Hydroxychloroquine: Another Mainstream Media’s Malpractice Distraction For the 2020 Elections!

Hydroxychloroquine Adds to List of Media Malpractice Regarding Covid-19, but in reality it’s only serving as just another ‘Shiny Object’ to distract the American people by hiding their true agenda behind the ‘Swamp’s’ mission of preparing America for the inevitable coming of the New World Order, and using a more sophisticated form of ‘Voter Fraud’ in 2020 to steal another election!

It’s beginning to look like when it comes to the GOP’s supposedly conservative and belief in smaller government that President Trump is doing all the heavy lifting while McConnell and company continue to balk on their ideological responsibilities! They even showed all of us back in 2016 after they spent years proclaiming that if they were given the chance to control the House, Senate, and White House, that they would repeal and replace Obamacare, but when now President Trump delivered on their promise and won the election, the now what’s beginning to look like the ‘RINO’ tag team of McConnell and Ryan had nothing prepared or on the runway ready to repeal and replace Obamacare! Would anybody care to ask the question to Mitch McConnell to the reason why that was even possible? Hmmm…

Before COVID-19 the Trump Booming economy had the highest employment numbers of all members of all minorities in the history of America, but move ahead 6 months and we have anarchy, rioting, looting, and as a result what didn’t exist just a short 6 months ago has turned into a supposed race war, which by the way I got an earful from who I would have to call a rep. from BLM because of my Blog because I’d been waiting to schedule a medical procedure, that is being fueled by Pelosi’s Progressicrats, the Mainstream Media, and now from what I’m beginning to realize because of the lack of push-back, the McConnell Republican conundrum!

I don’t care what side of the aisle you claim to hang your hat but there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that whatever Obama felt like doing for the entire 8 years while he intentionally, and with no push back coming from the McConnell’s ‘Do Nothing’ band other than taking bribes to fast track Obama’s ‘TPP’ Trade Agreement, as he violated, bypassed, and chose to follow the United Nation’s directives over America’s own Congress!

From the first day now President Trump arrived on the political scene he’s seems to have a flawless record of being right, and it’s beginning to look like President Trump is going to be right again about Hydroxychloroquine! You remember that this was the drug he first touted as a modern day medical god send back in the beginning of what’s beginning to look like just another real, but blown out of proportion by the Pelosi Cabal to force the 2020 elections to be just another, but a more sophisticated level of voter fraud that they’ll need to do in order to take back the Senate and the White House like they did in 2018 to take back the House!

Even though the number of cases might be going up the death rate is collapsing to levels not seen since the first week in March as reported yesterday by that was cherished by the Mainstream Media’s responsible reporting.

Fauci gave himself an out yesterday by explaining away the death rate by stating that they haven’t had the time process the death certificates yet, but as we’ve all learned over the last few months is that all, or should I say all again deaths are now  being chalked up to the Coronavirus because Hospitals are getting paid a pretty penny for all those that died from COVID-19 in their hospitals!

If you’ve been following me you’ll remember that I had a friend who lost a relative just recently because of a bad heart that resulted in a heart attack that killed him in the end. They all knew this but when they got the death certificate the cause of death was listed as by virus, and when they went to get the cause of death changed they were told that they would have to take them to court to get that change made……

Move ahead to that following Wednesday to a golf league I play golf in to only hear a conversation going on about how hospitals receive somewhere around $14,000 for every patient that dies of the COVID-19 virus….Hmmm again…

Now add that to ‘Blue’ State Governors and Mayors like Bill DiBlasio of New York City telling his trackers and testers not to ask those who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus whether or not they participated in a Antifa or Black Lives Matter Protest, and then tell me how Dr. Fauci can accurately pin point the number of deaths that were actually caused by the Coronavirus and not by some other means?

How many of you are beginning to feel like our elected officials have been working side by side through a clandestine bipartisanship since Bush 41 that mutually committed America and the American people’s future to the United Nation’s Agendas leading to the eventual New World Order, and doing it intentionally without the peoples knowledge, to sell America along with it’s founders ‘Bill of Rights’ to outside interests who are now showing the American people what they intend to do with it, and by the way can be previewed by just watching what’s going on in America’s ‘Blue States and Cities from sea to shining sea over the past decades, or peaking in on the once 4th richest country in the world Venezuela to see what America will look like in a mere 20 years if Joe Biden can actually find a way to win the election to be President in just 4 short months from now!

