For 20 years now I’ve been obsessed with how easily our elected officials just dismissed the Constitutional requirement to having to be a Natural Born Citizen in order to be the President or Vice President of the United States of America, but after writing today’s article that will be released hopefully sometime today, it all of a sudden dawned on me why, and that’s’ because of Chief Justice Roberts, the outed upper member of our government by those Chinese Professors who bragged about having high positioned people in the American government that had the final say when making Decisions that will alter the future course of the history of America!
Chief Justice Roberts blocked those same challenges to Obama and Kamala Harris’s disqualifying and unconstitutional citizenship status for exactly the same reasons Chief Justice Roberts refused to let the Texas cases that challenged the obvious election fraud, be heard by the Supreme Court, and again now also realizing was the same reason why the two worst decisions ever made by the Supreme Court being first the Citizens United’ disaster that America is suffering from today with this more than apparent overthrow of the most powerful country in the history of the world back in 2009, the same year that Obama celebrated his 1st inauguration, when George Soros announced his new loyalty to, and sponsorship of, his new number one Economic Superpower in the world, China!
Well I just think I nailed this conspiracy theory, and can chalk up another victory for the good guys!

To be a constitutionally required ‘Natural Born’ Citizen just know that it has completely nothing to do with where the candidate for the Presidency or Vice Presidency is born, and for Chris Stirewalt who is an American politics editor for the Fox News Channel, and now Bret Baier who is the host of ‘Special Report with Bret Baier’ on the Fox News Channel along with being the chief political correspondent for Fox, either have no clue about what they’re talking about, or intentionally misleading their audience about what being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen means compared to what both Obama and now Kamala Harris are, which is being a ‘Naturalized’ Citizens only! Which means neither of them were ever qualified to be either President or Vice President! Being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen is tied to the citizenship of the parents of the candidate, but never about where the candidate was born!
I’m getting a little tired, and sorry for having to do this again, but as I’m out and about in Columbus Ohio I keep getting the same questions about being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, but this time I had a new one, which makes me, at least in my mind, want to come back, or should I say wake up because I can’t sleep at 2AM to expand on what I’ve already defined many times before, but when it comes to the reasons why being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen is so important, and what that means by being important, especially after 15 years of knowing the difference between what being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen vs. being a ‘Naturalized’ citizen means. Being a’ Natural Born’ citizen is Constitutionally required by our founders only if you want to be either the President or the Vice President of the United States of America only, and there is no other position in government or Congress that requires this to be the case!
People are always asking me about this so I thought I would spend the time to go over the questions that I always get hit with when proving my case, and that when it comes to the Mainstream Media and other people declaring this just another one of those ‘conspiracy theories,’ I’m reminded of one of those Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels who said “ If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it enough, people will eventually come to believe it!” Here’s the new question asked to me by another ‘Never Trumper’ who I know is retired and in I believe the legal field before retiring as either a lawyer or/and a Judge but assures me he’s read the constitution!
The next question I just got thrown back at me when reading my book ‘The End Game,’ was why is President Trump a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen when his mother was born in Scotland?
“No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen year a resident within the United States.” This descriptive definition is for a natural born citizen.

The main distinction is that the person can be an inhabitant anywhere in the world during his minority and under the care of his citizen parents neither having been foreign born and naturalized so their influence would be American, not foreign, even while being inhabitants in a foreign country.
What is required following birth and foreign inhabitation during his minority is actual residence from the time of his majority at twenty-one to thirty-five, fourteen years. A key word is “within,” indicating that minority years, including foreign birth, could be lived “outside” the United States.
The Founders created this standard only for the presidency, to safeguard against the election of a president with any iota of divided loyalties. The formula, for which the Framers of the Constitution consulted Emer de Vattel’s The Law of Nations, is simply this: one born on the soil of citizen parents. That’s “parents” – plural.
As one Constitutional scholar puts it: the definition of “natural born citizen” involves three essential factors, functioning like the legs of a three-legged stool. Remove one or two legs and the stool cannot stand. These three legs are the requirements that both parents be American citizens and that the child be born on American soil.
Therefore, there was so much attention paid to the question of where Obama was born, since if he’d been born abroad, he would not have qualified to become president. Unfortunately, the press never did its due diligence – yes, I know – and the Republicans focused only on Obama’s birthplace.
They needn’t have. Obama was ineligible because his father was not an American citizen. Period. He was a citizen of Kenya at the time of Obama’s birth and, in fact, never became an American citizen. And his mother was only 18, so she failed to meet the requirement in the case where only one parent is a U.S. citizen (already unconstitutional, but who’s counting), i.e., that parent must reside in the United States for 10 years, at least 5 of which must be after age 16. Oops. This should have made headlines when Obama began running for office. The fact that this issue was so easily hushed up is a testament to the effect of our schools having omitted U.S. civics from the curriculum for so many years.
Why do I mention all this now? In part because one of the Left’s darlings, Kamala Harris, like the politicians, fails the natural born citizen test. Her father, a Jamaican citizen, emigrated to America in 1961, and her mother, an Indian citizen, emigrated to the U.S. in 1960. Since the naturalization process takes some 5 years, and Kamala was born in 1964, her parents could not have been naturalized U.S. citizens at the time of her birth. Therefore, Kamala Harris is not a natural born citizen. Not even Willie Brown can help her with this one.

