Once you understand that the Pelosi’s ‘Radical Left’ doesn’t give a sh*t about the Constitution, then everything they do makes sense!
The following excerpts from founding documents will clearly show:
1. The Constitution of the United States is the “Supreme Law of the Land” and any law that strays outside the boundaries enumerated in it are undeniably unconstitutional.
2. The undisputable fact that acts passed by Congress or by State legislatures which do not conform to the Constitution of the United States have been found by the Supreme Court to be “null and void and have no effect”.
3. The enactment of unconstitutional laws by legislators clearly violated their Oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America”.
4. The violation of this Oath by an elected official/public officer could therefore be construed as a “Treasonable Act”.
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

Chief Justice Roberts’s ‘Iron fist’ oversite of the Supreme Court intentionally renders the Constitution ‘Null and Void’ as we’ve now witnessed for the 4th time his ‘Supreme Court’ refused to hear another case on voter fraud that was caused by the creator of the China Virus and the Cyber attack that stole the American Peoples 2020 elections, and that George Soros announced would be his next Economic Superpower, Xi Jinping’s Communist China right after Obama’s first inauguration back in 2009 !
Next we have the Republican now ex-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell during the Trump years, but the Senate Minority Leader during the Obama years! McConnell was elected Majority Whip in the 108th Congress and re-elected to the post in 2004. In November 2006, he was elected Senate minority leader – a post he held that until 2015, when Republicans took control of the Senate.
You make up your own mind, but in my opinion, and in preparation for Obama’s Saul Alinsky’s 8 steps to a better Socialist America Agenda, and for the years of 2004 to 2010, Mitch McConnell made $4 million dollars a year on an under $200,000 Dollar a year salary as Republican Senate Minority Leader, why? He says it was from his wife’s mother’s inheritance, but then we learned:
‘Secret Empires’ Bombshell on Elaine Chao and Mitch McConnell’s Communist China Ties!
Chao, who is also the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

McConnell is the seventh-richest senator, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, with an estimated worth of $34 million as of 2018. He earns $193,400 a year as Senate leader.
McConnell Family Fortune Connected To China!
China is a nation that has a thirty-year plan designed to take over the world, and their leader is positioned for lifetime rule. They have nuclear weapons built with stolen U.S. blueprints (thanks to former President Clinton) and they are the ONLY producers of vital components for America’s electrical grid AND weapons components (NOT the U.S.A.).
The institute president said that “familial ties to the Chinese state via his father- and sisters-in-law” are cause for great concern since “James Chao, McConnell’s father-in-law, founded Foremost Group, a shipping company that has done ‘large volumes of business’ with Chinese state-owned companies” is owned by the Chinese state.
Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Are Illegally Making Money Off Of Russia And China!
Likewise, McConnell’s wife is Elaine Chao, the Secretary of Transportation!!
- Mitch McConnell was booed during former President Donald Trump’s CPAC speech on Sunday.
- McConnell and Trump have clashed over the Capitol riot since Trump left the White House.
- McConnell said Trump was “practically and morally responsible” for the siege.
McConnell Backs Murkowski for 2022, Defying Trump’s Demand to Expel ‘RINOs’ Opposing Him!

