Did You Miss the Dem’s ‘Pre-Memorial Day’ Hidden Agenda ‘News Dump?’

I was going to post this article before I left for the weekend, but thought I would share with you the what’s known as the ‘Friday News Dump’ when the Party in Power releases the ‘News’ that they don’t think is fit to print! So I decided to see what the Memorial Day Weekend ‘News … Read more

Alinskyites Obama, Biden, and Pelosi are dedicated to Overthrowing Our Constitutional Republic Using COVID-19 Fear!

If Pelosi’s ‘Progressicrats’ can create a virus to force feed the American People their Progressive Agenda, and get the same results anytime they need to destroy our nations economy, then they will contact China’s Xi and give him another order for another batch, and you know they will! They did to take back the House … Read more

Pelosi’s Using Obama ‘Peacetime Martial Law’ While Trump ‘Conspiracy Theories Proven to be ‘Spot On!’

Would anybody care to guess what our country and our rights would look like if Hillary had won the election and had the same Obama’s self-determining ‘Peacetime Martial Law to inflict the same pain as Pelosi’s Cabal is doing today using the COVID-19 Virus to do the same? Hillary like Obama would have used the … Read more

Fact Check Who, Impeach Who, and Who bypassed Congress?

When I hear the fact checking accusations and the constant lying accusations I have to believe that the Pelosi and Schumer led Democrats are so used to Obama’s lies that they wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked them in the face! They’ve become so used to lying themselves that the truth, and or common … Read more