Beware the Ides of March!


I’m getting tired of these ‘checks and balance’ junkies proclaiming that nothing will ever happen to the American people’s guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms that have always made America great! The problem I’m having with these people is that unless they wake the f*ck up and smell the roses, those roses will mark where they and their Constitutional rights are laid to rest!

We have another Pelosi ‘Deja vu all over again’ moment with this 1,200 page Bill that if President Trump Didn’t sign, which he did with a ‘National Emergency’ attachment, we could of had another Schumer inspired shutdown #3! We also revisited an old Obamacare 2.0 flashback by Pelosi again coming out with one of her golden Oldie special moments when she said:

“You have to pass it before you know what’s in it” as she said when the Dems shoved Obamacare down every American’s throat!

We can’t forget that special moment in American politics history when Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader at the time, was forced to change the rules of voting in the Senate to get it passed! You had to have 60 votes to get ‘Major’ Legislation passed, but with Ted Kennedy dying, which at the time was the 60th vote they would have needed, but when the election to replace Ted Kennedy went to a Republican up in good old Mass. that 60th vote to pass Obamacare was buried with him, so Harry Reid, changed the rules for passage of major legislation to just a simple majority of 51 votes, which is called the ‘Nuclear Option’ which in the past was only used to resolve budget differences!

Now what this did, and what Pelosi is threatening to do if President Trump declared a National Emergency, which he did, is to like Harry Reid did, when he set a precedent that would end up giving the Republicans and the American people two constitutional Justices, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh who would and still are today interpreting the Constitution as written by our founders, which is unlike Obama and his Gestapo that over the 8 years of his tenure used intent and interpretation to create their own custom Progressive meaning of the Constitution which they used to bypass the Constitution, ‘Rule of Law,’ and the most important of all, the ‘Will’ of the American people!

Democrats, due to the Trump economy, no longer have those American made minorities that Democrats considered their ‘Useful Idiots,’ and that’s because those ‘Useful Idiots’ are now doing their own thing by getting off the blackmailing Dems entitlements that made them not only have to jump threw hoops to get those entitlements, but having them vote the way they wanted them to to get those same entitlements!

Never fear though because when one door closes another door opens, and with the answer to their dilemma already knocking at their door they found their new base of ‘Useful Idiots’ already had 63% of them living off of taxpayer dollars, with an increase to 70% after being in the country for 10 years, and I’m talking about their now base of unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees that like their past base, but actually better because a majority of them, when it comes to knowing the laws, are ‘No comprendo,’ which Dems are more than happy about because they know that immigrants who became citizens by going through the process also believe in what President Trump has already accomplished, and what they also want him to accomplish down at now ‘their’ Southern Border!

These illegals that are invading our country are being granted entrance by this clandestine Bipartisan effort to bypass the Constitution and the ‘Rule of Law,’ let alone the ‘Will’ of the American people to deliver on the promises of the last 4 Administrations starting with George H.W. Bush when he signed the Rio Accords at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which opened the path for the United States to implement U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda 21. When Bill Clinton created the President’s Council for Sustainable Development by Executive Order in 1993, he laid the foundation for a proliferation of intermediate and local councils that would set out to alter radically the structure of government in the United States, and routinely open every nations borders to every nation’s immigrants and refugees that understand that only in America’s taxpayer’s have the money to fund their every need to keep them in a lifestyle they’ve only read or heard about from their anchor babies who’ve been illegally delivered to the members of their families that preceded them coming to America using the same set of keys!

Republicans and Democrats alike have been ratted out and as a result of them being exposed are doubling down their effort to not only stop President Trump from completely destroying all the progress that the last 4 Administration have accomplished in their quest for a New World Order, but have intentionally put the American people through 8 years of Hell in order to get America and the people ready for the coming of that New World Order which I thought was inevitable, but now beginning to believe, due to the push back coming from the American people, not as inevitable as I thought, which is a very good thing!

Now is it a coincidence that the same group of ex-presidents are joining together to trash Trump?

Proof of this gradually happening was Hillary’s Alinsky and Barack Obama’s Alinsky disciples of Cloward and Piven who were Obama’s mentoring professors at Ivy league’s Columbia University! Their job was to slowly, and from within the government put America and the American people through the paces by strictly adhering to Alinsky’s needed 8 points to convert a nation/state to a Socialist reality! I have to believe that if it weren’t for the record breaking purchasing of guns by the American People who felt that their Constitutional Republic was ideologically being attacked by Obama, and Obama’s unwillingness to live up to his oath that called for the protecting and defending America’s Constitution, that statistically, he would of gotten pretty close to 8 out of the 8 Alinsky must haves!

