2021 Olympics: ‘American Dream’ Takes Backseat to Progressive’s Science and Diversity!

(2,457 Words) How many of you remember ‘streaking,’ or running naked through a public place, began on college campuses in the late fall and winter of 1973 or will Title IX, the landmark gender equity law passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972, banned sex/transgenders discrimination in federally funded education programs, especially when we … Read more

Objective Truth: The ‘Bill of Rights’ Itself ‘Cannot’ be Changed!

Objective Truth: Is something that is true for everyone, whether they agree with it or not! ***Today’s Cartoons/Memes, at least in my opinion, are all ‘Objective Truths!’ Objective Truth 2.0: America Is Under Assault! Over the Weekend I got into a heated argument with a close friend about how the ‘Bill of Rights’ has been the … Read more

MSM: GOP Leadership in Cahoots with the ‘Radical Left’s Agenda?’ …Say it Ain’t So!!

I Can’t Believe What I’m Seeing and Hearing!! I’ve been writing for years now about Republican President Bush 41 and his betraying the future of our founder’s version of a nation that was for the first time in the modern history of the world that was built  with ‘We the People’ being the top priority … Read more

Yesterday’s ‘Radical Left’s’ Land of Immigrants is Today’s ‘We the People!’

America isn’t that ‘Racist’ country that the ‘Radical Left’ keeps accusing America and the American people of being, and it’s all because ‘We the People’ want to vet those illegal immigrants who crossing into our country that probably have alternative motives for coming to America that aren’t related to contributing to America’s positive upside that … Read more

4th of July: The ‘We the People’ Take Back America Celebration!

4th of July: The day to re-introduce America’s Constitution’s ‘Bill of Rights’ to our children first, and then the rest of the World! It’s time to take another page out Maxine Waters ‘in your face playbook’ and this 4t of July confront everyone of these members of congress, their family members, and their relatives in … Read more