I guess ex-President Obama believes the time is right to take to that bully pulpit again to defend America’s exceptionalism, America’s Constitutional Republic, and America’s ‘Rule of Law!’ I also guess it’s also time to expose this man before he gets away with blowing smoke up the ‘poop shoots’ of our young and naive future generations who will be eventually at the helm of this great country! It appears that they’re being fed the wrong and misrepresented past of America for the sake of political correctness, and not about what America really stands for around the world, and here at home, but that’s only my opinion!
The Obama ‘Deep State’ version of what America has to offer today’s future comes from a lifetime of Socialist training that comes from his Columbia University’s Alinsky education, but also Obama Sr. who became an economist and embraced a form of Socialism that fit in well with his anti-Colonialism, and his Community organizational on the job training in Chicago’s neighborhoods.
Which he chose to ignore and desert in their hour of need as President, and again in their current violent record-breaking wave of crime, murder, and infiltration by MS-13 gangs that are running rampant in its new ranking of being the number one of the largest Sanctuary Cities in America!
The truth about America’s true and historic exceptionalism is being withheld from the next generation by the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party because they don’t want America’s youth to experience the number one distraction that will stop their agenda of Social Globalism for all, and their doing it through the educational process starting with using Common Core which basically teaches through testing what should be remembered repeatedly, and what the answer should be according to the ones doing the teaching, a.k.a. brainwashing, and than
we have our most respected Universities and Colleges refusing to even teach the benefits and the life changing options that are offered by both a Conservative and Capitalistic education which go hand in hand with what’s needed to achieve the American Dream, but not needed if you want to vacate your individual rights to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
I’ve been following this past President since 2007 when he appeared on Mainstream Media paling around with Weather Underground Bomber, William ‘Bill’ Ayres of the 1960’s and 70’s, and Obama’s minster and spiritual advisor of 20 years, Rev. ‘God Dam America’ Wright!
…. Do you think that maybe a possible Red Flag might have been hoisted up for all America to see?
Anyway, I have a copy of the text of Obama’s first public speech at the University of Illinois yesterday that dealt with ‘his’ perception of America today, and his part of the Politics that he’s responsible for setting up in a negative way in America today, and to me, for the next 10 years minimum! I don’t know how many parts I’m going to write over the next few weeks, but I’m sure after a quick analysis and adjustments of the short falls and blunders by his team, changes will need to be made to take out the misspeaks of his first speech, and changed before the 60 days comes to an end before the Midterm Elections!
Part 1, The Basics, Where he’s Been Hiding, and a grand finale…at least for this part.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Beans. I was trying to explain to somebody as we were flying in, that’s corn. That’s beans. And they were very impressed at my agricultural knowledge. Please give it up for Amaury once again for that outstanding introduction. I have a bunch of good friends here today, including somebody who I served with, who is one of the finest senators in the country, and we’re lucky to have him, your Senator, Dick Durbin is here. I also noticed, by the way, former Governor Edgar here, who I haven’t seen in a long time, and somehow, he has not aged, and I have. And it’s great to see you, Governor. I want to thank President Killeen and everybody at the U of I System for making it possible for me to be here today. And I am deeply honored at the Paul Douglas Award that is being given to me. He is somebody who set the path for so much outstanding public service here in Illinois.
Now, I want to start by addressing the elephant in the room. I know people are still wondering why I didn’t speak at the commencement.
The student body president sent a very thoughtful invitation. The students made a spiffy video. And when I declined, I hear there was speculation that I was boycotting campus until Antonio’s Pizza reopened.
So I want to be clear. I did not take sides in that late-night food debate. The truth is, after eight years in the White House, I needed to spend some time one-on-one with Michelle if I wanted to stay married.
And she says hello, by the way. I also wanted to spend some quality time with my daughters, who were suddenly young women on their way out the door. And I should add, by the way, now that I have a daughter in college, I can tell all the students here, your parents suffer.
They cry privately. It is brutal. So please call. Send a text.
We need to hear from you, just a little something. And truth was, I was also intent on following a wise American tradition. Of ex-presidents gracefully exiting the political stage, making room for new voices and new ideas. And we have our first president, George Washington, to thank for setting that example. After he led the colonies to victory as General Washington, there were no constraints on him really, he was practically a god to those who had followed him into battle.
There was no Constitution, there were no democratic norms that guided what he should or could do. And he could have made himself all-powerful, he could have made himself potentially President for life. And instead he resigned a commander-in-Chief and moved back to his country estate. Six years later, he was elected President. But after two terms, he resigned again, and rode off into the sunset. The point Washington made, the point that is essential to American democracy, is that in a government of and by and for the people, there should be no permanent ruling class. There are only citizens, who through their elected and temporary representatives, determine our course and determine our character.