But merely being a natural born citizen certainly is no great accomplishment and no assurance that such a person will be a good, let alone a great, president.
If that’s got good enough for you to explain why both Barack Obama back in 2008 and now Kamala Harris in 2020, then how about actions being louder than words! And you can look any of these up if you choose to waste your time….
‘Pelosi Supplied Altered Obama Records to the 2008 Congressional Election Commission’
Nancy Pelosi signed one certificate of nomination which was sent to 49 states and another – saying that Obama is Constitutionally eligible – to Hawaii. People have asked why she didn’t send the eligibility-certifying one to all the states, but the more pressing question is, “Why did the Hawaii Democratic Party refuse to certify Obama’s eligibility?”
‘Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret’
Updated: March 14, 2017 ~AP
Of the $36.2 million in legal costs fighting such lawsuits last year, the Justice Department accounted for $12 million, the Homeland Security Department for $6.3 million and the Pentagon for $4.8 million. The three departments accounted for more than half the government’s total records requests last year.
The figures reflect the final struggles of the Obama administration during the 2016 election to meet President Barack Obama’s pledge that it was “the most transparent administration in history,” despite wide recognition of serious problems coping with requests under the information law. It received a record 788,769 requests for files last year and spent a record $478 million answering them and employed 4,263 full-time FOIA employees across more than 100 federal departments and agencies. That was higher by 142 such employees the previous year.~~
Moving On and Hopefully for the Last Time on This Topic…

To be a constitutionally required ‘Natural Born’ Citizen just know that it has completely nothing to do with where the candidate for the Presidency or Vice Presidency is born, and for Chris Stirewalt who is an American politics editor for the Fox News Channel, and now Bret Baier who is the host of ‘Special Report with Bret Baier’ on the Fox News Channel along with being the chief political correspondent for Fox, either have no clue about what they’re talking about, or intentionally misleading their audience about what being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen means compared to what both Obama and now Kamala Harris are, which is being a ‘Naturalized’ Citizens only! Which means neither of them were ever qualified to be either President or Vice President! Being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen is tied to the citizenship of the parents of the candidate, but never about where the candidate was born!
The last time I had to write about being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen there were 80 something days before the next election, and now we have the same both sides of the aisle doing absolutely nothing for the American people when it comes to the COVID-19 virus except throwing more gas on the fire and blaming President Trump, who now because of operation ‘Warp Speed’ and the rolling out of a virus is still getting sh*t on, and because the Pelosi led Dems are not willing to give the companies who came up with the vaccines for COVID-19 the protections from liability from potential lawsuits, but here’s the killer, Pelosi is using the excuse of helping workers!! So, what I’m hearing here is that the vaccine will open the economy again, and create more jobs, but the Dems say no protections for the manufacturers of the vaccine because of the working people? You can’t make this sh*t up, right?
Now what you got to know is that this ‘No’ attempt by either side of the aisle to mandate a Federally mandated photo voter ID Law is intentional and that’s because is there was one they wouldn’t be able to pull of this ‘Vote by Mail’ Voter fraud! by this ‘Vote by Mail’ I mean that ballots would have been sent out to all voters who are not only registered’ but would also have a legitimate photo voter ID! If all 535 of our elected officials weren’t behind this 28 year plan that was hatched by the United Nations Agenda 21, and with the original financing by George Soros some 28 years ago, then just maybe we the people would of had what we’ve been asking for for decades, and that’s exactly what our neighbor to the South Mexico recognised they needed back in the same 1990’s that our past 4 Administration’s Presidents starting with Bush 41 and alternating with now what’s become the ‘Radical Left’ ending with Barack Obama in 2017, but supposed to have continued on with Hillary replacing Obama and just roll out the finished product that Obama had already started!

