Talk about collusion, did David Hogg collude with the Alinsky Progressive Democratic Party Leadership to possibly have a major part in setting off this physiologically disturbed time bomb in Parkland Florida!

When you have a mass murder of children, like there was down in Parkland Florida, and then you have simultaneous soapbox professor of the truth on site within minutes of the tragedy, I just can’t help to think something is not quite right here? I believe a ‘red flag’ should have gone up, especially after we know now who these people are! The question you have to be asking yourself now with all the signs about this individuals past, and the warnings that were shared by professional police and Government agencies for quite a while before he snapped, just makes me think someone, physiologically wise, was pulling his strings knowing that by just hanging around and waiting, that the possibility of what happened might just cause some predictable response to what they already knew about this individual! I believe what happened could have been prevented and forecasted to be a possible outcome in the mind of this maniac, which who by the way, reported himself about the same concerns to the police about his own behavior!

The biggest pain in the ass for Progressive Democrats these days is Social Media! Its participants who use this venue to see behind the Conservative censored agenda, who favor the Progressive message by the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media before they care about America! It now appears the Democrats no longer cares about DACA, but don’t really care about the rights, freedoms, and liberties that this country grants its legal American citizens that our founding father’s Constitution laid the groundwork for the last 245 years! The real important thing to remember here is that this is the main reason why immigrants and refugee’s ultimate goal is to risk their lives to get to the shores of this great country, but unfortunately think jumping the line, and being given entitlements to illegally vote for a system that mirrors the system they left to come to America is just more than wrong, but shooting themselves in the foot!

It’s time Americans to understand that it’s not being a Democrat or Republican but being about the Progressive cancer that has overcome our elected officials! No matter what side of the aisle they’re from, they seem to have bought into the Socialist transformation of America, and as a result have decided to obstruct and resisted President Trump for fighting for this great country, and defending our founding father’s ‘Rule of Law,’ Constitution, and Republic for which it stands.

Vote Democrat, but not Progressive Democrat, vote Republican, but not for the memories of the RINO’s who decided not to run for reelection in the 2018 Midterms, and 2020 Presidential election, because they not only became part of the Progressive transformation of America to Socialism, but who also decided to abandoned our country’s inherently Conservative beliefs of capitalism, and entrepreneurial’s guiding force that made America great in the first place, but the people from around the world, who weren’t part of the celebration of freedom, but still want to be part of it still today!


David Hogg, the latest poster boy for gun control since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, wreaks with government sponsorship in every way possible from appearing in an initial interview flubbing his scripted lines to seemingly organizing, on his own, anti-gun rallies by students across the country. The biggest question is, how did David Hogg have a script ready to read directly after the shooting? This fact clearly shows he knew beforehand that this incident was going to happen.

There is also the flawless effort by Hogg in getting students across the country organized within hours to protest guns and the Second Amendment. Here, Hogg seems to be an expert at organizing communities for a cause as well as having unlimited funds to be able to pull it off.

Supposedly, his dad is a retired FBI agent, yet his name isn’t mentioned hardly at all in any press or news articles. The closest we get is a Kevin Hogg, 51, who was a Navy pilot, worked for the FBI, and was an elementary school teacher currently living in the Orlando area. As usual, with factious individuals, we get conflicting backgrounds, work history, and more than one individual concrete possibility of who they may actually be. Kevin is said to have retired from the FBI in 2014, which would make him a part of the Obama Dictatorship’s FBI that wants Donald Trump out of office.

David Hogg’s mother, is supposedly Rebecca Boldrick who is still married to Kevin, is said to work for the Broward County School District as a teacher. She is listed as having worked for Heron Heights Elementary School in Parkland, Florida. Yet, she is not listed as a teacher there. Boldrick has also been very active in anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment politics, and has close ties to CNN. She is also a anti-Trump activist.

The big question with Rebecca is, why didn’t she take the name Hogg after marrying Kevin? She isn’t a celebrity or has such an empire in the business world that she would need to retain the name Boldrick.

Both Kevin and Rebecca are listed by BlockShopper as owning a home in Parkland, Florida worth almost 1 million dollars. Apparently, it is up for sale.

So, we’re supposed to believe Kevin Hogg, a former FBI agent and part-time school teacher, and Rebecca Boldrick a school teacher have the money to have multiple million-dollar homes in Florida, the money to organize anti-gun rallies across the country, and jet set David Hogg around the nation to organize anti-gun protests.

Sorry, but it just is not believable, the funds have to be coming from an outside entity.

The whole Hogg family wreaks with lies and conspiracy and actually reminds us of the Harry Tasker family in the movie True Lies, or the Smith family from the animated TV series American Dad where neither the husband or wife are really who the neighborhood thinks they are because they work for US clandestine agencies behind the scenes.

The main media seems to be the biggest beneficiaries to the Parkland incident since they are using it to regain credibility in the face of so much fake news, distorted information, and anti-Trump propaganda. Now, the main media like CNN are glorifying the anti-gun efforts by David Hogg and trying to make it seem as if anyone who supports the Second Amendment is anti-American and unpatriotic. The Parkland incident is also being used to further demonize Donald Trump’s statist policies in putting America as a sovereign nation first in general, and his stance on preserving the Second Amendment in particular. These efforts by the main media and politicians who support them are taking a page out of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi handbook in trying to accuse those who oppose them of the same thing they are guilty of.

For years, the media and overall press have not been journalistic at all in simply reporting news facts. Instead, they have propagandized every news item that comes across the wire to fit the NWO Progressive agenda. This is because when Barack Obama signed NDAA in 2012, an amendment in the package legalized propaganda on the American public.

In the case of the Parkland shooting being a scripted incident by the government to sway the public into supporting gun control, it seems very likely so, given the evidence at hand. Many Americans find it impossible to believe their government would sacrifice its own citizens for an agenda, however it has been happening almost since the government was founded.

From the Tuskegee Syphilis Study in the 1930’s where hundreds of black farm workers were experimented on, the Measles Vaccine Experiment from 1990 to 1991, to sacrificing the lives of soldiers in placing them at various distances from live nuclear bomb explosions during the Manhattan Project, we see the reality of what our government is capable.

All of this, not to mention the Eugenics Program where American Indian women were subjected to forced abortions and sterilization. This went on into the 1980’s before it was halted. However, it is still going on today, I suspect.

It is evident that the US has two governments in power in Washington at the moment, the leftovers from the Obama Dictatorship who will stop at nothing to regain power since their chosen successor Hillary Clinton lost a rigged election, and the people’s government in the Trump Administration who actually beat the odds of a fixed election against them.

Those currently in office who are part of the previous Dictatorship, and are both Democrats and Republicans alike, spend their whole day not doing their jobs in representing their constituents in their districts, but are totally concentrating their efforts on getting Trump out of office. This is not representation, but rule. ~~~ By Tony Elliott