I’m here today because this is one of those pivotal moments when every one of us, as citizens of the United States, need to determine just who it is that we are, just what it is that we stand for. And as a fellow citizen, not as an ex-president, but as a fellow citizen, I am here to deliver a simple message, and that is that you need to vote because our democracy depends on it.
Now, some of you may think I’m exaggerating when I say this November’s elections are more important than any I can remember in my lifetime. I know politicians say that all the time. I have been guilty of saying it a few times, particularly when I was on the ballot.
But just a glance at recent headlines should tell you that this moment really is different. The stakes really are higher. The consequences of any of us sitting on the sidelines are direr. And it’s not as if we haven’t had big elections before or big choices to make in our history. The fact is, democracy has never been easy, and our founding fathers argued about everything. We waged a civil war. We overcame depression. We’ve lurched from eras of great progressive change to periods of retrenchment. Still, most Americans alive today, certainly the students who are here, have operated under some common assumptions about who we are and what we stand for.”
*** Here we go again hearing about Democracy when we are a Republic, and this is coming from an ex-President that has spent his adult life honing his Socialist skill sets at one of our once finest Ivy League Institutions, and having his education being funded by a Saudi ruling family that paid for his education at Harvard Law School. , by preaching from the Socialist Pulpit, apologizing to the world for the country he’s President of and about how unexceptional America truly is! This is proves what Obama stands for, and this is why making America first and great again is the one outsider and non-politician campaign promise that Americans should get behind!
The majority of Americans now are aware about what they thought about President Trump and his ride down that escalator that day to announce his run for the Presidency, that his finger pointing and accusations about what is going on in our government today had to be a lie, and as a result was dismissed because the checks and balances that protect such false allegations were in place and working, and
what Candidate/President Trump was saying about the ‘Swamp’ couldn’t possibly be true because the ‘Checks and Balances’ were right there in Black and White in our constitution for every one to see, and that our elected officials had taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution! Hmmm….
The American people were convinced that President Trump’s rhetoric about Obama’s ‘agenda’ of destroying America from within couldn’t possibly be happening, but now believe that some how, with the help of the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, that there’s more than something there to President Trumps claims,
and that the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Media, which the American people are now believing less and less because of what’s been proven in hind sight to be only innuendo, half-truths, and outright ‘Fake News,’ is in fact a reality!
If you take the true facts that are being exposed and coming out now about the corruption at the highest levels of our once most trusted National Security Agencies, and then take the facts that are ‘not’ coming out because of the obstruction and resistance of the ‘Deep State,’ that you can see clearly that the leadership of those same once trusted INTEL and National Security Agencies in the world, are now ignoring the Constitution again by not releasing those subpoenaed documents, which would further expose the corruption of these agencies leadership and the coup that was exposed because of Hillary’s denied coronation, which would have all been buried deep so that the American People wouldn’t know the truth if her coronation would had come to fruition!
The proven facts and lies coming from the ‘Deep State’ is what convinced the America People that what President Trump was accusing the ‘Swamp’ of being, and the his bold observations which he tweeted instead of going through the once trusted Mainstream Media, is what let the plot to transform America to Global Socialism out of the bag! Somehow the ‘Swamp’ has been able to eliminate the ‘checks and balances’ that our founding fathers intentionally added to the Constitution to protect America from the real collusion that’s been going on in America today, and I’m not talking about the Russians, which is what the ‘Deep State’ wants you to believe,
but the ‘Swamp’ itself that needs to be drained, and drained on both sides of the aisle because it takes two to tango, and with both sides dancing all over the Constitution, the ‘Rule of Law,’ and the ‘Will’ of the American people, it’s time that they be tapped on the shoulder and eliminated once and for all, and escorted off the dance floor!
Obama intends to align his attacks on America’s Constitutional Republic by appealing to the students who are ideologically surviving in America today and have operated under some common assumptions about who and what America is and what we stand for. What he fails to point out is that the Liberal and Progressive teachers and professors who are supposed to be teaching a balanced and accurate assessment of the truth about America’s past history, which includes both bad and good, have decided that
when it comes to Conservatism and Capitalism that these 2 possible options for students to follow and consider as viable options when considering paths for their future seem to be not available, not accessible, or even referred to by the institutions that get a lot of their money from the government, and then these same students who get money from that same government to go to college are symbolically taking that proverbial knee against the hand that feeds them!