It’s not as if we were a nation with one leader that has citizens that don’t think for themselves and don’t have know clue if they have rights other than waking up everyday and taking that first breath, let alone guaranteed rights to wake up everyday and take that first breath because it’s a guaranteed and protected right!
Goals of the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order (1)to form a more perfect Union, (2)establish Justice, (3)insure domestic Tranquility, (4)provide for the common defense, (5)promote the general Welfare, and (6)secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution ‘FOR’ the United States of America.
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!
Why is it that these American Politicians send to Washington DC to represent the American people, and who have spent the last 29 years eliminating or violation of bypassing our constitution for a Socialist New World Order replacement, and believe they can use the same constitution to hide behind to protect themselves from the consequences of their acts of treason against our Constitution’s Constitutional Republic!

First of all we are 50 separate States with separate governments that have the rights to physically pull these ‘Never America Anti-constitutionalists who seem to think that the game is to not only take a knee or trash everything America stands for out of office without the protections that they’ve also eliminated from their own game plan when it comes to Impeaching a duly elected President without Due Process or afforded the same Presumption of innocents!
To Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch McConnell, and Chief Justice Roberts, the following are all wanted for treason and inciting riots for the last 20 years, and those are George Soros Alinsky puppets Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Obama AG’s Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch for allowing President Obama to violate the Constitution, and look the other way intentionally when it came to every illegal and unconstitutional action this unconstitutional President Obama who wasn’t a Natural Born Citizen and not qualified to ever be the President from day 1!
We have Lois Lerner’s IRS targeting conservative PAC’s, We had John Kerry violate the ‘Logan Act’ by advising Iran on how to get around President Trump’s nixing the ‘Iran Nuclear Deal,’ and of course Harry Reid, who initiated the Nuclear Option to get Obamacare passed, and then again to stuff the lower courts with progressives who exercised their and not the founder’s written intent and interpretation of the Constitution!

All the above who did more to harm America in their attempt to destroy America from within! Agenda 21 policies date back to the 1970’s but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when President Bush 41signed onto it. President Clinton signed it later and continued the program in the United States. Agenda 21 is ‘soft-law’ and did not have to be voted on by the Congress. A non-governmental organization called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives, ICLEI (pronounced “ick-lee”), is tasked with carrying out the goals of Agenda 21. Over 600 cities in the U.S. are members, and that number is growing. The costs are paid by taxpayers, and as are the ‘Paris Accord,’ the Obama failed ‘Green Agenda’ that’s contracts were given to Obama big donors and ended up costing the American taxpayer $36.5 Billion because 100% of everyone of those companies went belly up! I could go on, but it would take all day!
The list of all the American’s who served to destroy America from within all these decades are all American Citizens just like ex-President Trump who they are now trying to impeach after becoming a citizen, and lets hope that this still only the President Elect Biden, and I say that because Congress never Constitutionally Certified the election!

That is of course unless you believe that ‘Big Tech’ and the ‘Mainstream Media’ can certify an Election! Anyway my point here is that all the other people who are now citizens like the ones I just listed above who actually did something to help take down our Constitutional Republic, should now open the door for the President Elect Biden Administration to use ‘Special Prosecutors, and not those worthless Inspector Generals that Obama always use to investigate his 8 years of no Obama Administration Scandals whose jurisdiction dies extend passed the gates of the Capitol, and doesn’t have the subpoena power to question any politician or government hired or appointed employee that has left government!
This attempt to overthrow America’s Ideological belief in guaranteed rights, liberties and freedoms, but never giving away America using American taxpayer dollar for ‘free!’ How tired are the American people with these poor excuses for politicians, and because of no term limits, thinking they only need to occupy the Capitol with the things they hate the most about America, and that’s America’s sovereignty and the building of the ‘Wall,’ our guns, and keeping the American people safe and out of harms way!
Rather than waste any more legislative time and, oh yeah, taxpayer dollars on a stupid trial to “remove” a president who has already left office, it’s Biden‘s responsibility to pump the brakes on “Cancel Culture” whose mantra is: You will comply—or you will be silenced.
By any definition, that isn’t unity. It’s totalitarianism.

