Once in a while a day goes down in infamy, and yesterday, and even today has to be one of this year’s most memorable days when it comes to what determines the future of America, and with some 70 plus days to go before the 2018 Midterm elections rolling around this November Americans need all the days they can get to come up with the right decision when it comes to the future of America!

We had the President of the United States live up to another promise with the announcement of the United States and Mexico coming up with a deal to resolve the trade status and friction between the two countries. We had a day on Wall Street where the NASDAQ hit record highs, the Stock Market’s Dow Jones rose over and closed above record highs and over 26,000 points.   ..CRICKETS!

We have Robert Mueller pretending to and doubling down on the investigation into the collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, but after 2 years of finding nothing looking for an excuse to get himself out of the lime light, and now doing that by handing the ball off to the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to hunt down anything and everything having to do with President Trump’s businesses! The twist here though is that ‘Never Trumpers’ probably don’t realize by going this direction that a sitting President of the United States can’t be impeached or indicted until his term(s) as President is concluded! The misstep comes about when the Government’s  resolve, when a sitting President is threatened with the possibility of being impeached, but forget to do so need, 75% of Senators to agree with a House sponsored bill to impeach a President, which means this President is going absolutely going no where!

Mueller probably looks at himself in the mirror everyday that he’s been used by the corrupt Justice Department to carry the water for the team, but now realizes that the  vessel he gets the water from that he’s supposed to carry for the team has run dry, and as a result causing his investigation to come to a screeching halt! The problem he’s having with this though is that he can’t can’t afford to give up the reigns or close the investigation to this feckless and false investigation because it would reopen the door to the follow up of the well hidden Uranium One Deal, which the ‘Deep State’ Mainstream Media has hidden from the American people for a very long time, and the consequences that will more than likely be somewhat harsher then the slap on the wrist they received the first time around!  

What a lot of Americans don’t know is, as a result of the ‘Deep State’ run Mainstream Media not being forthcoming to the American people, that all of the corruption committed by Mueller and Rod Rosenstein’s treasonous behavior when Mueller was the head of the FBI under the Obama Administration, and Rosenstein was his right hand man henchman, who oversaw and covered up the sale of the Uranium One Deal that sold 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia, America’s number one enemy, that eventually ended up in the hands of Israel’s number one enemy Iran, that their time on the outside is numbered, as well they should be!

We have Clinton supporter and Trump hater attorney Lanny Davis who represents Michael Cohen, President Trump’s one-time personal lawyer having to walk back and reverse his comments about President Trump knowing about the meeting, which Davis now claims is his bad, but would have been 100% legal either way because it’s opposition research with Trump Jr.! the funny thing is that the meeting never happened, but as a result now have the ball out of Mueller’s warrant-less Investigation’s Court and on to the court of the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern district of New York now digging into the Trump Organization!

The Prosecutors Who Have Declared War on the President


In the span of one week, we learned that the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York had both secured a guilty plea from Trump Organization lawyer Michael Cohen, and offered an immunity deal to the Trump company’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg. President Donald Trump should be worried. Once the Southern District gets its jaws onto a string of crimes, it doesn’t let go.

Weisselberg, as part of his deal, will likely be required to provide information on all criminal activity he knows about. That spells potential disaster for Trump personally, and major problems for his presidency. That’s apart from any potential state-level criminal investigation by the New York district attorney’s office.

Trump is now facing a two-front war against the Justice Department. The team led by special counsel Robert Mueller is supposed to focus on Russian interference in the 2016 election. But the Southern District can investigate any aspect of Trump’s behavior that took place in its jurisdiction, at any time.  

And unlike Mueller, who could in principle be fired, the Southern District isn’t one man; it’s a whole office of career lawyers. It can’t be fired. Even if Robert Khuzami, the acting U.S. attorney in this case, were removed, no new U.S. attorney could realistically call off the prosecutors!

WOW! Talk about impressive, and now i’m supposed to believe that after 2 years of the Mueller investigation witch included all of Mueller’s high priced Democratic Co-conspirators that his investigation is supposed to be less threatening then the career lawyers that represent the Southern District of New York, and can’t and won’t be fired either? What a fu*king conundrum! 

*Why should we think that the Southern District won’t be satisfied with having convicted Cohen?

