It’s become apparent to me and anyone with half a brain, that Obama’s ‘Deep State,’ and the bipartisan ‘Swamp,’ is attempting to string out the American peoples mandate until the 2018 midterms so that the Agenda Journalists, and ‘Never Trumpers,’ can get to their perceived promise land, and get rewarded for their combined effort to finish off this MAGA President by sacrificing him on the 2018 midterm alter to the gods of Globalism and Socialism, and gives them the possibility of taking back the House and Senate! President Trump, after 8 months of his first of two terms as President of the United States is now breaking those chains of partisanship, which is why the American people elected him, and who decided after the GOP fumbled the ball on both the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and the apparent comments of Senate Majority leader Protocol and Procedure ‘Bitch,’ McConnell talking about tax reform not happening until 2018 has made Trump, figuratively, deciding to go both ways politically through bipartisanship to deliver on the promises he made to the people that trusted him enough to make him their President!
All the kings men, a.k.a. Obama’s Gestapo, because of the unpredicted and impossible electoral college landslide by now President Trump, not only showed the American people how untrustworthy the Agenda Journalist ‘s double and triple down ‘Fake News’ couldn’t influence the electorate, but also showed how progressives couldn’t come up with any platform that wanted to make America great again, but decided to run on their usual tax and spend, apply more regulations, continuing to shrink our military, taking back seat on the world stage, applying regulations on our 1st and 2nd Amendments, welcoming unvetted and illegals so that for being supported and cared for, would guarantee their illegal vote, and continuing to fund Sanctuary Cities for the purpose of giving criminal illegal immigrants a place to practice their trade, and then protecting from the prosecution and deportation that they deserved, and deserved time and time again!
The continuation of Obama’s Alinsky’s Socialist platform was Hillary, but after checking out her new tell all book about the reasons why she lost the election, it’s clear to see that this psychopath is truly certifiable! She’s managed to blame some 30 plus other people for her loss, but refuses to take any responsibility for her own failure! Talk about dodging a bullet as a country if her coronation came to fruition, and saving face if you voted for her and her blatant disrespect for the rule of law of the Constitution when it came to the insecure server, Bill’s meeting on the tarmac with AG Loretta Lynch before the decision on Hillary’s fate, even though Comey had drawn up Hillary’s ‘get our of jail’ free card 2 weeks before 17 witnesses were supposed to be interviewed.
Should the bipartisan leadership of the ‘Swamp’ be Taking a Victory Lap?
Backfiring is what comes to mind for me, and that misguided bipartisan sense of euphoria by all political bosses that represent both sides of the aisle seems just a little too premature if you ask me. McConnell, Ryan, Pelosi, and Schumer seem to be banking on their perceived notion that the American people are not only deplorable, but way out of their league when it comes to common sense, or even knowing what’s best for themselves when it comes to the future of America, and the generations of America to come!
The American electorate has learned a lot over the last year, and to now know, because of candidate Trump exposing the real story behind the Presidential ‘primaries,’ that the American people had no say in who represented their best interests, or who the candidate representing them was until the ‘Swamp’ announced what our only two partisan/bipartisan choices would be! We learned that lawlessness, and not the rule of law, supersedes anything when it comes to tearing down America’s Constitutional Republic, and all the good that comes from the Constitution!
We learned that erasing any signs of the Christian faith, when 80% of America is represented by Christianity, according to the liberal left, is acceptable and politically correct. For the last 8 years under the protection of the ‘Paid to Report’ Media and their agenda journalist Gestapo, that there was a joint attempt by all government agencies, which includes Lois Lerner’s IRS, Comey’s FBI, Brennan’s and Clapper’s other 17 Intel agencies, the EPA, and the Progressive lower court Justices who were placed via the ‘nuclear option’ to disrupt anything and everything pro-America’s exceptionalism, and President Trump’s platform of making America great again, doesn’t have the best interest of America at heart, and probably won’t unless the borders remain open, higher taxes are charged, and the plug is pulled on our military’s might !
The 2018 Midterms, just like the 2016 Presidential Election, Will be the second most important election in American History!
