Time to Confront these bastards that we elected to office who tried to convince ‘We the People’ that the Covid-19 Aid Package had anything to do with Covid based needs, or that the pretending to be infrastructure bill is actually for infrastructure when in fact we all know it’s being used for not only supporting other nations failed leadership, that’s failed their own people, but now trying to use hardworking American people’s tax payer dollars to cover for the not only failures of that same failed leadership by putting America’s best interest last on that long list of these Globalist Oligarch’s attempt to establish a new World Order!
While these pretending to care about elected officials who the American people elected to go to DC to fight for their states and their states constituency’s wants and needs, they’ve all barricaded themselves up on Capitol Hill while they continue to believe that they can not only keep destroying America from within, but that they can order the American People to heed to their unconstitutional and ignoring the ‘Rule of Law,’ but they’d be wrong big time, and the reason they’d be wrong is America was founded of the People, by the People and for the People, and not a one ruler, dictator, or King or Queen, but the people who constitutionally, no matter what the Globalist New World Order proponent Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts who believes he’s able to stop America from being what America has always been, and that’s a sovereign nation made up of 50 separate governments that make up the whole country known be the United ‘States’ of America, who have only given these glorified pencil pushers and file clerks a false sense of not only security, but a false sense of their perceived to be power!
Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

It’s these Globalist elitist’s ‘April Fools,’ who because of Chief Justice Roberts’s discovered manipulation of the Supreme Court’s ‘Citizens United’ Decision back in 2010, along with the other decisions by the Supreme Court where he either had his thumb on the scale, or refused to allow the 3 new Trump ‘Original Constitutionalist’s to even hear the cases, like the 4 most recent 4 cases that had to deal with the proven to be Cyber attacked by Xi Jinping’s Communist China on ‘We the People’s’ 2020 elections that not only stole both the White House and Senate for a man who not only can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, but confessed in front of a White House Audience back in 2013, and when he was the Vice President of the United States under President Barack Obama, that the surgeon that did his 2 brain surgeries back in 1988 told him that his mental capacity would never return to 100%, but at best only to a level of 35% to 50%!
‘We the people’ have witnessed the first hand about the effects of that 35% to 50% mental capacity, that proves even without the MyPillow’s CEO Mike Lindell’s easy to understand video that the proves that the election results were due to a communist China ‘Cyber Attack’,’ but that there is no way in ‘Hell’ that 80 Million voted for a President who brags and laughs about being that same half-wit that actually believes that he won the Presidency fair and square, and now believing that it’s his Administration’s actions that came up with COVID-19 Vaccine, when it was another Trump Administration ‘WIN’ on a long list of wins by the Trump Administration that forced the ‘Radical Left’ to have to either get help from George Soros’s new Communist China that replaced the United States of America as Soros’s new ‘Economic Superpower,’ and whose now self proclaimed Dictator for life of Communist China has shown an interest to one day rule the world!
Joe Biden speaking at a podium in the name of the United States is not only embarrassing, but has our enemies jumping for joy while at the same time making plans to use his handicap against not only America as a nation, but the American people because even though they all know the election was fixed, believe like Obama and then Hillary, that the American People are too stupid to run their own country, and to stupid to know that the Pelosi and Schumer led cabal never had plans to spend those hard working American tax dollars on keeping the Trump Administration’s goals of keeping America first, or trying to keep it great over what’s needed by the rest of the world that the American taxpayer is now supposed to pay for!

Joe Biden over 50 years of supposed to be Public Service, has the American People shaking their heads as they watch him attempt to speak in front of the world, especially after knowing that his performance is being controlled by not only his own perception of his halfwit abilities, but that his only abilities need to come by way of either memorization and/or plagiarizing, and needing to use written down notes on index cards that he shuffles through every time he attempts to deliver what the American People already know are the dictates and mandates of the Obama ‘Deep State,’ and being dictated by puppet master himself on a daily basis by none other than Barack Obama himself who resides just a stone’s throw away in Washington DC!
What Chief Justice John Roberts’s manipulation of the 2010 ‘Citizens United’ Supreme Court Decision did, was to allow our elected officials to go into business for themselves by allowing them to sell their representative individual States’ peoples votes, that were purchased for one reason and one reason only, and that’s to intentionally influence America’s Domestic and Foreign Policies for greed and/or power to benefit themselves and reputation so that they would be noticed on the world stage!
These elected Officials that we sent to Washington DC not only got paid big bucks for selling their votes to the highest outside interests bidders, but to look the other way while the Obama and Biden Administration routinely violated the Constitution at will, especially when it came to immigration!

