George Soros’s ‘Citizens United,’ Voter Manipulation, MSM, China, Schiff, and Bribing GOP Elites to Fast Track TPP!

George Soros, That Proverbial ‘Bad Penny’ That’s Using China’s COVID-19 Virus to Fulfill His 2009 Proclamation!

Do you remember the Ferguson race riots? Those flames were fanned to the tune of $33 million dollars of funding by groups run and financed by George Soros. Professional protesters were bused and flown in, some far as far away as the Middle East, to keep the people agitated and on edge. Remember those ultra-violent anti-Trump protesters in Chicago? Also funded by George Soros and his Far-Left operatives. Do you remember the police assassinations in Dallas has Soros’s filthy fingerprints all over it!

It was George Soros with his donations back in roughly 1993 who helped launch Agenda 21! It was George Soros who backed the Campaigns of Alinskyites Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama! It’s George Soros who’s linked to Over 30 Major News Organizations!

George Soros has been the financial backer for both Hillary and Barack Obama and their plans to destroy America from within while creating a New World Order from the very beginning!

You had to know that one specific individual had to be somewhere in the shadows, and you’d be right because In 1997, George Soros’s Open Society gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project! Hmmm….

Now for all of you that know me know that when it comes the having to be ‘Natural Born’ was one of those important issues that started my interest in politics when candidate Obama came on to the political scene, and the other was how a candidate for the Presidency could possibly be shown with Reverend ‘God Dam America’ Wright, and my generations ‘Weather Underground’ Bomber William “Bill’ Ayres! I guess my constant attention to the importance to the ‘Natural Born’ requirement to be President by our founders is what the Dems ignored and hid when it came to Barack Obama, and I would have to guess that a lot of this had to do with outside interests like George Soros, and then the passage of Citizen’s United that allowed Common interested entities with the same interests to get together!

The biggest problem with our country today is about both sides of the aisles are voting themselves a huge raise in 2010 with the passage of ‘Citizens United.’ What makes this worse is how the passage of this bill was bipartisan, which is one of the rare instances when they got together to do anything, and it wasn’t even being done for the American people but for the greedy and power hungry that the American people sent to Washington to do the complete opposite!

American’s taxpayer dollars  seemed to have been rerouted from its intend Congressional purposes to being used by the Outside interest that have been and are today being fueled by the passage of ‘Citizens United’ back 2010 when  the high court’s 5-4 decision said that it is OK for corporations and labor unions to spend as much as they want to convince people to vote for or against a candidate.

The decision did not affect contributions. It is still illegal for companies and labor unions to give money directly to candidates for federal office. The court said that because these funds were not being spent in coordination with a campaign, they “do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.”

So, if the decision was about spending, why has so much been written about contributions? Like seven and eight-figure donations from people like casino magnate and billionaire Sheldon Adelson who, with his family, has given about $40 million to so-called “super PACs,” formed in the wake of the decision?

Now enter foreign interest in American companies and the possible influence not by the Russians, but by the likes of George Soros who has his fingers in just about everything that’s out to control the American People’s ‘Purse Strings’ to fund the New World Order’ that he and all the other corrupt and colluding participants envision, as Obama has tipped us all off already, occupying the offices of the United Nations, who have just came out recently to announce the fruition of the New World Order within the next 12 years!

Soros’s Influence of Western Governments

“Everybody says I have a lot of power. But what does that power consist of? … Can I influence governments? I am beginning to be able to….”-George Soros

What does a billionaire atheist, with questionable moral values and a sociopath’s lack of conscience, do after they’ve made all the money they would ever personally need and more?

Apparently: manipulate governments, shape the public consciousness, and influence national and international politics.

Soros spends massive amounts of money to delegitimize governments and other organizations with whom he disagrees. The multi-billionaire financier is one of the world’s largest donors to radical leftist institutions and politicians worldwide. Over the years, Soros-funded groups have consistently attempted to undermine the nation-state worldwide. Soros would like nothing more than to see America – and all nation-states, for that matter – become subservient to international bodies like the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.

