Why wouldn’t President Trump be angry, this whole phony migrant fleeing poverty has been organized and funded by Soros through one of his front groups: ‘People without Borders.’ It is an obvious attempt to undermine our country, and needs to be stopped dead in its tracks, and definitely needs to be stopped at the border using our military. This is how George Soros and the Oligarchs of the New World Order are destroying Europe by flooding the countries of the European Union, and now they’re trying it here! The difference in America today is that the American people identified the possible problem because of the actions of Barack Obama who didn’t honor his oath of office, took his first international trip as President to apologize to the world for America’s past actions against the likes of Hitler in WWII, and the other countries dictatorships that were oppressing their peoples of the world, and then
confiscating their guns that left them defenseless against the tyranny of greedy and power hungry Banana Republic wannabe dictators that moved in after the Socialist/Communist leadership stripped the country of its sovereignty, culture, and assets!
America is the must domino that must fall if the NWO is going to survive to continue pushing their one size fits all blood sucking lockstep version of Hitler’s Gestapo! What I don’t understand is why George Soros isn’t behind bars already for funding the Detroit rally against the Trump campaign which as a result was forced to cancel it! Why is this man allowed to walk the streets after it was found that during the Republican Primary in Idaho that the online voting machine, which was tied to George Soros’s company in England, was declared fixed for Ted Cruz to win, and called out by Republican monitors of that Primary, and before the 2016 election had those same voting machines in 16 States and in 316 districts in those 16 states? Does anyone think that this information would have been revealed if Hillary would have won the election?
Does anyone think that the Democrats aren’t in a worse position than Obama was when he used VF to win the Presidential reelection back in 2012?
Soros’s Influence of Western Governments
“Everybody says I have a lot of power. But what does that power consist of? … Can I influence governments? I am beginning to be able to….”-George Soros
What does a billionaire atheist, with questionable moral values and a sociopath’s lack of conscience, do after they’ve made all the money they would ever personally need and more?
Apparently: manipulate governments, shape the public consciousness, and influence national and international politics.
Soros spends massive amounts of money to delegitimize governments and other organizations with whom he disagrees. The multi-billionaire financier is one of the world’s largest donors to radical leftist institutions and politicians worldwide. Over the years, Soros-funded groups have consistently attempted to undermine the nation-state worldwide. Soros would like nothing more than to see America – and all nation-states, for that matter – become subservient to international bodies like the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.
According to the Federal Election Commission, during the 2016 presidential campaign, Soros donated more than $9 million to pro-Clinton Super PACs – more than anyone else. This isn’t surprising considering that Clinton is a fellow globalist who’s been repeatedly shown to be corrupt to the core.
A massive hack of the far-left billionaire’s Open Society Foundations by a group called DC Leaks revealed a memo called the “List of European Elections 2014 Projects.” The memo outlined elaborate efforts of Soros’ well-funded global network to manipulate European election outcomes. The memo details more than 90 Soros projects in Europe which sought to influence elections.
Soros’s Influence on the International Mainstream Media
In 2011, the Media Research Center (MRC) revealed that Soros has significant ties with more than 30 news outlets in the mainstream media, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, NBC, NPR, CBS, and ABC. At the time of the MRC report, the Soros-funded Pro-Publica’s Journalism Advisory Board featured the following prolific mainstream media “journalists”:
-Jill Abramson – executive editor of The New York Times;
-Kerry Smith – senior vice president for editorial quality at ABC News;
-Cynthia A. Tucker – editor of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s editorial page
According to the same MRC report, the following members of the mainstream media have also been on the boards of Soros-affiliated groups:
-Christiane Amanpour – anchor of ABC’s Sunday morning political affairs program, “This Week with Christiane Amanpour.” A reliable Lefty, she has called tax cuts “giveaways,” the Tea Party” extreme,” and referred to Obama as being “very Reaganesque;”
-Matt Thompson – editorial product manager at National Public Radio and an adjunct faculty member at the prominent Poynter Institute;
-Ben Sherwood – ABC News President and former executive producer of “Good Morning America;”
-Kathleen Hall Jamieson – author and Walter H. Annenberg Dean of the Annenberg School for Communication of the University of Pennsylvania;
-Michele Norris – host of NPR’s newsmagazine “All Things Considered,” American public radio’s longest-running national program;
-Phil Bronstein – director of content development and editor-at-large for Hearst Newspapers;
-David Boardman – executive editor of The Seattle Times;
-Len Downie – former executive editor of The Washington Post, and now vice president;
-George Osterkamp – CBS News producer.