Joseph Stalin — ‘Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.’

What I would have to believe more than not is how the whole election/selection process has been just a ‘gesture’ made by our elected officials to the American people for what’s probably been for at least the last 100 years so that the American people would think that they are the ones controlling the destiny of America moving into the future, but they’d be terribly wrong!

How many of you missed/saw this…….

‘Supreme Court to Decide Whether Electoral College Members Are Bound by Their State’s Popular Vote!’

By M. Lemieux 1/17/20

During their upcoming session, the Supreme Court will decide if states may penalize electoral college voters who vote for any candidate other than the one selected by their state’s popular vote for president and vice president.

Some state officials have expressed concern that such a decision puts all of the power in an election in the hands of a electoral college, removing the import of the popular vote, as exemplified by the Washington State Supreme Court in its brief of the Chiafalo case: “[Such a ruling] would mean that only 538 Americans — members of the Electoral College — have a say in who should be president; everything else is simply advisory.”

Now if this doesn’t suggest Voter Fraud is larger than life, and that gaffing, groping, and who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time due to his age and the obvious onset of early dementia can find a way to win in 2020 without this Election Aid in his bag of Pelosi tricks, then know that if you haven’t bought a gun yet, and have been putting it off, then anytime before November 3, 2020 might be a very good time to consider doing so!

UPDATE JULY 6, 2020!

The Supreme Court declined an invitation to blow up the 2020 presidential election on Monday July 6th! The justices ruled unanimously that states may compel electors, the individuals who make up the Electoral College, to vote for the winner of the statewide presidential race by either removing or fining “faithless electors.” In truth, this decision should not have been necessary: There is no serious constitutional argument that states are powerless to dictate electors’ votes. But the nation can breathe a sigh of relief that the court did not take the bait to make the upcoming election even more chaotic!

Just to know that this was a possibility was scary enough, but to know that both ‘Roe v. Wade’ and ‘Citizens United’ were just decisions by the Supreme Court, and with the recent revelation that Justice Roberts, an appointee by another Pro-Globalist President who went by the name of Bush 43, and the son of Bush 41, who was the instigator who initiated America’s commitment to the New World Order back in 1992, and by the way made that commitment behind the backs of the American people, and as a result of a couple of Robert’s most recent decisions, could have been very bad for the future of America!

Well, as it turns out it looks like this decision by SCOTUS should make everybody sleep a little easier for now, but with the next Presidential election just 4 months away you have to know that Pelosi who won the day by using ‘Vote by Mail’ to steal back the House in 2018, and then watching her fellow ‘Progressicrats holding the American people hostage during the COVID-19 Aid Package negotiations until she got her pound of flesh, then there’s only one very Important Question left that Needs to be Asked….

Why did Pelosi hold an untold number of American lives hostage for a ransom that included the $4 billion for mail-in and absentee ballots and other voting provisions, the Wyden and Klobuchar sponsored legislation to expand vote-by-mail and early voting, and then last but not least the future planned additional COVID-19 Aid Packages that will include $1.6 billion in additional funding for states to be able to implement vote-by-mail, guarantee no-excuse absentee voting, expand online and same-day registration, and increase early voting!” Hmmm….


The media has created a perception that the American voters will decide the next President!


Obama’s agenda has been his own. The same goes for his predecessors.

When I speak of an utter disconnect with the American people, people like Curly Haugland, member of the RNC Rules Committee, make my point undeniable true.

In an interview he said, “The media has created a perception that the voters will decide the nominee and that’s the conflict here.”

“Political parties choose their nominee, not the general public contrary to popular belief,” he went on to say.

We have a system that for decades has pretended to be following the guidelines that were laid out by our founding fathers Constitution and abandoned by the greed and power of these so-called elected officials we call politicians. The truth of the matter is that we didn’t vote for any of this, and by all accounts the current bipartisan establishment, who perpetrated this fraud, can’t be allowed to continue, and ousted!! We pay dues, known as taxes, and to be fraudulently represented in a non-existent agenda of following the ‘will’ of the American people is unacceptable and criminal!