If you don’t think that all of this doesn’t show how desperate the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party is, and how desperate all the willing players that led the FBI, DOJ, and CIA were willing to abandon their oath of office for the good of the New World Order, you got to be blind and no sense that we all know about and call common. You also have to know that all of this that’s being exposed today would have been long gone and buried if Hillary’s Coronation would had come to fruition!

Isn’t your gut telling you based on what we’ve all witnessed coming out of the Progressive left on a daily basis, that every ‘Never Trumper’ bone in your body, should be telling you how desperate the Dems are to do whatever it takes to stall until the midterm elections, and then get the Majority victory in the House in November so that they can stop the Investigations into their crimes against America and the American people!

Then we have…

Axios: GOP circulating spreadsheet ahead of midterms listing potential Dem probes!

Please take the time to read this article so that you can see that the Democrats have no platform for the American people, but only for attacking President Trump in their effort to stop any further investigations, or special prosecutors to be appointed to expose Obama’s ‘Deep State’ treasonous crimes against America, and the American People!

Have you noticed that if anything at all comes out about President Trump, and I’m talking about anything, that there’s a reporter on it within seconds, a comment from a ‘Deep State’ representative on the Hill, and a news flash on the TV that breaks into a scheduled program, but if the’re any major breaking news stories of the treasonous actions by anybody past or present that threatens our Republic and who hails from the progressive side of the aisle, that nothing is done to alert the American people about what’s about to happen, or what’s been going on, or updating the current investigations, if any?

We still have the Nunes and Gowdy oversight committee waiting for documents that they’ve requested, and now subpoenaed to get, but still haven’t received for the last 2 years, and there’s been no 2nd Prosecutor appointed to look into the corrupt leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, and their role in the protection and cover-up of Obama’s lawlessness and the many actions he took to bypass the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution! There’s been no further reported progress when it comes to looking into Hillary, her cronies, the Clinton Foundation, or the meeting with Loretta Lynch with Bill Clinton on the Tarmac just days before the announcement of the charges against Hillary! Did anyone care that the results of the investigation into the Hillary Clinton email scandal was unconstitutionally announced, and the results and recommendation of an appropriate punishment was determined by the FBI Director J. Edgar Comey, and not the Justice Department’s Head Loretta Lynch, which is her sworn oath and obligation to do as per her job description and title of being the Attorney General of the United States of America! 


The real crime that’s truly bigger than any of these I just mentioned is that a lot of the American People have bought into the Progressive’s notion that America can’t and won’t ever be first great again, and that this President’s past, which includes realizing the American Dream, contributing to causes and charities representing every social aspect of American society, and then contributing to both sides of the aisle that is turning out to be the most corrupt government in the history of this country, is being overlooked because ‘Never Trumpers’ will never accept or acknowledge Hillary’s loss!

What ‘Never Trumpers’ fail to realize is that this once considered insider of the status quo has decided, with what he knows and observed by being accepted into the inner circle by the ‘Deep State ‘Swamp’ elites, is to come down off that tower and fight for the American people and against what the ‘Deep State’ status quo had planned for the future of America and its Constitutional Republic!

I posted this article yesterday, and got the response you see below, which I responded back to:


“Fuck the PC, he hasn’t been right on one thing yet. He’s still padding his pockets as you Trumpsters sit back and watch the destruction of The US as we’ve known it. The man is in bed with Russia, how much more do you need to know. Every fucker around him is gone, wake up,just remember these are his men, not that he didn’t know them and who they were.”


First of all President Trump is padding the American people’s pockets, he’s putting America back to work, he’s bringing those same ‘America Made’ companies back to America that were forced out as part of Obama’s Socialist and Globalist plans to redistribute ‘America’s’ wealth around the world to advance the GDP and lower the unemployment rate of other countries who call themselves our allies. President Trump’s been rebuilding the same military that Obama basically dismantled by diverting funds away from our defense to support his illegal immigration policies to the net cost to our taxpayers of $115 Billion Dollars! Obama intentionally caused the rise of the National Debt after promising he would cut it in half from $10 to $5 Trillion, but instead raised it from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion!
Now when it comes to President’s men and his people, it’s all about America and making it first and great again, and not Obama’s Czars who weren’t confirmed by Congress to act as an agent of the American people and Government, but for the ‘Deep State’ to collect money and force our American Made companies out of America by enforcing impossible EPA regulations that even the experts said couldn’t be met on time.