CPAC 2021 Schedule, Where Donald Trump Is Star, Has Seven Panels on ‘Protecting Elections’
James Walker who wrote this in one of his articles couldn’t stop himself from showing the world that he too has no common sense or the ability to reason when he wrote: “The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will feature seven talks on “protecting elections” as former President Donald Trump, the annual convention’s top speaker, CONTINUES TO BASELESSLY CLAIM THAT HE WON THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!“
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

I personally think that CPAC should start the festivities off this weekend by playing this trailer to MyPillow’s Mike Lindell’s Video!! THE AMERCIAN PEOPLE WANT TO SEE IT, AND HAVE A RIGHT TO SEE IT!!

Click this link to see the video that will change the way you think about our elected officials from both sides of the aisle: 100% ABSOLUTE PROOF that we the Peoples 2020 election was stolen with a Cyber Attack by China, but now proven even more by the fact that Chief Justice Roberts refuses to let the other justices to hear the challenges to the 2020 election again for a 3rd time!
We The People Are a Sovereign Nation! This is NOT about left vs. right. Election integrity is NOT a partisan issue. We the People of the United States are sovereign. We are not subjects to be ruled. Free and fair elections are one of the foundations of our Republic and the most fundamental principle defining credible elections is they must reflect the free expression of the will of the people.

Everything the Pelosi and Schumer’s ‘Radical Left’ are proposing that isn’t Constitutional, at least based on the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution, is basically null and void with no standing, which in my book has now become an obvious bipartisan ‘Swamp’ effort to finish off America’s exceptionalism from within, and by doing so pointing out that the main bad actors are Chief Justice Roberts, the now Minority Leader of the Senate who use to be Senate Majority leader, and that’s Mitch McConnell who did nothing with either position since Obama arrived on the political scene to stop Obama and his Administration from every unconstitutional and illegal action by the Obama Administration’s corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA!
Now when it comes to H.R.1, and the Pelosi Cabal knowing that if they didn’t find a way to steal the 2020 elections along with the previous stolen House in 2018, and now the White House in 2020, and the Senate in a run off in 2021, that the Democratic Party a.k.a., New World Order, it’s more than clear that the attempt to take over state elections is about as unconstitutional as it gets!
“The constitutional rights, powers, and privileges of establishing voter qualifications, including voter registration requirements, are incidents of ‘STATE’ sovereignty not the government that’s protected by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, the Tenth Amendment, and the Seventeenth Amendment.”
The Tenth Amendment is the last amendment in the Bill of Rights. It makes it clear that the powers of the Federal government are limited to only what is particularly given to it in the Constitution. If a power is not given to the Federal government in the Constitution, that power is reserved for the states, and sometimes to the people. This is what the Tenth Amendment means.
Seventeenth Amendment, amendment (1913) to the Constitution of the United States that provided for the direct election of U.S. senators by the voters of the states. It altered the electoral mechanism established in Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution, which had provided for the appointment of senators by the state legislatures.

The Pelosi Cabal with the help of the Mainstream Media and ‘Big Tech’ are again lying is trying to to hang their hat only on the Constitutional term “Elections Clause” to try and lie enough and long enough that the American People might consider what they are doing as constitutionally legitimate, and that hook they are trying to hang that hat on is referred to Art. 1, § 4, cl. 1, of the United States Constitution that reads as follows: “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but Congress may at any time make or alter such Regulations, except as to the place of choosing Senators.” Sorry, it’s not that simple, especially when you have not 1, but 50 states that are sovereign, and have control over their states selection and election process!
In other words if they lie like a Democrat, obstructs and resists making America first and great again like Democrats, blame the Republicans for what they are guilty of like Democrats, they’re traitors to a man or woman because they vote for anything that’s not supported by the Constitution or the ‘Rule of Law’ so that they can gain power!
The government was never seen by the Founders as a provider of anything but a very generalized common security. Laws were seen as more important than men. At best, the government was seen as a necessary evil to allow for the continued functioning of a peaceful society. Those who sought power through the government, rather than seeking to serve their countrymen, were implicitly distrusted.
Thomas Jefferson writes in the Declaration of Independence that “political bands” of government connect citizens of a nation and that governments are formed for the purpose of securing citizens’ rights of “[…] Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The government was established for six reasons, which are unity, domestic tranquility, justice, defense, promotion of the general welfare of the people and securing liberty for all. The Constitution of the United States outlines the six purposes for the formation of the government. The Constitution, which was written in 1787, is considered the “supreme law of the land” because it cannot be surpassed.
The American People are being set up, and when you have a corrupt Chief Justice who won’t allow the Supreme Court to hear the cases that 100% prove voter fraud stole the 2020 elections from ‘We the People’ in 2020 due to a Cyber Attack by China, and as a result of Chief Justice Roberts continued track record of not giving a sh*t about doing his stated job as Chief Justice to protect and defend the Constitution, I’ve been asking myself about whether or not I should go out, and like 9 Million Americans are doing, and that’s being a first time gun owner! I don’t have a gun, or even thought about ever owning a gun, but that’s me, and now I’m believing that it might be my time to embrace my 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms and go out and buy a gun?
If you want to sum up exactly what’s going on today behind those fences being protected by guns, which is something the Dems have been working against since Hillary lost to ex-President Trump in 2016, I think that one of my favorite writers when it comes to Obama and his politics is Wayne Allyn Root who posted the following article this past Sunday, February 21st:

Meet the New President of the United States … Barack Obama!
I’ve written thousands of columns and commentaries. This is the most important I’ve ever written.
This is my chance to play the modern-day Paul Revere. “The commies are coming. The commies are coming.” Yes, I am reporting a communist takeover. But the leader of this attack is not who it appears to be.
Republicans, conservatives and capitalists are sick right about now. We’re in shock. We can’t believe Donald Trump is no longer president. We can’t believe Americans voted against the greatest economy — perhaps in history — the greatest jobs picture ever, the greatest improvement in middle-class incomes ever and the greatest economic comeback ever, which Trump produced after the COVID-19 lockdown and economic collapse. Remember 33% gross domestic product in Q3 2020? That was the biggest number in history. Who would vote against all that? You’d have to be self-hating and suicidal.

We also can’t believe America voted for a feeble old man with dementia who mumbles, who clearly signs executive orders without knowing what he’s signing and who says “we didn’t have” a vaccine before he became president, even though he got his two vaccine shots before he became president.
We all believe the election was rigged and stolen. We all know the feeble old man now called “president” would be more at home in an assisted living home than the White House. That man can’t be our new president.
I have news for my fellow conservatives, Republicans, capitalists and patriots: Joe Biden is not president. He’s a puppet. Yes, we have a new president. His name is …
Barack Obama!
Admit it. Now that I’ve said it out loud, it all makes sense. Obama is the real president, back to finish the job with his third term.
Biden’s job was to stand there and look moderate and credible and reasonable, so as not to scare voters. But Biden isn’t the real president. Obama is the man with the power.
Look at the radical executive orders Biden has signed. They all sound like Obama wrote them. This third term is “Obama Unmasked.” With Biden as the front man, Obama can finally be himself. Obama is able to do all the radical things he never dared do as president.
Look at the executive orders and new laws and policies proposed:

— Open borders. No more border wall. Everyone gets in — during a pandemic. Halt certain deportations. Legalize millions of illegal aliens. Include illegal aliens in the U.S. census. Once into the country, give them the right to bring all their relatives in, too, with no requirement for education, skills or background checks. Ban the use of the word “alien.” Folks, this isn’t Biden talking. This insanity is 100% Obama.
— Make actions and economic policy about “racism” “social justice” and “racial equity.” Even climate change is about “racism.”

— Restart the Iran nuclear treaty. Give mullahs everything they ever dreamed of and then some. Endanger our best friend Israel’s existence and get absolutely nothing in return. And, for good measure, wait over a month into your presidency to call Israel’s prime minister so the whole world knows we no longer have Israel’s back.
— Kill the lucrative U.S. energy industry and make us dependent on foreign oil from our enemies again. Kill the Keystone XL pipeline. Kill oil, coal, natural gas, fracking and even permits for drilling. Reenter the Paris climate agreement while allowing China to pollute all it wants. This will no doubt decimate our economy, kill millions of high-paying fossil fuel jobs and make us dependent on green energy.

— Ban the use of the term “China virus.” End the trade war with China. Give China access to the U.S. energy grid.
Even the players in Biden’s Cabinet and staff are all Obama retreads.
Trust me, I was Obama’s classmate at Columbia University. I know how he thinks. I understand his plan. This has Obama’s fingerprints all over it. This is the Cloward-Piven plan we learned about at Columbia almost 40 years ago.
This isn’t Biden. This is the third term of Obama. In his first two terms, Obama tried his best to destroy the economy, high-paying jobs, health care, the U.S. energy industry, the great American middle class, our relationship with Israel, American exceptionalism and capitalism itself. He damaged us badly, but he fell short.
Now he’s back to finish the job!

“When the legislators, courts and/or Congress fail to do their duty under the 12th Amendment, the people and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and not a President Elect that has yet to be constitutionally confirmed or certified by Congress, must be ready to immediately declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote.”
If all else fails, there is always the 2nd Amendment!
The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution is a single sentence with profound implications. It reads: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” As part of the Bill of Rights, this amendment safeguards US citizens’ right to bear arms.
The following excerpts from founding documents will clearly show:

1. The Constitution of the United States is the “Supreme Law of the Land” and any law that strays outside the boundaries enumerated in it are undeniably unconstitutional.
2. The undisputable fact that acts passed by Congress or by State legislatures which do not conform to the Constitution of the United States have been found by the Supreme Court to be “null and void and have no effect”.
3. The enactment of unconstitutional laws by legislators clearly violated their Oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America”.
4. The violation of this Oath by an elected official/public officer could therefore be construed as a “Treasonable Act”.
Warning: H.R.1 is the building block for a ‘Blue’ nation!
Following what millions of voters argue was a stolen election that put Joe Biden in the White House, Democrats are now poised to solidify their grip on power in America’s capital. Pelosi, the lead Democrat in the U.S. House, has announced her commitment to passing H.R.1, which is known as the For the People Act of 2019.
The measure passed in the House in early March 2019, but has since languished in the Senate. That’s less likely to happen this time around in the Senate with a 50-50 split and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris holding the tie-breaking vote.
Rob Chambers, vice president of AFA Action, explains that H.R.1 – if passed – would federalize and micromanage elections at the state level.

“What Nancy Pelosi is wanting to do is to pass federal legislation that will come in and micromanage state election procedures,” he shares. “She wants to seize the authority of the states to regulate voter registration, opening up early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online registration – and who knows? It may even be online voting.”
In fact, the Democracy Reform Task Force highlights what it considers benefits of H.R.1, including national automatic voter registration, “democracy reform,” early and online voting, along with other “voting modernization” measures.
According to Chambers, the ultimate result would be that Democrats could control more states. “And you thought you saw problems in Georgia going from Red to Purple to Blue?” he wonders. “I would predict you’re going to see that trend in every state as a consequence of this.”
Chambers adds that the Democrat-controlled government could stack the Supreme Court with left-leaning justices to make sure no legal challenge to H.R.1 can succeed.

I don’t know if our elected officials who just got sworn in as part of the 117th Congress, and took the oath to protect the Constitution know that this Bill should be dead on arrival constitutionally, and that every American should call their elected representative and remind them why they are in Washington DC, and who they represent! Especially on the first day an unconstitutional Impeachment trial of an American Citizen because of him being denied his constitutional right to ‘Due Process’ and the presumption of innocents during the inquiry phase of this travesty!
Who Can and Can’t Vote in U.S. Elections. You must be a U.S. citizen to vote in federal, state, or local elections. Who Can Vote? You can vote in U.S. elections if you: Are a U.S. citizen. Meet your state’s residency requirements. You can be homeless and still meet these requirements. Are 18 years old on or before Election Day.
If any state prevents a legally caste vote by a ‘Citizen’ of the United States from being counted, it violates the constitutionally guaranteed “ right of citizens of the United States.”

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Barack Obama and now Kamala Harris are not ‘Natural Born’ Citizens…
This Bill is a violation of the Constitution because in the constitution it says that it is ‘STATES,’ and not the Federal government that makes the determination on the method of voting in their individual states!
Among its features, the bill:
*Bans the requirement to provide a full Social Security number for voter registration.

*Creates a nationwide “Motor Voter” registration, automatically registering people who obtain a driver’s license, which is how thousands of illegals became registered voters in California and Nevada.
*Establishes nationwide same-day registration.
*Prohibits the type of work done by Judicial Watch to clean voter rolls of non-residents.
*Mandates early voting.

*Creates nationwide vote-by-mail and legalized ballot harvesting.
*Bans a personal identification requirement as a condition of obtaining a ballot.
*Prohibits requiring notarization or a witness signature to obtain or cast an absentee ballot.
*Permits a voter to designate any person to deliver an absentee ballot and puts no limit on how many ballots a person may deliver.
*Lays the groundwork for D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood.
*Puts redistricting in the hands of Congress.
And all challenges to this would be decided by Traitor Chief Justice Robert’s Supreme Court???

Endorsers of H.R.1 include many liberal groups, such as the Center for American Progress, People for the American Way, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Democracy Matters, Common Cause, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and the League of Conservation Voters.

For information on my book ‘The ‘End Game,’ and how to find out the how’s and whys we got to where America is today, then just click the link….