What need to understand is that when it comes to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict it’s not about whatever you want to believe no matter what your political affiliation might be, and if you really want to get into what’s causing the meltdown and the reason why these Progressive Liberal’s keep circling back, like they did with the Russia, Russia, Russia for two and a half years when they knew from the very beginning it was just a made up lie, to those claims of Racism, being White supremist or even going back as September 9, 2016, and those Hillary’s’ ‘Basket of Deplorables’ featuring sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, but it didn’t end there, and on October 17, 2016 she added multiple groups of voters she’s insulted that included Catholics, Latinos, and Southerners to her ever-growing list of everyday Americans she despises, just know it’s only about this one Constitutional absolute of ‘Due Process’ and the huge part it needs to play for the Progressives in order for their New World Order to come to fruition!
It’s always been about the Constitutional Guaranteed Right to ‘Due Process,’ that survived in a court of law where ‘Progressive Judges’ and Progressive Attorney Generals whose campaigns to be the AG in Blue Cities and States were being funded to the tune of $50 million dollars by George Soros!

That $50 million dollars to get these Progressive AG’s elected over the last couple of years is the direct reason for the rise of crime, the catch and immediate release of these repeat and sometime illegal immigrants, and the number #1 reason why gun sales have reached an all time historical high! Now if you put all that information we have American citizens taking advantage of their 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms.
We see Americans seeing other Americans who are living under the same conditions due to the Biden Administration who would be the the citizens chosen from if need be to be a jury of their peers, and then we have the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict which was only about self-defense and not another Progressive ‘Conspiracy Theory’ about ‘Racism’ that seems to keep circling back around for the umpteen time, and like I mentioned earlier with the Russia colluding with the Trump campaign, only happens when they run out of ideas which is a major problem especially if they’ve never had any ideas that the American people would possibly gravitate to before, but that ‘We the People’ would have never voted for because their ideas usually have a proverbial game of ‘Three Card Monte’ hiding somewhere in the small print or between the lines that we already know is a result of the ‘Paid ‘not’ to Report Mainstream just trying to get over on the American people just one more time again!
Did you see how the Liberal Media interpreted the verdict?
MSNBC: Rittenhouse Trial Was ‘Designed to Protect White Conservatives Who Kill”

My interpretation of what’s the result of the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse on all charges would have be that when it comes to the American people, the Constitution isn’t only making a come back, but back to expose the treason that existed back when Pelosi and Schumer’s hate for America’s constitutional guaranteed right of the same due Process guaranteed right that wasn’t extended to a sitting President of the United States of America not only once but twice as they attempted to impeach him, and then again the same goes for Brett Kavanaugh who was a Trump nominee for the supreme Court who was told by Senate ‘Progressive’ Minority Leader Chuck Schumer that he is guilty until proven innocent after he was accused of an assault, but not rape, by a girl back in Highschool who couldn’t even remember the particulars that she based her accusations on, but managed to make a Million dollars of a ‘GoFundMe‘ Page for her efforts!
What’s important to remember is that the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case was about ‘Due Process, and when it comes to the intent and interpretation by the Progressive element of the Democratic Party when it comes to the founders constitutional right to ‘due process,’ it will never change, and that’s because next to the 1st and 2nd Amendments ‘Due Process’ is without a doubt the one ‘right’ that guarantees that any person that is in the way of allowing the long awaited for New World Order!
Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Chief Justice Roberts along with the corrupt leadership of the Obama/Biden and now the Biden/Harris Administrations leaders of what was once respected around the world DOJ, FBI, CIA as they too have violated ‘We the People’s’ constitutional guaranteed right of ‘Due Process!,’

With these elites ‘Due Process’ starts with the taking of the oath to protect and defend the constitution which they all seemed to have abandoned, and replacing it with their own bought and paid different set of intents and interpretations of the protocols, processes, and our founder’s constitutionally outlined ‘Checks and Balances’ that are at the heart of what has protected our Constitutional Republic for the last 245 years!
There’s no right or wrong answer here, but what did you think about those accusations of assault that were leveled at the Trump nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court?
You had to expect that the same Progressive intent and interpretation of that same constitutionally guaranteed right of Due Process would continue to contribute to the ‘Hate’ that’s Agenda driven that ‘We the People’ need to understand will not only get worse but continue on unless ‘We the People,’ and not these ‘Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Takers’ that we elected to office, actually do something about it other than sitting around waiting for the final shoe to drop on this 245 year celebration of ‘guaranteed’ rights, liberties, and freedoms that stand a better than 50:50 chance of being a 245 year thing of the past, and that’s because the Progressives have to win no matter what it takes, and that’s because they are never going to accept after all the work they’ve done since the 1992 beginning of the United Nations series of Agendas dealing with the world’s ‘Sustainable Development’ where a top priority is to wipe out 95% of the world’s population by 2030!