The only thing Hillary had left to do is win the election so that her coronation ball would be the biggest in the history of American celebrations, and all brought to you by the American taxpayer! There was only one problem though, and that was George Soros’s same voting machines that won the day for Hugo Chavez’s Socialist agenda in Venezuela using voter fraud, which led to Chavez Packing the Venezuelan Supreme Court, were now being discovered in America’s 2016 election with being in 16 Swing States within 307 voting districts within those same Swing States!
Poof, there goes the free taxpayer funded handouts that funded NATO, the WTO, the WHO, the United Nations, but also was expect to cough up the $10 Trillion dollars needed over the next 10 years for the start up money for the ‘Paris Accord!’ Let’s not forget the TPP Trade Agreement that would have given American jobs away to foreign nations, but more than that, was fast tracked to get passed by using the benefits of ‘Citizens United’ to payoff Mitch McConnell to the tune of $9.2 Million dollars, and Lindsey Graham $3.6 Million dollars, and now you’re going to tell me that when it comes these challenged 2020 election results, and now Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the newly as of 2019 Chairman of the Senate Judiciary whose made a pact to give it back to Cuck Grassley, who by the way was the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary with a 6 year term commitment, when the next 2021 Congress was going to be sworn in! Now you tell me if there might just be the tiniest bit of conflict of interest with these two that should make President Trump ask them to sit this one out until the same time frame of until the next 2021 Congress is sworn in!
We all know that Pelosi and the ‘Radical Left’ are exploiting the Blue states and cities because of their feckless inability to financially manage those same controlled for generations ‘Blue’ cities and States, and you got to know that George Soros is somewhere hiding in the shadows waiting to do what he does best, and that’s to advance his hate for conservative values and Capitalism, which is the reason he’s been banned from what I believe now is 7 countries!

We the people are missing something here, and that something isn’t partisan but bipartisan, and that something is targeting American citizens rights, liberties and freedoms, that’s has been made possible because of the ‘Citizens United’ decision by the Supreme Court back in 2010! This SCOTUS decision allowed George Soros and other outside interest Billionaires to buy America’s domestic and foreign policies, and that’s because ‘Citizens United’ has allowed our elected officials to go into business for themselves and sell America’s exceptionalism down the river!
The bottom line and obvious here is that if the constitution calls for a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen to lead the greatest country in the history of the world, then what are the odds that the leader of the New World Order would be qualified to lead the American people and be respected if he isn’t a Natural Born Citizen? Hmmmm…!
Kamala Harris was born in Oakland California, but when it comes to Obama we’re not 100% sure yet, but Obama was supposedly born in Hawaii, which is a question after 15 years that’s still waiting to be answered! Either way you look at it just know that you’ve been lied to, and that it appears that America and the American people won’t know what the ‘Swamp’s’ ‘End Game’ is until after the 2020 elections!
What are our elected officials hiding, why do they ignore the oath they all took to protect and defend the Constitution, especially when both sides of the aisle’s members witnessed Obama openly bypass Congress, violate the constitution and ‘Rule of Law.’ and ignored the ‘Will’ of the American people on almost a daily basis? Obama constantly went to the United Nations for approvals and advice when it came to the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Paris Accord, and gun control on numerous occasions while congress just sat by and watched from a distance!