With Just 14 months to go until the 2018 Midterm Elections, it’s time for all legal American citizens to get real, and start taking inventory of the facts, and the Possible Consequences for not heeding the warning!
Time to Call it as All Americans Should be Seeing it!
The 2016 Presidential campaign, because of the two term Obama Presidency, has probably been the most polarizing Presidential race in the history of this country, or at least in modern times! When growing up I never saw the prejudice, bigotry, or racism that now divides America, and I never thought I would see the day when we would have a President who would play off that political correctness and division he purposely created for political gain!
The only thing I can honestly say is that I’m just an American ‘boomer’ who believes I received, from this great exceptional nation, what I worked hard to get, and lost almost everything when I took what I didn’t work hard to get for granted, so, where’s the rub, and why is the division and deception now considered America’s ‘new’ National Anthem?
These modern gladiators/highly paid athletes think they’re impressing their base by taking a knee or sitting through the playing of our national anthem, and by doing so, discrediting the one country, under god, that gave them the opportunity, and physique to live out a dream that most youths aspire to achieve, but can’t because of that lack of that god given physique, or have that mental strength or desire to cause pain against their opponents on the field of combat!
I choose to listen to the News in the background while working, and when the weekend hits I try to stay away, but to have to loose half of my weekend observing these overpaid dishwashers that can crush beer cans with their foreheads, and then bash our President and constitutional Republic while living the dream is, without a doubt, the biggest reason I see vacant seats and unfilled Stadiums on Sundays! The biggest crime here for me is that I didn’t even care or watch my New York Giants try to beat their arch rival Dallas Cowboys on Prime Time NFL Sunday Night Football!
How strange has it become that a lot of sports fans are getting a bigger charge and boost out of political banter and using their heads and common sense to defend their political position, then it is for them to watch basic idiots use their heads as battering rams?
What’s Going to be the Deciding Factor when the 2018 Midterms Come Rolling Around?
When it comes to the American peoples awareness of what’s politically been going on behind our backs, Americans should know that it’s not good, and because we have been asleep for the last two decades, we all assumed, like myself, that our Republic would was always going to be protected because of our founding father’s built in checks and balances, but obviously, we were misinformed, or missed that class!
Thank God we were awakened by an outsider nonpolitician who decided to shake that ‘America First’ tree to wake up the hibernating electorate! It appears that all Patriotic Americans that were loyal to our Constitutional Republic had fallen asleep Administrations ago, and because of complacency and the feeling of unwarranted insecurity, allowed the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, who weren’t informing the American people about the important and accurate facts that America should have been kept abreast of, gave America a false sense of security and good will, while taking a buck or two to lead us down theirs, and no our, chosen path!
Where do we, as American citizens, go now to pick up the pieces after Obama’s ideological coup failed, and our Constitutional Republic and sovereignty has been left intact, and what do we do to make sure this never happens again?
The Options are few and far between, but if you think that your vote in this simple little midterm in 2018 isn’t going to be the biggest decision you have ever made in your life, and for the future of your family, then think again! If you’ve been reading anything that I’ve been writing over the past few months, you know where I stand, but where do you stand when it comes to what’s right, what’s wrong, and what’s just right for the future of America?
I’m a registered Independent who swings either way when it comes to the Constitution and making sure that’s the number one priority when voting my preference. In the last two months I’ve gone back to being an equal opportunity basher, and that’s because the representatives of the right have shown their bipartisan stripes, and joining in on the dismantling of our Republic, laws, and Constitution that used to bind, be followed, and respected!
I see it like this, you have the willing to work through the bipartisanship Traditional Democratic Party, and then you have that branch of the Democratic Party taking a back seat and being taken over by the ‘no way in Hell’ Progressive branch of the Democratic Party that would rather destroy you then work through anything with anybody on the opposite side of the fence! Then you have the supposed ‘Conservative’ right who believed candidate Trump wasn’t conservative enough, made him sign a pledge so he wouldn’t run as an Independent, which he honored, while others on the same side didn’t when he won the nomination.
So, what’s left for the voter to do, and what other options does the voter have?
I guess figuring out what to do, and faced with the Progressive lefts non-existent, but ever-present ‘No such thing’ argument when challenged by the right about the proven reality of voter fraud, that a Federal Voter Id Law won’t be there because of the left’s chants of racism being behind the argument against, and nothing being behind the argument in favor!