When it comes to the first impeachment attempt of President Trump over a phone call, Pelosi told President Trump that he is presumed to be guilty until he can prove his innocents!!’ Yes, you heard it right, Speaker of he House Nancy Pelosi scraps presumption of innocence for a duly elected by ‘We the People’s’ President of the United States of America impeachment over a phone call!!! Pelosi’s calls are a direct contradiction to the U.S. criminal justice system, which is based on the presumption of innocence.
When it comes to Brett Kavanaugh the allegation is troubling and worthy of investigation, but Democrats showed little willingness to consider the possibility that Kavanaugh could be innocent. Indeed, when Christine Blasey Ford first came forward with allegations of a sexual assault by Kavanaugh as a high school student, Senator Mazie Hirono immediately declared that she believed Ford and told all men to “shut up” and just believe her too.
Here’s the real question, and If you are a Democrat and vote ‘NO’ on Kavanaugh, do you still intend to ignore ‘Due Process’ and the ‘Presumption of Innocence, and do you still support the Obama ‘Deep State’ who violated the Constitution more times than can almost be counted, and did it with no regrets to advance his intended transformation of America’s Constitutional Republic to Social Globalism?

The Framers set a high standard for impeachment and removal, to deter politicians from using the constitutional process for partisan gain. While politicians love to cite the poorly considered statement by Gerald Ford that “an impeachable offense is whatever most of the House of Representatives considers it to be,” there is a standard in the Constitution, and members take an oath to faithfully carry out such duties, including only impeaching on the basis of proven “high crimes and misdemeanors.” It is akin to saying that House members are not expressly barred from self-dealing under the Constitution, so they are free to pursue openly corrupt practices. Just because something may not be subject to judicial review does not mean that it is countenanced by the Constitution.
Conspiracy theories emerge from a specific combination of coopted psychological predispositions, notably pattern perception, agency detection, alliance detection, and threat management. All four of these psychological predispositions are empirically related to belief in conspiracy theories. Universality

One conspiracy theory claims that the CIA invented the term in 1967 to disqualify those who questioned the official version of John F Kennedy’s assassination.
The term “conspiracy theory” is itself the subject of a conspiracy theory, which claims the term was popularized by the CIA to discredit conspiratorial believers, particularly critics of the same John F Kennedy’s Warren Commission, by making them a target of ridicule.
Some theorists claim that the moon landing footage was shot by famed director Stanley Kubrick, whose film 2001: A Space Odyssey had looked just as believable.
With over 180 antennas, one popular theory is that the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a secret government mind-control facility.
Some conspiracy theorists, but no way in me, believe that George W. Bush orchestrated the attack on the Twin Towers as an excuse to declare the War on Terror.
Here’s how to debunk misinformation and conspiracy theories from friends and family

Know this: People want to share accurate information!
Before taking any action, it is important to remember that most people have no intention of sharing bad information. In fact, most people want to do the exact opposite of that. “The research,” MIT professor David Rand, who studies misinformation, told me, “suggests that people really do want to share only accurate information and the people on your family group chain and most social media users want to only be sharing stuff that’s accurate.”
“When people stop and think about things, they are actually very good at telling what is true and what is not true, but just not in terms of what they share.”

“If you just nudge people to think a little more about accuracy, it can have a real impact.”
One thing that needs to be agreed upon is having the responsibility to help correct bad information. “When the misinformation can literally damage people’s perception of reality, and I do think we all have a responsibility of ‘NOT’ wanting people to be doing things that are bad for them or bad for society.”
Conspiracy Theories turn into absolute truths when the indisputable ‘Hard’ facts are revealed, and as a result allows those waves of verifying common sense to take over and set profound precedent, especially when it comes to the verdict of not guilty on all counts in the Kyle Rittenhouse case of self-defenses!
First of all I believe anything called a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is agenda driven that’s based on the intent and interpretation of a desired outcome. A ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is used to divert the attention away from what was already perceived to be a slam dunk to a maybe adding scenarios and/or unverified facts to the equation to buy some time until something else can be figured out!

A prime example of this is when after 2 1/2 years of America hearing Russia, Russia, Russia on a daily bases we learn that on January 5, 2017, and 15 days before the Trump Inauguration there was a meeting held in the Oval Office that not only had the President Barack Obama and his Vice President Joe Biden in attendance, but the FBI director James Comey, the anti-Trump DOJ official Sally Yates, and the unmasking queen Susan Rice.
Oh, did I forget to mention that the virulent Trump hater CIA director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence turned CNN talking head James Clapper were also in attendance?
The topic was the Russia investigation. Sort of. The true topic was what to do about President-elect Trump. How much were they going to tell him about the investigation into the Russians? Or what we now know was a counter-intelligence operation against him.
What we got to observe for those 2 1/2 years is that we learned that every time ‘Pelosi and Schumer’ tried to move away from the Russia collusion hoax by finding something else new to accuse Trump of doing that always seemed to fail to get any traction, they always ended up having to go back to the Russian collusion ‘fallback’ position!

