Finally, when it comes to the revolving door policies of the Trump Administration’s change in personnel, it has to do with this President not being a politician first of all, and Obama’s last minute appointments to the ‘Deep State’ Swamp where Obama’s men still are buried deep in the ‘Swamp’ and leaking anything and everything ‘fake news’ that effects negatively on President Trump, and unfortunately left and carried over to the Trump Administration due to the lack of experience by the Trump transitional team!
Lets not forget the record breaking slow walking of President Trump’s nominees by the Progressive Democrats ‘Deep State’ members of the confirmation committee that’s been dragging the confirmation process intentionally for the last 2 years, and still going on with the hope of getting President Trump’s nominees approved before the end of his second term as president in 2024! When it comes to the frequent change of personnel within the Trump Administration it has to do with, like a baseball, Basketball, hockey, and even football coaching, you do know what football is all about right, it’s the sport where the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media chooses to show the players taking a knee when they play the national anthem, but choose to no longer show a ‘Streaker’ (A naked Individual) run out on the field of play because they didn’t want to encourage future individuals from doing the same!
If you understand the responsibility of a coach, then you know that President Trump substitutes his not so hot players during a game with others who are rested and fresh, and substitutes those who might add a little more to the teams moral and possible performance!
With just a little over 3 months to get over your disdain for President Trump, and by doing so actually threatening the continuation of a 247 year old good thing! It’s time to understand that we all witnessed a President of the United States who for 8 years attempt to discredit, dismantle, and show his disdain for every inch of our ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution!
We now have the ability to spend the same 8 years showing Millennial’s the opposite side of the years of the Obama Administration where a robust economy, lower unemployment, increased GDP, the difference between the definition of leading instead of following means, and why open borders hurts America, and why closed borders help make America first and great again, which Millennial’s were never able to experience because of 911! We witnessed Obama and Hillary attempting to take advantage of our Countries hour of need because of 911, and as a result having these two Alinskyites trying to fill that hurt due to 911 by trying to sell the American people its new and improved snake oil remedy to prevent unprovoked terrorist’s attacks that they’ve labeled as ‘Socialism’ where one size fits all,
and by a strange coincidence, just happens to be parallel and just as accommodating as the county that sent those same terrorists who ran their planes into the World Trade Center back on September 9 of 2001!