The ‘Cancel Culture’ is Keeping the ‘Silent Majority’s Location and/or Opinion Hidden from the MSM Polls!

If you thought the polls got it wrong when the polls had Hillary winning by a landslide over now President Trump in 2016, just wait until you see, that is of course without the same divine intervention that won the day for Pelosi and company when they took back the House and Pelosi her gavel … Read more

Obama’s ‘Blanket’ policy For Ukraine leads to 10,000 Deaths! And It’s Trump?

President Barack Obama’s effort to rescue Ukraine from Russia’s military grip has stalled, and turmoil inside Ukraine’s government may hand Russian President Vladimir Putin a victory in a conflict that Obama has said involves “the most basic principles of our international system.” Two years after the pro-western protests that toppled Kyiv’s government, enraged Putin, and … Read more

Bernie Shows His ‘Capitalist’ Side, and Brags About It!

Bernie’s new top 1% financial Status just shows you how money talks and nobody walks. Bernie Sander’s crashed and burned the other day at a FOX News sponsored Town Hall where he defended his top 1% financial status because of the money he made from the book he wrote. He says it’s a good book … Read more

True Dem Agenda Rearing Its Ugly Head!

Pelosi and Schumer tell DHS, the Border Patrol Representatives, and the American People to basically ‘Talk to the Hand,’ and when it comes to the crisis at the border and believing what our respected DHS and Border Patrol leadership are telling them about what’s going on at our Southern Border, that DHS and those same … Read more

Trump’s Constitutional ‘Wall’ Doesn’t Need Dem’s OK!

Democrats can’t stop President Trump’s Constitutional ‘Wall,’ and even though Democrats need open borders to expand their voter base because their once American made base has abandoned them, and now sees President Trump’s ‘Booming Economy’ light, and understand that by working for themselves instead of living off government subsides, that they too can advance their … Read more