Today is a day that most disillusioned Democrats and Americans still remember, but due to the lack of our educators teaching our young minds about why America is still the most respected country in the world, and doing it in spite of the way the Obama Administration attempted to destroy that reputation! Even though Obama did his best to short circuit America’s role on the world stage Americans still continue to drop whatever they’re doing to come to the aid of any country that’s in need when called upon, but with the lack of reinforcement of the importance of this gesture by Americans by the liberal and Progressive professors of higher learning, seems to have been left out intentionally in their syllabuses when outlining
the goals of their classes, courses, and lectures!
Why do California’s primary election rules, like the DNC’s primary rules during the 2016 Democratic Party’s Presidential primary, only give their constituency the choice between 2 Progressive Democrats, and not an option to vote for a candidate that’s looking to defend and protect America’s Constitution?
I haven’t seen all the reports on yesterday’s election results yet, but I am hearing that a majority of patriotic minded Americans who are stuck in the ‘Muck and Mire’ of California’s progressivism voted for Cox, a Republican running for Governor using Trump’s label of being a businessman, has made it through the California election process that only allows the top 2 contenders who got the most votes to run against each other on election day, and that even if the top 2 candidates are from the same political Party!
I’m also hearing that a majority of the American people who are stuck in California still have the ability to use common sense and believe that this outsider non-politician President’s whose living up to his promises of leading through strength via following the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution,
which is completely opposite of the Obama Administration who used intent and interpretation of that same ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution to come up with their version of what they needed to do to transform America to something other than our founding father’s version of the promised land that we call America today!
Over taxed and regulated citizens, companies and corporations are already making plans to vote with their feet and move the hell out and away from what Progressivism and lawlessness has done to once great state of California! Only in California and other ‘Blue’ States , because of the Progressive leadership raising taxes and increasing regulations, are the people in those states not enjoying the same benefits that President Trumps tax and regulation relief, are being substituted by new State imposed taxes and regulations to raise money to support the illegal immigrants and refugees whose vote has been unconstitutionally approved by Progressive State Officials to enable them to stay in control and fund their progressive agenda!
As I mentioned yesterday on my blog it’s not about voting for Democrats, but about not voting for Progressive Democrats! Voting Classical or Traditional Democrats is not a bad thing, but more of a true guarantee that a bipartisan path into the future is more than just possible, but more a guaranteed probability! What Americans have to understand is that true patriotic Americans in ‘Blue’ States who were lied to by the Obama Czars and their intended hidden agenda of the transformation of America are trying to dig themselves out of what they themselves have created due to being asleep at the wheel when Obama took the reigns back in 2008! I don’t know about you, but my money is on Americans in those ‘blue’ states making that strong push back to get back to the same America that preceded Obama and his future plans for a Socialist America that none of us would have recognized!
I can’t believe that all Americans, no matter what Obama has done to make them take their eye off the ball, want to get back to a place where our children and they’re children’s children can have the same shot at making it in the same America that we did growing up! The question that most Americans should be concerned about is if our future generations are going to have the same choices we had, and have them without the unforeseen obstacles that the ‘Deep State’ has put in front of them by using obstructing and resisting anything remotely connected to Capitalism or Conservative values?