Before I begin there is something that every American Citizen needs to understand is that this Impeachment trial is just another distraction like was the Russian Hoax, the first Impeachment Hoax, and then the intentional China virus that gave them the 4 years they needed to fine tune their failed attempt to steal the 2016 with George Soros’s voting machines that won the day for Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, but because those voting machines were found in 307 voting districts in 16 Swing States before the election, lost the day for Hillary Clinton! The goal of this Impeachment again is to keep the American People’s focus on the ‘right’ hand while what they are doing with the ‘wrong’ hand is something that is not only unconstitutional, but outright treasonous!

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: President Trump actually won by 11 million votes!!
The good general talked to Two Mikes to explain the information Mike Lindell presented to the President and how this came to pass.
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Says He’s Made A Three-Hour Election Fraud Film.
We have cyber footprints – it’s like we’ve got access […] all this came together in the last two weeks. I’m so excited because this is all going to come out on Friday, maybe even Thursday, and everyone needs to share it with everyone you know because anyone who sees this, even if it’s nine Supreme Court Justices, everyone of them would say, ‘Wow this is an attack on our country’.
Lindell’s video:
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!
“When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, that the ‘Joint Chiefs of Staff , and that’s because there is not a certified by Congress President in the White House yet, immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote.”
The Dems first order of business was, that is until they got caught in the verification of the Cyber Attack by China, was to protect themselves from having the reverse happening to them, as was Harry Reid with his ‘Nuclear Option’ rule change in the senate! Notice in their plan that you are about to read that there is no mention of using computers to vote! Hmmm…

Shocking U.S. bill would allow Dems ‘to steal elections forever.’
Before you read this article know that what former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huck noted next was at the end of this article!!
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee noted, “I don’t see how this gets a thumbs-up from the ‘SUPREME COURT’ Court, and that’s traitor Chief Justice Roberts Supreme Court, but if it does, our ‘Constitutional Republic’ is finished!”
Also know that…
President Elect Joe Biden’s Administration Is shaking up the Judicial Branch by having the ‘Department of Justice,’ and just like Obama, trying to fix the Judicial with same corrupt leadership of his Administrations DOJ, FBI, and CIA, as Obama did with Comey for the FBI, both Eric Holder than Loretta Lynch for the DOJ, and Obama’s director of national intelligence, and now James Clapper, and CIA director, John Brennan, will be “implicated” as the U.S. attorney designated to identify the origins of the Russia “collusion” narrative delves into possible criminality on the part of the U.S. intelligence community, and now asking for all U.S. attorneys appointed by former President Donald Trump to resign. The calls could come as early as Tuesday a senior Justice Department official told CNN.

The DOJ reportedly wants all Trump-appointed U.S. attorneys to resign, with the exception of two: Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who is overseeing the investigation into Hunter Biden’s taxes, and Special Counsel John Durham, who has been tasked with reexamining the origins of the Russia probe. Durham is currently serving as Connecticut U.S. Attorney and is expected to resign from that role.
And when it comes to Biden violating the Constitution by following Obama’s lead, also know that…
“The constitutional rights, powers, and privileges of establishing voter qualifications, including voter registration requirements, are incidents of ‘STATE’ sovereignty not the government that’s protected by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, the Tenth Amendment, and the Seventeenth Amendment.”
I don’t know if our elected officials who just got sworn in as part of the 117th Congress, and took the oath to protect the Constitution know that this Bill should be dead on arrival constitutionally, and that every American should call their elected representative and remind them why they are in Washington DC, and who they represent! Especially on the first day an unconstitutional Impeachment trial of an American Citizen because of him being denied his constitutional right to ‘Due Process’ and the presumption of innocents during the inquiry phase of this travesty!
Who Can and Can’t Vote in U.S. Elections. You must be a U.S. citizen to vote in federal, state, or local elections. Who Can Vote? You can vote in U.S. elections if you: Are a U.S. citizen. Meet your state’s residency requirements. You can be homeless and still meet these requirements. Are 18 years old on or before Election Day.
If any state prevents a legally caste vote by a ‘Citizen’ of the United States from being counted, it violates the constitutionally guaranteed “ right of citizens of the United States.”
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Barack Obama and now Kamala Harris are not ‘Natural Born’ Citizens…

This Bill is a violation of the Constitution because in the constitution it says that it is ‘STATES,’ and not the Federal government that makes the determination on the method of voting in their individual states!
Among its features, the bill:
*Bans the requirement to provide a full Social Security number for voter registration.
*Creates a nationwide “Motor Voter” registration, automatically registering people who obtain a driver’s license, which is how thousands of illegals became registered voters in California and Nevada.
*Establishes nationwide same-day registration.
*Prohibits the type of work done by Judicial Watch to clean voter rolls of non-residents.
*Mandates early voting.
*Creates nationwide vote-by-mail and legalized ballot harvesting.
*Bans a personal identification requirement as a condition of obtaining a ballot.
*Prohibits requiring notarization or a witness signature to obtain or cast an absentee ballot.
*Permits a voter to designate any person to deliver an absentee ballot and puts no limit on how many ballots a person may deliver.
*Lays the groundwork for D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood.
*Puts redistricting in the hands of Congress.