I’ll get back to Mitch McConnell’s major hate for President Trump later, but for now lets check in on colluding Chief Justice Roberts treasonous actions toward America’s constitution and refusal to hear cases that would help America get ‘Election Fraud’ justice or help make America great again!
I had to do a little digging because I wanted to see who the Chief Justice before John Roberts was, and what was behind his appointment, and the timeline to further bolster my theory about Chief Justices role in the worst decisions to ever come out of the Supreme Court that hurt and not to help America of the American people!
Following the Bread Crumbs that lead to Chief Justice Roberts treasonous attacks on our founder’s Interpretation and Intent of the Constitution!
While Bush 43’s nominated John Roberts’s confirmation was pending before the Senate, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died on September 3, 2005. Two days later, Bush withdrew Roberts’s nomination as O’Connor’s successor and announced Roberts’s new nomination as Chief Justice.
There are also a couple of blaring facts that have been conveniently overlooked by our elected Officials and the Mainstream Media, and that has to do with the appointment of now Chief Justice John Roberts! John Roberts was appointed to the Supreme Court by the Bush 43, the son of President Bush 41 who was the President who condemned America to the launch of the United Nations Agenda 21 back in 1992, and as President himself has fought against the American people supporting a Nationalistic form of governance. but instead pushing for more of a Global reality!
Globalist enthusiast Bush 43’s Chief Justice Roberts appointment to the most powerful position in all of America’s court system as Chief Justice was a great honor, but to be the Chief Justice with an Agenda that wasn’t in sync with our founders’ blueprint for America, and as we now know and witnessed, spells death for a nation that’s been built on guaranteed rights, liberties, and freedoms designed especially by the people and for the people!

Chief Justice Roberts first mission was to make sure that fellow Globalist and George Soros sponsored Barack Obama, who didn’t meet the Constitutional requirement of having to be a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen somehow disappear, and the way he made it disappear is exactly what he did to the challenges to the multiple challenges to the cyber-attacked ‘We the People’s’ 2020 elections, and that’s refusing the challenges to even be heard by the court!
The real indictable actions were when Speaker Nancy Pelosi had Obama’s documents altered to show that he was a Natural Born Citizen when he wasn’t!
Now if you add that to the fact that Chief Justice Roberts didn’t allow the challenges to Obama’s citizenship, which would have disqualified him from being the 44th President of the greatest country in the world, from being heard by the Supreme Courts other justices of the Supreme Court? Either way you look at it Nancy Pelosi, in her first of 3 stint as Speaker of the House, is guilty of aiding and abetting, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to violate the constitution to overthrow the government, and committing a fraud upon the American People!
Hey, works for me, and according to the 1st Amendment of our constitution, I still have the right to my opinion!
Chief Justice John Roberts, for his part, is not likely to want the election to come down to himself and his colleagues, and instead of doing his job will not only skirt the issue when it comes to Kamala Harris being disqualified due to her citizenship to be the Vice President, but in the past Justice Roberts has often tried to distance the court from the political branches of government and the politics he thinks could hurt the court’s reputation. The problem with this for every American should be that Roberts himself with his distancing practices and not wanting to get his colleagues involved, which is the intentional equivalent to ‘Packing the Supreme Court!
Where the ‘Rub’ lies with Roberts stance is that he’s basically come out and admitted that he also is part of the collusion of the last 29 years, and more than likely appointed by Bush 43 for that exact reason.
That’s not all though that exposes Chief Justice Roberts intended plans about moving forward after the holidays should the need arise to block President Trump’s challenges to the election.
Justices Won’t Hear Texas Challenges to 2020 Elections!

Oh, a late Friday ‘News Dump’ I see that happened on December 11, 2020 at 6:42 pm EST, and of course intentionally so that the public wouldn’t see it unless they looked for it, or the Mainstream Media gave the American people the heads up, which is something they haven’t done from the first time Barack Obama’s ‘Citizenship’ was questioned by Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Advisor somewhere back in the early to mid-2000’s!
The Supreme Court denied Texas’ last-ditch effort to overturn the election results in four battleground states that voted for Joe Biden. but then Chief Justice’s Supreme Court Blocked it again, and just now for a 3rd time so that THE FRAUD WILL STAND – When treasonous chief Justices Roberts Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Election Fraud Cases without Comment!
In the first 2 cases the court’s ‘unsigned order‘ was short: “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the way another state conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.” In this last case Chief Justice of the Supreme Court rejected the case without comment!
New York Times: “The move, coupled with a one-sentence order on Tuesday turning away a similar request from Pennsylvania Republicans, signaled that the court refused to be drawn into President Trump’s losing campaign to overturn the results of the election!

