‘Ism’s’ are the cancer and broad brushed opinions of anyone who can’t come to grips with their own identity and need an excuse to blame their short falls on anything and everything that is not staring back at them when looking into a mirror. There’s a little Socialism, Capitalism, and fascism in every aspect of everyone’s life, but to use any of them to cast judgement about the leadership of any country, especially this country that has been intentionally put in decline by a President who was looking to destroy it from within, and then to a President who only wants to restore the reason why America is the destination of most of the world who’ve heard or read about its freedoms, rights, and liberties!
We haven’t had an outsider non-politician until President Trump, but the American people recognized that the flawed status quo of our government’s representatives were leading America down a path that wasn’t approved by the people they represent, and therefore needed to be stopped!
By electing Donald J. Trump to the President of the United States the American people were pushing back and using their constitutional right to protest and show their elected officials, who appear to have forgotten who got them the gig in the first place, whose the boss, but because of the lack of term limits have decided to take it upon themselves to make the ever important decision on the best path for America to follow into the future! The problem with this is that our elected officials are doing it by not listening to their constituency’s opinion and/or mandate, and could care less what the voters who gave them the power have to say!
‘Citizens United’gave our elected officials an open door to reach out to their after long years with no term limit entrenched financial ties by special interests who were interested in changing and/or bypassing America’s constitution and/or ‘Rule of Law,‘which their legislative views or actions could be bought and sold based on the size of the donation and the degree of influence needed to be in favor or against vote that could of prevented our elected officials who were supposed to be in charge of protecting and defending our Constitutional Republic, but instead chose to go along with the Obama inspired Socialist Globalism future for America, and doing it for a price like in the same way a lot of our elected officials did to fast track the TPP agreement on trade!
I have to believe that the American people already questioned the “Hope and Change” battle cry of the Obama Administration, but what they didn’t know was that in order to join in on the celebration they would have to give up on our founding father’s version of our Constitutional Republic in exchange for the lawlessness and disdain of America by Obama and his replacement of Socialism that has over its history, has had a 100% failure rate!
I guess, unless you were born yesterday, that when one of the first things Obama did as President was to initiate peacetime martial law might have been the first hint that something wasn’t right, and then when he took his first trip as President to apologize to the world for America’s past actions, and then came home to announce to the American people that America wasn’t exceptional had to be the second and last hint to anyone if they cared to take the time to just look behind the curtain!
If that wasn’t enough of a hint, he spent his 8 years in office subjecting the American people to his intentional feckless economic, domestic, and foreign policies on the American people in his attempt to discredit America’s image on the world stage, dismantle and shrink our military to show weakness to our enemies, and then try to convince the American people that government, and not self determination and the ability to fend for yourself instead of depending on government was in the long run, the better option!
Why do Liberals feel that their arrogant elitist attitudes had anything to do with losing the election back in 2016, but when they did lose thought it could have only been because of Russia colluding with the Trump campaign instead of Hillary’s inability to finish what Obama started by destroying America from within! These arrogant Liberals believed that there was no way that could of possibly happened without the Russians involvement with the Trump Campaign, especially when the polls had Hillary winning by 100%!
Liberals also believed that the American people were on board with Hillary’s belief that the first and second amendments had room for regulation. They also thought that the American people hadn’t figured out that the Mainstream Media, the elected officials on both sides of the aisle were on board with Obama’s Globalist ambitions, but what they didn’t count on was that the American people actually believe in our founding father’s vision for the promised land that caused their past family generations to leave their homelands to find the promised land where they still live today!
I listened to the left’s questioning of Strzok yesterday and couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and couldn’t believe the disdain and arrogance of this self-proclaimed God’s gift to the FBI, like J. Edgar Comey and Hillary Clinton who looked down his nose at every one that tried to get to the truth by asking important questions, and then acted as if no one had the right to question his resolve when it came to his hatred of Trump by declaring that what he wrote about stopping Trump didn’t have any affect on the job he was doing when being the head of the two biggest investigations against Hillary, and then initiating the Russian collusion with the Trump campaign investigation, and then declaring he had no bias toward President Trump’s run for the Presidency!