Why are the American people being forced to relive another possible Vice President, who we all know will be President in what I predict will be a very short time, who is not a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen again? Kamala Harris like Obama has already promised to use her executive powers to eliminate the 2nd Amendment rights if Congress doesn’t act responsibly within the first 100 days of her first term when god forbid, she does become President?
Why have the American people sit by and watch their elected officials try to eliminate the constitutional ‘Due Process’ and their ‘Presumption of innocence’ guaranteed rights on live and in living color TV when President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, and President Trump himself when the Dems tried to impeach him by suggesting that there were 2 different levels of justice where one is for the people and one for the Political elite who don’t get those same rights I just mentioned!
If you really want to check out all of the unconstitutional and illegal actions by the Obama Administration whose leader wasn’t a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, then just check out the article below to see what America and the American people can expect from Obama 2.0 a.k.a. President Kamala Harris if she ever is President, and then ask yourself how is that possible when 535 members of congress all took the same oath to protect and defend the Constitution?
Obama was inaugurated in January of 2009, and in 2009 Obama’s sponsor and financial supporter George Soros issued a proclamation that raised China’s position in the world to the lead top spot for his long awaited for New World Order! Soros wanted China to create it, own it, and supplanting the United States as the world’s economic Superpower! Within a year later In 2010 we had the ‘Citizens United’ decision by the Supreme Court that gave our elected officials the right to go into business for themselves and sell their votes to outside interest who wanted to effect and influence America’s domestic and foreign policies!
December 2019
As I sat there listening to this parade of ‘Never Trumper’ Law Professors trying to interpret our founder’s articles of impeachment and the founder’s general intent! Professor Karlan steps up and says that she is a Scholar of the Law of Democracy as she explained why our founder’s included in the Constitutional requirement of having to be a ‘Natural Born’ citizen over a ‘Naturalized’ citizen in order to be the President or Vice President of the United States!

Then she went on to say that it’s to ensure that America isn’t corrupted by foreign influence and the reason why that individual who’s not a ‘Natural Born’ citizen can’t become President!
What Schiff and Nadler’s impeachment witness Prof. Pamela S Karlan just gave the American people is the ‘How and Why’ after 11 years of being kept in the dark, why Barack Obama, who spent $36.5 Million dollars to keep his records sealed during his last term in office, and whose father was a well-documented British Citizen, is that same corrupted foreigner who not only tried to influence America to follow a Socialist New World Order, but what the founder’s tried to warn us about then and now today with Kamala Harris suffering from the same anti-America agenda infliction!
Ted Cruz will not be bothered with frivolous details like being natural born. Nor can he be bothered with consular records of birth abroad, nor any form of naturalization to be a U.S. citizen. Instead, his answer is, “We have to save the country first?” So elect an illegal immigrant and save the country from who exactly? From the likes of YOU and all who back you! The only way to do that is enforce constitutional law and elect a leader like Donald J. Trump!
And now we have Kamala Harris trying to pull of the same con that Barack Obama is still trying to hide, and whose parents are from Jamaica and India which makes her a ‘Naturalized Citizen’ because like Obama was born in the United States, but not a ‘Natural Born’ citizen which is the constitutional requirement that is needed if you ever have a dream to either the President or Vice President of the United States, and even though there are people out there who think their shit doesn’t stink, know that they’re lying to the American people, but more importantly, WHY?
I’ve laid out the constitutional law that brings all of this to light for you to read, but again I ask why is this constitutional requirement to be President or Vice President is so easily overlooked by the election committee whose job it is to vet every man or woman who wants to be the next President or Vice President, and where is the DOJ when it comes to enforcing the constitutional law to a candidate that’s not qualified, but signs documents claiming they are qualified to run for either office when they know they’re not?
I can assure you that like Obama Kamala Harris and the Mainstream Media will have birther issue replay where the first weapon of choice will be the same as what Obama depended on back in 2008, and that’s throwing the accusations of racism at anyone that dares call him out for the lie, which basically erased the 50 years of hard work that Martin Luther King dedicated his life to, but now being a woman this time around can now add misogyny to the accusations as an additional weapon to her arsenal of lies!
I want every President’s citizenship to be confirmed to be “Natural Born” and not ‘Naturalized’ Because Obama never would had been President, which in hindsight would have been a good thing after the feckless 8 years of the Obama Administration that started out going around the world apologizing for the country he was elected President of! Obama’s father was not an American citizen but considered a British Citizen which only makes Obama a ‘Naturalized’ Citizen, and ineligible to be President:
It was the fear of foreign influence invading the Office of Commander in Chief of the military that prompted John Jay, our first U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, to write to George Washington the following letter dated July 25, 1787: “Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen (underlying “born” in the original). Jay’s recommendation did make it into the Constitution. Article II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 of the Constitution provides in pertinent part: “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .”

