As long as the Progressive Democrats and the outside interests control the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media, and the American people keep drinking the Kool-Ade because they’re too lazy to do their own research, then know that when it comes to the intentional transformation of America to Socialism that will eventually lead to the New World Order, it’s l because these ‘Never Trumper’ can’t and will never see the forest through the trees!
Not only will Obama’s Legacy go down in the books as a failed, or should I say hopefully failed, that anti-American coup based on the obvious weaponization of the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media and the Leadership of our once most respected National Securities agencies in the world, that are supposed to be protecting and defending the Constitution, which we now know they haven’t been doing under the Obama Administration, and still even questionable today.
American’s taxpayer dollars seemed to have been rerouted from its intended Congressional purposes to being used by the Outside interest that have been, and still are today, being fueled by the passage of ‘Citizens United’ back 2010 when the high court’s 5-4 decision said that it is OK for corporations and labor unions to:
“To spend as much as they want to convince people to vote for or against a candidate.”
The decision did not affect contributions. It is still illegal for companies and labor unions to give money directly to candidates for federal office. The court said that because these funds were not being spent in coordination with a campaign, they “do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.”
So, if the decision was about spending, why has so much been written about contributions? Like seven and eight-figure donations from people like casino magnate and billionaire Sheldon Adelson who, with his family, has given about $40 million to so-called “super PACs,” formed in the wake of the decision?
Now enter foreign interests in American companies and the possible influence not by the Russians, but the likes of George Soros who has his fingers in just about everything that has to do with controlling the American People’s ‘Purse Strings’ to fund the New World Order’ that he and all the other corrupt and colluding participants envision! Obama has tipped us all off already by showing everyone who cares to see where his loyalty lies by just showing his desire to one day being just ‘one’ of those ‘Deep Staters’ who will be occupying one of the highest offices of the United Nations, and the organization that has just come out to announce the fruition of the New World Order within the next 12 years! These outside interests have our elected officials no only turning their backs against the Constitution and the oath they took to support, protect, and defend the Constitution, but also ignore and bypass the ‘Will’ of the American people in exchange for defending the World against what America has represented for years when it came to protecting and defending the rights, sovereignty, and freedoms of other countries throughout history!
Obama took his first international trip to go around the world to apologize for all the good America and its people have done for the world in the past, but does anybody really understand why, and are you telling me that when Obama sent over his first election campaign staff with $350,000.00 to sabotage Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel’s reelection bid, that you weren’t just the littlest bit knowing why?
Are you trying to tell me that the $6 Billion dollars that went missing from the Hillary State Department when she was Secretary of State was just coincidentally happened at the same time ISIS got started! How about Benghazi video that caused the riots and death of 4 Americans before Obama’s reelection in 2012?
How about Obama not living up to his ‘Red Line’ Threat that caused the deaths of thousands of innocent Syrian men, women, and children, are you beginning to see where I’m going with all of this?
How about all of the 6 scandals that were real during the 2 terms of Obama where there was not one Special Counsel or Prosecutor was appointed to ‘Fact and Furious,’ Benghazi, IRS targeting of conservative groups, Hillary’s emails, Hillary’s unsecured server, the Arab Spring, the murder of Seth Rich, the Clinton ‘5’ who took the immunity deal to testify on Hillary, which included the destruction of their technology, but took 5th anyway even though they took the deal, but the destruction of their cell phones, lap tops, and any other of the devices that might have revealed all the real collusion and corruption that was going on with the Russians and their connection to the paid for by Hillary and the Hillary funded DNC Trump Russian Dossier that was made up by retired Russian operatives for the sole purpose of taking down Candidate and then President Trump just because he got in the middle of their plans to destroy America from within, and then replace what was left with the formula that’s now in place in Venezuela!
How about the Uranium One Deal where Hillary’s and the State Department basically brokered the sale of 20% of America’s Uranium to our number on enemy Russia, and which Hillary and Bill’s ‘Clinton Foundation’ received $145 Million dollars!