We learned about the Russian Dossier and how it was used to illegally and unconstitutionally spy on private American citizens, we learned that there is some kind of insurance policy from agent Strzok and his ‘Never Trump’ Dem ‘Deep Stater’ mistress should the lies about the Russians colluding with the Trump Campaign not come to fruition….. To be continued a little later….
Let’s go to that same old ‘Fake News’ narrative that Liberals continually spew that’s equivalent to the boy that cried wolf who was finally ignored, but then killed by that same wolf he’d been lying about!
Will labeling something a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ change or add to the concept of turning a ‘Mole Hill’ into a ‘Ant Hill’ or ‘fake News’ into a ‘Nothing Burger, or will using the term Conspiracy Theory help their ‘savior’ and backers of ‘Fake’ news, the ‘Paid to Report’ Media’s owned Agenda Journalists, and you have a bunch of liars who are more than comfortable creating ‘Fake’ sources to create a fake narrative!

If these Liberal Democrats and Agenda Journalist get their tidy whities in a bunch, lets do a breakdown of the common-sense facts that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, like always, if they used the term ‘Conspiracy Theory instead of reverting back to their famous and self-serving game of ‘Fake’ News, half-truths, and innuendos, make a difference in how the ‘Deep State’ Paid to report ‘Mainstream Media is perceived or just reconfirming what Edward R. Murrow told us when it comes to the truth about the Mainstream Media back in 1964 when he said:
“When news divisions decide that the news has to make money, and has to get ratings, it’s no longer news—it’s entertainment. So, if people are bothered by the fact that we seem to be having entertainment as news, it’s because the news divisions decided that money and ratings were more important than reporting.”

Now follow that up with the 2010 manipulated by Pro-Globalist Advocate and Chief Justice John Roberts’s Supreme Court’s ‘Citizens United’ Decision, and where like the ‘Deep State’ Paid to Report Mainstream Media it’s all about ‘Pay to play and selling ‘We the People’s’ America to highest bidder, and thanks to ‘Citizen’s United’ to not only any and all highest bidders around the world, but for whatever reason or accountability by a majority of our elected officials that hail from both sides of the aisle who’ve abandoned their oath to protect and defend the constitution!
Because of Citizens United, our elected officials have taken more than a buck or two, and filled their pockets while supporting, politically, anything or anyone who is ponying up the most cash! The narrative of Globalism, open borders, and attempting to adjust the ideology and religious base of America to something that is more ‘worldly’ and less exceptional, is the game that ‘Citizens United’ has allowed, and only this outsider non-politician President can extricate it from the influence pedaling that’s jeopardizing the continuation of our Constitutional Republic!
The disastrous ‘Citizens United ‘Supreme Court decision that got a 5-to-4 thumbs up vote essentially said to the wealthiest people in this country: you already own much of the American economy. Now, we are going to give you the opportunity to purchase the U.S. Government, the White House, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, Governors’ seats, legislatures, and State judicial branches as well.

The ‘Citizens United’ decision hinges on the absurd notion that money is speech, corporations are people, and giving huge piles of undisclosed cash to politicians in exchange for access and influence does not constitute corruption.
We have two political parties that are playing us for fools, and while they pocket big bucks, they are more then willing to sell our sovereignty down the road.
In the year 2021, with a political campaign finance system that is corrupt and increasingly controlled by billionaires and special interests, I fear that very much, in fact, government of the people, by the people, and for the people is beginning to perish in the United States of America.
Now if you’re asked about this just being another one of my ranting and carrying on ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ then check out some of the evidence that ‘Debunks” those claims:
Mitch McConnell (79), Began Political Career 1985, Net Worth $35 Million

Lets start with Republican now ex-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell during the Trump years, but the Senate Minority Leader during the Obama years! McConnell was elected Majority Whip in the 108th Congress and re-elected to the post in 2004. In November 2006, he was elected Senate minority leader – a post he held that until 2015, when Republicans took control of the Senate.
You make up your own mind, but in my opinion, and in preparation for Obama’s Saul Alinsky’s 8 steps to a better Socialist America Agenda, and for the years of 2004 to 2010, Mitch McConnell made $4 million dollars a year on an under $200,000 Dollar a year salary as Republican Senate Minority Leader, why? He says it was from his wife’s mother’s inheritance, but then we learned:
‘Secret Empires’ Bombshell on Elaine Chao and Mitch McConnell’s Communist China Ties!
Chao, who is also the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

McConnell is the seventh-richest senator, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, with an estimated worth of $34 million as of 2018. He earns $193,400 a year as Senate leader.
McConnell Family Fortune Connected To China!
China is a nation that has a thirty-year plan designed to take over the world, and their leader is positioned for lifetime rule. They have nuclear weapons built with stolen U.S. blueprints (thanks to former President Clinton) and they are the ONLY producers of vital components for America’s electrical grid AND weapons components (NOT the U.S.A.).
The institute president said that “familial ties to the Chinese state via his father- and sisters-in-law” are cause for great concern since “James Chao, McConnell’s father-in-law, founded Foremost Group, a shipping company that has done ‘large volumes of business’ with Chinese state-owned companies” is owned by the Chinese state.
Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Are Illegally Making Money Off Of Russia And China!

