How strange is it that after 2 years of an investigation into a made up lie led by a Special Prosecutor into our election process because Dems couldn’t believe their scam couldn’t take down a deplorable like Donald J. Trump, that there’s no way he couldn’t possibly beat ‘crooked’ Hillary for the office of President without the help of the Russians! How is it that 2 years later that there is no Special Prosecutor being appointed to the voter fraud scandal that seems to continue on unchecked every election for the past 10 years in Broward, Palm Beach, and Dade County (FL)? How is it possible that these same people are still in charge working as Democratic operatives for Democrats to fix elections on a regular basis, especially after being caught with their hand in the voter fraud cookie jar’ more than once, and actually admitting to it more than a few times! How can these same felons still be in office first of all, and then still refuse to follow the strict time lines of reporting the number of people voting and the number of votes cast within a certain time frame that is part of the election’s ‘Rules of Law!’
It’s all about the Process that’s being ignored by these ‘Deep State’ operatives from the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party, and if this is not enough for Traditional Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to come together in the same way we were before 911 pulled the plug on our founders American Dream, we need to together as one protect the process that decides who are leaders will be taking us into the future!
Are you trying to tell me that the unproven Russian collusion that the Democrats keep drudging up every time there’s something equal or worse that they’re involved in that’s worse then the Russian’s Collusion fairy tale isn’t actuality being done to take the focus off the real voter manipulation that Democrats are supporting right now down in Florida and other states where eye witnesses have said there’s more than a lot of illegal voting in Texas and other ‘Blue’ states where illegals are encouraged to vote, and even run for local office without even being a citizen!
It’s time Americans to start dropping a dime on the perpetrators of voter fraud like they’re asked to do when it comes to terrorist before another tragedy happens where gun owners are targeted for the actions of others. It’s time for the National Guard to be called up every election day to be used to secure our national elections, and doing it by training these weekend warriors the ins and outs of how the system works, and then assigning a voting district to that soldier that is nowhere near their home state!
It’s time for all Americans to realize that Democrats don’t want to control our borders, keep blaming racism on the reason why there is no mandatory Federal Voter ID Law, and then encouraging illegals to vote illegally! You have to know that what’s going on in the European Union, Venezuela, and in Cuba, that the American people are in jeopardy of having our sovereignty unintentionally surrendered due to the fact that illegal voters will be voting for their futures, but not the future of American citizens who are the only ones who are legally the only ones that can determine America’s future!
If you take stock in the facts surrounding the voter fraud attack when it comes to the Russians, you must realize the following:
It’s always the Democrats who continually use ‘racism’ to prevent the legislation for a mandatory Voter ID Law to be passed.
It’s always the ‘Blue’ Democratic leaning states that allow illegals to register to vote when they apply for their approved by the state’s leadership legal Driver Licenses!
It’s always the ‘Blue’ states that have no requirement of showing an Id when voting.
It’s always the Democrats who have no interest in protecting America’s sovereignty by protecting our borders.
It’s was only a Democratic President who before the 2016 elections got on live TV to encourage illegals to vote without repercussions!
It’s only the Democrats who keep crying Russia, Russia, Russia after two years of nothing, and we know that because of the lack of leaks by Democrats like Adam Schiff who was the king of leaks during every oversight committee closed door hearings, that there truly is nothing there, there!
It’s only the Democrats who keep crying Russia, Russia, Russia when all the fingers are pointing at the attempt to steal another election from the American People in Broward, Palm Beach, and Dade Counties where we only hear Crickets coming from the Schumer and Pelosi led Socialist Party!
It will always be the Republicans with President Trump leading America again in 2020 by running on a mandatory Federal Voter ID law, still building our economy and military, and making America first and great again while the deserted by the Blacks and Latinos Socialist Democratic Party continues to build its base of unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees using taxpayer dollars to fund their new constituency’s existence, because those Blacks and Latino’s finally figured out that they were not only being used for their entitlement bribed vote, but now understand that with a great President Trump economy comes a life of self-determination, pride in one’s work, and giving their families the life every American Dreams of if they just work hard for it!
Isn’t it funny how when George Soros’s voting machines were discovered just weeks before the 2016 elections in 16 Swing States, and in 307 districts in those 16 Swing States, and with that happening seeing Obama come out with his live and in living color promise on public TV encouraging illegals to vote, and if they did vote for his Socialist Party of ‘No,’ letting them know that there would be no repercussions!