The sad truth behind this up and down argument is to not have to have a Federal Voter ID Law means having the chance, because of unchecked and unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees who are entering this country illegally, and being supported by the Progressive undertow that is dragging our sovereignty out to sea and our Constitutional Republic with it, and without a Federal Voter ID Law, illegal’s, and not legal Americans, will determine the future direction of America, and the ideological political path we will follow, and if that happens, you have to know that our constitutional Republic or our constitution is not going to be on their top 10 list!
America and it’s Constitutional Republic is the target, our exceptionalism is the reason, and for the greater good of the world and the proposed ‘One World Order’ is the resolve, and if we don’t wake up and do something about it, then who knows what the end game will reveal when it really comes down to it?
The truth of the matter is when it comes to the bipartisan ‘swamp’ lying to the electorate, and the proverbial coin toss, ‘heads I win, tails you lose,’ I know that if we don’t start taking the time to care just a little bit about the future of America, then what we gained by getting our constitutional freedoms back will be lost because the Progressive Left will be following in lock-step with the traitorous right, and won’t let a populist ideology survive if they have anything to say about it!
Most Americans didn’t pay attention during the 2016 presidential election, and didn’t realize that the leadership of both parties were working together to lead the charge against anything Trump, Trump’s populist movement, and even making America First. They probably didn’t even know that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media was backing them up with their many salvos of ‘Fake News,’ and that outsider interests like George Soros, who paid the bill for the bipartisanship passage of the ‘Citizens United’ Legislation, filled these politicians pockets with money, and their heads with greed while abandoning their oath of office! With that legislation our elected officials could sell their influence and vote on anything and everything on either side of the fence for a huge price!
Now with that being said it’s time for all Americans to know, no matter what your political affiliation is, but still loyal to the Constitutional Republic, that the only way the American people as one can win this losing battle, is to come together as one against the leadership of the bipartisan ‘swamp’ and their elected official ‘ride along’ traitors. The obvious answer would be to take back America through a supposed honest, but very ‘suspect’ ballot box, in the 2018 midterms!
What Will America lose if either of these ideological political party hacks corral the ‘Will’ of the American People, and win the governing ideological battle that scraps our constitution, and the sovereignty that we have fought for generations to maintain?
It’s Called Socialism, and What Obama and Hillary have Envisioned for this Country for a Very Long Time, and Paid to do so by Outside Interests!
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” — Winston Churchill
There are a lot of arguments about whether communism, socialism, and liberalism are the same thing. What shouldn’t be arguable is that they’re all closely related branches of the same tree. If you don’t want to live in a house made out of Aleppo Pine, you probably won’t like a Coulter Pine or Eastern White Pine house either. However, since socialism has failed so often, socialists of every stripe bend over backwards to disassociate themselves from the many other disasters created by their ideology. Still, a pine by any other name is still a pine.
Socialism is particularly dangerous because it’s so perfectly suited for the modern era. It’s the ultimate “miracle” product: it’s “nice,” it’s “fair,” it’ll make you feel good about yourself, it’ll “help” people who “deserve it” by taking things away from people who “have so much” they’ll barely miss it.
It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it’s our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.
1) It kills economic growth:
Strong economic growth is what produces jobs, tax revenue and a better standard of living for everyone, including the poor and middle class. That’s what John F. Kennedy was driving at when he said, “A rising tide (in the economy) lifts all boats.” Socialism strangles economic growth in the crib by penalizing success and rewarding failure. When you loot the successful people in a society to give it to the less successful, you quite naturally reduce the number of successful people and encourage more people to fail. This leads to a never-ending cycle. The more people in need there are, the more the successful must be penalized to pay for them. The more the successful are penalized, the fewer successful people there are. This causes wealth to concentrate in fewer hands, the economy slows down, and even more people need help. It goes on and on until you get a slow economy that can’t produce enough tax revenue to sustain itself. That’s exactly what killed the Soviet Union, it’s killing Greece right now and sadly, the United States and most of Western Europe is on exactly the same path.