According to the Federal Election Commission, during the 2016 presidential campaign, Soros donated more than $9 million to pro-Clinton Super PACs – more than anyone else. This isn’t surprising considering that Clinton is a fellow globalist who’s been repeatedly shown to be corrupt to the core.

A massive hack of the far-left billionaire’s Open Society Foundations by a group called DC Leaks revealed a memo called the “List of European Elections 2014 Projects.” The memo outlined elaborate efforts of Soros’ well-funded global network to manipulate European election outcomes. The memo details more than 90 Soros projects in Europe which sought to influence elections.

Soros’s Influence on the International Mainstream Media

In 2011, the Media Research Center (MRC) revealed that Soros has significant ties with more than 30 news outlets in the mainstream media, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, NBC, NPR, CBS, and ABC.

Soros’s Influence on Grassroots Dissident Groups

According to an analysis of the Open Society Foundations’ tax returns that was carried out by The Washington Times, the organization funded Black Lives Matter to the tune of $33 million in one year. Prominent individuals within the law enforcement community have called for BLM to be labelled as a hate group.

On July 7, 2016, a lone sniper shot and killed 5 white Dallas police officers during a Black Lives Matter protest in response to the killings of black men by police officers. An FBI intelligence report that was issued a year after the Dallas shooting was obtained by Foreign Policy magazine. The report warned that “black identity extremists” have been violently targeting police.

Others have claimed that the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter leaders inspired veteran US Marine Sergeant Gavin Eugene Long to unleash a hail of bullets upon Baton Rouge police officers on July 17, 2016, leaving three officers dead and three others injured. Leaders of Black Lives Matter have continuously denied that their movement calls for violence against police.

Who Opposes George Soros?

George Soros has a long list of enemies and detractors, and rightfully so. Prominent government officials in the US, UK, Russia, Israel, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, and others have taken anti-Soros stances, some more than others. What do all these countries have in common? Simply put, they all have the pathological desire to remain sovereign nation-states and to remain in control of their own destinies.

Soros’s Fingerprints are All Over This ‘Deep State’ Impeachment Hoax!

 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

‘Schiff witness Taylor has ties to Burisma think tank, Soros, McCain leaker!’

Rudy holds all the keys to the Biden corruption in Ukraine, What you should know is that Rudy’s witnesses from Ukraine that can bury the impeachment inquiry aren’t being granted visa’s by Ambassador Bill Taylor, who by the way has now been tied to George Soros!

Schiff Show: Thursday’s Witness Fiona Hill Has Links To Soros, Deep State, Fusion’s Chris Steele — And Conveniently Forgot Eric Ciaramella’s Name During Questioning

The second White House whistleblower in the Democrats’ Ukraine witch hunt is none other than George Soros operative Fiona Hill, Infowars has learned. Infowars was contacted by sources close to the president confirming our suspicions that Fiona Hill is definitely one of the so-called White House whistleblowers involved in the current Ukraine witch hunt against President Trump.

Hill is, after all, the only person on the Trump team who simultaneously has a direct connection to George Soros. From 2000-2006, Hill served as an adviser to Soros’ Open Society Institute, which is responsible for many of the political donations Soros makes. How do we know? Because she lists it on her own resume.

REP ADAM SCHIFF’S Shocking Ties to George Soros Revealed!

The far left and the Deep State are all intertwined in an incestuous relationship. As it turns out, George Soros was instrumental in helping fund Rep. Adam Schiff’s political career. Schiff was bankrolled by Soros’ organization and Open Society Foundations:

“Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, was previously financially aided by the George Soros-financed to win his Congressional seat.”

Schiff was also awarded the Toll Fellowship, which is sponsored by the Council of State Governments, a nonprofit that monitors federal government activities and is heavily financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

The Open Society and Soros-funded groups have additionally supported several Schiff’s legislative efforts.