Lets talk about the supply chain crisis and McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao, who was the Secretary of Transportation under the Trump Administration, and whose father by the way handles 70% of Communist China’s shipping interests? The perfect Father/Daughter Girl Scout Project?
McConnell Backs Murkowski for 2022, Defying Trump’s Demand to Expel ‘RINOs’ Opposing Him
Nancy Pelosi (81), Began Political Career 1987, Net Worth $120 Million

In a piece relying on data collected from the conservative Hoover Institution, “60 Minutes” revealed that elected officials like Pelosi are exempt from insider trading laws – regulations that carry hefty prison sentences and fines for any other citizen who trades stocks with private information on companies that can affect their stock price.
In the case of elected officials – this secret information ranges from timely details on lucrative federal contracts to legislation that can cause companies’ stocks to rise and fall dramatically.
How do they get away with it you ask?
They got away with it because these ‘Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Takers’ that we elected to office decided that they weren’t going to follow their oath to protect and defended the constitution, but to exempted themselves from the laws that govern every other citizen by protecting and defending their position of power by intentionally torpedoing any and every law that had to do with election integrity, and then protecting their perceived to be ‘God’ self image status by torpedoing every law that had to do with ‘Term Limits,’ which if you have been paying attention have been 2 of the many mandates of ‘We the People,’ that the bipartisan ‘Swamp’ has ignored for decades at least if not longer!

“… Insider trading on the stock market. If you are a member of Congress, those laws are deemed not to apply,” Schweizer added. “The fact is, if you sit on a healthcare committee and you know that Medicare, for example, is — is considering not reimbursing for a certain drug that’s market moving information. And if you can trade stock on — off of that information and do so legally, that’s a great profit making opportunity. And that sort of behavior goes on.”
Documented proof of the facts that Pelosi’s office called a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ and then added a statement saying, “It is very troubling that ‘60 Minutes’ would base their reporting off of an already-discredited conservative author who has made a career out of attacking Democrats,” but with Trump yet not on the political scene to blame, they had to blame somebody!
Schweizer’s books include “Do as I Say (Not as I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy,” and “Architects of Ruin,” according to Schweizer’s page on the Hoover Institution website.

When it comes to Pelosi, common sense, and in my opinion, you know that she had to be getting her bread buttered somewhere for her altering Obama’s documents to show he was the constitutionally required ‘Natural Born Citizen’ that’s mandated for anyone seeking either the position of President or Vice President, and the bypassing of the normal processes and protocols by changing the rules of the House to impeach a duly elected President of the United States by not going to the entire House to make the decision on whether an inquiry should be made into the possibility, which she said she was intending to do, but in the end had that decision being made by both Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler who were fighting for the lead role in impeaching President Trump before the phone call between President of the United States and the leader of the foreign country of Ukraine even took place!
Don’t forget about what Pelosi said about Trump being presumed guilty unless he proves he is innocent! You heard it right, Speaker of he House Nancy Pelosi scraps presumption of innocence for a duly elected by ‘We the People’s’ President of the United States of America impeachment over a phone call!!!

Pelosi’s calls are a direct contradiction to the U.S. criminal justice system, which is based on the presumption of innocence.

“Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, was previously financially aided by the George Soros-financed MoveOn.org to win his Congressional seat.”
Schiff was also awarded the Toll Fellowship, which is sponsored by the Council of State Governments, a nonprofit that monitors federal government activities and is heavily financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.
The Open Society and Soros-funded groups have additionally supported several Schiff’s legislative efforts.
Now if that wasn’t enough we all witnessed Schiff helping to lead the Democrats’ unsubstantiated charges of alleged collusion between President Donald Trump and Moscow, and how can we forget Schiff delivering the opening statements at a Congressional hearing where he laid out the case for alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
July 24, 2019

Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, delivered the following statement during the Committee’s hearing, “Former Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election”.
Below are the remarks, as prepared:
“At the outset and on behalf of my colleagues, I want to thank you, Special Counsel Mueller, for a lifetime of service to the country.
Your report, for those who have taken the time to study it, is methodical and it is devastating, for it tells the story of a foreign adversary’s sweeping and systematic intervention in a close U.S. presidential election.
That should be enough to deserve the attention of every American, as you well point out. But your report tells another story as well. For the story of the 2016 presidential election is also a story about disloyalty to country, about greed, and about lies.
Your investigation determined that the Trump campaign – including Trump himself – knew that a foreign power was intervening in our election and welcomed it, built Russian meddling into their strategy, and used it.
Disloyalty to country. Those are strong words, but how else are we to describe a presidential campaign which did not inform the authorities of a foreign offer of dirt on their opponent, which did not publicly shun it, or turn it away, but which instead invited it, encouraged it, and made full use of it?

That disloyalty may not have been criminal. Constrained by uncooperative witnesses, the destruction of documents and the use of encrypted communications, your team was not able to establish each of the elements of the crime of conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt, so not a provable crime, in any event. But, I think, maybe, something worse. A crime is the violation of a law written by Congress. But disloyalty to country violates the very obligation of citizenship, our devotion to a core principle on which our nation was founded, that we, the people, not some foreign power that wishes us ill, we decide, who shall govern, us.
This also a story about money, about greed and corruption, about the leadership of a campaign willing to compromise the nation’s interest not only to win, but to make money at the same time.
About a campaign chairman indebted to pro-Russian interests who tried to use his position to clear his debts and make millions. About a national security advisor using his position to make money from still other foreign interests. And about a candidate trying to make more money than all of them, through a real estate project that to him, was worth a fortune, hundreds of millions of dollars, and the realization of a lifelong ambition – a Trump Tower in the heart of Moscow. A candidate who, in fact, viewed his whole campaign as the greatest infomercial in history.“
This reporter previously documented serious problems with Schiff’s charges, which include wild conspiracy theories and heavy reliance on a questionable source.