I could go on, but my point is that because of the past 4 Administrations setting the table to make sure everybody was in place to defend and protect Obama and Hillary’s intentional plan to transform America’s ideological form of government to Socialism in order to help support the New World Order’s Globalist agenda, that the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA were intentionally, and a long time in the coordination for the right players to be in the right place when the ‘Deep State’s’ hired gun came to town to finish the job that Bush ‘41’ started when he signed the Rio Accords at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro that opened the path for the United States to implement U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda 21!
I guess when it comes to Progressive Democrats that the end justifies the means, and if that’s the case in the upcoming 2020 Elections Midterms, like it was in the 2018 Midterms where voter fraud delivered the Democrats the House and Nancy Pelosi the Speakers Gavel to rule the roost of the now Democratic controlled House, but on top of that did it by doing absolutely nothing to justify them taking back the House other then obstructing and resisting, which you better believe, because Mitch McConnell and his fellow RINO’s have jumped ship for the promise of more of the same benefits that he received when he pocketed $9 Million dollars due to ‘Citizen’s United’ wanting to buy votes to fast track the TPP Trade agreement!
President Trump put the kibosh on TPP, the ‘Paris Accord,’ and now working with China and other countries who were taking advantage of the past Administration’s leadership and their inability to put the right business people in positions, unlike President Trump who is to this day still waiting for a large portion of his cabinet nominees to be confirmed, which if you haven’t noticed, after 2 ½ years after his election! You want to talk about obstructing and resisting!
Freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar Representative for Minnesota’s 5th congressional district knows exactly what’s she’s doing, and if I had to guess, is just another Obama ‘Deep Stater’ who like Obama will continue to use her position on the House Foreign Affairs Committee to advance her Anti-Israel agenda, as did Obama when he sent over his first election campaign staff with $350,000.00 to sabotage Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu the Prime Minister of Israel’s reelection bid, when he sold 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia which in turn sold or gave the Uranium to Iran so that their Nuclear capabilities could be enhanced and used to threaten Israel, when he delivered billions of unapproved by Congress dollars in cash and jewels to Iran, who didn’t spend it on the people, but instead to support terrorism in the Middle East and against America’s number one ally, Israel! We had Obama order the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations abstain instead of defending Israel, which is what America has always done when it came to the West Bank Settlements, which resulted in the condemnation of Israel in the Untied Nations, and then saw Obama as he was leaving office handing over $221 Million U.S. taxpayer dollars over to the Palestinians!
Whose kidding who here, and who believes that Ilhan Omar didn’t understand the implications of her words, along with her belief system that this behavior and agenda is 100% based on the implicit bias that Obama and his followers declared to be what’s been driving certain American people for the reason for their racist tendencies! If you recall it was one of Obama and Hillary’s 3 top excuses, they used to draw America’s attention away from the real mission of destroying America from within, and they were Political Correctness, Identity Politics, and of course Implicit bias which means:
“An implicit bias is any unconsciously-held set of associations about a social group. Implicit biases can result in the attribution of qualities to all individuals from that group, also known as stereotyping.
Implicit biases are the product of learned associations and social conditioning. They often begin at a young age (Common Core), and most people are unaware that they hold them. Importantly, these biases do not necessarily align with personal identity. It’s possible to unconsciously associate positive or negative traits with one’s own race, gender, or background.”
I keep hearing the expression that the Democratic Party is not the Party of my father or grandfather, and in my mind never will be, but what I do know is that implicit bias is what today’s Dems used to accuse Trump supporters of being deplorable, and in that basket of “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and then 2 weeks later added Catholics and Latinos!
What needs to be understood now is that the Dems who are poo pooing the comments coming from Ilhan Omar have no plans of removing her from the House Foreign Affairs Committee that represents America, as did Obama became the President and started his first term and first international trip as President to apologize for America’s past actions in the world, and then followed up with America is not exceptional! By not removing this anti-Semite from this committee adds the Jewish people of America to Hillary’s long list of Deplorables in that basket which now includes “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and then 2 weeks later added Catholics and Latinos, and now as of today has added Jews!