Schiff has been helping to lead the Democrats’ unsubstantiated charges of alleged collusion between President Donald Trump and Moscow.

Last month, Schiff delivered the opening statements at a Congressional hearing where he laid out the case for alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.  This reporter previously documented serious problems with Schiff’s charges, which include wild conspiracy theories and heavy reliance on a questionable source.

Wonder if he’s beholden to Soros now? We believe he is! Remember that Schiff has been lying and leaking since day one of Trump presidency. He believes the end justifies the means even if it’s corrupt.

Adam Schiff’s collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed!

Adam Schiff’s Russia stupidity can be easily explained by examining his Ukrainian connection.

by Alex Christoforou  *2 years ago

Adam Schiff is an owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff’s anti-Russian narrative is carefully orchestrated by his Ukrainian handlers, and that’s after Schiff funneled $60 Million U.S.Taxpayer’s Dollars to His Ukrainian Friend and same ‘Corrupt’ Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak


Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been active in both Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. to support increased bilateral ties between the two countries and has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

Jack Posobiec tweeted in March 2017 on Schiff’s connection to Pasternak and George Soros…

Hi @RepAdamSchiff! Why did Soros-tied Ukrainian Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak hold a fundraiser for you? #ComeyHearing

Billionaire Leftist George Soros Bought America’s Media. Why Hasn’t Anybody Noticed?

By Nancy Smith, October 17, 2019

Democrats don’t talk about Big Media’s influence because they’re the ones who benefit from it. With the exception of FOX, every one of the most influential national news outlets are campaigning — I mean really flagrantly campaigning — for far-left liberal candidates and causes.

Early in the 21st Century, George Soros, net worth $26 billion and No. 46 on Forbes’ list of the World’s Richest Men, discovered he had enough money and the know-how to buy opinion from ethics-challenged or foundering publishers and individual reporters, outfits large and small. Soros never owned a single media outlet. In a tangled web of lofty-sounding foundations he created to “give to causes he wanted to influence,” Big Media in all its evil glory was born. 

How can we forget George Soros and his ‘Voter Fraud’ promoting voting machine company?


Soros supplied the voting machines that Gave Chavez his Socialist win in Venezuela, the once considered 4th richest country in the world just 20 years ago, and I think we can see how that’s going, but also Gave Ted Cruz his only Primary win in Utah:



According to The Political Insider this is very unusual internet-based voting process. The technology to conduct web-based voting comes from Smartmatic Group, which is based in England. The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch Brown, who also is on the board of billionaire liberal GEORGE SOROS’ Open Society Foundation and has personal ties to the billionaire.

You need a valid ID to see an R-rated movie, buy a pack of cigarettes, work a job, adopt a pet, rent a hotel room, drive a car, obtain a prescription, and to vote in most union elections. But thanks to a coordinated effort by the Democratic Party and foreign organizations ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS CAN VOTE IN AMERICAN ELECTIONS IN MOST STATES, ESPECIALLY BLUE STATES WHERE DEMOCRATS MAKE AND ENFORCE THE LAWS!!!

It’s beginning to look like another call out to George Soros and his voting machines that have recently been caught being programmed with remote access software, is what’s needed again to bring the Dems back from the brink of extinction as they were in 2018 when they had to take back the House and Pelosi her gavel in 2018!

Changing LawsWhile it may be difficult to determine exactly how many non-U.S. citizens cast ballots in the past election, loosening voter ID laws does make this type of voter fraud much easier to perpetrate.One of the main financiers behind organizations working to block and overturn these laws has been George Soros, the billionaire investor convicted of insider trading in 2011. Soros is a staunch Democratic supporter and has been one of the major forces opposing Trump.