Chief Justice again engineered/manipulated another Decision like he did with ‘Citizens United’ Decision to avoid being ratted out, but it’s too late, and that’s because the American people already know that Chief Justice Roberts like many of our elected Officials have abandoned their oath, and unless something happens like President Trump taking a page out of Obama’s playbook and declare his own version of peacetime Martial Law, then expect to be locked down for another year while the Biden Administration reestablishes the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ to make you heel when you finally are allowed to come out of your homes!
In the ‘Citizens United’ decision back in 2010 when the Justices produced both secret unpublished opinions and a rare rearmament of a case. The case, too, reflects the aggressive conservative judicial activism of the Roberts Court. It was once liberals who were associated with using the courts to overturn the work of the democratically elected branches of government, but the current Court has matched contempt for Congress with a disdain for many of the Court’s own precedents. When the Court announced its final ruling on Citizens United, on January 21, 2010, the vote was five to four and the majority opinion was written by Anthony Kennedy.
Above all, though, the result represented a triumph for Chief Justice Roberts. Even without writing the opinion, Roberts, more than anyone, shaped what the Court did. As American politics assumes its new form in the post-Citizens United era, the credit or the blame goes mostly to him.

Chief Justice Roberts who worked behind the scenes urging and pushing for the 2 worst Supreme Court decisions of modern times, which were the Citizens United Decision which was unconstitutional and illegal because of its direct threat to America’s sovereignty, and then of course the lifesaving, but illegal and unconstitutional, with Obamacare’s mandate being a tax when it wasn’t, that is until Chief Justice’s Roberts SCOTUS rewrote the legislation to help it get passed, but that didn’t make a difference anyway because constitutionally SCOTUS has no authority to Legislate or lay taxes. Article I Section 1 & 8, but more than that, SCOTUS rewrote this legislation and made it a tax, but there is no Constitutional authority for Congress to force Americans to engage in commerce!
Ted Cruz Completely ‘DESTROYS’ CJ John Roberts on Senate Floor Over DACA Decision!
In a remarkable moment on the floor of the U.S Senate, Ted Cruz (R-Texas) used his ten minutes to take a flamethrower to the Supreme Court decision over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Calling Roberts’ repeated siding with the liberals on the court a charade, he said, “Everyone knows the game they’re playing. They’re hoping that, come November, there’s a different result in the election, that a new administration comes in and decides that amnesty is a good thing.”
His fiery speech began:
Mr. President, today’s U.S. Supreme Court Ruling, in the Department of Homeland Security versus the University of California Regents, is disgraceful. Judging is not a game. It’s not supposed to be a game. But, sadly, in recent years, more and more, Chief Justice Roberts has been playing games with the court to achieve the policy outcomes he desires. This case concerned President Obama’s executive amnesty. Amnesty that President Obama decreed, directly contrary to federal law. He did so with no legal authority. He did so in open defiance of federal statutes.
He then tore apart the decision itself:
President Obama’s executive amnesty was illegal the day it was issued, and not one single justice of the nine Supreme Court justices disputed that. Not a one. Chief Justice Roberts wrote the majority opinion, joined by the four liberal justices on the court. This is becoming a pattern. The majority believes that Obama’s executive amnesty is illegal, and then, bizarrely, holds that the Trump administration can’t stop implementing a policy that is illegal.
Cruz points out the legal knots into which Roberts tied himself:

The majority holds that, of course, an administration can stop an illegal policy. “All parties agree”—that’s a quote—all parties agree that “DHS may rescind DACA.”
The majority then says, “You know what? The agency’s explanation wasn’t detailed enough.”
He also reflects on the pattern of legal mumbo-jumbo Roberts has engaged into side with the liberals on the court:
That is exactly the sleight of hand that Chief Justice Roberts did, almost exactly a year ago today. In another case where the Chief Justice joined with the four liberals and struck down another one of the Trump administration’s policies. The Commerce Department, which is charged with conducting a census every ten years, wanted to ask a commonsense question: “Are you a citizen of the United States?” That’s a question that has been asked in nearly every census since 1820.
Calling the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media the party of ‘illegal’ immigration, Cruz proceeded to destroy that argument too:
What did John Roberts do? He wrote an opinion that says, “Yes, of course the Commerce Department has the authority to ask in the census if you’re a citizen.” Of course, they have!
But, no, John Roberts, a little twist of hand. You know what? The Commerce Department didn’t explain their reasoning clearly enough.

