Final Score: Foreign Countries $54B, America’s ‘Wall’ Nothing!

Let me see if I got this right! Pelosi and the Dems are going to give $54 Billion dollars to other nations, in the same way Obama unconstitutionally gave Iran $1.8 Billion dollars in cash before getting the approval or even reporting it to Congress as he did the $221 Million he gave to Palestinians … Read more

This Halloween’s Political Correctness Will be Filled With Plenty of ‘Tricks and Treats!’

Halloween is upon us with the expectations of being tricked or treated to an America that is finally hitting on all cylinders economically, and a President that finally cares more about the future of America than any insider status quo ‘Witch Hunting’ excuse for a politician who believes that he or she is living up … Read more

The ‘Hate’ that is America Today Will be the ‘Hate’ of Tomorrow if Dems Take Back the House!

The hate in America today comes from the disdain that Progressives have for the ‘Rule of Law and our Constitution, and it’s a deep hate and resentment for our founders and their ideals that have made this country what it is today. If your interpretation of the laws come from Obama’s inspired political Correctness, and … Read more

Obama Taking Credit for the Trump Economic ‘BOOM’ are Not Facts Built on Reality!

Facts are facts, and whether you believe mine or not is completely irrelevant to me, but should be very important to you if you’re making a decision that affects the future of your country, let alone your family! I spent the time to do what you weren’t willing to do because I had the time … Read more

Progressive’s Self-Imposed Version of the Greater Good!

This is the America that exists today, and if you don’t align your beliefs with the Progressive left, the cancer of the Democratic Party, then you too can be figuratively tarred and feathered in public just like Kanye has been! How about the same happening to our kids because they’re wearing a T-shirt that doesn’t … Read more