Internal documents from Soros groups, leaked by DC Leaks, showed that Soros poured hundreds of millions of dollars into organizations that tried to alter voting laws and sway news coverage to impact the election in favor of the Democrats. Among these were direct actions to reduce voter identification laws.According to PJ Media, Soros funded operations that led to voter ID laws being overturned in North Carolina ahead of the elections, by providing $250,000 to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

A leaked 2012 document from the Soros-backed Open Society Foundations outlines efforts to block and overturn voter ID laws. It notes “advocates were quite strategic in not going head to head against the validity of voter ID,” noting that research shows “people overwhelmingly support voter ID.”

The document also notes that the ‘Open Society Foundations’ U.S. Programs “messaging project” to alter public opinion on voter ID laws was led by public policy law institute Brennan Center and civil rights organization Advancement Project. The “messages were used verbatim hundreds of times in sources ranging from The New York Times to the Philadelphia Inquirer, quickly and fully working their way into the media, national and local, and across social networking sites.” ~~By Joshua Philipp, a Friend of America!

Why is this man allowed to walk the streets free, especially after I thought, like others I know, that he was untouchable because he lived overseas, but shocked to find that he lives in New York, which is on American soil the last time I looked!

Trump Foils Soros’ Master Plan TPP to impose New World Order….

Wall Street hedge fund manager and financial analyst Mitch Feierstein claims that Donald Trump came to power just in time to prevent billionaire George Soros and Bill and Hillary Clinton achieve a Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal hidden from the public.

“George Soros and Clinton Inc. were nearly able to declare ‘Mission Accomplished’ on their vision of establishing an opaque ‘New World Order’,” Feierstein, a hedge fund manager who has spent 38 years working in the New York, Tokyo and London global financial markets, said on Tuesday.

Trump announced that he was scrapping the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that his predecessor President Barack Obama had sought to complete during his eight years in office.

“Forget Soros’s New World Order for now because a new sheriff, Donald Trump, the 45th US President arrived on in Washington promising to drain the swamp.

TPP is a now history and it will be interesting to see who is naked at low tide,” Feierstein noted.

The top-secret TPP free trade agreement was one of the worst trade deals ever crafted by Washington’s pay-to-play culture of corruption, Feierstein stated.

“How could any rational individual or sovereign be supportive of a secret ‘trade deal’ with zero transparency and legal language drafted by multi-national corporations?” he asked.

The TPP was deliberately crafted to ensure a form of “globalization” so that these same corporations who designed the “rules” could operate in the dark with total impunity while stripping member nations of their sovereignty and denying consumers of all their rights and protections, Feierstein explained.

“TPP was Obama’s ‘Crown Jewel’ achievement after 35 years of failed neoliberalism funded by oligarchs for the benefit of oligarchies,” he observed.

Republicans who took the bait and the million have now has exposed there true loyalty in 2020 for the New World Order!

George Soros is a secret self-loathing Jew who sided with the Nazis as a teenager and helped to put his own people in concentration camps. He enjoys seeing the misery of those who he destroys.

Selling Out America: Rampant Corruption in Full View as Bought-off Congress Passes Ruinous Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Bill

The Joint Statement unequivocally endorses the TPP, which President Trump canceled, and why Hillary’s loss in 2016 has crippled the efforts of the outside interests who have been permitted by the passage of ‘Citizens United’ to fund these agendas of the North American Union and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) provides an opportunity to further deepen our trade relationship and create jobs. The United States welcomes Canada’s and Mexico’s interest in joining the TPP as ambitious partners.

The TPP is an attempt to forge a supranational government for the nations of the Pacific Rim modeled after the European Union. There are currently 12 members of the TPP: United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Japan.

Now we should be able to see the effects of ‘Citizens United’ when we see how the fast track passage of this TPP agreement, which by the way President Trump Stopped as he did with the planned ‘North American Union’ that if Hillary would had won would have been more than likely up and running!

In the instance of H.R. 1314, the legislative vehicle for moving Obama trade, from the period of October 1st of 2012 to September 30th of 2014, the amount of “potentially” influential financial contributions heaped upon the largely unscrupulous members of Congress in both chambers was nothing short of obscene.