Where is the highest ranking Jew in Government Chuck Schumer hiding, and can we expect him to step up to the mic and declare that the religion that he’s been shown to stand by will not allow this woman to represent the anti-Antisemitism that he has fought against for all the years he’s been in Congress, and allow those attacks on Israel that he’s spent a lifetime in public service defending?
ISLAM WAS BANNED FROM THE USA IN 1952 but Obama doesn’t want you to know that, nor does he respect or uphold US law. The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization and nationality for the United States. That Act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of aliens to the US and remains in effect today.
Among the many issues it covers, one found in Chapter 2, Section 212, is the prohibition of entry in to the US if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by force, violence or by other unconstitutional means.”
This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States but this law is being ignored by the White House.
Islamic immigration to the United States would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam which is antithetical to the United States government, the Constitution and to the Republic.
All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life’s guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government.
Now the politically correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be prohibited from entering the United States because Islam is a ‘religion.’
Whether it is a ‘religion’ is immaterial because the law states that aliens who are affiliated with any organization that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited. SOURCES
What the American people have to decide is whether or not, and no matter what their political affiliation, are they going to stand by and do nothing to preserve what’s made America the Greatest country in the world, and the same country that this outsider non-politician President is trying to do to restore this country to the same greatness its been know to be for generations, or just sit back and allow these Democrats and Republicans to do nothing but obstruct and resist everything this President is doing, and what he’s exposed for the shown the American people to see when it comes to the corruption and collusion to attack the heart and soul of our nations Constitutional ‘Bill of Rights’ because without its example being eliminated than the fruition of the long anticipated New World Order can’t exist!
You can’t have a New World Order if 325 Million have the individual rights that are guaranteed to every American citizen when the other 7.7 Billion people of the world can only dream of having, and as a result the distraction that can’t be allowed to continue!
To refresh your memory and what were the 8 musts Alinsky taught Hillary, and then his Professor disciples Cloward and Piven taught Obama at Ivy League’s Columbia University, here is the breakdown and the success and failures under Obama that Hillary was supposed to, with her inevitable coronation that was spoiled by the people’s choice President, Donald J. Trump!
1. Healthcare: “Control Healthcare and you control the people.” DONE!!
2 Poverty: Increase the Poverty level as high as possible.” Poor People are easier to control and will not fight back if the government is providing everything for them to live. DONE!!
3. Debt: Increase the National Debt to an unsustainable level.” That way you can increase Taxes, and this will produce more Poverty. DONE!!
4. Gun Control: Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you can create a Police State – total local control. ALMOST THERE??
5. Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Livestock, Housing, and Income). DONE!!!
6. Education: Take control of what People read & listen to; take control of what Children learn in School. ALMOST THERE!!
7. Religion: Remove faith in God from the Government and Schools. ALMOST THERE??
8. Class Warfare: Divide the People into the Wealthy against the Poor. Racially divide. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to Tax the Wealthy with full support of the voting Poor. DONE!!
The bases are all covered! We are ripe! Esther Goodday believes that with another Democratic President will nail the coffin shut on the United States of America.
Now add Cloward and Piven’s 2 cents:
In short, the Cloward-Piven strategy is a political plan to overload the U.S. public welfare system with the goal to replace it with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty.”
The key to stop this inevitable and predictable outcome is to understand first of all that this Socialist Globalist Plan was put in motion back in 1992, and then kept from the American People because out of all the 7.7 Billion people in the world that the 325 Million Americans would have to be the ones to sacrifice and give up the most! I’m talking about our guaranteed individual rights, the teachings of Conservatism and Capitalism where those individual rights allow for individual dreams to be realized to advance one’s own self perceived status and standing in the community when striving for their individual American Dream, and then all the accolades and financial rewards that have made America and the world a better place because of those same intellectual Property that China and other Nations have to steal and repackage because their citizens don’t have the same freedoms to create, innovate, and market to benefit their own country or the world because those individual guaranteed rights don’t exist in their limited world!