Despite living in an increasingly disenchanted world, we seem to be in the grips of a global epidemic of naivety. People are far too easily seduced by exalted words and fine sentiments, but the results basically show you that we’ve been played by Political Correctness, Implicit Bias, and our elected officials’ con game!

From the very first Primary we followed a system that consists of you voting, but only in the individual Political party’s primary without the possibility of crossovers from other parties or Independents voters, to help give an accurate resolve in the decision process, but because of the rules, which hinders the obvious common sense simple voting process, we don’t really have an honest outcome!

With the Primary season over we now find out that you’re only voting to be represented by a delegate that are not completely obligated to follow your lead and represent the ‘Will’ of the American voter. The delegates after the 1st or 2nd rounds of voting at the Convention, depending on the individual state’s rules, may if they choose, might change their loyalty and vote for who they want!! There are 112 delegates who aren’t obligated to any one candidate because their states and territories don’t hold primaries! Now there are delegates, that because of their candidate drops out, are no longer obligated to any candidate. WOW!!! I don’t know about you, but how many of you see all the opportunities and fingers in the pot that might allow voter fraud or manipulation???

These computer models that perpetrate the mainstream’s suggestions and polls of possibilities are based on past voting tendencies and leanings, but after the last 8 years of Obama’s attempt to transform America’s Ideology, and  being responsible for the rise in poverty to all time levels, people out of work at all time levels, the debt at all time levels, and the American people giving Congress an 12.8% approval rating, do you actually think the base finding in these “Paid to Report’ Media’s polls can be anywhere near representing the true tendencies of the past, and the discontent of the political system today?

Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton in 2016, Can’t Win in 2020 Without Massive Voter Fraud!

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) would win the White House in 2016 by initiating a massive voter fraud scheme.

The DNC, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and others filed a Federal Lawsuit on Friday hoping you will believe the Arizona Election Fiasco on March 22 was due to Republican “voter suppression”.

There are no question voters were suppressed from participating in the Arizona Election. However, it makes no sense that Republicans would be the culprit as they had nothing to gain from it!

There is only one candidate that clearly benefited from the long lines, frustrated voters and tens of thousands of people forced to cast provisional ballots that weren’t included in the final tally.  That candidate may have even won the election because of it and they’ve been accused of similar improprieties in multiple primaries and caucuses held before Arizona.  That candidate is Hillary Clinton.

Arizona is just the latest state where allegations of voting irregularities have been claimed.  As the Huffington Post reports, “Beginning in Iowa and climaxing with the holy mess that occurred in Arizona, the Democratic presidential primaries have been a Wagnerian Ring Cycle of electoral “shenanigans,” cynical rule-bending and outright voter suppression.”

What happened in Arizona (March 22, 2016)?

Shortly after the polls opened in Arizona on March 22, state elections officials knew there was a problem.  The typically quick voting process began to slow to a crawl with enormously long lines beginning to form.  By lunchtime, TV and Radio Stations were reporting lines wrapped around buildings and voters waiting multiple hours to vote.  The problem was most notable in Arizona’s most populous county, Maricopa, which encompasses the Phoenix Metro Area.

Democrat Leaders blamed the long lines on Maricopa County cutting back the number of polling places in from 200 in 2012 to 60 regional centers for this election. As the day progressed, a much more troubling pattern emerged as the lines grew even longer.  Many of those “Independents” who were being turned away, or offered a provisional ballot, were registered to a party, and never changed it.  Yet, their party affiliation had been changed in the Arizona Voter Database. Of those who were being told they weren’t registered, the vast majority of those affected were Democrats with an overwhelming majority of those being Bernie Sanders supporters.

The issue of voters discovering their party preference had been changed wasn’t isolated to Maricopa County.  Identical reports began to come in from Pima County (Tucson), Pinal County (Florence) and Yavapai County (Prescott).

