Elizabeth Warren Caught ‘not’ red handed,’ but Pushing Democratic Lies to America’s minorities!

Elizabeth Warren Caught ‘not’ red handed, but Pushing Democratic Lies to America’s minorities, just like Democrats, especially Hillary Democrats, did when lying about their ‘Fake’ admiration and dedication to the minorities in America that they hoodwinked to get their vote. Elizabeth Warren used her predetermined and intentional ‘Fake’ Native American Indian heritage to game the … Read more

Do Democrats Only Pretend to Care About the Hoodwinked Middle Class?

Democrats only pretend to care about the hoodwinked middle class, and that’s because it’s not in their Socialist’s genes! So, how much more can the Liberal Left pretend to care about the middle class when it comes to taxes, and why do they pretend to care when they couldn’t care less? We have the Democrats … Read more

Uranium One: Hillary’s Biggest ‘Turkey’ This Thanksgiving!

No matter what the ever growing list of facts that come out about the Obama Administration’s Uranium One deal, and how much closer and closer it appears to be running up the chain of command to President Obama himself, the ‘Paid to Report’ Media stills, because of the depths they’ve already gone to protect this bipartisan ‘Swamp,’ is losing whatever … Read more

Disrespect for the Rule of Law Runs Deep When Parents abandon their Responsibility!

Where was the UCLA marching band when these three hoodlums, who represented the best of College Basketball, decided that China’s rule of law wouldn’t stop them shoplifting anything and everything that they could stuff in their pockets, and how lucky they were that President Trump was able to get them a ‘get out of jail … Read more

Jeff Sessions Recusal: Forcing President Trump to Bring a Knife to a Gunfight With One Hand Tied Behind his Back!

Because of Jeff Sessions recusal, President Trump has been forced to bring a knife to a gunfight with one hand tied behind his back, especially when it comes to the ‘Swamp’s’ fixed version of their truth and justice! Time for the Soft-Spoken Jeff Sessions, who took himself out of the political fight for America’s political … Read more