Can you have ever imagined that any of these violations to the Constitution on immigration could possibly come to fruition if our elected officials honored their oath to protect and defend the constitution? Well I say, and you should agree, ‘NEVER!’
The Obama/BIDEN Administrations Violations to the Constitution on Immigration!
*Used Executive Action in direct opposition to the law, and unilaterally changes the law for at least five million illegal aliens; Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8

*Executive Order Bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
*Unilaterally issued new exemptions to immigration restrictions law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to terrorists. – Article 1 Section 1; Article I Section 8 Congress shall have the Power. To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.
*Issued directive instructing ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws in certain cases. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
*Release of convicted illegal aliens ordered in direct opposition to Law-Article II Section 3

*Executive action directing DHS that almost all immigration offenses were unenforceable absent a separate criminal conviction. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
*Used DOJ to prevent Arizona and Alabama from enforcing immigration laws. – 10th Amendment
*The Senate/Obama immigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives
**Expanded executive action for amnesty to illegal immigrant relatives of DREAM Act beneficiaries. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
**This is the Executive Order that promoted Drug Cartels to buy Children, and use them to get across America’s Southern Border, and ‘THIS’ is why reuniting children with their parents is just another Biden ‘Window Dressing’ lie to flood America with illegals in the same way the borders of the Member Nations of the European Union were eliminated without the people of those nations even knowing what hit them!

Biden wants what he was ‘THE” part of and reason why the children were separated from their parents long before ex-President Trump came down that escalator in Trump Tower to announce his candidacy to become the 45th President of the United States!
Biden’s first order establishes a task force to “reunite children with their parents” after they were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. The order does not address the fact that many “parents” traveling across the border with children were being trafficked and not related to the adult accompanying them.
For more in depth information on the President Elect Biden’s intent and interpretation of what he plans to do with continuing on with the dictates of the hiding in the shadows ‘Barack Obama’s’ now ‘Deep State, check out this article…
Biden: “I’m not making law. I’m Restoring Obama’s Illegal and ‘Unconstitutional’ Policies!”
5 February 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
President Elect Joe Biden will be just reestablishing the ‘status quo’ exactly from when Obama left office at noon on 1/20/2017, and when Hillary was supposed to continue on with Obama’s and her Alinsky Agenda 2.0, that is until the American People figured out that what was going on with Obama’s ‘Hope and Change’ was a lie, and not what the American People wanted back in 2016, or even now in 2021, and the reason why the American people decided to go in a different direction in 2016 by electing an outsider non-politician Donald J. Trump who’s only goal was to to make America first and great again for the American People!

The reason why the ‘Left’ believes that ‘We the People are ‘Fools’ today is because the Pelosi and Schumer’s ‘Radical Left’ road show didn’t know that we the People’ knew that when our founder’s abandoned their original homelands for whatever ‘negative’ reason to find and/or create a nation that would be for the first time in the history of the world, be built of the people, by the people, and for the people, and that America’s plan from the beginning was based on inclusiveness and respect for all the unique differences and beliefs coming from all peoples of the world who chose America as their final destination for themselves and their families! America was never that a racist country that Pelosi’s Radical Left’ continues to claim, and uses a very broad brush when trying to back that claim that America is!
Click the link’s title below to get the answer to the question below..
Can You Guess What the World’s Least Racist Nation is? A Study Tells Us…
These Dems still believe that they can buy the votes of the Illegal immigrants who are not only ceasing the open border moment to be able to be part of the greatest experiment in the History of the world by being the only nation to ever trust the people to create a government of the People, by the People and for the People, but while the ‘Radical Left’ keeps thinking that it’s all about buying their votes using these deplorable, and hard working American’s tax payer dollars to deliver on their promise to all those unconstitutionally and illegally illegal who are crashing our borders, and being paid with free, free, and free using the 91% of what was supposed to be for COVID-19 Aid, but ‘NOT,’ and then using the supposed to be used for infrastructure bill that is supposed to used for infrastructure, but if you read the bill you’d say ‘NOT’ again when it comes to the money for infrastructure!