2) It stifles free speech:
Why is there ridiculous government propaganda in nations like North Korea? Why are most schools, papers, and colleges run by liberals in the United States? Why do liberals often try to disrupt conservative speakers on college campuses? Why are there such extreme speech codes in Canada that it practically makes some conservative arguments illegal? Why does speaking out against the government risk imprisonment in China and the old Soviet Union? Because socialism requires protection, propaganda, intimidation, and darkness to survive. Socialism can’t survive honest, informed debate about its merits among people who are free to choose or reject it because it would not survive the conversation. As Reagan said, “How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
3) It leads to an increasingly tyrannical government:
Freedom and socialism go together like oil and water. The more socialism you have, the less freedom you will have because socialism can’t survive if people are free to choose whether they want socialism or not. People who are free to say what they want will criticize socialism’s many failures. Areas that aren’t tightly controlled will move towards the free exchange of ideas and goods, not socialism. So, socialism requires a massive bureaucracy that almost inevitably grows. As government grows, it inevitably becomes more centralized, more distant from the people and ultimately more menacing.
4) It creates strife and division: Socialism is all about turning people against each other. It has to be. After all, if you believe in controlling people’s lives, the people who don’t wish to be controlled need to be vilified. If you believe in confiscating the wealth of successful people who won’t give it up willingly, then others must be convinced they’re terrible human beings who deserve to be punished. “Victim” classes must be created for the socialists to defend because if everyone is responsible for himself, what need is there for the socialist? Eventually, those who depend on government for their livelihood and those that the government smears and loots to pay them off come to hate each other.
5) Socialists believe the ends justify the means:
Like the pigs in Orwell’s Animal Farm, socialists believe that, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” For a socialist, the overriding concern is always promoting socialism; so process, rules and regulation mean different things for different people. Fidel Castro may have been the leader of a Communist revolution against the evil “rich people” in Cuba, but he’s worth 900 million dollars today. A law broken by a Democrat and a Republican may be treated very differently by the papers, the courts, and even the Department of Justice under Eric Holder. As Margaret Thatcher explained, “Left-wing zealots have often been prepared to ride roughshod over due process and basic considerations of fairness when they think they can get away with it. For them the ends always seem to justify the means. That is precisely how their predecessors came to create the gulag.”
One of the reasons so many socialist nations are wracked with violent protests and revolutions is because when the rule of law is abandoned, only outlaws have any hope of receiving justice.
The Writings on the Wall, and With the Right and Left Playing on the Same Side of the Ball, the Outcome is a Given!
Americans have always been able to think on their feet, and do a little bobbing and weaving when put to the test defending our political preference! When other countries find themselves in the same situation they choose to bow to the pressure of their moral and upstanding constituents, and succumbing to the pressures being applied by the in need immigrants and refugees no matter if their in sync with their political and religious ideological base of not! The real, but unrealized threat to the country doing the accepting and morally right thing, is the assimilation of the new influences, where in the beginning they think it’s Ok because they can survive in the muck and mire of complacency and ideological change without having to give up their traditions, heritage, or religious affiliations without any consequences, but in the end, that turns out to be a misinformed resolve, and a unwanted outcome that can’t be reversed!
The existing European Union proves that strategy was, and still is, wrong, and unfortunately not reversible. The people of these overrun by unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees now know that, but still forced to live with, the feckless decisions that their leadership has made for the future of their children, and their children’s children!
The wakeup calls for America should have been when Hillary was beaten soundly by the Silent Majority voting for now President Trump, but what people probably don’t understand is if that didn’t happen, and Hillary’s coronation came to fruition, America would be just another one of those countries being sucked into the one world order’s Globalist and Socialist nightmarish reality! On top of that we Americans would be sitting back and wondering what happened when U.N. troops, who Loretta Lynch approved for being on American soil when the American people weren’t paying attention, and enforcing our new Socialist version of the law of the land!
We think we know what’s best for the country, and we think there are two very distinct and different options to choose from, but in reality what we have are two political parties that have no interest in the ‘Will’ of the American people, or the mandate that they told our elected officials to follow. What’s next is that we find out that these elected officials have decided that they know what’s best for us, and then tells us to sit down and shut up while enjoying the ride to the opposite side of the Constitutional Republic’s ideological tracks!