Cruz is clearly onto the game Roberts has played, piercing the veil to reveal him as a pro-amnesty Never Trumper. Roberts gave us Obamacare, and now he’s given us amnesty too.
This allows the Democrats to run out the clock until November, hoping that Uncle Joe can take the White House and save them from the Bad Orange Man, implement permanent amnesty, and turn the United States into the illegal immigration utopia they all envision.
The first bill of 2021 introduced by House Democrats would codify and expand many of the measures blamed for election fraud in the 2020 election.
H.R. 1, the For the People Act, among other things, would establish nationwide mail-in voting, eliminate restrictions on ballot harvesting and ban voter ID, noted the Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft, citing the Populist Press blog.
After analyzing the proposal, the Gateway Pundit summarized the legislation in its headline “The Democrats’ First Bill of 2021 Is to Lock in Fraudulent Election Maneuvers and Steal Elections in Perpetuity.”
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., cited the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol as a reason to pass it.

“We have just literally seen an attack on our own democracy,” she said, the AP reported. “I cannot think of a timelier moment to start moving on democracy reform.”
Just a Reminder about how insincere Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., is intentionally being! Definition of Democracy: The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority.
In a Democracy, The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have NO PROTECTION against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.
To refresh your memory of why we are not a Democracy, and why the Dems keep trying to shove that Idea deep into you sub-conscious, is that they want you to forget about America being a Constitutional Republic, and its easy to see why:
A Republic, on the other hand, has a quite different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government.
Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general.

The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution–adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment–with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term “the people” means, of course, the electorate.
The H.R.1bill was first introduced two years ago, would give independent commissions the job of drawing congressional districts. And, clearly with Trump in mind, it would obligate presidents to disclose their tax returns.
Republicans strongly opposed the bill during the last session.
The Pelosi Cabal is thinking they can pass H.R. 21 using reconciliation, (Nuclear Option a.k.a., Simple Majority) which was only used in the past to settle budget discrepancies, until Democrat Majority Leader changed the Rules to get Obamacare passed, while at the same time eliminating the Republican filibuster which was the Minority side of the Obamacare debate!

That is unless traitorous Chief Justice Roberts pulls another SCOTUS disappearing act and refuses to let those 3 Trump original Constitutionalist justices hear the challenges to using ‘Reconciliation’ (Simple Majority of 51 votes) to try and pass H.R.1, then I would have to say, and that’s based on the Constitution, H.R.1 should be dead on arrival because when it comes to H.R.1, and the Pelosi Cabal knowing that if they didn’t find a way to steal the 2022 and 2024 elections after stealing the House in 2018, the White House in 2020, and the Senate in a run off in 2021, know that the Democratic Party a.k.a., New World Order’s would have been dead and buried, especially now knowing that without the China Cyber Attack that President Trump would had easily won by the 11 Million Votes!
Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: President Trump actually won by 11 million votes!!
The good general talked to Two Mikes to explain the information Mike Lindell presented to the President and how this came to pass.
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Made A Three-Hour Election Fraud Film That Proves 100% that China’s Cyber Attack won the day for the ‘Radical Left’s’ destroying America from within by eliminating the Constitution!

We have cyber footprints – it’s like we’ve got access […] all this came together in the last two weeks. I’m so excited because this is all going to come out on Friday, maybe even Thursday, and everyone needs to share it with everyone you know because anyone who sees this, even if it’s nine Supreme Court Justices, everyone of them would say, ‘Wow this is an attack on our country’.
Is Mike Lindell referring to Chief Justice Roberts’s Supreme Court, Ouch!
Lindell’s video:
China and other Nations Cyber Attack on ‘We The People’s 2020 elections!!
“When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, the ‘Joint Chiefs of Staff , and that’s because there is not a certified by Congress President in the White House yet, should immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote.”
“The constitutional rights, powers, and privileges of establishing voter qualifications, including voter registration requirements, are incidents of ‘STATE’ sovereignty not the government that’s protected by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, the Tenth Amendment, and the Seventeenth Amendment.”