What I have to believe should be somewhat comforting to all the American people today who are watching Drug Cartels dropping toddlers from the top of what’s left of the Trump Administration’s 14 foot high border ‘Wall,’ and onto American sacred and free, free, free soil, and than watching them bake in the desert sun for hours until being discovered by what’s now known to be, America’s Southern Border’s Babysitting Service (ASB-‘Bull Shit’) that won’t bode well for the Democrats who think they’re buying votes, but in reality not buying their votes because of what I would call buyers remorse due to the fact that these promised of be American ideals that our founder’s established that have been successful are ‘bait,’ while the ‘Switch’ isn’t going to be the land of the free that they’ve read, heard, and dreamt about for years, but instead the Dems and their ‘Radical Left’s‘ plans that they need these illegal votes for, and that’s a Karl Marx Socialism leading to Communism with ending with a bright and shiny New World Order with who I have to believe will be on the throne, and that’s none other than Communist China’s Xi Jinping!
In my opinion, and with what’s going on at our Southern Border, I have to believe that what’s going on is a huge miscalculation on the part of the Pelosi and Schumer’s ‘Radical Left,’ and that’s because they are using everything that makes America first and great again constitutionally guaranteed rights as the lure, and than thinking they can pull off one their patented, and the only platform they’ve had for the last nearly 40 years that started back in 1982 with the ‘Consent Decree’ that launched their first version of the ‘Bait and Switch’ legislation bill known today as H.R.1, that the ‘Radical Left’s’ Pelosi and Schumer believe will allow them to, like Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez of Venezuela did after stealing the 2004 elections in Venezuela when he packed the equivalent Venezuelan Highest Court in the land so that Socialism would be the only guiding force in Venezuela from here to eternity!

Unfortunately for the good people of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez’s opposition didn’t come with the same Constitutional Republic’s Guaranteed rights that America enjoys, and those would have been same Constitutional rights that have been intentionally ignored and violated by these same elected officials who took an oath with their hand on the religious bible of their choice, to protect and defend the Constitution, or in this case upholding our founder’s constitutional ‘Checks and Balances’ that were provided for, while being expected to be used by those elected to office officials to when representing and looking after and presenting the people of their individual states top priorities!
Maybe you can help me out with my memory here when I ask wasn’t it just a short time ago, and if I’m not mistaken, that the 117th Congress was sworn in using the same oath that all of our elected Officials Congress officials for what seems to be forever, and wasn’t that oath that every member of congress took intended to remind all those same Elected to our 117th Congress that their job was to protect and defend the constitution?
Now with that being said, and just a short time ago after taking that same oath, didn’t we watch those same members of the 117th sworn in members of Congress deny a duly elected President of the United States of America his constitutionally right to due process, or him being afforded the presumption of innocence’s until proven guilty rights?
Hmmm, how soon they forget, and they’ve all been continuing to forget on a regular basis since Bush 41 back in 1992 condemned America and the American people’s Constitutionally Guaranteed rights to a slow and painful death for the sake of what’ best for the world, which then was supported by Presidents Clinton 42,’ Bush 43,’ and Obama 44′ who backed Bush 41′ play that would force America, and without the American people’s knowledge, to commit to the eventual reality of a New World Order through the guise of the United Nations series of Agendas that included Agenda 21, The 30 Agenda, and that I will never see, but my kids and grandkids will, when ever they decide to roll out whatever they are going to label the version that will be Agenda 50!
Trust me when I say this, but it’s no coincidence that what happened in Venezuela using George Soros’s connected voting machines to help steal the Venezuelan election for Hugo Chavez and his Socialist agenda back in 2004, is connected to Biden’s ‘not’ constitutionally qualified Vice President Elect Kamala Harris who intentionally left out the fact that she and her husband not only had ties to Dominion, but that her husband also had ties to Xi Jinping’s Communist China!