What you need to know here is that Adam Schiff before delivering those comments on July 24, 2019 already knew that the whole Russian collusion thing with the Trump Campaign was just a ‘Radical ‘Left’ Generated ‘Conspiracy Theory’ that they knew never happened!!
January 5, 2017 (2.5 Years Earlier!)
What’s been going on in America from November 9th 2016, the day after election day until January 5th 2017, which is 15 days before the Trump inauguration, is that we had the exiting President Obama and his exiting Vice President and now President elect Joe Biden, going along with the idea that was coming from sore loser Hillary Clinton’s with her Russian collusion Idea, which I’m sure she got from candidate Trump’s ‘Tongue-in-Cheek’ comments about maybe the Russian’s could hack her computer like all these other countries had for whatever reason, and who ended up making huge donations to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for something that I would have to guess would be something they knew they could collect easily by just hacking into her computer!

With candidate Trump and the rest of the world knowing about Hillary’s server being reported to have been hacked by up to 5 countries, candidate Trump used the opening to add a little humor to the boring debates by suggesting that maybe Russia could find those missing emails that Hillary conveniently and with perfect timing either lost or intentionally erased!
For all of you that don’t know what ‘Tongue-in-Cheek’ means it’s a comment that is characterized by insincerity, irony, or whimsical exaggeration!
This January 5th meeting in the Oval Office had Vice President Joe Biden then who is President Elect now in on the meeting with President Obama, FBI director James Comey, anti-Trump DOJ official Sally Yates, unmasking queen Susan Rice, virulent Trump hater CIA director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence turned CNN talking head James Clapper.
The topic was the Russia investigation. Sort of. The true topic was what to do about President-elect Trump. How much were they going to tell him about the investigation into the Russians? Or what we now know was a counter-intelligence operation against him.

Wonder if he’s beholden to Soros now? We believe he is! Remember that Schiff has been lying and leaking since day one of Trump presidency. He believes the end justifies the means even if it’s corrupt.
Before I sum up I thought we’d spend a minute or two on another Soros/Schiff joint collaboration when it comes getting Trump:
Let’s not forget Schiff’s equivalent ‘Three Amigos’ who were not only witnesses in Schiff’s impeachment ‘Kangaroo Court,’ but have ‘Huge’ ties to George Soros!
Soros’s Fingerprints are All Over This ‘Deep State’ Impeachment Hoax!
4 December 2019 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
I was working on my next Article on ‘Climate Change’ until I heard there was a verdict! The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is over. He’s been found not guilty of all charges. He’s a free man. He’s a patriot. He’s a hero. And if you believe in the rule of law, Due Process, and the right to self-defense, this is a huge win.

Who would have thought that it would be Julian Assange who at the time probably would have been considered a computer ‘Geek,’ but obviously way ahead of the ‘Hacking Curve’ before ‘Hacking,’ or even knowing what ‘Hacking’ or being ‘Hacked’ even meant, and as a result forced to accept being in the international spotlight!
So now we have the first hacker turned ‘Whistleblower’ of Barack Obama’s personal email account that revealed that the Bush administration not only contacted the future president multiple times before the election, secretly organizing the transition of power, but contacted him before the 2008 elections were even held! Not as important in my book, but also revealed Obama’s American military’s war crimes, the corruption in Obama’s government, and the American corporate media’s pathetic servile flattery to the power elite!

Next Patriot is Edward Snowden who was a computer programmer who worked as a subcontractor for the National Security Agency (NSA). Snowden collected top-secret documents regarding NSA domestic surveillance practices that he found disturbing and leaked them.

It’s time to dig this story up again for two reasons, the first is that Seth Rich’s murder by the DNC, and his leaking of the DNC and Hillary’s other emails were never given the opportunity to be shown by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media and their agenda journalists because of the obvious implications due to the Russia collusion with the Trump campaign narrative these Liberals were trying to establish.
The second reason is now because of the obvious participation in the Uranium One attempted coverup by Obama’s FBI Gestapo consisting of ‘In the Bag’ Special counsel Robert Mueller, his lackey Rosenstein, and now J. Edgar Comey who have become their pre-ordained backup to protect the feckless and corrupt legacy of the Obama FBI, and the rest of America’s 17 Intelligent Agencies.
Podesta Wanted To ‘Make Example’ Of Seth Rich!
New emails published by Wikileaks reveal that John Podesta had threatened to “make an example” of Whistleblower Seth Rich as new evidence suggest that his murder was a political assassination ordered by Podesta and the Democrats. A former D.C. police homicide detective spoke to Fox 5 DC claiming there was “tangible evidence” Seth Rich was dealing with Wikileaks prior to his murder.

