Calling the United Nations Agenda 21’s Depopulation goal of 95% by 2030 is just another one of those claimed to be Conspiracy Theories by the Mainstream Media, ‘Big Tech,’ and the ‘Radical Left!
The Problem with this is that it’s already been confirmand and verified in their own mission statement back in both 1992 and in the just recently updated 2015 version for their ‘The 30 Agenda’ about how the United Nations Agenda 21 and 30’s goal of not only decreasing the world’s population by 95%, but backed up by both Pro-Trump and Pro-Constitutionalist supporters who still have the right, at least the last time I looked, to speak freely based on our founder’s guaranteed 1st Amendment rights of ‘Free Speech’ that allows ‘We the People’ to scream it from the rooftops!

When it comes to the Mainstream Media, ‘Big Tech,’ and the ‘Radical Left,’ unless they can get boots on the ground on American soil, and they are able to confiscate the guns from the legal American gun owners, then they are basically not only just pounding sand, but at a dead end when it comes to their goals of transforming America to the status of a 3rd world nation with the false hope of their eventual creation of a New World Order!
Now when you add the fact that since the ‘Squad’ arrived on the political scene with their ‘End of the World’ if we don’t follow their ‘Green Agenda,’ and that if ‘We the People’ don’t do something about it by 2030, which coincidently is the exact same year that the United Nations Agendas 21, 30, and 50 say that 95% of the world’s population has to be eliminated by, then know that if it’s just a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ that the the ‘Squad’ hasn’t been made privy by the Global elitists that are depending on Dr. Fauci’s version of Science where he’s now become the highest paid employee of ‘We the People’s’ government!
Dr. Fauci’s Long History of Criminal Conspiracy!
“The coronavirus tests do not at all prove presence of a deadly virus in any patient. …it is perhaps the greatest criminal fraud in medical history.”

Anthony Fauci has more influence over Covid-19 policy than the President.
A closer look at Anthony Fauci’s career paints a very alarming picture.
Tony Fauci has held the top post at the NIAID in Washington for an astonishing 36 years. Today he is well past retirement age at 79, and holds the funds to determine which drug companies or university researchers will get precious government funds or not from NIAID’s annual $5 billion budget.
The Talented Dr. Fauci by F. William Engdahl (abridged by henrymakow.com)
Let’s go back to 1984 when Fauci was named head of NIAID during the Reagan era.

*Hmmm, Is it a coincidence that Regan’s Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush (Bush 41), who was the President that condemned America and the American People to the world wide commitment of close to 30 years to a hidden United Nations and George Soros inspired series of Agendas starting with Agenda 21 that deals with Sustainable Development, which has its basis in Communitarianism.
Is it not a bigger coincidence that the first version of Ronald Reagan’s ‘Making America Great Again’ had the same Dr. Fauci that discovered today’s COVID-19 under the Trump Administration, just so happens to be the same Dr. Fauci that “discovered” the AIDS virus known as the HIV- human immunodeficiency virus under the Reagan Administration?
UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.

Agenda 21 (Reinvented as Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050) is a Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World Population by 2030!

It is an action plan devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity because “we are too many”. It is promoted by the elites as a way to “save the planet” and implemented by governments worldwide. Bill Gates even shared his view about how to achieve this goal by ‘VACCINATIONS’ AND OTHER MEANS!!
According to the UN’s own website, this is a “comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, governments and major groups, in every area in which human impacts on the environment.”
This is paid for by you, and taxpayers worldwide (not only in the U.S.), without your knowledge or consent, as none of us was informed of it and obviously, and you didn’t have had a vote on its implementation. This U.N. Agenda 21 is responsible for the development programs in your city that you are not aware of, behind the mass engineered immigration in the West and heavy population surveillance everywhere (as with “smart meters” and 5G).

You can check the Agenda 21 programs implemented in your city or town by searching Agenda 21 and the name of your city in Google. You’ll find them this way. I found these programs implemented in my New Home State of Ohio in Akron, Alliance, Cleveland, Athens, Cincinnati, Oxford, and Youngstown! Here is the list of cities in America where other supporters of the United Nations Agenda 21/30/50 live and breath!
That year an AIDS researcher, Robert Gallo, working under Fauci, held a press conference to announce that he had “discovered” the AIDS virus. He said it was HIV- human immunodeficiency virus.
The shocking announcement which went around the world, was in complete disregard of scientific procedures of prior peer-reviewed published scientific evidence, including the required electron microscope analyses. It was a case of “science by press conference” as a critical scientist, Prof. Peter H. Duesberg described it. Duesberg was an award-winning researcher at Berkeley who isolated the first cancer gene through his work on retroviruses in 1970, and mapped the genetic structure of these viruses.

