Will China’s ‘Pawns’ Be Able to Take Out America’s King and Queen?

The Mainstream Media keeps running the same lies, ‘Fake’ news from nonexistent sources, and using innuendo to make it look like the challenges to this elections are over, but there is one thing I noticed last night while watching Laura Ingraham when she was talking about who the Biden Administration head Scientist will be to … Read more

China’s Hold Over America’s Politicians and Elections are Martial Lawable!

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!! Russia, Russia, Russia when it should have been China, China, China seems to have given cover for some Republicans and Democrats in high places such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, President Elect Joe Biden, Eric Swalwell, Dianne Feinstein, CIA Director John Brennan (2013-2017) who’s on record of … Read more

Will Trump’s ‘SCOTUS’ Intentionally Be Blocked From Making ‘Election Fraud’ Decisions?

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!! Biden and McConnell’s financial ties to China, Justice Roberts Feckless hands off Decision making while sending slam dunk cases to the lower courts, and now Ted Cruz laying the groundwork for the Supreme Court possibly not hearing these election result challenges by also suggesting that the tendency of … Read more

FOX News, Sanctuary Cities, Soros, MSM, or Maybe ‘Martial Law?’

Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!! I’m tired of hearing these commentators on ‘FOX’ News defending and analyzing an election result that is so corrupted that they’ve now tried to break it down into 50 separate elections, when it’s really only 1, and that 1 is because of no mandatory Federal Voter Photo Voter … Read more

Those Who Would Give up Liberty for a Little Temporary Safety Deserve Neither Liberty Nor Safety!

Just because there were 63 million Americans that voted for Trump to be President the ‘Left’ believes that the American people can’t be trusted to do the right thing when it comes to what’s best for the future of the world over what’s best for the future of America! Right now it’s about ‘Vote By … Read more