The Tenth Amendment is the last amendment in the Bill of Rights. It makes it clear that the powers of the Federal government are limited to only what is particularly given to it in the Constitution. If a power is not given to the Federal government in the Constitution, that power is reserved for the states, and sometimes to the people. This is what the Tenth Amendment means.
Seventeenth Amendment, amendment (1913) to the Constitution of the United States that provided for the direct election of U.S. senators by the voters of the states. It altered the electoral mechanism established in Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution, which had provided for the appointment of senators by the state legislatures.~~

I couldn’t believe that now Republican Senate Minority Leader is trying to tell you that he’ll support ex-President Trump if he’s the Party nominee in 2024, especially after his ‘HUGE’ financial ties to Communist China, while in my opinion intentionally missing in action for the Obama/BIDEN Administration’s 8 years when they took every opportunity to not only violate the constitution and ‘Rule of Law,’ but to refuse to adhere to the American people’s election day mandates for the entire 8 years plus the Trump 4 years!
How can anyone on the Republican side of the aisle believe a word that Then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., when he called H.R.1 the “Democrat Politician Protection Act.”
McConnell said in an op-ed that Democrats were seeking to “change the rules of American politics to benefit one party.” Duh Mitch, you think? I know, and I already went over McConnell’s ties to communist China, but did you know about the back stabbing and his attempt to short circuit the Trump Train’s campaign back in 2015 and 2016? Check it out!
Mitch McConnell: Was The Key to the 2020 Election Results, and the future of America, and He Sold America Out!!
21 November 2020
Among the Dems H.R.1 Bill are these common sense to anybody with a brain unconstitutional and illegal features!
*Bans the requirement to provide a full Social Security number for voter registration.

*Creates a nationwide “Motor Voter” registration, automatically registering people who obtain a driver’s license, which is how thousands of illegals became registered voters in California and Nevada.
*Establishes nationwide same-day registration.
*Prohibits the type of work done by Judicial Watch to clean voter rolls of non-residents.
*Mandates early voting.
*Creates nationwide vote-by-mail and legalized ballot harvesting.
*Bans a personal identification requirement as a condition of obtaining a ballot.
*Prohibits requiring notarization or a witness signature to obtain or cast an absentee ballot.
*Permits a voter to designate any person to deliver an absentee ballot and puts no limit on how many ballots a person may deliver.
*Lays the groundwork for D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood.
*Puts redistricting in the hands of Congress.

And all challenges to this would be decided by Traitor Chief Justice Robert’s Supreme Court???
Endorsers of H.R.1 include many liberal groups, such as the Center for American Progress, People for the American Way, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Democracy Matters, Common Cause, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and the League of Conservation Voters.
James Walker who wrote this in one of his articles couldn’t stop himself from showing the world that he too has no common sense or the ability to reason when he wrote: “The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will feature seven talks on “protecting elections” as former President Donald Trump, the annual convention’s top speaker, CONTINUES TO BASELESSLY CLAIM THAT HE WON THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!“
I need to drive this information deep into the minds of every American no matter what they believe their political affiliation is, especially after what’s happened with that 2020 Cyber Attacked by China, we as Americans are all now in the same being betrayed by our elected officials boat!

I personally thought that CPAC should have started the festivities off this weekend by playing this trailer to MyPillow’s Mike Lindell’s Video!! THE AMERCIAN PEOPLE WANT TO SEE IT, AND HAVE A RIGHT TO SEE IT!!