This man was a ‘legend in his own mine’ just like J. Edgar Comey and Hillary Clinton, and hated Trump more than he loved and respected America’s justice system, and then letting everyone in the room know that he thought his ‘shit’ doesn’t stink!
When it comes to Strzok and his actions against America, he defended his corrupt role in the FBI cover-up of the false collusion allegations against the Trump campaign and presidency, and then touted the FBI’s role and history of being the greatest justice system in the world! The only problem with Strzok and his logic, as does the Liberals on the left and RINO’s on the right, is that the sheeple that they thought were easy marks and on board with their treasonous actions against the American people were already planning to continue draining the ‘Swamp’ this 2018 election cycle, just like they’ve been doing long before Donald J. Trump came down that escalator to announce his run for the Presidency!
The truth of the matter is that after 2 years of the investigation that there is nothing to report to suggest that there was any collusion with the Russians by the Trump Administration, but by the Democrats who sold 20% of America’s Uranium to the Russians! Democrats are scrambling, lying, and hiding the treasonous actions of our justice Department who spent 8 years not protecting and defending the constitution, but the corruption and lawlessness that Obama, his Czars, his AG, the head of the IRS when targeting conservative PAC’s, and the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA over the past 4 Administrations who had to be part of the overall plan for America to make the move to Globalism complete with open borders, unvetted illegal immigrants, and the continued cost to the American taxpayer!
Doesn’t anyone see the obvious coincidence of all the ‘Bad’ actors being in place representing the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA at the exact same time to carry out their overall plans for the creation and support of a ‘New’ World Order?
Does anyone believe that our elected officials thought that the American people were and still are too stupid to know what’s best for themselves or the future of the country, let alone the future of the world, and does anyone think that Obama’s Administration alone could have pulled this off without the help and orchestration of past Administrations? NOT!!
I’m happy to report that the American people aren’t as stupid as our elected officials think they are, and how they now understand that in order to keep these disgruntled elected public servants in check to elect to office this flawed outsider non-politician, who took the time out of his 71 plus year life to use his expertise to point out the flaws and causes for the downfall of this once greatest county in the world, and the reason for voting for and backing President Trump’s mission to regain America’s leadership role on the World Stage, and doing it by leading and guiding America to becoming first and great again?
I guess you can say that as long as the Liberal version of what these ‘ism’s’ represent, that there is no room for the actual meaning and representation by anyone else’s interpretation of the same ‘ism’s’! Lets take a peek first at all of what Liberals think the interpretation should be with these three most famous ‘ism’s’….
What’s the Difference Between Fascism, Socialism, and Communism?
by David Schlecht
With all the confusion out there today on the part of the Chronically Confused Conservatives of our times, I though I would try to put together a simple comparison of the three terms they confuse the most for Democracy.
First of all this Liberal uses the term Democracy like most Liberals do, but not Republic which is more than misleading…..Liberals would prefer a Democracy obviously like they prefer winning by using the popular vote over our founding fathers ‘Electoral College’ system that’s used in the selection of the President of the United States,
and why open borders, no proof of ID to vote, and their campaign against a mandatory Federal Voter ID is not in their best interest when trying to destroy America from within while transforming America to the reality of existing as a 3rd world Banana Republic with a side of Globalist surrender!
Protecting Individuals’ Rights is the key, and not the Liberal’s lies of throwing the term Democracy around pretending it makes them look loyal to the constitution, which couldn’t be further from the truth based on their documented record!
A true democracy is rare because of the potential for it to turn into what might be called “mob rule.” This occurs when the majority makes decisions that benefit itself at the expense of the minority. For example, a racial, religious or socioeconomic class that consists of more than 50% of the voting population could — theoretically — vote to give itself certain benefits or to oppress or restrict those in the minority. In a true democracy, there is no legal power that protects minorities.
In a republic or a constitutional democracy, however, the charter or constitution typically guarantees certain rights to individuals or minority groups. This prevents those rights from being taken away or infringed upon by the will of the majority. This protection is fundamental for the republican form of government.
Let’s start with the most easily confused. Fascism.
Fascism is best described as a merging of corporate and government interests. In simpler terms, it’s when corporations have taken over the government. This is also called a Oligarchy because the wealthy control the entire country. Mussolini states that the corporations were the most important part of a country and that the government should work with them to make a better country. He created this merger and called it Fascism to differentiate it from Socialism.
One of the signature characteristics of Fascism is “belligerent nationalism.” This is the practice of saying our country is exceptional and don’t you dare tell me otherwise.
Another, more modern term for Fascism is Corporatism.
I’m having a real problem with “belligerent nationalism,” which is why I believe Liberals are trashing the American flag and taking a knee when our National Anthem is being played, and then living under 8 years of Obama stifling the economic growth of America’s GDP by forcing our American Made companies and Corporations out of the country to add to the bottom lines and GDP’s of other countries who actually worship the flags and National Anthems that we are witnessing with the demonstration of Nationalism, excuse me, “belligerent nationalism” that is being demonstrated by every country that’s partaking in the ‘World Cup’ Soccer Tournament!
Well, if Fascism isn’t Socialism, then what is Socialism?
Socialism is where people are directly involved in the production of goods and services, things like cooperatives where the workers are the owners of the businesses. This doesn’t mean the government owns and manages the businesses. The business exists for the sake of providing for society, or the social good.
We’ve posted here many times about the socialistic bent of America’s forefathers. Socialism was such a fundamental inclination that our government is defined as “We The People.”
Socialism has nothing to do “We the People,” but we the people being dependent on the Government for their every need! The blatant and most glaring part of this Liberals version of what he believes to be true is that “This doesn’t mean the government owns and manages the businesses.” The business exists for the sake of providing for society, or the social good.”
If this is true than where is the good in the government, Obama’s government that is, having 17 Intel agencies, initiating his ‘Green’ agenda by giving contracts to 80% of his top donors who ended going belly up on 100% of those contracts that cost the taxpayer $36.5 Billion Dollars? What was the good about Hillary’s State Department brokering the sale of 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia, our number one enemy? What about government who isn’t running the business of taking over our Healthcare by forcing Obamacare on every American and not delivering on his promise that you could keep your plan and doctor, what was the good in diverting funds from approved government Programs to support unvetted Illegal immigrants in and attempt to override and eliminate our Constitutional Republic through encouraging voter fraud in exchange for Amnesty!
The Corporatists in America try to hide this fact and purposely confuse socialism with fascism and communism.
The easiest way to think of Communism is the requirement that private property is not allowed. No one owns anything. Everything is owned by the government. The general idea is that the people, in turn, own the government. But in practice, this obviously doesn’t work, at last not in large scale.
However, it’s important to realize that Communism works quite well in some small communities.
So, now, tell me, which of these three best describes America, today? Do we outlaw private property (Communism)? No, so I guess that one is out. Do we encourage public ownership of businesses and services (Socialism)? Heck, we don’t even want to allow unions, let alone shared profits and management, so I guess this one is out as well. So what is left? Are we becoming Fascist? Do you see the corporate media spouting belligerent nationalism? Are we constantly threatening and invading other countries because we’re somehow special? Does the corporate media sell us on invading one country after another?
Have corporations taken over our government? Are we told to oppose any welfare or services for the people while we’re told that corporations should have unlimited influence over our government and have unlimited corporate welfare?
Even if you’re a rabid tea bagger only firing on half your cylinders, you can’t deny the fact that the Republican party is the party that is Fascist and they’re succeeding at bringing this country down the road of Fascism.
