senate Minority Leader, and a one time Republican Senate Majority Leader under the Trump Administration, and where in my opinion McConnell spent most of the Trump Administration’s 4 years hiding behind what I call McConnell’s ‘Red Herring,’ which is how I define McConnell spending his time loading the lower courts with ‘original constitutionalist’ that mirrored all 3 of President Trump’s first nominated and then confirmed his new members to the Supreme Court, and using the same ‘Nuclear Option’ that the known to be the ‘King of all Obstructionists’ Harry Reid, the Democrat Senate Majority Leader that before McConnell, used to stuff the lower courts with progressives for the sole purpose of blocking any following President or Administration from trying to undo the Obama Administrations Legacy of its intentionally governing via Obama’s unconstitutional and illegal Executive Orders, and his less known about but similarly called Presidential Memoranda!
Now if you assume as I do, that McConnell all ready knew about the ‘Big’ picture plan after hearing Schumer say “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Wait a minute, why wasn’t there an inquiry into those direct threats by a Democrat who was the Senate Minority Leader at the time, and then based on those same threatening comments should have been prevented from being the now Senate Majority leader that he’s become! What followed after but before the stolen 2020 election was Schumer and Company going back and forth with threatening the possibility of if the Dems won the 2020 election that ‘Packing the Court’ would be more than a very strong possibility, and the reason why they changed to messaging of ‘Packing the Court’ to what they originally called it, and been trying to shove down ‘We the People’s’ throats for years that we’ve all known as H.R.1, which is known as the For the People Act of 2019.
Speaking of ‘Packing the Court’ we have Chief Justice Roberts who’s occupied the seat of the highest ranking member of the Supreme Court since 2005, and after you check out his track record of either blocking or manipulating the process when it comes to SCOTUS being able to constitutionally making decisions based on fact, and not by ideologues ideas that use, and encourage to use, that goes against almost everything and anything when it comes to the intent and interpretation of our founding document that’s known as the Constitution, but more important is the ‘Bill of Rights’ that’s included in the same Constitution as the first 10 Amendments, and to take one step further, and for your information what a lot if not most ‘We the People’ didn’t and still don’t know, especially in these times of intentionally and orchestrated created chaos, and that is The ‘Bill of Rights’ Itself ‘Cannot’ be Changed, so with that being said, and now knowing about that ‘Absolute Truth’ about the Bill of Rights, you got to be asking yourself what the hell are the ‘End Game’ etched in stone goals that the Mainstream Media and ‘Big Tech’ know about but keeping from ‘We the People,’ and by the way are the true and only constitutionally mandated owner’s of ‘WE the People’s’ United States of America’ still to this day!

Here’s the condensed version of why these 2 individuals need to be gone way before the/our next 2022 Midterm Elections, or expect the worse for not only the future of America, but the future of our children and their children’s children’s futures!
Chief Justice Roberts and McConnell Render the Constitution ‘Null and Void!’
3 March 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
Did you see the assessment of Biden’s Infrastructure Bill by Mitch McConnell?
‘Mitch McConnell calls Biden’s infrastructure law ‘a godsend for Kentucky!!’

I know he’s talking about the Bipartisan Bill on infrastructure, but based on McConnell’s record of deception, especially when it comes to the Mainstream Media still after 10 months since the stolen 2020 Elections via a George Soros mentored Communist China Cyber-attack, still hasn’t exposed McConnell’s huge financial and family ties to communist China, but while we’re at it let me throw another log on the self-destructing Mitch McConnell funeral pyre by talking about the ‘Supply Chain’ crisis after telling the good people of Kentucky that what McConnell said to you about being a godsend, is the equivalent of telling you and the American people, and again in my opinion, that McConnell like Paul Ryan before leaving Congress, will be falling on his own proverbial Paul Ryan’s Globalist Sword when he abandons his oath again, and votes to pass what’s left of the original $3.5T Reconciliation Bill when unlike those bipartisan bills on election integrity that sat on his desk that never saw the light of day, when it without a doubt gets to the Senate floor!
Let’s talk about the ‘Supply Chain’ crisis, and in my opinion some of the coincidences that possibly connects McConnell and his family ties to Communist China to the continuing ‘Supply Chain’ crisis!