And all challenges to this would be decided in Traitor Chief Justice Robert’s Supreme Court???
Next, we move ahead to Bush 41, the original initiator of Globalism in America back in 1992, and his son Bush 43, and his role in nominating John Roberts to the Supreme Court, and why that’s important to knowing what’s been going in our peoples America where are elected officials in both the House and the Senate have taken it upon themselves to help violate their promises to their constituency when it comes to representing not only the people back home, but their very own families that in most cases com complete with their very own children!
What’s even more revealing and disturbing at the same time is not only seeing ‘My Pillows’ Mike Lindell’s new movie will ‘100% prove’ that China and other countries flipped votes in President Biden’s favor, but again knowing it will be at some point in the hands of Chief Justice John Roberts Supreme Court that will more than likely not allow the case to heard, that is of course unless they think they can constitutionally ‘Pack’ the court!
Constitutionally: Biden Not President, Trump Never Impeached!!
26 January 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
We send these so called representatives of the people to Washington to first, take the oath that ‘EVERY’ politician has taken since the beginning of time that goes:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.”
Then Second live up to the oath they took and follow the ‘blueprint’ that the American people who sent you to Washington elected you to do! We aren’t one country with one figurehead who at the ‘max’ can only be in office for 8 years if elected a second term after the first 4, and those second 4 usually come with a president that delivered on the economy for the American People!
That is unless you’re President Barack Obama who spent the first 4 and setting the American people up for the ‘Take Down’ by using taxpayer dollars, and Chief Justice Robert’s Supreme Court that because of it’s manipulated and unconstitutional Decision on ‘Citizens United,’ and by unconstitutional I mean because it allows outside interests to financially influence legislation that not only constitutionally violates our sovereignty, but allows our elected officials to go into business for themselves like President Elect Joe Biden’s family who were selling Joes’ V.P’s status and influence to help Joe who was $750K to $1.3 Million in the hole back in 2017-2018!

But fear not for Joe Biden, the yet to be certified by Congress President Elect, he now is a wealthy man, and now able to repay via Executive Order, China, where his son picked up a check for $1.5 Billion dollar check to invest in his investment buddies, and Russia where the ex-wife of the Mayor of Moscow handed over a check for $3.5 Million dollars, and finally Ukraine for his Quid Pro Quo using a $1 Billion dollar taxpayer already approved by congress Aid Package, to give his son not only a get out of jail free card, but then got him out of Ukraine on Airforce Two with a stop over in China to pick up that check that I just mentioned above!
It’s time for every American citizen to understand that if you want the same America for your children and their children’s children, and that you received from your parents as did they receive from their parents when it comes to every American’s constitutional guaranteed rights, and I’m talking about the 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion and free Speech, and the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, and now what appears to be a top priority, the right to due process!
I’m sure that the reason they want to have a trial to impeach a now American citizen after he’s left office, is to show the American people, or should I say warn the American people that if they can impeach a duly elected President on lies and innuendo, and then deny the ex-President of the United ‘STATES’ of America, and not 1 central government like Venezuela was when George Soros’s voting machines were used to fix that 2004 election before Hugo Chavez ‘Packed’ the Venezuelan Supreme Court equivalent!
It seems, at least to me that this rogue 29 years attempt by eliminating the constitution while at the same time using the constitution as cover to hide behind, especially when you hear Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., cited the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol as a reason to pass this fixing the elections for globalist traitors for life in America!
“We have just literally seen an attack on our own democracy,” she said, the AP reported. “I cannot think of a timelier moment to start moving on democracy reform.”
Notice again how these elected ‘Radical Left’ Globalists elected Officials keep referring to America as a democracy, sorry, they’ve been caught for the 1 Billionth time trying to convince the American people that we are a Democracy when in truth we are a Constitutional Republic!

The reason why they keep trying to do this is because they’re trying to get rid of the ‘Electoral College,’ trying to get away from everything that has made the United ‘STATES’ of America the greatest experiment in the history of the world whose government that was built by the people and for the People, and that you’ll find nowhere else in the world! A New World Order can’t allow “That one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch girl” that was sung by both the Jackson 5 and the Osmond Brothers!
The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority. In a Democracy, The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.
A Republic, on the other hand, has a very different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government. Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general.
The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution–adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment–with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term “the people” means, of course, the electorate.
It’s come to the point where those representatives that you and I send to Washington need to be restrained, and retrained using not only a tight leash, but a horses ‘bit’ in their mouth so that when it comes time to vote on any and all bills or laws in either the House or the Senate that they vote the way they’re told to vote, and not their own interpretation of what that way to vote is, but only by the people they represent every single time,
and that needs to be etched in stone NOW!!
What Is the Job of a State Rep?

Does anybody that voted to send a representative to Washington, especially after we proudly watched every one of them take that oath that I just printed for all of you above, only to see them impeach a duly elected President not once but 2 times without being granted our constitutionally guaranteed ‘Due Process’ while affording them the same ‘Presumption of Innocents?’
How about working to getting rid of the 1st and 2nd Amendments rights of every American, and that includes their own children and grandchildren which in my mind would be child abuse and punishable with jail time!
Does anything of what I just said fall under the guidelines for what a State Representative duties and responsibilities are supposed to be?
“State representatives, also known as congressmen and congresswomen, are elected officials who represent specific congressional districts within a state, defined by population. Representatives are elected to two-year terms. In this capacity, representatives are charged with presenting the best interests of their district, in terms of introducing or supporting laws and amendments. They also serve as political spokespeople for issues that are important to their state and district, and are accountable to those they represent.”

It’s also needs to be every year a mandatory audit of their finances, the people being given a list every year of the names of associates, organizations and committees their representatives are on and what those committees are specifically set out to do! Any violations of any of the above will be cause for the state leaders of that political party to immediately order that representative be picked up by the state they represent State’s Police and brought back home to face charges of breach of contract and lying to the people they represent!