Our elected officials have turned their backs on America, and even though they pretend that’s not true, their actions are giving them away. President Trump by declaring a National Emergency could have been avoided by giving him the $5.7B he was told was needed by the DHS, DEA, and the Union Leaders of our members of the Border Patrol, only equaled one tenth of 1% of the current budget they just passed that also included billions of foreign aid to countries that apparently more important then the safety and security of America or it’s people! You would thing that Dems and what we are now learning, the Republican RINO’s ( Republican In Name Only) would at least make an attempt, due to the small amount of financing on the grand scale of things, that they would do it anyway to show the American people that erroring on the side of caution would have been the right way to go, but I guess you can’t teach the party of ‘NO’ new tricks, but politically and ideologically doing what they’ve always wanted to do, and that’s take no prisoners, destroy American from within, and do it all by believing “That the End Justifies the Means!”

This no holds barred and kick them when their down mentality extends into our children’s colleges and Universities lives because they no longer have the option in a lot of higher educational venues of taking classes, because they’re not offered in Conservatism, American History or what’s made this country fiscally sound for hundreds of years, Capitalism! All 3 of these possible non-existent options being offered are tied to the understanding of the individual rights and something that’s called the ‘American Dream’ where risk and reward are one of the biggest cornerstones of our Republic, but when you’re pushing for what’s best for the world, individual rights, freedoms, and liberties are not only put on the back burner, but at the bottom of the list if even on the list at all when it comes to the New World Order’s top priorities!

America has lost control of our own government due to the intentional lack of oversight and the willingness of the electorate to believe that the elected officials that we’ve sent to Washington to represent us, have been instructed by the protected by the ‘Deep State’ entrenched leadership on both sides of the aisle have systematically, and for decades, destroyed America from within, and also doing it under he unforeseen second wave of protection who have been using disinformation that they’ve been paid handsomely to create for the sole purpose of keeping the American people not only misinformed, but intentionally to be kept in the dark! I know I don’t have to tell you who I’m referring to, but try the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media!

Talk About 3 on a Match? (Look it up!)

I know that you know how these stand out freshman got their ticket punched to the ‘big dance,’ but what I don’t understand is how in the Hell are these particular 3 allowed to dominate every ‘News Cycle’ while America and the American people’s ‘House’ burns down?    

Freshman Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib once wrote a column for the Nation of Islam’s publication, Final Call, whose leader is notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Member and anti-Semite Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar from Minnesota, who if you didn’t see her performance yesterday on the Hill while questioning Elliott Abrams Over U.S. Role in Central America, here it is…

She hasn’t been sworn in for more than a couple of months and she’s already forgotten the oath she has taken to protect and defend the Constitution! She’s already attacked the Covington Catholic students for their attack on the Native Indian which turned out to be the opposite way around with him being the aggressor by walking into the group of students who were waiting for their bus, but even after that fact was revealed and she was ask if she was going to apologize, she just turned around and walked away with saying nothing! Next, we have her anti-Semitic comments that insinuated that American support for Israel is fueled by money from a pro-Israel lobbying groups and as a result was basically read the riot act and ultimately forced to apologize for those comments that we all know she meant whole heartedly! 

What sticks out in my mind here is that Congressperson Ilhan Omar has taken a page right out of Obama’s guide to delivering a world class apology tour that he took right after being elected President to apologize for America’s past actions in the world and on the world stage! The one thing new with Obama’s female ‘Avatar’ is that she will be delivering his same message right here on American soil! I can’t wait for the next attack on America’s past from another anti-American elected official that can either come again from Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, the rookie Democratic Rep. from Minnesota, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the rookie Rep. from New York, or the Freshman Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, representative from Michigan that once wrote a column for the Nation of Islam’s publication, Final Call, whose leader is notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.   

I’m beginning to feel like that murderer that’s waiting for his last day on earth on death row, and as I watch what’s going on in this country politically, and being driven by what’s going on in the world politically, I’m less confident that even the American People can come together and stop what these outside peddlers of Social Globalism whose main goal is to establish what we already know is coming, the New World Order!

What the American people need to understand is that when Obama was the President he constantly, with the guidance of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch who weaved a net of interpretation and intent to be used to bypass the Constitution, the ‘Rule of Law,’ and the ‘Will’ of the American people, which they did frequently and as many times as time permitted in the 8 years of their mission to destroy America from within, but after the Dems lost the election have decided to take the high road and hide their betrayal to our founders and claiming President Trump is the one that’s violating the Constitution etc., and using their reborn loyalty to the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ as their rhetoric and narrative lies to fight this President every step of the way! The Progressive Democrats, a.k.a. America’s new Socialist Party, can’t let President Trump do any more damage to the 20 plus years they’ve spent working toward the eventual fruition of the New World Order that they’ve dreamt about for a very long time, and if you think it’s bad now, then wait a couple more days when the shit really hits the fan because of this President throwing down with his declaration of the National Emergency that is going on down on our Southern Border!