Click this link to see the video that will change the way you think about our elected officials from both sides of the aisle: 100% ABSOLUTE PROOF that we the Peoples 2020 election was stolen with a Cyber Attack by China, but now proven even more by the fact that Chief Justice Roberts refuses to let the other justices to hear the challenges to the 2020 election again for a 3rd time!
We The People Are a Sovereign Nation! This is NOT about left vs. right. Election integrity is NOT a partisan issue. We the People of the United States are sovereign. We are not subjects to be ruled. Free and fair elections are one of the foundations of our Republic and the most fundamental principle defining credible elections is they must reflect the free expression of the will of the people.
Can you imagine the outrage coming from the Pelosi led ‘Radical Left’ if Trump, which he never would have done because it goes completely against the constitution! Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress, not the president, creates the laws. Article I of the Constitution grants enumerated legislative powers to Congress. The Constitution assigns the executive the duty to enforce the law, and Article II, Section 3 requires that the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”
Look at the executive orders and new laws and policies proposed:

— Open borders. No more border wall. Everyone gets in — during a pandemic. Halt certain deportations. Legalize millions of illegal aliens. Include illegal aliens in the U.S. census. Once into the country, give them the right to bring all their relatives in, too, with no requirement for education, skills or background checks. Ban the use of the word “alien.” Folks, this isn’t Biden talking. This insanity is 100% Obama.
— Make actions and economic policy about “racism” “social justice” and “racial equity.” Even climate change is about “racism.”
— Restart the Iran nuclear treaty. Give mullahs everything they ever dreamed of and then some. Endanger our best friend Israel’s existence and get absolutely nothing in return. And, for good measure, wait over a month into your presidency to call Israel’s prime minister so the whole world knows we no longer have Israel’s back.

— Kill the lucrative U.S. energy industry and make us dependent on foreign oil from our enemies again. Kill the Keystone XL pipeline. Kill oil, coal, natural gas, fracking and even permits for drilling. Reenter the Paris climate agreement while allowing China to pollute all it wants. This will no doubt decimate our economy, kill millions of high-paying fossil fuel jobs and make us dependent on green energy.
— Ban the use of the term “China virus.” End the trade war with China. Give China access to the U.S. energy grid.
Even the players in Biden’s Cabinet and staff are all Obama retreads.
Wayne Allyn Root says trust me, I was Obama’s classmate at Columbia University. I know how he thinks. I understand his plan. This has Obama’s fingerprints all over it. This is the Cloward-Piven plan we learned about at Columbia almost 40 years ago.
This isn’t Biden. This is the third term of Obama. In his first two terms, Obama tried his best to destroy the economy, high-paying jobs, health care, the U.S. energy industry, the great American middle class, our relationship with Israel, American exceptionalism and capitalism itself. He damaged us badly, but he fell short.
Now Obama’s back to finish the job!

George Soros’s discovered voting machines in 16 Swing States in 307 voting districts before the 2016 election uncovered their intentions back then, but with McConnell now known to be on China’s payroll making $4 Million Dollars a year between the years of 2004 and 2010, and Chief Justice Roberts due to Bush 43 sneaking him into the Supreme Court as Chief Justice in 2005, and Nancy Pelosi as Speaker altering Obama’s documents, and then we have Nancy Pelosi back in the same time frame being exposed when ’60 Minutes’ Uncovers Pelosi’s Insider Stock Trades Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi bought stock in initial public offerings (IPOs) that earned hefty returns while she had access to insider information that would have been illegal for an average citizen to trade with – even though it’s perfectly legal for elected officials, CBS’s “60 Minutes” reported Sunday night.
In a piece relying on data collected from the conservative Hoover Institution, “60 Minutes” revealed that elected officials like Pelosi are exempt from insider trading laws – regulations that carry hefty prison sentences and fines for any other citizen who trades stocks with private information on companies that can affect their stock price.
In the case of elected officials – this secret information ranges from timely details on lucrative federal contracts to legislation that can cause companies’ stocks to rise and fall dramatically.
How do they get away with it? Lawmakers have exempted themselves from the laws that govern every other citizen.