Back the Trump Agenda or Face Defeat in 2018
“You dance with the one who brung you to the dance.”
The wisdom of that old political adage might seem outdated in this age of expensive consultants, focus groups with instantaneous tracking of reactions, and micro-targeting of voters. But the McLaughlin & Associates poll released this week reinforces the wisdom of that adage for any Republican who wants to avoid defeat in the 2018 primary season and in the general election that follows.
The message of that McLaughlin poll could not be clearer or simpler for Republicans as they choose in the coming weeks between the agenda of President Trump and the agenda of the Beltway insiders: The base that brought you to the dance supports the Trump agenda. Dance with your base and win. Dance with the Beltway and lose.
To be fair, elected Republicans face many practical pressures inside the Washington Beltway. There are always K Street lobbyists for various special interests and for large corporations wanting special favors, all offering generous campaign contributions.
And there are the Alinskyite Democrats and their leftist media threatening personal attacks, smears, and ruin for anyone who crosses their socialist agenda.
And then there are some old hands who have learned to thrive in that environment, whose advice is to tell the folks back home anything they want to hear but do the bidding of the Beltway insiders in order to survive.
Candidate Trump called all of that a swamp, promised to drain it, and stunned most of the political experts with a victory those experts said was impossible. And now Republican officials are doubtless hearing from those same experts that the Trump phenomenon is a fluke, an aberration, and that the smart move is to wait it out. Maintain your distance from the Trump agenda and it will all go away
But the McLaughlin poll of likely voters tells a different story. Here are just a few highlights:
- Voting to increase the debt ceiling without new constraints on spending will make 62% of voters less likely to vote to re-elect a Member of Congress.
- “Bailing out health insurance companies without repealing Obamacare” leaves 53% overall less likely to re-elect a representative, and only 29% more likely. That 53% figure jumps to 67% among Trump voters.
- Conservatives (70%) and Trump voters (67%) are less likely to support a Member of Congress who has failed to support President Trump’s efforts to vet immigrants more carefully, especially those from countries with a strong terrorist presence.
- Refusing to repeal the burdensome Obamacare mandates and taxes leaves 75% of conservatives, 68% of Trump voters, and 66% of Republicans overall less likely to vote to re-elect a Member of Congress.
Eighty-five percent of likely voters still believe that freedom of speech is a fundamental right, even if it offends some people. Only 9% support restrictions on speech. That is not good news for the proponents of political correctness, or for those who bow to its dictates.
- In stark contrast to the impression one gets from the leftist news media, when voters are reminded of the violence of the ANTIFA protesters, 81% of conservatives and 63% of voters overall oppose ANTIFA. Only 21% overall support them.
- And, as things stand now, 49% of likely voters see the Republican Leadership as “supporting the swamp that President Trump promised to drain,” with only 22% seeing them as helping to drain that swamp.
And those are just the highlights.
Now here is the point that Republican officials cannot afford to miss. The issues of concern to the GOP base – conservatives, self-identified Republicans, and Trump voters – are the same kinds of issues that gave rise to the Tea Party movement in 2009 and led to GOP victories in 2010 and 2014. The Trump phenomenon is not just a fluke, but is instead a sign that the sleeping giant of mainstream America is waking up and demanding that Washington get control of our spending, secure our borders, repeal and replace Obamacare, and stop giving in to the stifling demands of political correctness. Trump’s agenda is their agenda.
Elected officials who have not helped to carry out the Trump agenda will not only be going against President Trump; they will also be pitting themselves against the movement that elected him.
The Democrats have become increasingly radicalized and unified since the 1960s. And when Democrats are in power, they enact their socialist agenda. Their voters get what they vote for, with no waffling and no excuses.
And, even with all its internal debates, the Republican party is still the political vehicle for the center-right mainstream. But mainstream America is beginning to wonder why the results they are seeing do not match the rhetoric they heard during the campaign. Why is it that the Democrats can enact the socialist agenda but the Republicans cannot carry out the agenda of mainstream America?
Looking at the McLaughlin poll, “the Democrats won’t let us” will not play well during the primaries, let alone in the general election.