Every ‘American,’ and I’m not talking about Democrats or Republicans but Americans, need to understand the motivation behind Psaki comments about the ‘Supply Chain’ ‘Treadmill’ and the fact that the Mainstream Media keeps hiding Mitch McConnell’s family’s ties to Communist China, but even more important than that is that his father in-law and wife’s business, especially with what appears to be the ongoing Biden ‘Supply Chain’ crisis, is that the family business does 70% of China’s shipping, but ‘hugely’ more than that is the fact that McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao was the Secretary of Transportation under President Trump before Pete the ‘On Paternity Leave’ Buttigieg was under the Biden Administration!! Is anybody see a pattern developing here with Soros’s mentored Communist China after Covid, our Cyber-attacked 2020 election, and now the ‘Supply Chain’ situation?
Moving on and back to ….
Do you realize that by McConnell stating ‘Biden’s infrastructure law is ‘a godsend for Kentucky’ should not only raise the a ‘Red Flag’ in every Republican’s and the American People’s mind when just a month ago when supposed to be Republican Mitch McConnell caved again when it came to the debt ceiling when he threw those Pelosi and Schumer Progressives that proverbial lifeline!
By what I have to believe was intentional, McConnell gave those agents of Pelosi and Schumer’s ‘Radical Left’ the extra time to harass and threaten both Senate Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema in the hopes that they would give in to the ‘Dam Dems Demands and go along with the at one time $3.5T reconciliation bill that would had only need a simple majority (Nuclear Option) to pass!

But get this, that $3.5T number wasn’t even in line with the bulk President Bidens demands, but instead the world’s demands that if passed would be ‘We the People’s’ tax payer dollars that would be handed out, and you know with ‘ZERO’ tracing accountability with all of it being distributed under the guise of being for COVID vaxxing, Climate Change, Healthcare, and of course Pelosi’s, and what she thought nobody was paying attention to, paying for the world’s unwanted or because they can’t be fed abortions!
Now with that being said about the world winning out over the American people’s demands and needs, know that it was Pelosi in Glasgow touting Biden’s Build Back Better Plan as if it were a done deal! Hmmm, any one still there, and does anybody ‘not’ think that Pelosi comments were a knee jerk reaction sparked by McConnell’s self-serving assessment and following statement about the infrastructure being good for his already deserting base of loyal and patriotic Kentuckians?
We the People of The United States are sovereign, and Not Subjects to be Ruled!
6 January 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

This will be the first of many articles that I’ll be writing for the next 363 that lead up and end on election day 2022, which are the Midterm Elections that will be held on November 8, 2022! I will also be leaving the meme of the 16 year plan that was intended to be finishing with Hillary’s total of 8 years with back to back fixed elections that were supposed to deliver ‘We the People’ to a socialist driven New World Order where constitutionally guaranteed rights, liberties and freedoms would be a thing of the past, and now banned with the penalty of death and no chance to appeal because with those guaranteed rights that no longer exist, so goes the rights of ‘Due Process!’
I keep getting these what I call ‘Locked in a Box’ comments about past, present, and I’m sure future comments that I’ve made in the past that are perceived by others, and like the the proverbial ‘Scarlet Letter’ that if you don’t know what I’m talking about just know that The Scarlet Letter was a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne that was published in 1850. The work centers on Hester Prynne, a married woman who is shunned after bearing a child out of wedlock but displays great compassion and resiliency. The novel is considered a masterpiece of American literature and a classic moral study.

A “scarlet letter” is a stigma someone bears for a misdeed he or she has committed. The term often refers to an ongoing, public shame forced upon a person as a means of ostracizing him or her. Those branded with a scarlet letter feel the punitive vengeance of an unforgiving society.
For Hester Prynne it was an ‘A’ for Adulterer, For me it could be either a ‘R’ for Republican, ‘D’ for Democrat, or an ‘I’ for independent, but now has been pointed out to be the Party that like Rodney Dangerfield, ‘Gets No Respect!’
The 44% Of America That the Polls and Primaries Ignore!
11 October 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

Now hold that thought for a second and let’s move ahead about 160 plus years and think you’ll see that Hillary’s finger pointing primary accusing 2016 claims about We the People’ who would vote for an outsider non-politician who is in the most part funding his own election as being in what she call that “Basket of deplorables” which as it turns our for all of you that don’t know or forgot is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”. The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.
Now move forward another 5 years to 2021 and witness Biden’s additions to Hillary’s list of Deplorables by adding ‘Chumps,’ Non-Vaxer’s, Violent Extremists, and what I hold dear to my heart, ‘Conspiracy Theorists, which by the way is one of the many short article topics that I’ve already started working on that I will post in the next upcoming weeks!

I guess when you realize that Hillary with her mentor Saul Alinsky, and then Obama with his Saul Alinsky’s disciples ‘Cloward and Piven,’ and who by the way were the ones teaching Obama the same art of ‘Dividing and Conquering’ along with causing as much chaos as possible to enhance the pressures and burdens on government when it comes to the ‘Free’ agendas of ….
Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, the United Nations, and George Soros: Who Are….
17 April 2019 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
Starting today every article I write will have the same reminding information on how we got here, followed by can expect over the next 363 days if ‘We the People’ don’t wake the ‘Fu** Up’ and start taking matters into our own hands by taking a page out of Democrats Maxine Waters Rule Book and calling out and getting in the face of these constitutionally powerless ‘Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Takers,’ that due to the lack of term limits or a mandatory Federal Voter ID Law, have literally become delusional to the point that they think they own the country where it’s written by our founders in the Constitution that ‘We the People’ are the real owners….HELLO!!!

How the anti-American globalists hope their plan will unfold!
High-level officials in the Pentagon (Gen. Milley, Gen. Austin, etc.) are all-in with this plan, as are Biden regime officials who answer to the CCP. The corporate media is pushing all the required narratives (race hatred, anti-white bigotry, covid hysteria, etc.) in order to create the necessary mental state that can be triggered into an eruption like what we’re seeing right now in South Africa.
In today’s Situation Update, below, I walk through the steps of this plan and how they plan to achieve all this within the next 12 months.

Some of the highlights of this plan:
- Pushing mandatory vaccines for workers at critical infrastructure installations in order to achieve a mass die-off, resulting in failed power plants, water plants, food production, transportation, first responders and other elements that keep society functioning.
- Why, according to doctors who are spreading the alarm, we may already be looking at 92 million dead Americans in the next few years, stemming from vaccine-induced vascular and neurological damage (micro blood clots, heart failure, etc.).
- How vaccines perpetuate the pandemic by making people more vulnerable to infections from covid variants (such as Delta). New research shows that natural immunity halts the pandemic, but vaccines keep it going.
- Once critical infrastructure is taken down, America’s cities fall into anarchy, with widespread looting, murder, rape and total chaos. The police will be powerless to stop it. Democrats defunded the police as part of the plan to roll this out.
- Many cities will become “death traps” without food, water, fuel or electrical power. Very quickly, a mass exodus of violent looters will stream out of the cities, ransacking suburbs and rural areas in search of food and shelter. As we see in South Africa, these violent looters can only be stopped through the application of coordinated civilian firepower.
- Rural communities will need to rely on civilian security forces working hand-in-hand with local law enforcement (Sheriff’s offices, typically) to engage and halt the violent looting mobs, most of which will consist of individuals who have been brain damaged by micro blood clots caused by covid vaccines. The zombie apocalypse is about to become reality.
- As this chaos is intentionally unleashed, the illegitimate Biden regime will illegally deploy U.S. troops against the American people while suspending the U.S. Constitution by decree, then confiscating firearms from any civilians they can manage to threaten. This will of course result in fierce resistance across the USA, and probably a civil war inside the military itself.
- Upon the urging of the CCP, Biden will call for UN “humanitarian missions” to allow communist Chinese PLA troops to physically invade and occupy the United States, claiming to be distributing food. In reality, this is the invasion of America that Obama has long planned and will be carried out by proxy, through Biden who is both a puppet of Obama and of China. (Communist Chinese forces will enter the U.S. by land, through both the Southern and Northern borders.)
- As these efforts ramp up, states and entire regions will push for secession from the failed federal government, and this will set off extreme conflict between the anti-American Biden criminals in D.C. vs. the pro-America states like Texas, Florida, Arizona and others.
People who wish to survive all this must plan for the following reality to occur. Those who fail to plan may find themselves dead:
- Extended power grid failures, perhaps lasting up to a year in certain areas. Note that cryptocurrencies will be useless in this scenario, so have additional backup plans in place for physical assets (such as silver).
- The total collapse of food deliveries to local grocery stores. Emergency food supplies must be able to sustain you for a year or more.
- The complete wipeout of ammunition supplies, firearms and gun parts. You will have to survive on what you already have.
- The unleashing of the U.S. military against the American people in an act of total betrayal and treason against the United States of America.
- The timed, engineered collapse of the fiat currency debt bomb, which will instantly halt all food stamps and financial transactions, plunging America into Third World status almost overnight. Those left holding useless cash will see their savings completely wiped out. The dollar’s demise will be timed to achieve the maximum chaos effect.
- The attempted total takedown of the internet, with exceptions being granted to certain controlled websites that are deemed “essential” such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and other platforms controlled by globalists and the CCP. With the power grid down in many areas, internet access will be pointless for most people.
- The shutdown of all financial transactions and banking operations, for some amount of time, to worsen the collapse. This means there will be no functioning method to purchase food, fuel, parts, services, etc. Locally, the economy will revert to barter and precious metals.
- The rise of demonic entities taking physical form as Satan’s war against humanity shifts into his “end game” configuration. Skinwalkers, demons, demonic possession and other similar phenomena will become commonplace. This is ultimately a supernatural war.
Will the globalists succeed in all this?
Only a very limited amount of time will tell?

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