Remember when Democrats lost the 2016 election that they started insisting that it was the Russians in Collusion with the Trump Campaign that gave candidate Donald J. Trump the election, and the real reason why Obama’s ‘Deep State’ leaders of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA orchestrated the first appointment of a Special Counsel! after there wasn’t one appointed in the entire 8 years of the Obama Administration? Which by the way proves just how corrupt the Obama Administration was when Obama proclaimed that his two Administrations had not one Scandal! I think we can all see now that with the leadership of America’s once most respected National Security Agencies in the world being in the bag for both Obama Administrations, why would there ever be a need or reason for both of Holder’s and Lynch’s AG offices to ever to call for a Special Prosecutor? Oh, by the way, there were 6 instances that called for a Special Prosecutor but none were appointed!
It never was the Russians from the beginning, but the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party who were attempting to fix the election like they did in 2012 for Obama’s second term! Historically no President has won a second term if he or she didn’t deliver on the economy for the American people, so, when Obama had the worst economy in history, and his first cabinet only consisted of 8% of qualified people that knew anything about business or even had the experience of hiring or firing anyone in the private sector, let alone figuring out how to turn the Obama pathetic economy around for the American people?
If you don’t understand that Obama’s feckless economic record along with the revelation of his intended Socialist agenda of driving people onto the entitlement rolls so that they would need to be dependent on government for their every need, doesn’t sound like a President, who without a little help, could possibly win his reelection bid, but he did, and the rest is History? … Oh, did I fail to mention that the 2012 elections when Obama ran to be reelected, and surprisingly won, is what I’m referring to:
The Market Daily News reported on those 100 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, that on election day gave Romney zero votes, and Obama got 99 percent. “In more than 50 different precincts, Romney received two votes or less,” the report said. “One would think that such improbable results would get the attention of somebody out there.”
According to, 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia produced a “head-spinning figure,” not one vote for Romney. “The unanimous support for Obama in these Philadelphia neighborhoods – clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia – fertilizes fears of fraud, despite little hard evidence,” the newspaper said.
A poll watcher told WND up to 10 percent of the ballots cast at a polling station in Pennsylvania reverted to a default, which gave Barack Obama a vote no matter who the voter had selected. The incident took place in the state where officials claimed Obama got a total of 19,605 votes in 59 voting divisions to zero for Mitt Romney and not far from the 100 precincts in Ohio where Obama got 99 percent of the vote, a feat not even achieved by third-world dictators. It was in Upper Macungie Township, near Allentown, Pa., where an auditor, Robert Ashcroft, was dispatched by Republicans to monitor the vote on Election Day. He said the software he observed would “change the selection back to default – to Obama.”
Also, in Florida, residents began demanding changes in the electoral system that handed voters chaos, frustration and delays at polling stations. The Florida League of Women Voters and other groups are demanding from Gov. Rick Scott a plan to draft reforms for the state’s elections.
Fox News reported that voters in Nevada, North Carolina, Texas and Ohio also said they had pushed a button on a touch-screen voting machine for Romney, but the machines recorded their vote for Obama.
Two election judges were replaced after illegally allowing unregistered voters to cast ballots.
Elections: American democracy has a problem — a voting problem. According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It’s a troubling fact that puts our nation’s future in peril.
The data come from Judicial Watch’s Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.
As reported by the National Review’s Deroy Murdock, who did some numbers-crunching of his own, “some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud.”
The Washington Times reported its suspicions of voter fraud in Pennsylvania, including that “in Philadelphia, the [New] Black Panthers are currently standing outside polling booths, intimidating voters just like they did in 2008.” It said, too, that 70 Republican polling inspectors were blocked from access.
Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote”
St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County”
Obama Got Over 99% of Vote at Polls Where GOP Inspectors Were Removed; Turnout Somehow ‘30%’ Above Gov’t Numbers”
“Colorado counties have more voters than people”
The Russian probe came about for the sole purpose of covering Democrats own asses, and that’s because they already thought that Hillary’s coronation was a lock due to those Soros voting machines, and that there was more than enough time to bury whatever proof of the ‘Deep State’s’ role was in their attempt to sabotage everything Trump when it came to his campaign and then his administration after he defeated Hillary!
Unfortunately, those voting machines were exposed before election day, and Hillary knowing she was a shoe in didn’t even bother to campaign in the heart of America where the Electoral College counted just as much as the ‘Blue’ coastal states that were giving illegals the tools to vote and the popular vote, which unfortunately is not what our founders decided to use for the determination of who would be the people’s choice for President!