Dominion’s law suit to silence President Trump’s accusations of Dominion’s role in the Cyber Attack is not only a joke, especially if you were interested enough to at least watch the ‘Absolute Proof’ video of predominately Communist China’s Cyber Attack’s timeline on ‘We the People’s’ 2020 elections! This law suit, like the Trump Administration’s colluding with Russia, the attempted impeachment of a duly elected President over an always known to be listened into by numerous people, and having the transcript released the very next day for all Americans to see! How can we forget about the attacks on the 3 nominated to be Supreme Court Justices who were, and always should be, and by both sides of the aisle, original constitutionalists who interpret the law based solely on the intent and interpretation of the Constitution as seen through the eyes and the wisdom of our founders!
Last but not least is the 2nd impeachment sham that had to do with the supposed storming of the n the Capitol by what turns out to be and inferred to be, a Radical Left cheer fest for all last summer’s BLM and Antifa related events that had to do with looting, destroying small businesses, and torching anything and everything they could light a match to, and doing it all with the left defending and cheering on those actions because they were only peaceful protests by people expressing their constitutional right to protest, and that’s all!
Now when it comes to the supposed to be storming of the Capitol by a ‘Trump mob,’ that were supposed to be incited by the the words of an exiting President where there were no guns confiscated, or witnesses stating or even being asked about whether or not it was President Trump’s Words that caused the surge, is not only suspicious, but when you hear about a combination of irrefutable facts that seem to have avoided detection by the Mainstream Media and ‘Big Tech that day, and that if divulged to the American people, might have actually caused that suppose to be surge by not a supposed to be Trump Mob, but a mob made up of loyal to the constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ mob of bipartisan minded Americans!
Now these would be Americans whose common bond is that all have had just about enough of our elected officials in Congress’s lies, deception, and their decades worth of doing their best to render our founder’s constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ useless by their not honoring the oath that everyone of our elected to Congress men and women who come from every and all ethnic and religious backgrounds and beliefs who took that’s the same oath to protect and defend the same founder’s constitution until death, or being voted out by a more qualified that’s loyal to America and it’s constitutional Republic then you are!!

The first fact is that it was a well known to be organizer for both BLM and Antifa from Utah was found in the Capitol on that January day, and the second fact that Democrats, not Republicans, were being given the heads up for a week to 10 days in advance of the date and time that the constitution dictates to be the day and time that the certification of the election by all members of both the House and Senate are to take place, which just happens to be at 1PM on January 6th after an election, and before an inauguration can be forthcoming, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi who calls the shots when it comes to the security of the Capitol and surroundings refused the request by both Capitol Hill Security and local DC police precincts to add additional security, with exiting President Trump offering an additional 10,000 National Guardsman to answer the call if needed, but Nancy Pelosi turned down that assistance not once, but 6 times, and I don’t know about you, but I have to ask why, and whether of not we will ever get an answer from Nancy Pelosi as to the reason?
After the American people put a stop to the Socialist agenda of the Obama and Biden Administration, and then watch what was supposed to be a celebration of that expected to be Hillary ‘landslide’ Coronation victory party that never materialize. What it do though is expose the real hate that the Obama and Hillary ‘Deep State’ had for America, the American people, and it’s Constitutionally guaranteed rights! Oh, did I forget to mention the ‘Deplorable’ name calling aimed at the American people who refused to be just another Socialist Nation that’s failed 100% of the time its been tried around the world, and as a result of that hate now targeting using their obstructing and resisting with the Mainstream Media, and now we know ‘Big Tech’ by piling on with their lies, innuendo, and ‘Fake’ just about everything and anything when it comes to their progressive interpretation of the always going to be ‘Never Trump’ America’s slanted News even though he is no longer President!

What every American needs to understand is that what’s going on in America today has been in the works for 29 years, and it all started with the hidden from the American people with Bush 41 signing America up for the coming of the United Nations, and George Soros sponsored United Nations series of numbered Agenda’s that in the end will lead, if allowed to without the American people fighting back, the creation of a New World Order that in order to succeed needs to find a way through a mutual ‘bipartisan’ effort to eliminate America’s world famous constitutionally guaranteed rights if they ever planned to be successful in creating their long time in the making dream of a New World Order reality!
The founders Constitutional Republic was a product of an experiment by our founders in governance that had never been tried before, but now, and as a result of being a huge success because of its ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’s minds and hearts, has become the envy of the world, and like our founders who risked their lives to find or create such a place, and so have those people’s of the world decided to do the same by risking their lives to be part of it!
After Hillary basically turned out to be the weakest link in the ‘Deep States’ in the chain leading to the projected to be New World Order, the American people started to realize that with President Trump’s being able to put an end to the Caliphate in under a year, especially when the Obama Administration couldn’t put a dent in the same califates expansion plans in the Middle East for the entire 8 years that Obama was at the same helm of the ship that President Trump was, and especially after seeing President Trump’s ‘Booming Economy’ breaking all kinds of records for every minorities employment records across the board in record time!

