You can debate and argue about what’s the most important thing that Democrats have to be concerned about, and their do nothing record for the last 15 months, and that is what’s going to make the Democratic Party relevant again?
Schumer and Pelosi shut down the government over defending the DACA recipients and then deserted them when President Trump offered 3 times the number of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship! When the Dems. backs were up against it they tried to claim that they were first by offering the ‘Wall’ for Amnesty, and not a ‘path’ to citizenship while doing nothing about the immigration lottery or chain migration, which by the way has allowed more illegals into America than DACA by far.
The real truth of the matter is that Democrats are basically ignoring the financial burden that’s been squarely put on the backs of the American taxpayer by forcing them to spend their money on what Dems want them to spend their money on, and that’s the funding of illegal immigration to the tune of $116 Billion dollars a year, and not the remedy that would only cost $25 Billion, the ‘Wall,’ and then have enough money left over to fund Bernie’s free state Universities and colleges that he estimates to be $70 Billion a year.
The leadership of Schumer and Pelosi, and the fact that the Democratic Party can’t trust the American made minorities in need to be convinced that they’re being oppressed by the Obama inspired political correct racist ‘bait and switch,‘ and that’s because those same minorities have decided to go back to work to take back their future, which has now been proven by the fact that the Trump’s economy has produced the record breaking lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Blacks and Latinos in history.
Democrats are beginning to reap what they sowed, and not in a good way, but for their lies and leaving out of the immigration discussion those same DACA recipients and illegal immigrants that they based their rise to power on.
Democrats are now facing more than a tough reality, and that’s because that these illegals that these Progressive Democrats betrayed and used for their illegal vote to advance their Socialist agenda in exchange for amnesty, are not only being thrown under the bus, but are now taking a inspired second, third, or fourth look at the political party that has nothing left to offer when it comes to a path to citizenship!
Illegal immigrants who want a future as American citizens are beginning to understand, like the Blacks and Latinos who are experiencing the lowest unemployment rates ever recorded, that maybe voting ‘illegally’ for President Trump’s making America first and great again Republican Party might be the way to go, and finally give them the best chance of achieving that dream of having that ‘legal’ path to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a legal America Citizenship!
Democrats keep insisting that Illegal immigration is not about vote buying but part of America’s rich history and who we are heritage no matter how much it hurts America’s economy, America’s crime rate, America’s addiction to drugs, and America’s sovereignty. There next argument is that there is no need for a mandatory Federal voter ID law because voter fraud doesn’t exist, and if that doesn’t work then it’s either unobtainable in rural areas or just plain racist, which is only brought up to shut down the first Amendment and freedom of assembly should you decided to congregate to demonstrate your favorable opinion of having a mandatory Federal Voter ID Law.
I don’t care if you’re a Millennial, Baby Boomer, Generation X, Y, or Z’er, because what’s going on today in this country is not supposed to be happening! The reason for this happening though is that the past Administration didn’t bother to even try to follow the steps that have made this country first and great in the beginning, our founding fathers blueprint for success, a.k.a, our Constitutional Republic with all its checks and balances! What happened is we as Americans assumed that nobody, especially our elected officials, would ever abandon their oath of office while at the same time abandoned their oath of office, and the reason for that is simple. When you have two entities working together to push that boulder in the same direction they usually get the job done, but that also holds true if your pushing that same boulder in a different direction that’s not quite on the same path that our founding fathers set us off on in the beginning.
With Obama, his ‘Deep State,’ and the insider ‘Swamper’s’ that remain in hiding amongst the rubble of the Obama White House, and their continued sabotaging from within the White House to do anything and everything President Trump is trying to do, you have to know that with Hillary’s loss, that the reason for the mass exodus of Republicans not seeking reelection is due to how these RINO’s will now be exposed, which they never would have been if Hillary had won, to being involved with selling out their once most precious conservative ideals, which by the way they blamed candidate Trump for not having enough of! These RINO’s decided not only to abandon their their oath of office, but crossed over and embraced the left’s lofty goal of the transformation of America from within over their constituency trust, and deserted their once proud idealistic conservative souls.
You would think after Hillary’s loss that Democrats would be trying to redefine themselves from nothing new to offer the American people, but have decided to double and triple down on Obama and Hillary’s Socialist agenda of transforming America to the same do nothing but obstruct and resist anything Trump. They deserted the legal American made minorities because they couldn’t deliver on the numbers they needed to fix the elections, and that’s because the Black and Latino minorities figured out that Capitalism works for them as long as they work hard enough for themselves! They also realized that they were only being used by Democrats every 4 years when they promised, but never delivered on, the world for their vote, only to be put back on the shelf again to be promised, but not delivered on again, for their vote again in another 4 years.~~~~
The Democrats used to be the party of the working class: they supported trade unions and believed in the welfare state. Their goal was to smooth capitalism’s rougher edges, to humanize modern industrialism, and to give the common man a fair shake. One may find fault with their methods, but their stated goals were laudable and most of them were sincere in their beliefs.