So, George Soros bankrolls globalist politicians, pro-open borders NGOs, and prominent mainstream media figures? And dissident grassroots organizations, too? Undoubtedly.
Soros’s Influence on Grassroots Dissident Groups
According to an analysis of the Open Society Foundations’ tax returns that was carried out by The Washington Times, the organization funded Black Lives Matter to the tune of $33 million in one year. Prominent individuals within the law enforcement community have called for BLM to be labelled as a hate group.
On July 7, 2016, a lone sniper shot and killed 5 white Dallas police officers during a Black Lives Matter protest in response to the killings of black men by police officers.
An FBI intelligence report that was issued a year after the Dallas shooting was obtained by Foreign Policy magazine. The report warned that “black identity extremists” have been violently targeting police.
Others have claimed that the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter leaders inspired veteran US Marine Sergeant Gavin Eugene Long to unleash a hail of bullets upon Baton Rouge police officers on July 17, 2016, leaving three officers dead and three others injured. Leaders of Black Lives Matter have continuously denied that their movement calls for violence against police.
Who Opposes George Soros?
George Soros has a long list of enemies and detractors, and rightfully so. Prominent government officials in the US, UK, Russia, Israel, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, and others have taken anti-Soros stances, some more than others. What do all these countries have in common? Simply put, they all have the pathological desire to remain sovereign nation-states and to remain in control of their own destinies.
Former UKIP leader and Brexiteer, Nigel Farage, has called for a formal inquiry into Soros after he donated £500,000 to Best for Britain, a Remain in the EU organization. Soros said that he was proud to have donated to it, claiming that it was his affection for the United Kingdom that motivated his decision.
In a FOX News interview, Farage rightly insisted that the media should concentrate on Soros’ Open Society Foundations rather than exclusively on alleged Russian interference in European and North American politics. Anyone who believes that George Soros cares for the well-being of the British people after he caused scores of them to lose their life savings, and in some cases even their homes, in 1992 is utterly naïve.
Hungary’s preeminent Eurosceptic and anti-immigration champion, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, has personally accused Soros of “trying secretly and with foreign money to influence Hungarian politics.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has joined Orbán in denouncing Soros and has endorsed the Hungarian government’s propaganda effort against him.
Six American senators signed a letter urging Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s staff to examine US government funding going to Soros-backed organizations.
Poland’s ruling party, Law and Justice, led by conservative Chairman Jarosław Kaczyńsk, has accused Soros of attempting to destroy traditional societies.
Russia has taken the step of banning Soros’ Open Society Foundations, deeming it a security threat.
Soros has frequently stated that he sees himself as a messianic figure. “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance – to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as god,” he said on one occasion. On another, he stated, “I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin.” If only we could put locking George Soros up in a loony bin to a vote.
Ask yourself, is it possible for one individual to lay the groundwork for a global financial meltdown, the radicalizing of the Leftist parties across North America and Europe, and contribute to the West’s moral decline?
It is surely an exaggeration to hold Soros solely responsible for these phenomena, but the evidence nevertheless clearly indicates that he has been – and remains – the linchpin behind a massive and coordinated effort to undermine not only illiberal institutions and others he deems to be opponents of his agenda but democracy itself all over the world. The sooner the threat he poses to genuine freedom everywhere is brought to light, the sooner this problem can be addressed. Better late than never. ~~~By Voice of Europe