500 Days of Obstructing and Resisting America from being First and Great Again!

Trump’s first 500 days in office seems to echo Paul Revere’s old warning of “One if by Land, and Two if by Sea” that seems to be hanging in the peoples house from the very first day Obama took office after he lied, but still swore to protect and defend our founding father’s Constitution!  but what most Americans can’t figure out is what happened to that America that Obama was handed back in 2008 compared to the America President Trump inherited from Obama, and why wasn’t it passed on to the next President intact in the way our founding father’s intended it to be passed on from President to President?

After the first 500 days of President Trump’s successful Administration’s first term the Liberal left, with the help of the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, are trying to tell the Public a bold face lie, and maybe because of them setting the table at the expense of some of their own party members when not getting their day in court for the ‘He says she says’ sexual assault charges by the woman in the lives of these elected officials from decades ago, and by doing so bypassing America’s Justice system’s own  ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ constitutional guarantee…

What President Trump could do constitutionally for the entire 500 days is what the politically correct Liberal left is trying to force him to do, and that’s because they believe that Politically he would hurt his chances in the 2018 Midterms and 2020 elections if he fired the Deputy AG and Mueller, the head of the  investigation into Russia and the collusion between the Trump Campaign to win the election, and that’s because it would create a cloud over his ‘making America first and great again’ campaign promises, and make it appear that he’s hiding something when he’s not.

After 500 days here’s what all Americans, and I’m not talking about Democrat or Republican, Black or White, Muslim or Christian, or legal or not illegal citizens of the United States have to be asking themselves, and that’s what is President Trump’s end game?

We already know that Obama’s end game was the transformation of America to Socialism for the sake of a ‘New World Order,’ the dismantling of our military to take America’s leadership role off the world stage! Then we have the tax and regulate unconfirmed by Congress Obama Czars attacking our ‘American Made’ companies to force them to redistribute their innovation and technology around the world to benefit those NWO countries for the good of the world but not America or its people, and then opening our borders so that Liberals could use the argument that America is a nation of immigrants so that today’s immigrants can do an end run around the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ to bypass the immigration laws that were made law by past immigrants that came before today’s immigrants because these new brand of Progressives don’t honor the dedication and hard working immigration’s past, but for only self-advancing their political correctness which has nothing to do with the rule of law or Constitution, but for the sake of manipulating our elections!

I think after 500 days the only obvious end game that Trump is playing is making America first and great again, and with not taking a salary, like any other members who are working at some capacity for the government who are also not taking a salary, could have just rode off into the sunset playing golf on the best courses in the world while chowing down on Mickey Dee’s burgers and the Colonel’s Kentucky Fried Chicken without being hassled by the do nothing Liberals that have no interest in making America first or great again anywhere in their upcoming platform for the 2018 Midterms, and as of this moment, nowhere on the horizon for the upcoming Presidential Elections in 2020!

So, my question again is what’s President Trump’s end game, and how much worse does the Progressive Left look when trying to create this President’s non-existent agenda and platform that they’re trying to create in the minds of common sense Americans who already know that the Progressive Left’s true motives to take this President down aren’t warranted, and just as the President and his deplorable followers say, ‘Just a Witch Hunt!’

After 500 days the ‘Never Trumpers’ continue to make excuses for the biggest Racist President in America’s modern-day history, and that’s President Barack Obama who hid behind his race card with his AG Eric Holder to initiate and agenda against America and its exceptionalism through their version of political correctness that Martin Luther King had basically erased from the lives of Americans until Obama decided to ideologically weaponize racism to divide and deceive America to force the government to have to step in and control one of the many issues that they intend to weaponize to force the American people to depend on government for their every need, or in other words, achieving their Socialist dream of change in America to destroy our country from within!

I don’t know if any of you watched a little Sunday morning talk show forums, but every Progressive that’s running for office in 2018 continue to claim that Trump is violating the Constitution, but when you compare the facts that the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Medias has kept silent and away from the American people on Obama’s record of being illegally and unconstitutionally bypassing the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution every chance he had, now compare that to the Trump Administrations actions and it looks like a backup sub team of a little league football team!

