There is ‘No’ Light at the End of This impeachment Tunnel for Dems!

There is no light at the end of this impeachment tunnel if you choose to follow any Democrat whose made his mind up to follow Adam Schiff, and only that cliff that he is more than willing to lead you off! With Bill Barr’s reveal of what’s to come with his scathing  analysis of the … Read more

Day 2: Same ‘Deep State’ ‘Déjà vu’ all over again!

‘Deep State’ Attempts at dirtying the Water continues in the attempt to not only cover up the corruption by the Obama Administration, but now having that same corruption being extended to Ukraine through the Vice President of Ukraine …. But the Facts Fall on this Presidents side, while  continuing to deliver his promise to the … Read more

Is the Deck Stacked Against ‘Making America Great Again?’

This is the first step for America, the next is to change the way votes are collected and counted as did Pelosi’s California did in 2018 when they took away 6 duly elected Republican House members that won the election on election day, but within the next 2 weeks all 6 were reversed! Pelosi won … Read more

MSM: ‘Trick and Treating’ the American People as if They Have ‘NO’ Clue! ..Please!

The proof that this happening can be found between the lines or below the fold on the last pages of the Classifieds….. As an Independent I don’t anyone from either side of the aisle that believes what the Dems are doing when it comes to transparency and what Americans have been taught about fairness! The … Read more