When it comes to the sworn commitment to the Constitution that these out of the closet Socialist keep preaching, know that Pelosi and the whole bunch have for the 8 years under Obama tried to destroy America from within using one of Hillary’s closest anti-American activist buddies, who she worked for and wrote her thesis on, and I’m talking about Saul Alinsky, and his book ‘Rules for Radicals’ that Progressives use as their guide in the same way Americans use he Constitution as their guide!

The Constitution was never Obama’s strong suit, and either was the need to call upon a Special Prosecutor to oversee his illegal and unconstitutional actions because as you and I know, and what Obama has told us ever since leaving office, that over the 8 years he was at the helm, there were no scandals! I don’t know about you, but I believe him……..

The 21 times Obama violated the Constitution!

By Bob Unruh

My question has to be where were the Republicans when all of this violating of the Constitution going on??

Actions by president Obama challenged as in conflict with founding document:

“Obama claims to have taught constitutional law, but he doesn’t seem to be familiar with the Constitution’s words. Lost in his shuffle are ‘all legislative powers’ are vested in Congress, and the president ‘shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.’”

Issues on which Obama has been accused of conflicting with the Constitution:

1.A federal judge said his funding for Obamacare was unconstitutional.

2.A court was told Obama’s gun-control plans “exceed the powers of the president.”

3.National Review columnist Ilya Shapiro once pointed out Obama’s 10 top constitutional violations of 2015, including financial bailouts.

4.His belief that “gay” trumps religion in the U.S. Constitution.

5.His ordering of religious believers to provide abortion pills in violation of their faith.

6.The Iran deal.

7.Obama’s amnesty plan.

8.His agenda to enact same-sex “marriage.”

9.His recess appointments.

10.His refusal to deport illegal aliens.

11.His attempt to coerce Catholics to support birth control

12.His mandate over private health care records.

13.His orders that schools and public buildings open women’s restrooms to men who say they are women.

14.His insistence that states cannot deprive abortionists of public funding.

15.That the feds can orders states not to enforce immigration laws.

16.That the federal government can simply change definitions of words in federal law, even though it may cost Americans.

17.That he can decide which people will be allowed to move into certain neighborhoods.

18.That he can decide who faces prosecution.

19.That he can change the Constitution’s language, from “freedom of religion” to “freedom of worship.”

20.That he can dictate speech codes

21.That the IRS can selectively target Christians and conservatives because they disagree with Obama’s policies.

Back in 2008, WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah wrote about Obama’s view of the Constitution.

He pointed out that although Obama has been described as a constitutional “law scholar” and taught constitutional law in Chicago, Obama doesn’t take seriously the restrictions the Constitution imposes.

Farah quoted from Obama’s own book: “What the framework of our Constitution can do is organize the way by which we argue about our future. All of its elaborate machinery – its separation of powers and checks and balances and federalist principles and Bill of Rights – are designed to force us into a conversation, a ‘deliberative democracy’ in which all citizens are required to engage in a process of testing their ideas against an external reality, persuading others of their point of view, and building shifting alliances of consent. Because power in our government is so diffuse, the process of making law in America compels us to entertain the possibility that we are not always right and to sometimes change our minds; it challenges us to examine our motives and our interests constantly and suggests that both our individual and collective judgments are at once legitimate and highly fallible.”

Such “lack of clarity,” Farah wrote, suggests that Obama believes the Constitution is “a guidepost for testing our ideas.”

“In other words, he intends to unshackle the government from constitutional restraints. Of course, when you unshackle government power from constitutional restraints, those shackles, as the framers understood, tend to wind up restraining liberty”

Beware the Ides of March?

Is a ‘Kennedy’ moment in the cards for President Trump and does the fact that Nancy Pelosi who is 3rd in line for the Presidency if something were to ever happen to both President Trump and VP Pence? Now add the fact that the deck was stacked for the Democrats and their agenda by using voter fraud to steal a country via Socialism, which is exactly what happened 20 years in Venezuela, and with the Southern Border being flooded because of the results of what happened to that once 4th richest country in the world back 20 years ago!

Rumors are going around that a coup is being set for March to take the President and Vice president out of office. Hmmm….