Boehner Got $5 million, Ryan $2 Million, McConnell $9 Million – Any Doubt Why TPA Passed?

Contributions from pro-Obama trade lobbyist alone were enough to make very wealthy people of those who are supposed to represent the citizens, and the period immediately preceding the vote, that between October 1st of last year and June of 2015 is still unknown. Certainly, the pot was “sweetened” considerably more as the deadline drew nearer.

Contributions to House members from forces favorable to Obama trade outnumbered those from those opposed by a factor of 8.6 times, $197,869,145 to $23,065,231. The differences were even more stark in the Senate, with a total of $285,225,162 in financial incentives being meted out from supporting groups and only $27,569,149 from the opposition, over ten times as much. There were 32 House members with over a million dollars in contributions and many who were just below that threshold. In the Senate, only five Senators were below the one-million-dollar mark, and two of those, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) voted no, and against betrayal of their country.

The formula in the House seems simple, at least as far as rewarding those in leadership positions. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) got a cool $5 million and change, Mike McCarthy (R-CA) half that at $2.4 million, and Steve Scalise (R-LA) half again at $1.2 million. For Paul Ryan, the price of American sovereignty was $2.2 million.

Rep Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) was a member of the million-dollar club at $1,053,646. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) collected $1.4 million, Cathy McMorris Rogers received (R-WA) $900,732 and Mike Pompeo (R-KS) $949,708. Pete Sessions, House Rules Committee chairman, was compensated to the tune of $1,057,079, with his fellow Texan, Lamar Smith picking up $608K. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), who fought against illegal immigration, we thought, during the amnesty battle, received $700,687 and voted for uncontrolled immigration and the usurpation of domestic American rule.

Financial gain doesn’t appear to be the only reason behind surprising anti-American votes in favor of the three secret bills, a dictatorship and foreign control of our nation. Disappointing betrayals by supposed champion of conservatism, Steve King (R-IA), who received only $382K, Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) $358K, and Trey Gowdy at $305K still don’t make sense.

In the Senate the picture is even uglier, and much more blatant. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) “acquired” $9.2 million, John Cornyn (R-TX) $5.3 million and Orrin Hatch $4.2, the third member of the Senate trio of traitors forcing this upon us.

Marco Rubio pocketed $3.9 million for voting to tie us to a bill he never read, with his fellow presidential candidate Lindsey Graham “earning” $3.4 million. Candidate Rand Paul (R-KY) voted against the package both times it came up in the Senate. Ted Cruz (R-TX) first voted in favor of it but was eventually forced to recognize the will of the people in the interest of the survival of his campaign and cast a meaningless vote once the debate and outcome was determined.

With 6 months to go it’s time for every American regardless of his or her Political affiliation to vote for our founder’s vision for America that is ‘By the People and For the People’ and not what appears to be a bipartisan ‘Dog and Pony’ show that doesn’t intend to let the American People screw it up again as they did in 2016 by electing President Trump instead of Hillary Clinton!

If Hillary had won in 2016 she would have completed what Obama wasn’t able to finish during his 8 years mission to destroy America from within, and after her additions to the Supreme Court would have eliminated our founder’s 1st and 2nd Amendments of the Constitution would have confiscated all legal American gun owner’s guns, and then do away with what we’ve already witnessed with the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh and attempts to impeach President Trump when Pelosi’s henchmen of Schumer, Schiff, and Nadler, like Adolf Hitler, denied all those accused of any false, fake, or made up crimes of their Constitutionally guaranteed right to ‘Due Process’ and there automatically constitutionally granted rights to the ‘Presumption of innocence!

I think You’ll find my next article filling in a majority of the missing pieces of the puzzle that will finally reveal exactly what the ‘Deep State’s,’ tough to put a finger on, end game truth really for 2020, but still not knowing if the Mitch McConnell led GOP is for or against the New World Order? We know they already took the money to fast track the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) Trade Agreement, but what we don’t know if they’re going to do the right thing for America’s Constitution that they took an oath to protect and defend?