Pelosi, D-Calif., and her husband have participated in at least eight IPOs while having access to information directly relating to the companies involved. One of those came in 2008, from Visa, just as a troublesome piece of legislation that would have hurt credit card companies, began making its way through the House.
“Undisturbed by a potential conflict of interest the Pelosi’s purchased 5,000 shares of Visa at the initial price of $44 dollars. Two days later it was trading at $64. The credit card legislation never made it to the floor of the House,” Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” reported.
What’s truly revealing after those voting machines were discovered when Obama suggested that illegals that vote aren’t voting illegally, which is the new progressive definition of what and who is legal when it comes to voting, but more than that proves that elections in the future will be attempted to be stolen back by every American who thought they were coming to America for those rights and unlimited possibilities!

With that being said I have to draw you attention to those released from jail repeat offenders that might just be pissed off just enough because they were lied to might just know where those Democrats in California might live, and know that they don’t live in brick houses!
What the Democrats are missing big time here is that there are 330 Million Americans that have been raised on Constitutionally guaranteed rights, and the30+ million more illegals who were lied to and tricked into helping steal 3 elections that would turn America into the same country that these illegals left behind to come to what they thought would be a President Trump America that they not only wanted to be part of, but envisioned being part of making it first and great again!
They didn’t come to America for the ‘Radical Left’ and their agents in high places who used their powers of position to not only f*ck America, but to f*ck the citizens, the wanabe citizens, and the future generations of America!

We also can’t forget about the 61 plus million souls of potential Americans due to abortion who never got to experience America’s guaranteed or any rights, that is unless you were allowed to be born and took that first breath, but due to todays laws, immediately terminated!
If there are any illegals who helped the Pelosi and Schumer ‘Radical Left’ to steal not 1 but 3 elections, and feel they weren’t used to replace the American made minorities who realized after President Trump created the biggest booming economy in the history of America that they could not only make it on their own, but make more money being on their own and not having to depend on Democrats running the government and getting the bare minimum to survive on!
Obama intentionally kept the American economy suppressed so that he could force Americans to rely on government while at the same time subsidized other nations of the world by using American taxpayer dollars by paying Scientists to back their unfounded schemes like Climate Change’s ‘Paris Accord’ as the vehicle to extract those dollars from the American people!
What the American people weren’t told by the Mainstream Media is that after President Trump pulled the plug on the ‘Paris Accord,’ a terrible deal for America and the American people, President Trump said he would sit down and negotiate another deal that was fair and equally funded by the different countries, but not one country stepped up to accept the offer!

If you’re an illegal and you saw both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer actually shut down the government to give illegals a path to living the American dream, but when President Trump offers 3X the number of illegals a path to citizenship then what Schumer and Pelosi were asking for, you’d think they would be ecstatic, but instead knowing that it would give President Trump another victory in the eyes of illegals and their needs, balked and weren’t heard from for close to 6 months to a year on the issue of immigration!
Every American knew right then and there that the Democrats were using illegals, and that’s because the American made minorities, and because of President Trump’s booming economy, lowered the unemployment rate of every listed minority across the board, and their were more women working and advancing then ever before! Now with the makeup of the new House members leaning conservative, and Democrats who’ve been used by being threatened if they don’t vote the way they are told to vote, are finally seeing that being on the side of the constitution and honoring their oath is the way to go! I also expect a couple of whistleblowers doing a little backdooring on their own when it comes to the corruption of the leadership of not only the two parties, but the FBI, DOJ, and the CIA!

It’s time to start pushing the power back to our founder’s America presets and the American People, and it’s time for the DOJ to start their mandated investigation into Biden Quid Pro Quo threats to Ukraine leadership to protect his son, his lies about not knowing about his son’s Hunter business interests, but than finding out from a partner who met with Joe Biden that not only did he know, but he was getting a piece of the action!

For information on ‘The ‘End Game’ and the last 50+ Articles since the manuscript was given to the Publisher, click here ‘The ‘End Game Updates!’