DACA, President Trump, and Congressional Approval’s Last Stand for MAGA, According to the ‘Will’ of the American People!

It appears that the GOP leadership has lied to the American people for the last 8 years, and have been playing that Socialist Globalist ball all along. We had cancer recipient McCain fall on his sword to stop the debate on the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and now having GOP’ers bypassing the ‘will’ of the … Read more

The Liberal Left and Agenda Journalists Now Wallowing in ‘Harvey’s’ Mud!

As I watch the coverage of Hurricane Harvey, the worst Hurricane in America’s history, and now being called the sixth great lake and the size of Lake Michigan, I’m reminded of only two other times in American history where the American people dropped whatever they were doing and came to the aid of their fellow man, … Read more

Whose ‘Left’ on the ‘Right,’ Ryan and McConnell?

If Ryan, McConnell had spent more time defending the American People from Obama’s Socialist Globalism agenda by destroying America from within, then the rise of Trump would never have happened!! After all, they made their own bed, so, let them sleep in it!!  I think we’ve had enough time to see what side of the aisle Paul Ryan is … Read more

The ‘Left-Right’ Paradigm is Still Screwing America’s Exceptionalism!

The pecking order in America’s politics is controlled by the ever-present ‘Left-Right Paradigm,’ which has been out to undermine our Constitutional Republic since the days of Jimmy Carter. the ‘Swamp’ has been screwing with America’s exceptionalism and the Constitution ever since Lincoln, during the civil war, collected the first income tax to help fund the war … Read more

Why Isn’t Common Sense More Common, Especially When it Comes to the ‘Swamp’ and Lying Media?

Common sense is needed  when trying to figure out the real agenda of politicians running for office by allowing us, through personal experience, to see the true agenda behind these political candidate’s and their canned rhetoric. Next comes recognizing the obvious faults and criminal intent of their hidden message, and last would be wondering why we deplorables are subjected to the ties and lies of these politicians and the already known fake news, deception, … Read more