Do the American people understand that what’s going on in America as reported by the ‘Deep State’ run ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media is pure BS! Do the American people understand, especially after what we’ve witnessed with the selection process where 44% (September 2021 Gallup) of the American people who’ve decided to break away from being affiliated with either political party and become ‘Independent’ because the 2 parties have moved so far away from the middle that the chance of anything being resolved through bipartisanship is, as we’ve been witnessing, is impossible!
If you’re an Independent you basically have limited say in the selection process because the primaries decide the candidates who will be running for the Presidency, but generally closed to Independents and anyone else who is not a member or registered with that party, and therefore don’t get a chance to vote, which means they have no say in whose running to be President of the United States!
Please note that political Parties aren’t mentioned in the Constitution and the term Democracy, which both sides of the aisle use frequently to make a point, and also not in the Constitution! We are a ‘Republic!’ Talk about subconsciously trying to ditch our founders ‘Electoral College’ seems to be just a little to obvious to me!
An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic!
These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority; as we shall now see.
When you hear Hillary, Pelosi, and Schumer state they’re defending our Constitution and fighting for our Democracy, know that they’re just blowing smoke up the American People’s ass! First of all the term Democracy doesn’t appear in the Constitution, and when it comes to them believing in the Constitution, know that the same Democrats, because of the illegal votes they say don’t exist, but do, pushing the ‘popular vote’ results instead of our constitutional ‘Electoral College’ to decide the leader of the free world!

Democratic Party is pushing a Progressive Socialist Agenda and not our founders Constitution, ‘Rule of Law’ or protecting the rights outlined in our Constitution’s ‘Bill of Rights, but continues to move beyond further left because of their new ‘House recruits, but also trying to make the American people believe that they care about America’s Middle Class when a Middle Class doesn’t exist, let alone being fought for anywhere in the world that’s being led by a 3rd world Socialist country!
Pelosi and Schumer’s Progressive Democratic Party have stepped up their attacks on our founder’s Constitutional Republic while the surrendering Republicans under the 8 years of Obama is, because of the most accomplished campaign promise filler in American history, were supposedly growing a backbone after doing nothing to stop Obama from all of his unconstitutional and illegal actions against our founder’s ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution!