How much longer is America going to be forced to settle for the ‘Paid to Report’Mainstream Media, and its version of the truth? How much longer is America going to be kept in the dark about the real colluders with Russia so that they can make an informed decision when the 2018 Midterms come rolling around in 6 months? How much longer are the American people going to have pay such a high price to just see what’s behind curtain 1, curtain 2, and then curtain 3, with only one of them leading to the real truth?
Schumer and Pelosi led Democrat’s are attempting to weaponizing the history and reputation of America’s once most respected INTEL agencies in the World, and using Liberal lies to make the American people think that it’s impossible to think that the FBI, DOJ, and CIA can’t investigate themselves to the satisfaction of every American!
Here’s the kicker though, they’re proclaiming this to stop the possibility of a 2nd Special Counsel/Prosecutor under the guise that it will demoralize the rank and file of those agencies, but in reality are the same rank and file that are praising the actions of the Trump Administration for exposing the leadership of these agencies, and applauding the appointment of the new CIA Director, Gina Haspel.
If you woke up this morning not shaking your head in disbelief after hearing that Clapper was on the ‘View’ saying that President Trump should be grateful for the insider who was spying on the Trump Campaign because he was there to weed out the Russians from affecting our elections, I don’t think for a minute that any American with a brain would think these comments were coming from someone that supposedly followed the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution as a living, and for his entire life, would you? What’s amazing here is that if any campaign was going to be colluding with the Russians it would be the Democratic Party’s Campaign, especially after Hillary sold Russia, without congressional approval, 20% of America’s Uranium to our number one enemy Russia, and as a result for brokering that deal received a $145 Million dollar donation to her and Bill’s Clinton Foundation.
How about when President Obama was caught on tape after the 2012 election telling the Russian representative that because he couldn’t run for a third term that his hands were no longer tied when it came to working with the Russians, and then telling this same individual to pass this information along to Vladimir Putin! Then we have the Russian Dossier that was created using Russian Intelligence to acquire a FISA Warrant to spy on individuals who were just fringe players on the Trump Campaign and transition teams. Finally, is the fact that Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to prevent any of these documents, that should be released when asked for by the oversight committee at the drop of a hat, especially if these documents put into question everything I’ve just outlined, but the leadership of these Agencies still have no interest in releasing these documents even if they are subpoenaed!
The American people are well aware of how the current batch of Progressive Democrats found it easier to betray their oath of office than to do what they were sent to Washington to do as mandated by their constituency, and they’ve decided that they could give a shit about what and who they’re supposedly representing! Wouldn’t it be nice to finally see Obama’s task masters Holder, Lynch, Lerner, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller, and Rosenstein, who are political appointees, to get their day in court at the same time Obama and ‘crooked’ Hillary are doing they’re perp walk?
Progressive actions against our ‘rule of Law and Constitution by the Liberal left will finally be brought into the light of day so that America can finally see just how the last two years of ‘Never Trumpers,’ who spent most of their time making up lies, innuendos and half-truths for the sole purpose to create a false narrative, have not only hurt America, but our allies that have trusted us in the past who now have been questioning that trust because of willingness of the leadership of our Intel agencies to so easily bypass the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution of the country they are supposed to be protecting and defending, and doing it to save the ‘Swamp’ from being rightfully drained!
The American people are finally being forced to question the validity of the Trump Administration and its accomplishments, and that’s because the Liberals, who choose to do nothing but obstruct and resist anything Trump, think they’ve done enough to warrant them taking back the House and Senate? We also have the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media that has cast a shadow over this outsider non-politician President because they can’t afford for the American people to see how keeping promises win votes and trust, but as a result derailing the status quo apple cart because their used to fence sitting positioning on important issues which they might now be forced to have to take a stand that is possibly completely opposite of their Party leadership of S
The Trump ‘Naysayers’ have to get off their high horses and look into what’s been going on behind those President Trump’s’opposition’s closed doors without taking the Mainstream Media’s word for it, and ask themselves why the main goal of the Progressive left since the beginning of Obama’s first term was aimed at taking down America’s Constitutional Republic from within! The next question they should be asking themselves is why would taking down the American people’s choice for President of the United States be a major priority when they’re so many other things that Obama didn’t do that needs to be done or eliminated, which by the way this President has promised he’d do, and delivering on his promises in a timely and in record breaking time basis from his very first day in office?
What’s left for America to see is that the Liberal Left chose to weaponize the once honored FBI, DOJ, and CIA’s rank and file to try and show how President Trump’s attacks on the leadership was demoralizing its workforce! The same leadership of these agencies decided, with maybe a little guidance from the Ex-President of the United States, that being crooked and the most corrupt justice system in American history would be better off than making America first and great again!
With Obama came the opportunity for our elected officials to cash in on their power to influence the path of America’s future, and because of the almighty dollar that came into play for these political hacks from both sides of the aisle, and that’s ‘paid to play’ by the way, came about with the passage of ‘Citizens United’ back in 2010, when our elected officials voted themselves, not only a path to more dollars and donors, but a egotistical mindset that tells themselves that their shit doesn’t stink, and it’s their way or no way at all!
For all of you that don’t know what ‘Citizens United’ is and why back in 2010 it was passed with the blessings of the Supreme Court, then just know that it allows the pooling of funds by insiders and outsiders of the world’s free market place to influence the way our elected officials voted on certain issues. I guess you could say that the equivalent logic might be explained by the same ‘fox in the hen house’ comparison. Our elected officials could be, and probably were bought and sold for their vote on crucial issues that could affect our National Security, our sovereignty, while in the process intentionally erasing our founding father’s Constitution, ‘Rule of Law,’ and America’s ‘National Spirit’ that has defended our allies in times of natural disasters, being attacked by unprovoked foreign intruders, and the aid that sometimes is called for based on what’s needed by humanity even if it’s not in our best interest!
What President Trump did, and what the American people should be grateful for, is that he brought up questions that he already knew the answers to so that the American people could actually come to a conclusion on their own! These questions weren’t in line or propped up by the ‘Deep State,‘ or being prompted by the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, and that’s because the Liberal narrative of ‘My way or the highway’ doesn’t have a place in our ‘Bill of Rights,’ or a place in our Constitutional believing hearts!
“Edward R. Murrow warned us in 1964 that when news divisions decide that the news has to make money, and has to get ratings, it’s no longer news—it’s entertainment. So, if people are bothered by the fact that we seem to be having entertainment as news, it’s because the news divisions decided that money and ratings were more important than reporting.”
Today we find ourselves up to our necks in the reality of what Edward R. Murrow spoke about some 54 years ago, but today I would have to say that the equivalent of what was going on back in 1964 would be considered on steroids today where the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media has decided to weaponize those half-truths, innuendos, and outright lies to drive home their ‘Never Trump’ agenda without any facts or sources, even though they claim there are, to back up they’re accusations!
President Trump is forcing America to wake the ‘F*ck’ up from its deep political correct sleep so that America wouldn’t have to worry about these Socialist agents undermining our Republic that’s been going on since day one during President Obama’s first term in office. What needs to be known is that if our elected officials followed the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution that Obama would have never been able to be as successful, or close to being successful by accomplishing his ultimate dream of the transforming America’s governing ideology to Socialism!
Obama was able to check off 7 out of Alinsky’s 8 musts off his list of what needs to be done to accomplish his ultimate goal, with leaving just 1 for Hillary to finish off, and that’s ‘Gun Control,’ which is why all Americans should be grateful for the Silent Majority for coming out and recognizing what was trying be pulled over the eyes first of all, and then President Trump for showing the American people that not everything they believe is always as it appears when dealing with Politicians and their true motives when they hear that call to serve America and it’s people!
What people need to understand is that it wasn’t just Obama that pull off his pro-American charade of being patriotic and loyal to our founding father’s vision for the new world while pretending to be what he wasn’t, and at the same time undermining everything and anything President Trump and his loyalty and devotion to the ‘Rule of Law’ and the Constitution!
Obama’s rise to power was financed by outside interests and chosen in 2006/2007 to be the ‘go to guy’ over Hillary because George Soros thought that by going to the first Black Presidential Candidate to be President instead of the first Woman candidate to be President, that he could be, via his avatar, be calling the shots from behind the desk in the Obama ‘Oval Office,’ which he effectively almost accomplished!
Timing is everything, but when the American people’s guard was down due to the 911 attacks, and then followed by the war in Iraq, it might have been perceived by these outside interests to be the right time for ideological alternatives to take that Socialist shot across our Constitutional Republic’s bow in the hopes that an America alternative to governance wouldn’t allow terrorism to breech its shores ever again.
The American people knew what Bernie stood for, but would they possibly believe that Hillary’s platform was going to be the same Socialism that Bernie was selling, or just a Hillary Hybrid that stayed close to our Constitutional Republic with a Socialist twist instead of her heartfelt Socialism first with a Constitutional twist! What we all have to be thankful for is President Trump and the Silent Majority who opened our eyes to what had been going on behind closed doors for decades, and when it comes and what would have happened if she had been victorious on that day in November 2016, we will never have to know?
I have to ask if anyone thought that at some stage there was going to be a governing ideological change in the cards for America’s future after we’ve become the ‘cat’s meow’ on the world stage? How many of you thought that Obama’s attempt to make Americans believe that his campaign of ‘Hope and Change’ was about enhancing our existing status quo, but at the same time throwing out our founding fathers vision for a Liberal left’s new world order? How many of you thought that with a Hillary victory that the intentional elimination of America’s ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitutional wasn’t going to be thrown out with the bath water? ….think about it!
What people aren’t understanding is that it took more than just Obama to pull off this effort to undermine America’s successful experiment into our founding fathers new America some 245 years ago, but it also had to take some help from past Administration’s for the plan to come to fruition.
The plan also could only take ‘nominated’ players of the FBI, DOJ and CIA that were on paths to the top spots of all three agencies either by planning the ins and out of specific players so that their road to the top wouldn’t be so obvious connected individually with the other players in any way, but still orchestrated so that all the players could come together at a specific time in history where the most anti-American power could be summoned at the same time to assist in the overall destruction of America from within!
Who would have ever thought that in America, and not in another Banana Republic, that such a plan could possibly be pulled off? Who would have thought that the headliners sharing the same stage today are the major players at the highest levels of Justice Department’s agencies of government that suddenly just happen to believe in the Socialist transformation of America, and then believing it simultaneously!
Are we supposed to believe that Holder, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Lerner, Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Rosenstein just happened to randomly show up on the scene of the biggest political scandal in the history of America at the exact same time? Are we supposed to believe that it wasn’t a long time concerted effort that had to make sure that the players were inter woven in the fabric of our Justice Department for years, and intentionally avoid any possible contact with one another that might bring into question the truth behind any of their working relationships, and then figuring out what they were all working toward, which we now know was up to ‘No Good!’
I just hope that the American people can again sleep at night knowing that justice is beginning to be served when it comes to the corruption at the top leadership of our largest and once most respected Justice system in the world.
I also believe that as of 2 weeks ago when Facebook erased any trace of my existence, that it had to do with trying to hide what’s been coming out about the corruption of our FBI, DOJ, and CIA over the last 2 weeks. I lost the last 8 years of contacts, the names of the political pages I posted on a daily basis, the articles I’ve written and saved over those 8 years, and the pride I felt doing my best, because the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media wasn’t doing their best to keep the American people informed!
Finally the information that’s been coming out in the last 2 weeks since my demise will allow the American people to see whose who, and what’s what when it comes to the people that need to be either imprisoned or drained from the swamp on election day in November, 2018!