Wikileaks tweeted a link to Podesta’s email which says I’m making an example of a suspected leaker whether we have any real basis for it. YNW reports: As well as exposing the DNC as the kind of organization that punishes people based on suspicion alone, the question of what “beyond internal discipline” means is raised – and considering recent revelations the answers are grim.
Later in the email chain Joel Benenson said, “I think we have to make examples now of people who have violated the trust of HRC and the rest of the team.” Robby Mook also replied to Podesta’s message, throwing his weight behind the bloodthirsty campaign manager, saying “I would love an example being made.” Speaking on Nieuwsuur, a Dutch news channel, Julian Assange said that Rich’s murder was a cause of concern for WikiLeaks’ whistleblowers.

“There is a 27-year-old who worked for the DNC who was shot in the back – murdered – for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.” Asked by the host if Seth Rich was a WikiLeaks source, Assange said, “I am suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that.” They will be more concerned after the confirmation that the DNC is the kind of organization that “makes examples” of staffers they are suspicious about.
Murdered but labeled a robbery when nothing was taken, and all because the Dems didn’t want to spend the money on a $59 Dollar easy fix to protect those emails, which by the way didn’t appear on Wikileaks any longer after the day I was murdered by being shot in the back!
The ‘Radical Left’ buried these men’s reputations with one actually being buried and I’m Beginning to think that Assange, Snowden, and Seth Rich misinterpreted role in American’s history should now be added to the list of American Revolution era spies who spied for the Patriots like Ethan Allen, Paul Revere, Benjamin Tallmadge, Philip Mazzei, and John Laurens to just name a few….

Like many of these now identified to be Radicals, Socialists, Globalists, and Traitors that’s goal is to create a New World Order at all costs no matter what the collateral damage is, or no matter where in the world it needs to happen!
Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Chief Justice Roberts, Adam Schiff, the members of the Squad, and pretty much the majority of Congress seem to have taken Globalist Chief Justice Roberts who manipulated the unconstitutional ‘Citizens United’ Supreme Court Decision back in 2010 that gave our elected ‘Glorified Pencil Pushing Order Takers’ the right to go into business for themselves and sell off America to the highest outside interest bidders which could include our foreign and domestic policies if the price was right!
The Pelosi Cabal headed up by the likes of Adam Schiff and others, live off Conspiracy Theories because they haven’t had an original idea that the American people would ever consider voting for, but now that we know the names and positions of those revealed to be CCP Agents that those Chinese Professors told us about that they had in high places that have power and influence in all three Branches of ‘We the People’s’ owned, bought, and paid for Constitutional Republic, I think it’s time that ‘We the People’ to introduce ourselves to their immediate families, their related by blood line families, and everyone that calls them ‘Friend’ and after getting their addresses sending them a ‘Christmas Card’ or one of those generic ‘Happy Holliday Card,’ wishing them a long and prosperous New year and life!

With only 351 days now left until the 2022 elections, know that when push comes to shove that ‘We the People’ should take a page out of the 5 administrations, which doesn’t count the Trump Administration, but the Administration of Bush 41’s, Clinton 42, Bush 43, Obama 44, and Biden 46, and for a certain period of time before the 2022 elections, take a page out of one of Hollywood’s example setting large library of movies that will inspire us to get up off our asses and do what our elected officials seem to have abandoned, and that’s their oath to protect and defend the constitution!!
There is one movie that sticks out in my mind that should be able to get the job done, and that’s the Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller ‘The Purge!’
‘WE the People’ could substitute the part about it being a annual event, to when it finally works or to be determined as time goes by. It also doesn’t have to follow the movies night time 12 hour time frame where all crime, including murder, is temporarily legal!

In my mind, but know that It’s still in the beginning stages, let me think about it and get back to you, but right off the top of my head I’m thinking we use 6 months where anything that went on during those revolutionary times before the Constitution, or even after the Constitution was written when the ‘Wild West’ had it’s own brand of swift Justice that always had something to do with a rope and a tree. Anyway, we’ll see, and at some stage down the road compare notes and listen to all recommendations!
Again, Let me get back to you on this what I call is a knee jerk reaction to the outrage over the Kyle Rittenhouse decision, and the new ‘Conspiracy Theories’ that are coming out of the ‘Radial left’s’ mouthpieces pie holes and their lapdogs who do the real heavy lifting when it comes to their historical and patented ‘Fake News, Innuendo, unidentified sources that they keep hidden for their own protection, a.k.a. never existed in the first place that we call the Deep State’ Paid to Report Mainstream Media along with their censoring ‘Bait and switch’ controllers of the internet that Obama surrendered to the United Nations proverbial Gestapo’s propaganda offices of Hitler’s 3rd Reich’s headquarters that you can find on American soil in New York City that’s located at 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, the address of the United Nations!!
If my plan never comes together the way I think we all might and hopefully anticipate it could, than plan on the continuation of what’s been going on intentionally behind ‘We the People’s’ back that first was never approved by Congress or the American people when Bush 41 condemned the future of America back in 1992 with his signing with 178 other countries to the United Nations Agenda 21!