Fast forward to 2018. The Democrats are the party of the elites. Their new mantra is “open trade and open borders,” as Hillary Clinton told Wall Street bankers in a private speech. Remember, it was the Democrats who supported President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, a “free trade” deal that would have gutted American industries. And it is Democrats who currently oppose President Trump’s attempts to stop illegal immigration, which hurts America’s poor.
The Democrats don’t care about American workers. They care about winning elections.
At this point, the chorus of “progressive” rhetoric reaches fever pitch: “but we need immigrants to support the welfare state,” they say—” we need immigrants to pay for our pensions and healthcare!” But saying it does not make it so.
In truth, immigration is destroying the welfare state, in America and throughout the West. Here’s how:
Mass immigration destroys the welfare state because immigrants receive more in benefits than they pay in taxes. This is not true for every immigrant—some never collect government handouts—but it is true for the overall immigrant population. Studies from across the Western world prove this point.
A recent, and comprehensive study from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found that although immigration is (theoretically) revenue-neutral in America, not all immigrants are created equal. Half of all immigrants actually receive more in government assistance than they pay in taxes, but thankfully they are balanced out by the other half. Specifically, immigrants who came to America for family reasons, or arrived as refugees, cost a net present value of $170,000.
Net present value is how much money the government would need to invest today, at a yield of inflation plus three percent, to pay for said immigrant’s tax deficit over the course of his expected lifetime. Of course, the government does not do this—it spends only as it receives. Therefore, looking at net present value creates artificially low expectations.
According to the Heritage Foundation, each non-economic immigrant more realistically costs a net of $476,000 in welfare payouts. And, of course, this does not account for any increases in government programs. Applying this more realistic figure to the original study means that immigrants consume far more in government services than they contribute to them.
In fact, if immigration levels remain unchanged, those arriving over the next decade would cost American taxpayers a net of $1.9 trillion over their lifetimes. The welfare state is already struggling: immigration will make a bad problem worse.
Another important study, conducted by Denmark’s Ministry of Finance, found that immigrants were a net drain on that nation’s welfare state. In fact, non-EU immigrants, and their descendants, consumed 59 percent of the tax surplus collected from native Danes. This is not surprising, since some 84 percent of all welfare recipients in Denmark are immigrants, or the direct descendants of immigrants. The bottom line: immigration is a net burden on Denmark.
Likewise, a study conducted by Canada’s Fraser Institute, a think tank, found that mass immigration costs Canadian taxpayers some $24 billion per year—and this was using data from nearly a decade ago. The number has since increased significantly, as Canada has one of the highest immigration rates in the world.
Finally, a study from the University College of London found that immigrants consumed far more in welfare than they paid in taxes. Specifically, the study looked at the Labour government’s mass immigration push between 1995 and 2011. They found that immigrants from the European Economic Area made a small, but positive net contribution to the British economy of £4.4 billion (or just over $6 billion) during the period. However, during the same period non-European immigrants (primarily from South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa) cost the British economy a net £120 billion (or $165.5 billion).
The origin-based economic differences are actually exacerbated by the UK’s generous welfare state: while European immigrants often left their extended families at home, to be cared for by their respective government, immigrants from the Third World generally brought their families with them, knowing that British taxpayers would care for them. From the immigrant’s perspective, this is a rational choice, but does it make sense for British taxpayers? No.
Together, these studies show that mass immigration won’t save the welfare state, instead, it will hasten its insolvency. In the end, immigrants won’t pay for our pensions, we’ll pay for theirs.
For decades, Democrats campaigned on promises of cradle-to-grave care for low-income Americans, while at the same time they’ve allowed millions of immigrants to come to America and collect welfare
—without ever having contributed a dime to the public purse. This is not only unfair, it’s unsustainable. The welfare state is collapsing under its own weight, and mass immigration is only making this bad problem worse.
It’s time we forced the Democrats to choose between the welfare state and mass immigration.
‘The Democrats’ Dilemma: Immigration and the Welfare State’
By Spencer P. Morrison~~~
But I don’t believe Democrats are capable of either because their gambling, like their ex-President Obama did, on the dependency of American people on government to advance their Socialist goals, and that the Obama Administration, with the continuation of those same Socialist goals when Hillary’s coronation came to fruition, which didn’t happen, and why we now can take a deep breath while being so very grateful that the Silent Majority came out of their caves to save the day!