I guess this is Nancy’s version of ‘Chain Migration,’ and have to believe that someone should be telling her that it’s time to hang’em up, and take ‘Shyster’ Schumer with you when you go!
Pelosi is worth $200 Million making $200K a year for 30 years, do the math, and if you’re going to argue that it’s the investments she and her husband made over the years, then let’s see what those investments were, and then check out her back taxes to see if their is any collusion or corruption that came with those very profitable investments, and then finding out whether or not they are tied to any of the political power she wheeled to manipulate her ‘Useful Idiot’ Democratic Colleagues to vote for a possible pay day for her via some very profitable legislation that might of resulted in ‘Big’ bucks being added to her bottom line! Hmmm…..
Pelosi builds a ‘Wall’ around her mansion to keep people out but won’t do the same to keep America safe.
Pelosi altered Obama’s citizenship papers to show he was a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, which is required, which we’ve all learned the hard way by living under his hate for America for 8 years and is why Kamala Harris can’t be President of the United States for the same reason!
Pelosi and Schumer would rather give $54 Billion in the same spending bill to Foreign nations in aid, support and fund abortions in foreign nations, subject the American taxpayer to the tune of $200B guesstimate cost for illegals per year!
Pelosi, when it came to Obamacare, lied to the American people when she said if you want your doctor you can keep your doctor and if you want you plan you can keep your plan, but still needed to pass the law before you know what’s in it!
Pelosi and Schumer Shutdown 2.0 is, even though President Trump stated he would own it, 100% at the Dem’s feet! You know how they say ‘Actions are louder than words,’ and when you have the ‘Speaker of the House’ refuse to represent the peoples House and allowing 8000,000 Americans being held ransom while at the same time financially supporting millions of illegals, and then with more caravans on their way to our Southern Border with Pelosi and Schumer having no intentions of stopping them, you have to know that these 2 over the Hill and hypothetical ‘Term Limit,’ have just proven to the American people that Trump’s words are far less dangerous then the actions by the Pelosi and Schumer led Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party because by their actions it’s confirmed that they hate President Trump and America People more than they love America!

The American people should understand that there is no way in Hell that Americans don’t want the ‘Wall,’ there is no way in Hell that Americans would pay aid to Foreign Countries to the tune of $54B or support the finance overseas abortions before a Southern Border ‘Wall’ is built, and there is no way in Hell that Nancy Pelosi, because of the shutdown postpone his State of the Union Address because she’s afraid of the Security and protection of the members of Congress, but didn’t even bother to reach out to the Secret Service, who handles the security for such events to find out that even though they’re not getting paid, still planned to be on hand for the event to protect the members of Congress, as usual!
I think Nancy Pelosi, after 30 years and getting the gavel back has developed a sense of superiority and a new level of entitlement superiority, and no just over the American people but over her fellow ‘Useful Idiot’ colleagues who were tricked into giving her the gavel for a second time! It’s apparent that ‘Holier than Thou’ Pelosi, who at this very moment was seen at the airport leaving town again, believes she can postpone the State of the Union Address as if it were her decision, and with her Democrats banking on President Trump’s words when he said he would own the shutdown have decided that by doing nothing, like they’ve done for the last 2 years, and by taking back the House, will continue doing their obstructing and resisting thing for the next 2 years!
Pelosi and Schumer expect to take back the Senate and White House through their patented use of Communist Stalin’s’ ‘Useful Idiots’ to get the power they need to destroy America from within, and then fulfilling their goal of establishing a New World Order by using those same illegal voters they automatically register to vote in ‘Blue States’ to vote again illegally as they did in 2018!