What you need to understand is that unless ‘We the People’ don’t wake the fu** up, than more of the same of eliminating ‘We the People’s’ constitutionally guaranteed individual rights , Liberties and Freedoms will continue!
Let’s talk about our 1st Amendment right of free speech and how its not only been denied here to ‘We the People’ on American soil, but around the world, but now they’re going after our dangerous to society Pre-Schooler’s and elementary aged kids!

You see what’s happening here is that whoever is in charge of making the decisions about our children, obviously think that they need to be muzzled, and the reason I say that is because those same people that are in charge are afraid that the children that are coming to America either legally or illegally might be swayed by ‘We the Peoples’ ‘implicitly biased’ children’s thoughts and ideas that might persuade a child whose never experienced what a life of guaranteed Constitutional rights are, but worse than that start running down the halls of that school screaming ‘Give me Liberty or give me Death!’ Hey, a little levity before Thanksgiving Day is a good thing!!
When it comes to ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ and pushing their George Soros inspired New Word order agenda, Conspiracy Theories is all they have to offer the American People!
Here are a few of the liberal left’s attempts to force the unenforceable and unconstitutional mandates on the American People, and that’s because the Constitution tells us we don’t have to if we’re so moved not to!

Liberal ‘Conspiracy Theories’ are ‘Climate Change,’ the Russian Collusion with the Trump Campaign, COVID-19 not being CCP intentional Act, CCP with Soros’s guidance had nothing to do with the Cyber Attacks on our 2020 elections, Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris is constitutionally allowed to be the VP because she was born in Oakland California, and last but not least is their more recent that say if you believe in those conservative values of having a smaller government, believe in those constitutional guaranteed rights that our founders etched in stone that consist of the rights to free speech, the right to bear arms, the right to assemble, the right of free choice, then you’re a White Supremist ‘Racist’ that probably, and unfortunately, still believes that ‘We the People’ are sovereign and can’t be ruled, but you see, that can’t be allowed to exist in the George Soros financially backed and supported New World Order!
‘We the People’ of The United States of America are sovereign, and Not Subjects to be Ruled!
6 January 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
Facebook: Free Speech is ‘Not an Absolute Human Right!’
21 July 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
Biden’s Achilles Heel: Selling ‘Racism,’ Declaring ‘Constitution Not Absolute,’ and Kamala!
21 April 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
Left’s Protecting ‘Our Democracy’ Claims Fall on Founder’s ‘Constitutional’ Deaf Ears!
4 May 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

….to continue, lets not forget about CCP manning the United Nations peace keeping troops known as the ‘Strong Cities Network’ that were unconstitutionally and illegally approved by Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch’ to be on American soil to work with cities to fight against ‘Violent Extremism,’ Oh, I almost forgot, and waiting in the wings to be that New World Orders international force that has the worst human rights record in the world, that will replace not only our racist men and women of our local, county, and state police, but our men and women stationed around the world to protect and defend our Constitutional rights not only here on America soil, but around the world abroad!
I’m going to always leave the following information at the end of every article with a new ‘What to Look For’ to verify what I believe is going to be taking place over the next 11 1/2 months!
Please understand that I pray to god I’m 1,000% wrong, but after 20 years of following the crumbs, This observation of mine has to do with what has to be done now that the United Nations history of attempting to creating a New World Order since their first attempt being with ‘Operation Aggressi’ back in 1951, and then waiting and skipping a generation of Boomers before trying again with the emergence of the equivalent of the same ‘Operation Aggressi’ known as United Nations Agenda 21 where the name has only been changed to protect that group of last standers not only taking their final at bat to destroy America from within, but willing to fall on that sword where anything goes when it comes to accomplishing their goals!!!

**The only thing you need to be aware of is that in order for the United Nations Agenda 21/30/50 to work is to first find a way to disarm ‘We the People’ by finding a way to eliminate our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, but more than that finding away to get those United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ now manned by Communist China’s and their troops that when it comes to ‘Human Rights’ violations there can be now worse, that Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch in the basement of the United Nations, and with no fanfare or public announcement, gave the approval of those troops to be on American soil to work with American cities against ‘Violent Extremism!

What you probably didn’t know is that in the beginning when AG Loretta Lynch gave the approval for those United Nations Strong Cities Network’ Troops to be on American soil working with American cities to fight against ‘Violent Extremism,’ but what you don’t know is the AG Lynch never gave ‘We the People’ the definition of what was considered to be ‘Violent Extremism’ and who were the ones that they considered to be ‘Violent Extremists and who would be guilty of committing those acts of violent Extremism!
Well we do now: White, conservative, believes in he constitution and ‘Rule of Law,’ the right to free speech, bear arms, assemble, defend ourselves, and believes our borders should be secure, oh did I forget about ‘choice’ and being able making our own decisions when it comes to myself and my families health!