With 500 days into President Trumps first term with 5 months to go until the 2018 Midterms in November, the Democrats are still thinking that they’ll be able to take back the House and possibly Senate by doing absolutely nothing! Democrats are relying on History where in the past the House of a sitting President went to the opposition party without having to change a thing, especially when you think about how passionately this Democratic Party is representing the continuous Socialist failures of countries from around the world! The leadership of this misguided Progressive branch of the Democratic Party also still believe that these stupid and deplorable Americans will blindly go into that voting booth and vote again for the ‘bait and switch’ Democratic progressives who have been for the last 8 years only lying about their true intent while aggressively attempting to destroying America’s exceptionalism from within! I guess you can call it, like Yogi Berra said back when that it’s deja vu all over again, and just like it was back when they thought, based on the polls, that Hillary was a shoe in back in the 2016 Presidential elections!

The big question for every American should be is this Democratic push for Socialism the true reality of what’s gong on in America today, and then asking yourself after knowing and living in America prior to 911, is it time to abandon the past history of America that was initiated by our founding father’s Constitutional Republic some 245 years ago, or is the Democratic Party’s case just a travelling minstrel show using a sleight of hand parlor game and tricks to make the American people think that the Democratic version of the truth is worth considering because everybody else is on that same page or ship to nowhere?

After 10 years of trying to defend the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution, and predicting a Trump victory the day he came down that escalator to announce his run for the Presidency, I spent more than enough time, while working a full-time job, to try and point out the reason why our founding father’s version of this exceptional countries blueprint doesn’t need to be exchanged for an ideological failure known as Socialism because it has destroyed more countries than helped as history has shown time and time again.

The big difference here though is that those people from those other countries have never experienced our founding father’s version of a country that’s main goal was to ensure the liberty, freedom, and rights that can only be granted by whoever you believe your maker is, and never by the power and greed of man.

We finally have a President who’s not trying to control you, but only freeing up of the god given options you’ve always had thanks to our founding father’s experiment in governance through god, and what they’ve learned through trial and error that more than likely not following in the footsteps of any other form of governance that came before, and has a track record of failure around the world as its people for millennia.

This President understands that if you allow the people to determine their own path in the same way water seeks its own level, and doing that by eliminating the regulations, taxes, and political correctness that Obama’s  version of ‘Hope and Change,’ a.k.a. Socialism, will be a lost cause!

Obama’s Socialism can’t afford to allow individuals to do that level seeking thinking that might divert the people attention away from Socialism’s because Socialism needs to control and oversee the lives of the people instead of having the masses relying on themselves to find the answers they need to control their own lives!

After the first 500 days of Trump’s successful transition to Politician, Progressives still want their base to back their overriding mandate that the world comes first, and before the American people’s backing of President Trump’s making America’s successes and accomplishments of this ‘one nation under God with liberty and justice for all, along with it finally being first and great again, believe that the American people are not only blinded by lies that are the root of conservative values, but are still the rightfully charged basket of deplorables that Hillary claims that anyone that doesn’t agree with their agenda deserves! 

It’s tough to be free when the Mainstream Media continues to sell out America by bashing conservatism, which by the way is inherently what America is all about when you think about all the rights and freedoms that our founding father’s constitution guarantees, but what’s gone wrong here is that ever since the first Federal Income tax to raise money for the Civil War back on August 5th 1861 when Lincoln imposed the first federal income tax by signing the Revenue Act. Strapped for cash with which to pursue the Civil War, Lincoln and Congress agreed to impose a 3 percent tax on annual incomes over $800, and then came when Congress enacted an income tax in October 1913 as part of the Revenue Act of 1913, levying a 1% tax on net personal incomes above $3,000, with a 6% surtax on incomes above $500,000. By 1918, the top rate of the income tax was increased to 77% (on income over $1,000,000, equivalent of 15,300,000 in 2012 dollars) to finance World War I.