America’s Biden ‘Buyer Remorse’
By Tom Tradup
With little more than a week and a half of the Biden Administration under our belts, America has already contracted a raging case of “buyer’s remorse” when it comes to our yet to be constitutionally certified by Congress 46th president.
It began when Joe Biden—who mercilessly taunted President Donald J. Trump for “not having a plan” to stop the China Virus as he campaigned against Trump from his basement—addressed that issue two days after being inaugurated. “There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic over the next several months,” he told a stunned nation. His beleaguered and comically underprepared press secretary, Jen We’ve-Only-Been-Here-Fill-In-The-Blank-Days Psaki, was left to sputter for the 77th time that she would “circle back” on what Biden was talking about. (As a kid, I had one of those Hasbro SpiroGraph toys that—in its years of nonstop playtime—didn’t “circle back” as much as Jen has.)
Then there were all those executive orders signed by Lunch Pail Joe (the “worker’s friend”) responsible for closing the Keystone XL pipeline, halting oil and gas leases on federal lands, and getting the ball rolling on ultimately eliminating the fracking industry. This will blow a big hole through America’s energy independence under President Trump and send oil prices for home heating through the roof, not to mention gasoline prices at the pump and all those vaporized energy sector jobs.

As for the pointless and now-doomed “trial” of his predecessor by Democrats in Congress, Biden has done a masterful impression of Sgt. Schultz on the old Hogan’s Heroes television series. “I know nothing!” is his watchword, declaring all that messy business is the doing of Chuck Schumer and other members of Schumer’s lynch mob—er, I mean, Senate colleagues. Obviously, John F. Kennedy did not have Joe Biden in mind when he wrote his Pulitzer Prize-winning Profiles in Courage.
But nothing is more serious and deeply disturbing than how Biden’s mantra of “unity” has produced just the opposite. That is unless your idea of unity is conformity to looney Democratic Party agenda items, including renaming schools, surrendering an entire generation of children on the altar of the AWOL teachers’ unions, and the unfettered muzzling of free speech by Big Tech.
Jim Daly, president of Colorado-based Christian organization Focus on the Family, reports the group’s Daily Citizen account has been locked out of Twitter for allegedly violating Twitter’s rules against “hateful” content. Daly states: “It’s simply not true. We did no such thing.” So what was the alleged offense?
At issue was a tweet pointing to an article about Dr. Rachel Levine, President Biden’s controversial nominee for assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services. The tweet also contained the following sentence: “Dr. Levine is a transgender woman, that is, a man who believes he is a woman.”

Poof! The Daily Citizen is now locked out of Twitter. As Jim Daly notes, according to Twitter simply acknowledging a biological fact is now “hateful.” This continues the blitzkrieg by titans of Big Tech to silence individuals and organizations that don’t knuckle under to their political and social point of view. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter now like to sneakily hide behind “our employees being upset by this content” as they stamp out viewpoints of conservatives and especially Christians.
Yes. As the unfettered forces of repression have been unleashed by the new administration and their lackeys on Capitol Hill, they’re slowly transforming America—founded on the cornerstone of Judeo-Christian values—into the Biden Roach Motel. Like the old Raid product, liberals hope Christians will check in.. but they won’t check out. Liberal media outlets are working overtime to muzzle-and-marginalize people of faith in America.
The new dog whistle is “Conservative Nationalism.” Especially in the wake of the January 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol, every anti-Christian crackpot has found new audiences on CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and other outlets.
Thomas Edsall penned a column in the Times titled “The Capitol Insurrection Was as Christian National as It Gets.” Another article in the Times carried the incendiary headline, “How White Evangelical Christians Fused with Trump Extremism.” Yale University sociology professor Philip Gorski was recently quoted as suggesting the Christian National boogeyman was front and center in the January 6th riots: “Many observers commented on the jarring mixture of Christian, nationalist and racist symbolism amongst the insurrectionists: there were Christian crosses and Jesus Saves banners, Trump flags and American flags, fascist insignia and a ‘Camp Auschwitz’ hoodie.” Professor Gorski added the riot “was really a fruit cocktail: White Christian Nationalism.”

Which circles us back, again, to “Mr. Unity” himself, President Biden. If he truly is the man of faith he’s always professed to be, it is time for Biden to put on his Big Boy Mask and demand that the forces of his political allies abandon the dangerous Christian-bashing they’ve unleashed. For years Biden and his fellow Democrats have draped every racist nut or fringe group in America around the neck of Donald Trump. Should we crank-up the same smear machine, tying Biden to every anti-Christian Nutter who crawls out from under a rock?
AGAIN: Rather than waste any more legislative time and, oh yeah, taxpayer dollars on a stupid trial to “remove” a president who has already left office, it’s Biden‘s responsibility to pump the brakes on “Cancel Culture” whose mantra is: You will comply—or you will be silenced.
By any definition, that isn’t unity. It’s totalitarianism.
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America’s Biden ‘Buyer Remorse’