In this clause and in Articles I, III, and IV, the Founding Fathers distinguished between “Citizen” and “natural born Citizen.” Per the Founders, while Senators and Representatives can be just “citizens,” the President must be a “natural born Citizen.” Through this clause, the Founders sought to guarantee that the ideals for which they fought would be faithfully preserved for future generations of Americans. The Founders wanted to assure that the Office of President and Commander in Chief of the Military, a non-collegial and unique and powerful civil and military position, was free of all foreign influence and that its holder has sole and absolute allegiance, loyalty, and attachment to the U.S. The “natural born Citizen” clause was the best way for them to assure this.
That the “natural born Citizen” clause is based on undivided allegiance and loyalty can be seen from how the Founders distinguished between “citizen” and “natural born Citizen.” This distinction is based on the law of nations which became part of our national common law. According to that law as explained by E. Vattel in, _The Law of Nations_ (1758), Vol.1, Section 212, Des Citoyens et Naturels, a “citizen” is a member of the civil society. To become a “citizen” is to enter society as a member thereof. On the other hand, Vattel wrote that a native or indigenes (written in French as /les naturels/ or /indigenes/) or “natural born Citizen” as the term later became translated from French into English, is a child born in the country of two citizen parents who have already entered and become members of the society. Vattel also tells us that it is the “natural born Citizen” who will best preserve and perpetuate the society. This definition of the two distinct terms has been adopted by many United States Supreme Court decisions. (The Venus, 12 U.S. 253 (1814) and Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874) to cite just two.) With the presidential qualification question never being involved, neither the 14th Amendment (which covers only “citizens” who are permitted to gain membership in and enter American society by either birth on U.S. soil or by naturalization and being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States), nor Congressional Acts (8 U.S.C. Sec. 1401), nor any case law (e.g. U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898)) has ever changed the original common law definition of a “natural born Citizen.”
This amendment and laws have all dealt with the sole question of whether a person was going to be allowed to enter into and be a member of American society and thereby be declared a “citizen.” The 14th Amendment did not involve Article II, let alone define what a “natural born Citizen” is. Never having been changed, the original constitutional meaning of a “natural born Citizen” prevails today. We can also see from these definitions that a “citizen” could have more than one allegiance and loyalty (acquiring allegiance from one’s foreign parents or from foreign soil) but…

A “natural born Citizen” can have only one and that is to America (soil and parents are all united in one nation).
The original definition of “natural born Citizen” gives our Constitutional Republic the best chance of having a President and Commander in Chief of the Military who has sole and absolute allegiance, loyalty, and attachment to the United States.
By satisfying all conditions of this definition, all other avenues of acquiring other foreign citizenships and allegiances (jus soli or by the soil and jus sanguinis or by descent) are cut off. Having all other means of acquiring other foreign citizenships or allegiances cut off is unity of citizenship which is what the President must have at the time of birth.
Additionally, by requiring the child’s parents to be U.S. citizens best assures that those parents most likely will have absorbed American customs and values which, in turn, they will transmit to their child.
The “natural born Citizen” clause serves a critical purpose today and must be enforced in every Presidential election. The President has immense power, both civil and military. The clause assures the American people that their President does not have any conflicting allegiances or loyalties. In our nuclear world, it will avoid having a President who may hesitate to act quickly and decisively in a moment of crisis due to some internal psychological conflict of allegiance or loyalty. It will avoid any foreign nation expecting and pressuring the President to act in their best interest instead of that of America. The clause gives the American people the best chance that they will not be attacked from within through the Office of President.
Knowing the President is a “natural born Citizen,” the American people will trust their President with their lives. Finally, such a President can expect that the military will give him or her full trust and obedience.
When President Obama was born in 1961, under the British Nationality Act of 1948, both his father and he were British subjects/citizens. In 1963, they both became Kenyan citizens. In fact, Mr. Obama’s father was never even a legal resident or immigrant of America. Hence, regardless of where Mr. Obama was born or that he may be a United States citizen under the 14th Amendment, he is not an Article II “natural born Citizen” and not eligible to be President. This ineligibility has absolutely nothing to do with his race or class but all to do with his being born with multiple citizenships and allegiances and not satisfying the strict eligibility requirements of Article II.