For Gallo and Fauci, that was unimportant as millions in research funds flowed into NIAID to research the new virus, HIV. Fauci and Gallo claimed that AIDS was highly contagious, also by sexual transmission, especially among homosexual men.
Notably, before the Gallo claim to have found the HIV AIDS virus, NIAID had been doing research on the role of drugs, poppers or nitrites, proven immune-suppressants, in the deaths of the earliest AIDS patients.
That was quickly dropped in favor of researching a “cure” for AIDS. Media was told that AIDS was the “public health threat of the Century.”
Gallo went on to make millions on his patented blood test for HIV, despite the fact that the test was often giving false positives and did not test directly for the alleged virus but for active antibodies, something immunology practice said was not valid, as antibodies merely suggested a past infection response and not necessarily presence of AHIV.
At this time in the 1980’S Fauci was responsible for AIDS research at NIAID, a post he still holds….

Yet this fraud has shaped the career of Tony Fauci for more than 35 years. Fauci as head of NIAID has taken millions from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the Clinton Foundation along with tens of billions from US taxpayers for this bogus research. Suspiciously, the 2006 article by Giraldo and de Harven was suddenly retracted by the journal in 2019 just before the coronavirus Wuhan outbreak.
Despite the fact that he knew the established rules of virology, Fauci, as head of NIAID, recommended the Burroughs Wellcome chemotherapy drug, AZT as a “preventive drug” for HIV diagnosed patients even without symptoms!
Burroughs Wellcome gave NIAID the study that was deliberately biased for AZT. Fauci even backed AZT for pregnant women despite the grave risk to the fetus. One mark of pregnancy in all women is a higher level of antigens as the natural immune system fights any infection to protect the fetus. AZT or Retrovir, a failed leukemia drug, has been proven to be a highly toxic drug. It was approved for AIDS testing in a record 5 days by Fauci and the US Government in 1987. Today despite more than thirty years funded research and billions of dollars, no effective vaccine for HIV/AIDS exists….
(August 2021) HIV/AIDS originated in Africa in the early 20th century and is a major public health concern and cause of death in many African countries. AIDS rates vary dramatically although most cases are concentrated in Southern Africa. Although the continent is home to about 15.2 percent of the world’s population, more than two-thirds of the total infected worldwide – some 35 million people – were Africans, of whom 15 million have already died.

In October, 2019 Fauci and his NIAID got $100 million from the Gates Foundation to develop “gene-based” therapies for HIV and sickle cell disease. That means at the time of the first claims of novel coronavirus in Wuhan China, Fauci was still promoting a 35-year fraud around HIV. Fauci is also part of the Gates Foundation cabal. In 2012 Fauci was named one of the five Leadership Council of the Gates Foundation-created Global Vaccine Action Plan.
This is highly relevant to his role today as the Trump Administration coronavirus “pope.” Has his NIAID or any other laboratory in the world rigorously, with electron microscopy, isolated and purified samples of patients tested SARS-CoV-2 positive for Covid-19? Or are the virus proofs as faulty as Fauci and the AIDS clique have made for HIV?
In addition NIAID is working with Gilead to conduct Phase II human trials on Gilead’s drug, remdesivir, as a potential treatment for hospitalized adult patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
A Coincidence?
Relevant also is the fact that all top scientific advisers to the US President’s Task Force on COVID-19 are tied since decades to the bogus and destructive HIV/AIDS research and propagation of false theories.

Fauci, Birx and Redfield, all incestuously complicit in the HIV/AIDS frauds and malpractice, today hold the future of not only American public health, but also of the entire world economy in their hands. Not a good situation. As their work on the proved HIV=IDS fraud shows, the coronavirus tests do not at all prove presence of a deadly virus in any patient. If this is so, it is perhaps the greatest criminal fraud in medical history.
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

My Book ‘The End Game’ fills in the missing blanks on how America got to where we are starting back in 1992 with the Signing of the United Nations Agenda 21 through all the Robert Mueller years that started with Bush 41, the next 3 Administrations, Obama’s ‘Non-Scandals.’ the United Nations role, the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and CIA, the Obama economy lies, the Obama’s Administrations list of Constitutional violations, being a Natural Born Citizen, George Soros’s history, McConnell and Ryan’s back stabbing of President Trump, Chief Justice Roberts, Obama’s disdain for America’s military, the Climate Change Hoax, the China Virus’s/COVID-19’s history from it’s inception, the 1st Impeachment trial, Immigration, Ukraine, Joe Biden and son’s Quid Pro Quo and more like our children’s Common Core education, and a lot more… Book and 70+ Articles I’ve written since I handed in the transcript for the book Information in and can be found by clicking this link: The ‘End Game’ Updates!’