We finally got to witness a President in 2016 in action when President Trump was hellbent on rebuilding America’s once greatest, most powerful, and respected military in the history of the world back to it’s intended to be original glory, but that treat came after witnessing the Obama/Biden Administration intentionally shrink the size and power of our military to levels not seen since WWII, with our Navy to levels not seen since WWI!
After that being said it was ‘We the People,’ after watching the Obama Administration do everything in their power to intentionally remove America’s military prowess off the world stage, while they yielded to the leadership of what’s known to be the biggest Civil Rights violator and genocide proponent in the history of the world, and that’s Xi Jinping’s Communist China who George Soros, who is also known as both Obama and Hillary’s financial backer, declared to be his new and improved Economic Superpower over what was once the title given to America by the same George Soros, and suspiciously making that proclamation declaration after Obama’s first inauguration back in 2009! Hmmm…
Not only did the Obama Administration give up America’s rightful place on the world stage to Communist China, he also allowed Russia, North Korea, Ukraine, Syria and even Iran to add their 2 cents to the decision making process for what would not only be the formula for maintaining peace throughout the whole world, but maybe reparations owed to these nations connected to the apology tour that Obama started his first Administration with before returning home to declare America not exceptional! Hmmm again…
‘We the People lived through 2 very different Administration’s intended paths, and with President Trump it was all about being pro-America and doing what ever it took constitutionally and by the book when it came to the ‘Rule of Law’ while continuing on with his mission to make America first and great again!

When it came to the not constitutionally qualified to be President or Vice President Obama, and needing to have his records altered by Speaker Pelosi to show he was a Constitutionally qualified ‘Natural Born’ Citizen when he wasn’t, ‘We the People’ with just using a little common sense with a touch of a little deductive reasoning, which if you recall is the same deductive reasoning that our elementary school aged children are being denied in exchange for ‘Common Core’s’ repetitive testing to arrive at the answer without using their god given sense of deductive reasoning!
‘Common Core’ is the equivalent to the day of Hitler’s 3rd Reich that was also known as ‘Brain Washing,’ which should prove to every American parent that is concerned about the education that their children are getting, should use that same deductive reasoning to come to the conclusion that what’s going on with this now obviously Nazi inspired teacher’s Unions, and who we thought were educating our children based on the parents guided and driven curriculum that’s supposed to be decided by these same students tax paying parents, along with their local communities that collect those taxes, that in the end pays these same teacher’s salaries!
These parents of these elementary school aged children are not only getting the education that they thought they were paying for, but are not getting the same quality of education that their grandparents handed down to their parents, or the same education that those parents handed down to their kids that are the parents of today’s next generation of leaders, but instead the teaching of a rogue government that has obviously hijacked that intended to be decisions by the parents and local communities when it comes the the education of our children, and substituted it with the beliefs of a group of well known by history as ‘Bad Actors’ that follow the inferences of this quote by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin that goes Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”

