“God Dam America,” $5B Too Much for the ‘Wall!’

Pelosi and Schumer have officially adopted Reverend ‘God Dam America’ Wright’s 2007 slogan when he was religiously advising parishioner and Presidential candidate Barack Obama and his family back in Chicago while at the same time the Obama ‘Deep State’ was plotting their attack to destroy America from within! Let’s pretend that the Dems actually cared … Read more

Is America the Last Land of Opportunity, or Just another ‘Bait and Switch’ by Liberals?

Democrats are playing the old Liberal ‘Bait and Switch’ game, and what I mean by that is that Progressive Liberals are pretending that America is that land of opportunity and all about our founding father’s Constitution and ‘Bill of Rights,’but actually lying to illegal immigrants and refugees with their false promises to get them to … Read more

If Hindsight is 20:20, Than Why Can’t America See the Writing on the Wall?

America has to wake up before it’s too late, and if America doesn’t know that their is an attempt by about a dozen top ranked bipartisan political party bosses that are calling the shots when it comes to their Globalist through Socialism agenda of the transformation of America, then you truly have been asleep at … Read more