Does “We The People” sound like anything the Republican party wants to give more power to? In fact, isn’t that the party that is working overtime to disenfranchise millions of potential voters? Oh, my gosh, I guess they are..
Nice try, but aren’t the Progressives trying to give away our sovereignty and freedoms by allowing and encouraging illegals to vote without proof of ID proof that they’re a citizen, are Republicans the only ones that care about legal immigration why Democrats, a.k.a. the ‘New’ Socialist Party trying to stuff the ballot box by ‘Blue States’ refusing to stuff the ballot box with the votes of illegals in exchange for Amnesty, aren’t the Democrats the ones the ones that paid for a dossier and using the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to sabotage the peoples ‘Will’ and choice for the President when they elected President Trump?
When it comes to Communism, but this author claiming that fascism is the problem, but ignoring Socialism I’ll let the old saying do my bidding, and by knowing ” A picture is worth 1,000 words” works more than enough for me!
I hate to admit this but what I see is the once great European Union opening their borders and being forced to become welfare Nations supporting the flood of immigrants, and can’t afford to keep up their own military obligations to NATO, and as a result using America’s more than generous taxpayer funds to finance NATO, which they’ve done for years, and probably decades because we never had a President that had the balls to do the right thing for the American people because they thought the taxpayer would never know!
Germany is the biggest scammer by not paying their fair share to NATO, and then expecting NATO to protect them from Russia’s expansion, but then depending on Russia to continue to provide 70% of its energy to Germany when they could get it from America, the country that’s paying 70% of the budget of NATO to the tune of $700 Billion, the same $700 Billion budget America has to fund its own military!
Now don’t forget the Chinese who are selling America’s Intellectual Property to the world at a cheaper price then we can sell it to them for because of the slave labor they control, and where American companies can’t compete due to tariffs, border taxes, and fee’s that are charged by countries to market our products and services in their markets, but not charged to them when selling their products and services in America’s markets!
What threatens America is the same thing that has threatened the European Union for years, and that’s the flood of immigrants and refugees who these EU countries thought they could handle with open arms, but can’t handle, afford, or protect the reality of their citizens being victimized by the wave of crime and lack of respect for their countries culture, heritage, and religious beliefs. What the American people don’t understand is that because the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is not informing the American Public, and the leaders of these countries are not wanting to admit to being wrong about their decision to join the European Union, and now have muzzled their own media! The American people need to know about the possible consequences of what’s going on within the EU as a forewarning to the potential future of America if they followed in the EU’s misguided footsteps!
What I see is this un-Presidential President restoring and rebuilding what past Administrations have neglected and ignored for the last 30 years, and what I’m seeing for the first time since Reagan is a President whose out there fighting for this generous countries forgotten legacy of coming to the aid of our allies in both WWI and WWII, who’ve decided to continue to take America’s handouts instead of giving anything back because no President before President Trump has ever bucked the status quo like this President has done, and doing it to just to get back to being fair for all involved when it comes to the one-sided trade deals that cost the American taxpayer somewhere between $500 to $700 Billion dollars a year! When it comes to just wanting to be fair when it comes to trade with our allies, and America spending the majority of the money to NATO to pay for the protection of these countries from Russia who Germany has been openly trading with, and the same country the American taxpayers is paying NATO to protect Germany from the Russians!
If you haven’t noticed because you were either asleep or just dozing, the once ‘free of censorship’ internet had people who actually cared about what was going on in our government, but not part of the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, but actually doing the job that these idiots from the ‘Mainstream Media weren’t doing to keep the public informed about what was going on behind those closed doors in those back rooms of those buildings on Capitol Hill. Believe it or not there are actually people out there that don’t take for granted that our founding fathers 247-year-old Constitutional Republic is a guarantee future for America and its people, and there were actually people that thought from the moment Donald J. Trump came down that escalator to announce his run for the Presidency that he was going to be the next President of the United States, but I was one, and we all should be grateful in hindsight, that Donald J. Trump today, and that Hillary is not!!