If someone believes that today the “natural born Citizen” clause no longer serves any useful purpose, then the proper way to change or abandon it is by way of constitutional amendment under Article V of the Constitution, not by usurpation. ~~by: Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
You can believe what you want, but I don’t care what side of the aisle you hail but there is noway in hell you can trust Joe Biden to do the right thing, and that’s because I’m beginning to believe that he doesn’t remember what the right thing is, or even was when he was in his prime, which is another story for another day!
The only reason they have to be going with Kamala Harris for Biden’s VP is that she is the equivalent female version of Barack Obama, and with the same credentials of not being a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, and why is that important you ask? The answer is simple, and that’s because like the European Union and the people of those member countries of the EU were never notified about their individual countries being invaded by foreign immigrants and refugees, the difference though is that in America we have constitutionally guaranteed individual rights that don’t exist anywhere else in the world, and that’s why we’re seeing the ‘Radical Left’ over the last 12 years slowly violating, ignoring and bypassing our founder’s Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ whenever they get a chance, as we’ve all witnessed with Obama’s executive orders bypassing congress on immigration, putting in place a Marital Law version that could be activated at the drop of a hat because it was a ‘Peacetime’ Martial Law, which means basically from the minute Obama inked it we as a people were under Martial Law, did you know that?
We watched Obama’s legacy attack our constitution’s ‘Due Process’ and it’s ‘Presumption of Innocence,’ We watched Obama order the Border Patrol to stand down and not enforce the immigration laws, and……
*Executive Order Bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
◾Ignored Congressional Treaty Powers. Article II Section 1, Article II Section 2
◾Violated statute on “Material Support of Terrorism” by returning top terrorists back to terrorist organizations. Article II Section 3; Dereliction of Duty Article II Section 4
◾Appointed 24+ Federal agency czars without advice and consent of the Senate; Violation of Article II Section 2
◾Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern Executive privilege is negated.
◾23 Executive Orders on gun control – infringement of the 2nd Amendment

◾Used DOJ to ignore section 8 of the Voting Rights Act.” he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
◾NDAA – Section 1021. Due process Rights negated. Violation of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments.
◾Executive Order 13603 NDRP – Government can seize anything
◾DOMA Law – Obama directed DOJ to ignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforce the law.” he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
◾Drone strikes on American Citizens – 5th Amendment Due Process Rights negated
◾Bypassed Congress and gave EPA power to advance Cap-n-Trade
◾Obama took Chairmanship of UN Security Council – Violation of Section 9.
◾Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I, Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachable under Article II, Section 4; War Powers Act – Article II Section 3.
◾Obama falsely claims UN can usurp Congressional war powers.
◾Obama has acted outside the constitutional power given him – this in itself is unconstitutional.
◾Directed signing of U.N. Firearms treaty – 2nd Amendment.
◾In total, Obama has unilaterally altered ACA 24 times. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.

Like it or not, everything that’s going on in America today by our elected officials, at least in my opinion, has to do with a 28 year old bipartisan plan to bring America and it’s people into the New World Order fold, the only problem they’ve been afraid to tell the American people from the very beginning is that they would have to give up some major constitutionally Guaranteed rights like Due Process, the presumption of innocence, the right to bear arms, the right to some 1st Amendment’s ‘Free’ Speech rights, and our closed border and sovereignty hangups, and that’s just the beginning! I also have to believe that when push comes to ‘shove’ it has to do with the reason why the greatest country in the world doesn’t have a federally mandated Photo voter Id Law, and why ‘Vote by Mail’ and creating a false narrative that can be used against President Trump when he losses as a database of excuses when pointing to the different reasons why he lost, when there is no way in hell he can lose!
The ‘Tell’ has been how the Mitch McConnell led Republicans have done nothing for the last 12 years but go along with the plans that both sides of the aisle’s past Administrations have supported over the last 28 years, and now needing to bring it all home before the ‘Last Standers’ and George Soros reach their expiration dates!
How can what’s been going on in America today with all the violating, bypassing, of just plain ignoring the Constitution and the ‘Rule of Law,’ and at will by our elected officials from both sides of the aisle end up being anything else other than bad for America and the American People, especially when the Mainstream Media is acting as their agents to downplay anything that’s considered helping America be great again? With around 80 days to go it’s time ‘We the people’ try to figure out what the ‘Swamp’s’ ‘End Game’ really is before it’s too late!