But what these parents of today need to know is that the ‘Buck’ doesn’t only stop with Lenin, but continued on with Khrushchev, Castro, Hitler, and now by a known to be Obama Administration’s ‘Deep State’ Avatar, and who like Yogi Bear brags about being smarter than the average bear, hee-hee-hee-hee,” and that’s only because the President Elect Joe Biden’s brain surgeon told him as early as 2013, and after those 1988 2 brain surgeries, that he could only expect to at best, that his mental capacity and capabilities would only reach a level of only 35% to 50% of it’s original 100%!
And now today’s ‘Radical Left,’ and with the help of Chief Justice Roberts of the Supreme Court, and who refused to allow the justices of the Supreme Court to hear any of the 4 cases that deals with the challenging of ‘We the People’s’ 2020 election, and then trying to convince the world that 80 million people voted for this same man to be the President of the most powerful nation in the world, and that in no way was this people’s 2020 Election was hijacked by the same 100% irrefutable evidence video that proves that it was 100% stolen by Xi Jinping’s Communist China’s known to be owned now Cyber Attack!
It also helps if the plan is hatched by the Obama and Hillary’s known to be financier George Soros, who after Obama’s first Inauguration opted to replace Obama’s America as his once proclaimed Economic superpower for his new and improved Economic Superpower that is today’s as we speak, Xi Jinping’s Communist China, who has revealed to the world after declaring himself the Dictator of Communist China for life that he has stated ambitions of one day ruling the world!

When it comes to our children’s education we have Joe Biden not only ‘Plagiarizing’ Vladimir Lenin’s quotes about our children’s future role in America’s New Socialist based society, but actually using those same ideas in practice by expanding on what Obama had already initiated by using ‘Common Core’ to indoctrinate our next generation of American children through memorizing the answers to given questions instead of taking the chance that those American founder’s ‘implicit biases’ of those subconsciously imbedded guaranteed rights would remain buried in the subconscious of the first graduating class coming from the 2001 terrorist attacks of 911!
That same first 911 graduating class would be the first in line when it came to the next generation of leadership that will be trusted to lead America into the future! Today’s Teacher’s Union leadership is working on erasing our founder’s vision for America’s success, and by success I mean all those things that the ‘Cancel Culture’s attempting to erase that made America first and great even before Candidate Trump came down that escalator in Trump Tower to announce his run for the White House back in 2016!
Those Basic building blocks that made America great and why it’s been the most envied and respected country in the history of the world, and now being targeted by the ‘Cancel Culture’ in an effort to fulfill their United Nations Agendas 21, the undated 21 to 30 in 2015, and the yet to be determined release date of 50 mandates whose main goals are:
and selling America out to the principals of Socialism, which leads to the Communist principle of Collectivism!
Or in clear and concise terms, and when it comes to America’s exceptionalism, or in a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners. It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control. Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body. Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation. Another program, called the Wildlands Project spells out how most of the land is to be set aside for non-humans.

U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected. Agenda 21 calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth. Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world. Only then, they say, will there be ‘social justice’ which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan.
The first order of business of the ‘Cancel Culture’ are to eliminate those pesky and known to be Conservative values, that I have to believe today’s that not even the now Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has abandoned, and then canceling anything and everything about the values or the financial rewards derived from self determination, ambition, and the most dangerous of them all, and that’s Capitalism!
The future of today’s Children’s America doesn’t come close in any way to resembling that same derived upon by the parents and local communities curriculums that have been proven to be successful for America’s children for generations, and the formula for teaching how to be successful in life doesn’t resemble the same process of learning how to be success that was handed down my grandparents to my Parents, and that my parents handed down to myself, my Brother, and my sister that we can’t now pass on to our children and grandchildren !
Before Obama arrived on the political scene, and after 911 something in America wasn’t right, and that something started with finding a way to get a person who obviously had a disdain for America and the American way of life into the White House, and that person was Barack Obama, and how do we know about the now confirmed to be disdain he had for America and the American people that I mentioned, by the fact that the purpose of his first international was to not only apologize to the world for America’s past, but to return home to that same America and than tell those same Americans, that America, at least in his mind, wasn’t exceptional!