If you look carefully you’ll see that the plan is for a period of 16 years, and if I’m not mistaken wouldn’t you need to fix 4 elections, and that if it weren’t for the fact that for some unknown reason it was discovered that the 2016 election, which would have been 1 of those 4 elections, and that needed to be a guaranteed for the plan to work like clockwork, was going to be stolen if it weren’t for the pre-election finding of George Soros’s fixing 2004 Venezuela’s election in 307 voting districts within 16 ‘Swing States,’ and that by coincidence were the a lot of the same states that were cyber-attacked by George Soros’s now mentored Communist China! …Hmmm!

A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections and unleash armed soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns and forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass extermination.
That plan follows a specific series of events that all orbit around the concept of “planned chaos.” The steps to achieve this chaos are already well under way.
The more chaos the anti-American Marxists can unleash, the more they can assert power and control over the nation to achieve their ultimate goal: The mass extermination of hundreds of millions of Americans and the complete takedown of the United States of America as a sovereign nation.
How the anti-American globalists hope their plan will unfold!
High-level officials in the Pentagon (Gen. Milley, Gen. Austin, etc.) are all-in with this plan, as are Biden regime officials who answer to the CCP. The corporate media is pushing all the required narratives (race hatred, anti-white bigotry, covid hysteria, etc.) in order to create the necessary mental state that can be triggered into an eruption like what we’re seeing right now in South Africa.
In today’s Situation Update, I walk through the steps of this plan and how they plan to achieve all this within the next 12 months.

Some of the highlights of this plan:
- Pushing mandatory vaccines for workers at critical infrastructure installations in order to achieve a mass die-off, resulting in failed power plants, water plants, food production, transportation, first responders and other elements that keep society functioning.
- Why, according to doctors who are spreading the alarm, we may already be looking at 92 million dead Americans in the next few years, stemming from vaccine-induced vascular and neurological damage (micro blood clots, heart failure, etc.).
- How vaccines perpetuate the pandemic by making people more vulnerable to infections from covid variants (such as Delta). New research shows that natural immunity halts the pandemic, but vaccines keep it going.
- Once critical infrastructure is taken down, America’s cities fall into anarchy, with widespread looting, murder, rape and total chaos. The police will be powerless to stop it. Democrats defunded the police as part of the plan to roll this out.
- Many cities will become “death traps” without food, water, fuel or electrical power. Very quickly, a mass exodus of violent looters will stream out of the cities, ransacking suburbs and rural areas in search of food and shelter. As we see in South Africa, these violent looters can only be stopped through the application of coordinated civilian firepower.
- Rural communities will need to rely on civilian security forces working hand-in-hand with local law enforcement (Sheriff’s offices, typically) to engage and halt the violent looting mobs, most of which will consist of individuals who have been brain damaged by micro blood clots caused by covid vaccines. The zombie apocalypse is about to become reality.
- As this chaos is intentionally unleashed, the illegitimate Biden regime will illegally deploy U.S. troops against the American people while suspending the U.S. Constitution by decree, then confiscating firearms from any civilians they can manage to threaten. This will of course result in fierce resistance across the USA, and probably a civil war inside the military itself.
- Upon the urging of the CCP, Biden will call for UN “humanitarian missions” to allow communist Chinese PLA troops to physically invade and occupy the United States, claiming to be distributing food. In reality, this is the invasion of America that Obama has long planned and will be carried out by proxy, through Biden who is both a puppet of Obama and of China. (Communist Chinese forces will enter the U.S. by land, through both the Southern and Northern borders.)
- As these efforts ramp up, states and entire regions will push for secession from the failed federal government, and this will set off extreme conflict between the anti-American Biden criminals in D.C. vs. the pro-America states like Texas, Florida, Arizona and others.
People who wish to survive all this must plan for the following reality to occur. Those who fail to plan may find themselves dead:
- Extended power grid failures, perhaps lasting up to a year in certain areas. Note that cryptocurrencies will be useless in this scenario, so have additional backup plans in place for physical assets (such as silver).
- The total collapse of food deliveries to local grocery stores. Emergency food supplies must be able to sustain you for a year or more.
- The complete wipeout of ammunition supplies, firearms and gun parts. You will have to survive on what you already have.
- The unleashing of the U.S. military against the American people in an act of total betrayal and treason against the United States of America.
- The timed, engineered collapse of the fiat currency debt bomb, which will instantly halt all food stamps and financial transactions, plunging America into Third World status almost overnight. Those left holding useless cash will see their savings completely wiped out. The dollar’s demise will be timed to achieve the maximum chaos effect.
- The attempted total takedown of the internet, with exceptions being granted to certain controlled websites that are deemed “essential” such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and other platforms controlled by globalists and the CCP. With the power grid down in many areas, internet access will be pointless for most people.
- The shutdown of all financial transactions and banking operations, for some amount of time, to worsen the collapse. This means there will be no functioning method to purchase food, fuel, parts, services, etc. Locally, the economy will revert to barter and precious metals.
- The rise of demonic entities taking physical form as Satan’s war against humanity shifts into his “end game” configuration. Skinwalkers, demons, demonic possession and other similar phenomena will become commonplace. This is ultimately a supernatural war.
Will the globalists succeed in all this?
‘Only a very limited amount of time will tell‘