The Progressive Democrats had to come up with a stall and distract, obstruct and resist, and a lie and deceive strategy to make sure they had enough time to bury whatever connected the leadership of the FBI. DOJ, and CIA to the cooperative coup against the Trump Campaign, and then his Presidency!
Here are just ten of the reasons the “Russian hacking” story is a sham — a left-wing twist on the red-baiting McCarthyism of the 1950’s.
- There is no new information leading the CIA to its conclusion. The New York Times reports: “The C.I.A.’s conclusion does not appear to be the product of specific new intelligence obtained since the election, several American officials, including some who had read the agency’s briefing, said on Sunday. Rather, it was an analysis of what many believe is overwhelming circumstantial evidence — evidence that others feel does not support firm judgments — that the Russians put a thumb on the scale for Mr. Trump and got their desired outcome.” In other words, someone only decided after Trump won that the accusation was worth making.
The “evidence” that the CIA has gathered is inconclusive. The FBI also disagrees with some of the CIA’s conclusions about Russia’s motives. “While lawmakers were seemingly united on the need to present a strong bipartisan response, the FBI and CIA gave lawmakers differing accounts on Russia’s motives, according to The Post,” The Hill reported on Sunday.
- The CIA is not making public claims that Russia hacked the election. Several CIA veterans, in fact, have urged caution about the leaked reports. As Newsweek reports: “‘I am not saying that I don’t think Russia did this,’ Nada Bakos, a top former CIA counter-terrorism officer tells Newsweek, in a typical comment. ‘My main concern is that we will rush to judgment. The analysis needs to be cohesive and done the right way.’” Thus far there is not even a clear idea what the CIA’s conclusions are.
Despite left-wing “fake news,” there is no evidence Russian hackers actually distorted the voting process. The most that the CIA is alleging is that the Russians may have helped hack of the Democratic National Committee emails, as well as (possibly) the emails of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. There is zero evidence Russian hackers messed with voting. Ironically, Green Party candidate Jill Stein’s recount has eliminated any doubt about the integrity of the results.
- The Obama administration has a history of manipulating intelligence for political gain. The most under-reported scandal of Obama’s presidency was the CENTCOM scandal, in which it emerged that “senior U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) leaders manipulated intelligence assessments in 2014 and 2015 to make it appear that President Barack Obama is winning the war against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL).” There is even more reason to doubt the truth of a selective leak about the election.
Julian Assange and Wikileaks have vigorously denied that the Russians were involved in Wikileaks’ disclosures. Of the Democratic National Committee emails, Assange said: “That is the circumstantial evidence that some Russian, or someone who wanted to make them look like a Russian, was involved, with these other media organizations. That is not the case for the material that we released.” Assange made similar denials about the Podesta email leaks later in the election.
- The fact that the Russians might constantly be trying to hack U.S. systems, and might even specifically have targeted the election, does not prove that they succeeded. Nor does it prove that they tipped the election to Trump even if they had some effect. As pollster Frank Luntz tweeted: “Did Russia also hack Hillary’s campaign calendar and delete all her stops in rural Wisconsin, Penn., and Michigan?” Hillary Clinton lost the election for reasons entirely of her own making.
Foreign interference in elections is nothing new — and the Obama administration is a prime culprit. In 2015, the Obama administration made a strenuous and not-terribly-well-hidden effort to swing the Israeli elections toward the opposition and away from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The State Department gave $300,000 to a “pro-peace” Israeli group, which then paid political activists whose goal was to unseat Netanyahu. In 1984, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) actually asked for Soviet help. Russian efforts to intervene would be bad, but not unique, either for Russia or for the U.S.
- What would the consequences of allowing undue Russian influence in our elections be, exactly? Would we yield primacy in Eastern Europe to Vladimir Putin? Would we give up our plans for missile defense? Would we make deep unilateral cuts in our nuclear arsenal in exchange for flimsy concessions? Would we tolerate a Russian land invasion of a friendly, pro-Western country? Would we cede the Middle East to Russian hegemony? Because Hillary Clinton and Obama already did that.
Occam’s razor: the simplest explanation for the “Russian hacking” story is that it is “fake news” that suits the left-wing media. It is not unknown for Russia to use false propaganda to affect public opinion in foreign countries. Nor is it unknown for the U.S. media to use bias, “fake news,” and outright lies to shift public opinion in this country. The current focus on Russian “hacking,” based on no new evidence and — again — zero evidence of tampering with the voting process.
Joel B. Pollak