Shortly after 8pm Arizona time, the AP and the Major Television Networks called the election for Hillary Clinton even though lines at many polling stations were still hundreds of people long!

Is the ‘Will’ of the American people going to be recognized or acknowledged anymore, do we have any say in the election process, and now knowing the rules of the political parties have nothing to do with our opinion or insights into the future of America or our children’s future, should we care? We’ve witnessed Hillary Clinton sell our top secrets to our enemies, we’ve watched our justice system fail while supposedly dispatching the law, we’ve watched the ‘Paid to Report’ Media adjust the polls to drive their paid for agenda, and we’ve witnessed a Congress that could care less about the Constitution, or the letter of the law!

Common sense should tell you that a vote for comrade Hillary Clinton and her Socialist transformation of America would finish way down the list of favorite Ideologies to replace America’s Constitutional form of Democracy, but you never know, and at my age I could be wrong…. But I don’t think so, and you?

The thing to remember about voter fraud and the ‘Paid to Report’ Media’s role, is having to create a valid reason through fabricated questionable polling results to keep the race close at all costs! The reason for that is they need to be able to create the possibility that the outcome, because it was too close to call, could justify the improbable Comrade Hillary’s Socialist transformation of America victory!

In conclusion I think you have to wonder, especially after witnessing our Justice Department, along with the FBI, have affected the election process to the point of no return, and the way I see it, are on a mission to guarantee Hillary’s coronation at all costs, and if that means breaking the law, then so be it!

There is a saying, “He with the gold rules.” Well, whoever wins elections has the gold. The winner has the power to change everything – so they rule. It doesn’t matter if the win was by a small margin, or if the win was by committing fraud. Winning is everything!

It’s beginning to look like that we as Americans might be alone this coming election, and have been recently feeling, but unlike the slogan for History Channel’s ‘Ancient Aliens,’ will always be alone, unless of course we can come together as one as we were able to do for WWI and WWII for just one more time for WWIII, which by the way will be held on American soil for the first time and on November 3, 2020, which is election day 2020!



-Get involved with ‘True the Vote’ and your local voter integrity groups

 -Get trained as a poll watcher

 -Help train new poll watchers

 -Go through voter registration data rolls, matching obituaries to voter rolls “No representation without respiration”

-Verify registrants

-Consistently research the voter registration database. Database research is an ongoing, never ending process so approach it like a marathon, not a sprint

-Submit duplicate names, false names and the names of dead people to the state attorney general and also explain those findings to the media

 -Use new media to get ahead of the narrative on voter fraud

 -Work with your legislators to get same day voter registration laws changed

 -Take a neighborhood watch approach to protecting elections

 -Set up booths at gun shows, county fairs, local fairs, etc. to take advantage of all opportunities to market the cause and recruit volunteers

 -Write a legislative wish list of voting reform and give it to your state legislator, advocate for the items on the list

 -Don’t trust or assume the Board of Elections in your state is doing the right thing

 -Know your state election code and understand it before trying to change it for the better

Just one more thing, we need President Trump to use his version of Obama’s famous ‘Pen and Phone’ to do a little Executive Actions of his own, especially when it comes to his sole responsibility when it comes to making the only call that matters on immigration that’s needed to protect America’s sovereignty and keeping the American people safe!!

I’m beginning to think with all Democrats marching lockstep behind Schumer and Pelosi, and continuing to sit on their hands like they’ve been doing by not participating in the governing mandate of the American people’s last election results! President Trump should use what the constitution allows him, and him alone to use and do whatever it takes within the Constitutional guide lines when it comes to America’s sovereignty and the issue of immigration!

“The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of sovereignty … inherent in the executive power,” the Supreme Court said in 1950. And lest there be doubt, Congress adopted a provision in 1952 saying the president “may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens and any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants” whenever he thinks it “would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.”

Here are 3 Articles that summarize what I believe the American People have been thinking over the last few years when it comes to immigration……

When it Comes to the Final Say on Immigration, President Trump is Holding All the Cards!

 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

The White House’s New ‘Bottom Line’ Illegal Immigration Proposal!

 by Jonathan E. P. Moore


 by Jonathan E. P. Moore