We’ve come a long way baby, and ever since that need to establish that first Federal Income Tax we can see why the greatest nation in the world is close to $21 Trillion in Debt, and why the American taxpayer is being forced to bite off a little more than it can chew! Even though Obama promised to cut the debt in half, which was another lie he told the American people, this 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, tried to impose his Alinsky 8 point musts that had to be accomplished to transform America’s Constitutional Republic to Socialism leading to Communism down the road! Progressive Democrats, with the help of the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, are into their “end justifies the means’ mode, and if we don’t protect and defend the ballot box this November, and progressives prevail through what we’ve witnessed them doing throughout the years, we might wake up the next day and find the illegal unconstitutional votes, that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media will defend as being legally and constitutionally cast, will not only make a difference, but change the future of America should the people, like they did in the 2012, decide to either not show up or sleep while the selection process is compromised again by the Obama ‘Deep State’ 

I have to believe that the eyes of the watchers and truth seekers on Social Media, which have been intentionally blocked by the progressive censors of Social Media on behalf of the Liberal left who control the message by changing that message being delivered by using unknown sources via ‘fake news’ that can never be verified or challenged, and for the sole purpose of rebutting anything and everything Trump!

After President Trump’s 500 days in office the liberal Left continues to use their ‘Never Trump’ narrative for fuel to advance a their non-existent pro-American platform that’s just window dressing that they’re using to stall to kill time until the 2018 Midterms when they’re hoping that Robert Mueller and Rosenstein can fabricate or create some false scenario where they use Hollywood’s special effects departments to create a look alike avatar showing President Trump doing something illegal or unconstitutional!

What the American people need to do is let the Liberals on the left who are looking to sell our sovereignty to the highest bidder outside interest is them know that the American people won’t go silently into the night, especially when the “One, if by land, and two, if by sea”lanterns which are already lit and hanging in the peoples house due to the Open borders Policies of the Obama Administration, but should serve as a wake up call to the American people as a warning of things to come should the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party succeeds through altered election results while continuing to lead the Democratic Party down that path to Socialism!

I was Jonathan E P Moore until my account was disabled by FB for supposedly being hacked, but with their recommendation of starting over again from scratch, and me actually doing that, I found that the old FB ‘bait and switch’ was well at work. I lost every contact and every friend I had on Facebook, but when I started requesting to join the political pages I’ve posted on in the past, and that’s only because I had them written down separately in a book, FB said I couldn’t post on those page, but here’s the kicker, I wasn’t posting anything and just rekindling my association with these pages. Facebook says I was posting and bumped me for 2 weeks from that page, and then disabled that page also!

I originally had a political page on FB, but because of the continued blocking of that page by FB started a blog using Google as the host with the help of a follower, but now because of my son’s persuasion and working in Social Media, convinced me to built a blog on a page using my own domain so that I wouldn’t be taken down again in the future, and where Facebook’s undefined ‘Community Standard’ wouldn’t end me up on the FB bench for days or weeks on end! Now here’s the kicker, I don’t feel obligated to post on an hourly basis because my followers and friends no longer exist in the numbers that followed me before. 

My focus seems to have been directed to the rapidly changing narrative by the progressive left that goes hand in hand along side their scrambling to cover-up every time the truth comes out about their lies, half-truths, and innuendos, and I’m not talking about Republican problems, but the Democrats where the cancer of Progressivism runs deep and taken over the Democratic Party without a fight coming from the Classical Democrats who used to work through bipartisanship, mutual respect for an opposing view, and working for the American people.

Today’s Liberals follow a personal agenda that has nothing to do with making America first or great again, but instead implementing their so called personal agenda of selling America’s sovereignty to the highest bidder, a.k.a. outside interest! This has all come about because of the gift our elected officials gave themselves back in 2010 when they passed ‘Citizen’s United’ which has given them the financial upside potential that they believe they deserve for the giving of themselves for their magnanimous higher calling to serve the American people!

You can join my new addition to Facebook at “Independents making America First and Great Again”

My blog at http://www.jonathanepmoore.com/

My new G+ page at “Independents for Trump’s ‘America First!’

And my archives at http://whileyouweredozing.blogspot.com/