True Dem Agenda Rearing Its Ugly Head!

Pelosi and Schumer tell DHS, the Border Patrol Representatives, and the American People to basically ‘Talk to the Hand,’ and when it comes to the crisis at the border and believing what our respected DHS and Border Patrol leadership are telling them about what’s going on at our Southern Border, that DHS and those same … Read more

‘We Are the World,’ and You Better Like it!

The deck appears to have been stacked in favor for the coming of a New World Order, but can’t happen unless American’s decide they can do without the ‘Bill of Rights,’ belief in Smaller Government, abandoning their ‘Laws of the land’ that includes ‘Due Process’ and the Presumption of Innocence, opening all Borders to whoever … Read more

America: The ‘Attractive Nuisance’ that Legally Requires a “Wall!”

America has a great problem, but because our founders came up with a winning formula for governing its people, its become, like a swimming pool and the mansions that protect celebrity status, a legally classified ‘Attractive Nuisances’ that legally requires a ‘Wall!’ Schumer, Pelosi, and their marching in lockstep hoodwinked followers don’t get to rewrite … Read more