Trump’s ‘Wall’ or Obamacare’s Illegal Bailout?

Is the $5 Billion dollars that President Trump wants to build the ‘Wall’ not as important than the $90 Billion dollars that Obama basically stole from the taxpayers without Congressional approval to shore up his feckless and failing Obamacare, and only done by the way to protect Obama’s nonexistent legacy!  If you want to know … Read more

This Halloween’s Political Correctness Will be Filled With Plenty of ‘Tricks and Treats!’

Halloween is upon us with the expectations of being tricked or treated to an America that is finally hitting on all cylinders economically, and a President that finally cares more about the future of America than any insider status quo ‘Witch Hunting’ excuse for a politician who believes that he or she is living up … Read more

American Citizens are no Longer Being Catered to for Their Vote!

Did you notice how American Citizens are no longer catered to for their vote, but those members of the Illegal Immigration Party are? Why is that? You would think, because illegals can’t vote in our elections legally that the American citizen would be getting the calls, getting their door knocked on, and being recruited, especially … Read more