George Soros, the United Nations, Professor’s Cloward and Piven, and the Chicago based first ‘Sanctuary City’ underground that’s modeled by Marx and Lenin supporters, are funding these International organizations that support Nation Without Borders, and as a result threatening the future of America by arranging for the busing of illegals from our Southern Neighbors that George Soros is funding! ~~
We are a nation that barely exists thanks to Obama’s fundamental transformation because we are a nation without borders. We are a nation that exploits little children in order to gain a Democratic majority over the next ten years.
We are a nation that applauds violating the Constitution; stealing private land for the government; apathetically goes along with an Ex-President who lied daily and a media that lied with him; He sent pink slips to military officers on the battlefield in Afghanistan; he abused our veterans and let them die in VA facilities; he passed a massive healthcare bill based on bribery and deceit; and he abandoned our ally Israel because he supported an anti-Israel president; in fact we were not trusted by our allies and were laughed at by our enemies.

It’s all acceptable if this divide-and-conquer Ex-president encouraged drugs, feigned traveling on the moral high road, promoted extremists, targeted conservatives, and then blamed Bush and Republicans for his failures back then, but now taking credit for every one of President Trump and the Republican’s successes!
‘Nation Without Borders! Nation Without Morals’ – By S. Noble~~
I think we all know what Obama thinks about himself, and after living under his Socialist thumb for 8 years, and the American people hearing Strzok and his lover Page ‘s texts stating that Obama wanted to be kept in the loop with everything they’re doing to cause the downfall of President Trump, I think that this speech that Obama gave in Berlin just recently, sums it all up pretty well when it comes to what he thinks of himself, and 467 TIMES!
In a recent speech in Berlin, Barack Obama mentioned:
“I” — 312 times
“Me” — 33 times
“My” — 43 times
“I’d” — 9 times
“I’m” — 61 times
“Myself” — 9 times
“Joe Biden” — 0 times ~~
Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Swalwell and other ‘Deep State’ back stabber’s of our founder’s positive role in the world haven’t presented anything other than their attempt to transform America to Socialism, and doing it by using their open border policies to deliver another country to Socialism through illegal voting by illegal immigrants who are being promised ‘FREE, free/free/free/free, and getting away with it because there appears to be absolutely no push back from the once honest and truthful ‘Mainstream Media,’ no push back from our elected officials on both sides of the aisle other than a few Republicans, and the Swamp’s’ disregard for America’s sovereignty, our founder’s Constitution and ‘Rule of Law,’ and ignoring the ‘Will’ of the American people!

The problem with the world today is immigration and how it’s being used and funded by George Soros’ and other ‘Deep State’ organizations to cause instability in the world for financial gain. One of the biggest organizations that’s involved is ’Nations without Borders’ who practice what they preach when it comes to the writings of Marx and Lenin’s Socialist leading to Communist Ideals, and the ones taking the money to pay for and organize these caravans of illegals to invade our country! What’s needed to be known here is that Hillary’s mentor Saul Alinsky and Obama’s Professors at Columbia University being Obama disciples Cloward and Piven, have a strategy as outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”.

Cloward-Piven is not limited to the destabilization of state and local welfare programs. It can easily be used against federal level entitlements, and, is much more effective against an entity with the proven tendency towards exponential debt spending.
Alinsky with his disciples Cloward and Piven believe what’s good for the European Union is good enough for what was supposed to be the North American Union, which would have eliminated the borders between Mexico and America and between Canada and America, which is why today the Dems are doing nothing to protect or defend our borders because they know that when they take back the Senate and White House in the same way they took back the House, and that’s by using the same voter fraud via illegals voting illegally in exchange for ‘Free,’ neither side of the aisle coming to the aid of America’s sovereignty or the guaranteed individual rights over big government. President Trump won in 2016 which prevented Hillary from rolling out the ‘North American Union’ that had been on the drawing board for 5 years before candidate Trump came down that escalator in Trump Tower to announce his run for the White House, and if you think that the Dems plan for the ‘North American Union’ is finished with the open borders that come with it, than think again! America only got a 4 year ‘Stay’ when it comes to the execution of the ‘North American Union,’ and if President Trump doesn’t win his 2nd term than that ‘stay’ will be overturned and our founder’s Constitutional Republic will be executed!
Cloward and Piven, Obama’s professors at Ivy League Columbia University, have theoretically been teachings, according to the doctrine, a condition of overwhelming tension and strain could be engineered through the overloading of American welfare rolls, thereby smothering the entitlement program structure at the state and local level. The implosion of welfare benefits would facilitate a massive spike in poverty and desperation, creating a financial crisis that would lead to an even greater cycle of demand for a fully socialized system. This desperation would then “force” the federal government to concentrate all welfare programs under one roof, nationalize and enforce a socialist ideology, and ultimately, compact an immense level of power into the hands of a select few.
As much as these off the ‘Wall’ Socialist Democrats want you believe that their platforms their running on to win the Presidency are relevant with what’s going on in America today, and what they believe is needed to win, can only be propped up by the fact that California’s last election rule changes before the 2018 Midterms in the way votes were cast, received, and then counted, are giving other Blue States the confidence that if they do the same as California when changing their election rules that they too can steal an election from the ‘Will’ of the American people!
Dem’s goal isn’t about who we are because we’re a nation of immigrants, it’s not about protecting and defending the Constitution which every elected official took an oath to do, it’s not about making America first or great again either, but all about gaining control of the American taxpayer’s purse strings! Why, because America is the only nation left in the world that actually has a purse with strings that can possibly be controlled!

Even though the Dems and the ever growing list of RINO”s on the right have already made a huge withdrawal from their Citizens United bank accounts, are now looking and hoping for, with the downfall of this outsider non-politician President, that they continue to sell our founder’s guaranteed individual rights, freedoms, and liberties that has made America the greatest country in the history of the world, but not the greatest country when it comes to these other nation’s leaders who either couldn’t or refused to deliver the same smaller government and guaranteed individual rights to their still oppressed people as our founders delivered to the American people, and the reason our founders left their once upon time homelands to find that potential promised land that would accept the experimental creation of a country where the formula for success one prevailed, but now taken down by the same greed and power that is being sought out in the next 2020 Presidential election!
American are tired of having their ancestors compared to the Migrants of Today when settling in an undeveloped land and building a civilization is not comparable to showing up in a post-industrial nation and signing up for benefits!