One can only speculate why Speaker Nancy Pelosi betrayed her oath to protect and defend the Constitution when she went out of her way to alter Barack Obama’s Citizenship Documents in order to get him to be able to run for the position of President of the most powerful nation in the world, especially when you Hillary on the Bench who was a constitutionally required ‘Natural Born’ citizen when Obama wasn’t! Hmmm…
After watching the Obama/Biden Administration’s complete disdain for America and its people, you had to figure that the American people understood what was going on, and why the ‘Radical Left’ led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and now the ‘New’ Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and in order to stay relevant, at least in their minds, but not in the minds of American people as you may have thought, but in the minds of the world who still had their eyes on the prize and money that a New World Order could extract from the hardworking American taxpayers through their yet to be proven to be true agenda, that they will pay another scientist to make the call in the attempt to convince the American People, like they did with COVID, that Climate Change and their Green Agenda Hoaxes are force fed and shoved down the American Peoples throat’s while trying to convince the American people that they are truly looking out for the American people’s America when ‘We the People’ already know that they’re full of sh*t!
MSM’s Protected ‘Left’ Recycling Biden’s Science of Lying Again on ‘Climate Change’
24 November 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
The Trump Administration’s ability to keep winning for the American people had George Soros claiming that it was President Trump and his Administration’s policies that put an end to his dream of creating his long awaited for New World Order, and that because of the very short time it took President Trump to steer America’s ship away from that Socialist course and on its new course of making America first and great again, we got to see America as that ‘Shiny City Upon a Hill’ that President Reagan spoke so respectfully and highly about!

You have to be an idiot not to know that it was America and the American people’s 2020 election was stolen, and we all know it, especially now with what’s going on at our Southern Border, and how nobody that took and oath to protect and defend the Constitution is doing a f*cking thing about it, but what should be more concerning is that all of this was planned in advanced, and paid for by the manipulation by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, who was know to be a pro-open border Globalism that had no problem tanking or blocking any case that jeopardized his personal beliefs, and obviously believed in dam the constitution, full speed ahead when it comes to hearing anything about Communist China fixing and election that he already knew was fixed!
Knowing that Dominion, the voting machine company that’s been accused of controlling the hardware and tampered with software in those Swing State’s of NV, WI, PA, GA, MI, WI, and then knowing that those were the same states plus additional states that in 2016 were discovered in 307 voting districts before the election, makes me wonder why, knowing that those states were the same states that were targeted for fraud in both elections, which in my mind would be a huge reason to hear those challenges to the election, but instead were blocked from being heard by the justices by Chief Justice John Roberts who obviously, and who like Mitch McConnell, are who those Professors in Communist China bragged about when claiming they had ‘People’ in high and powerful positions in America’s higher echelons of Government working for Xi Jinping’s Communist China for the sole purpose of eliminating our founder’s encouraging ‘bipartisanship’ based Constitutional Republic!

The ‘Radical Left’ swapped out our Constitutional Republic ‘Bipartisan’ leaning protecting the rights of the losing side of an election for their constant ‘Bait and Switch’ proclamations pushing their defending of our Democracy theory where to the victor of an election goes all the spoils, and doesn’t protect the rights of the 49% losing side of an election, and in these 3 cases, and after watching what’s going on with the ‘Radical Left’ Left now forcing that Socialist New World Order original Obama/Biden bullsh*t Climate Change and Green Agenda not only down the American Peoples throats, are fleecing the American People’s tax dollars using what we all know are lies behind the guise of being for COVID-19 Aid, and now Infrastructure, when ‘We the People’ already know that this B.S. couldn’t be any further away from the truth!
The problem the American People are facing today is that even though we all know that the 2018 House election was stolen, the 2020 election for the White House was stolen, and finally the 2021 runoff election for the Senate was stolen, and stolen due to the Xi Jinping’s Communist China Cyber Attack on election day night and into the early morning hours the next day is what did the trick, we now know that with Chief Justice Roberts, the once Senate Majority Leader, and now the Members of the Joint chiefs led by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley, who told us that Pelosi committed an act of Sedition when she, Speaker Pelosi spoke with General Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about making certain President Trump couldn’t launch a nuke. She also suggested they remove the President with a military coup!

A spokesman for General Milley, Col. Dave Butler, confirmed that the two had spoken and said the general had “answered her questions regarding the process of nuclear command authority.
But some Defense Department officials have privately expressed anger that political leaders seemed to be trying to get the Pentagon to do the work of Congress and Cabinet secretaries, who have legal options to remove a president.
Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief, and unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal, they cannot proactively remove the president from the chain of command. That would be a military coup, these officials said.
That is sedition! She should be arrested. The woman is dangerous in addition to evil!
If we had a decent Attorney General, s/he would be putting together a case to try this woman for sedition.
For years we heard Trump was a traitor, and Trump supporters are seditious. Yet, all this time, it is Nancy Pelosi who is a traitor.~~~
The Problem here is that after the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley said:

“We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual. No, we do not take an oath to a country, a tribe or a religion…”We take an oath to the Constitution!”
But now I’ve learned since hearing those what we thought were comforting remarks by this Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that during the Obama/Biden Administration that Obama:
What the president calls “my military” is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure, leaving the compliant and fearful! Does anybody want to guess where the Chairman and the members of the Joint Chiefs of staff came from and out of?
You can’t make this sh*t up!!
Moving on, It was the ‘Consent Decree’ back in 1982, and the con that finally ended in 2017 when the 39 year nightmare that kept the GOP from contesting elections results for all those years kept being extended by the original justice who came out of retirement every time it came up for renewal, and who extended it every time until he dies in 2015, and the 39 year death sentence for challenging elections was finally lifted!

Now, and as a result of that lifting of the Decent Decree, we have the Radical Left’s attempt to shove down the throats of the American people the Bill known as H.R.1, that will do what Venezuela’s Hugo did to his country after packing the court, and that’s eliminating the voice of the people, the opposition party’s rebuttal agenda and platform that goes against the ruling party’s, and when it comes to America’s constitutionally guaranteed rights, eliminates the Electoral College, the guarantees that come with Due Process and the presumption of innocence, and eliminate both the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and then open every election to anybody around the world that wants to vote, and in my opinion, the election in a New World Order setting will only have one candidate who will be running to run the world and the world’s future, and I have to believe that will be Communist China’s Xi Jinping’s who now has, and as of 2009, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s financial backer George Soros in his corner, who knows after Xi Jinping announced himself to be the ruler of Communist China for life, but has also mentioned that he has a dream of one day ruling the world!
‘We the People’ have never been a ‘Racist’ country that the ‘Radical Left’ claims America is, and to be accused of that by a never constitutionally qualified to be President of the United States of America Barack Obama who took his first international trip as the leader of the ‘Free’ world to apologize for America’s more than proven to be generous and compassionate past should prove all those Racist’ accusations leveled at America as a whole and the American people, just goes to show you the extent the Pelosi and Schumer led Progressive and considered ‘Radical Left’ is will to sink in their attempt to stay relevant by being on the front page of every in the bag newspaper and the lead off story of every news broadcast before the American people have a chance to here an opposing position or alternative explanation of the facts!

In 2016, and with every Mainstream Media’s poll having crooked Hillary Clinton winning the election over Donald J. Trump in a landslide, you had to think that just maybe the selection and election process, especially with the once honest and reputable Mainstream Media, who along with the now known to be ‘Big Tech,’ were calling the race not only honestly, but because of the research that ‘We the people’ thought was above above board with their analysis, but as we know today they weren’t, and never will again as America, and what’s best for America moving into the future, will never be revealed by those in power!
We the People know now that it’s Alinskyites Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton whose mission was to divide the American people at every social, economic, religious, and every and any differences door that they can get their foot in before being shut, but what they don’t know is what they can’t be taught by either of their mentors by Saul Alinsky to Hillary Clinton, and his disciples Cloward and Piven to Barack Obama’s at Ivy leagues Columbia University in New York City!
What they don’t understand is that you can’t divide a nations people who have come to the rescue of nations after Mother Nature has had a bad day, and has always come to the rescue when a neighboring country, and for no apparent reason again, attacks a nation for again, for an unknown reasons other then they can, and who are only looking to extend their borders and taking advantage of that countries natural resources while enslaving its people for god knows what reason, as we the people of America did for not one, but two World wars, and earned America and its people the title of being that only nation that’s known to be the ‘inadvisable with Liberty and justice for all’ leader of the free world, and don’t you members of the Radical Left who have visions of grandeur by being the only partisan political party that will be calling the shots!

They intend to be the Party that will be issuing dictates and mandates over the free American people who from day one has always been sovereign, but never subjects that can be dictated to, or ruled over, and have the Constitutional right to bear arms, which should be more than just a throwing a possible wrench in their plans if you ask me you mother fu*kers, and that my treasonous friends is no ‘April Fools Joke’ either!

For information about how America was blind sided by our own elected officials that started with Bush 41 back in 1992, and then seeing ho9w the next 3 administrations joined in, check out ‘The ‘End Game’ Updates.