UPDATED 12/06/2021 1:49 PM
I originally wrote this article and updated in a year ago, and now updating it again with some facts that are no longer considered ‘Conspiracy Theory’ because facts are what matters
Proof That the US November Election Was Stolen Exists in Abundance, Duhhh!!
The official narrative that there was no election theft is likely the largest lie ever perpetrated on the world. The lie is so vast and so fragile that everyone who disagrees with the official narrative is suppressed, deplatformed, kicked off social media, ostracized, and fired from their job in order to protect the lie from examination and exposure. In Michigan the state attorney general is attempting to debar attorneys who represented cases of electoral theft. Massive effort was made—including an orchestrated “storming of the Capitol”—to insure that the evidence would not be presented and that the majority of the population would never encounter the evidence. The presstitutes from the first instance declared continuously with one voice “there was no vote fraud,” “baseless claims of vote fraud,” and the old standby “conspiracy theory.”
Obviously, if there was no fraud, there would have been no danger in examining “baseless claims.” Their baselessness could simply have been demonstrated. If the claims of electoral fraud are baseless, there was no need to spilt the country and to cause half of the voting population to distrust the public institutions that are supposed to uphold election integrity.
Even without hard evidence of a stolen election, it is obvious that Trump did not lose to Biden who inspired no enthusiasm and whose campaign events had to be halted due to non-attendance. How did Trump lose the election when on December 29, after two months of his heightened demonization following the November 2020 election, he won the annual Gallup survey as America’s most admired person, ending Obama’s 12-year run. According to the official vote count, Trump received 11 million more votes in 2020 than the number he won in 2016 and three times the black support. In 2020 Trump received 8 million more votes than Obama received in 2012 and Hillary received in 2016. It is not possible that this extraordinary performance is a losing one. And this is his official vote count, not his suppressed actual vote.
No sane person believes that such an uninspiring candidate as Biden garnered 81.2 million votes—15.3 million more popular votes than Obama in 2012 and Hillary in 2016. The Obama-Hillary popular vote of 65 to 66 million is the limit of the Democrat vote. Even Trump’s losing official vote count of 74 million is larger than any winning president in American history other than the fraudulent 2020 Biden vote count.
According to the foreign intrusion evidence, there was intrusion into the voting from other countries as well—Italy, Iran, Iraq, for example.
If our election was actually stolen for Biden by foreign intrusion, why are Democrat election officials, the US media, and Dominion defending foreigners who defeated American democracy?
What I make of the evidence of foreign intrusion is that American conservatives and patriots much prefer to blame foreigners than to point a finger at their own country. It is easier for patriots to say “the foreigners did it” than to say “Americans did it.” Moreover, the theft seems worse and becomes a national security issue if foreigners are to blame.
If China stole the vote and Democrats did not, why are the Democrats so determined to protect themselves by preventing any examination of the evidence? Why, for example, is the Michigan attorney general trying to debar attorneys who bring election challenges against Michigan election officials, including an attorney who has an open court case in Michigan? Who owns Bill Barr and the Department of Justice? China or the US Establishment?
The Democrats invented the accusation of foreign intervention in the 2016 election. Russia’s alleged intervention was the basis for three years of the Russiagate hoax. It doesn’t seen productive to rival or negate such powerful evidence as presented by Dr. Shiva and the other investigators with a Chinagate story.
Either Democrats used the voting machines to steal the election or China used the Internet to steal the election. The problem with Mr. Lindell’s video is that the video creates this contradiction and does not resolve it.
Or so it seems to me.
In other words, no voting machine or other material evidence is needed to see that the 2020 election was stolen.
Now lets deal with Pelosi’s role in the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021 that had absolutely nothing to do with President Trump! Why you ask, he lost the election
John Sullivan who is from Utah who has a History Of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM Protests, Was Inside The Capitol?
John Sullivan: Insurgent USA[/caption]A young man named John Sullivan was there. He’s from Utah and the founder of “Insurgence USA,” which is a group dedicated to “racial justice and police reform.” According to numerous news reports, he has a history of organizing leftist protests and identifies with Black Lives Matter.
Impeachment 2.0 Hiding Pelosi’s Sedition, Immigration, and Man From Utah!
11 February 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moorehttps://www.jonathanepmoore.com/impeachment-2-0-hiding-pelosis-sedition-immigration-and-man-from-utah/embed/#?secret=xdzHgGgBej
Over the summer, Sullivan was arrested after organizing a violent riot in Utah that ended with a shooting. One of the host groups was the Salt Lake Antifascist [Antifa] Coalition!
So, my first question that I can’t seem to find an answer to is when is John Sullivan going to testify before the January 6 inquiry?

My 2nd question would be, especially with everything going through Speaker Pelosi security wise and needing her approval, why did she turn down 10,000 additional National Guard troops multiple times that were offered by President Trump, and why would Xi Jinping call ‘Nancy Pelosi’ up and offer 250,000 United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ troops, which if you didn’t know are manned and trained by Communist China, but more than that, were approved by Obama’s 2nd AG Loretta Lynch to work on American soil to fight against ‘Violent Extremism’ which by coincidence just happens to be what Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called that supposedly ‘Trump Mob’ who was being led by a known organizer for BLM and ANTIFA, and who was also found in the Capitol that day!
According to the court filings, Sullivan portrayed himself as an independent journalist who was reporting on the chaos, but actually encouraged other participants to “burn” the building and engage in violence.
U.S. authorities have confiscated roughly $90,000 from John Sullivan of Utah who sold footage of a woman being fatally shot during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, according to court filings.

Everything is now going the Globalists way, especially now with the Mainstream Media now saying that the pressure is now on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who for 3 weeks now the Mainstream Media hasn’t mentioned his huge financial ties to China, or the fact that for the 8 years under the Obama Administration that Mitch McConnell did absolutely nothing to stop Obama from violating the Constitution, while the Republican held the House from 2011 to 2019, and had the same impeachment power that Pelosi’s House did, but did nothing to hold more than the 6 impeachment inquiries that should have been held that would have made President Trump’s phone call look like child’s play!
If you really want to get some insight here into Mitch McConnell’s true agenda, than let’s see if he, like Harry Reid who changed the Senate Voting rules to get Obamacare passed to only needing what’s known as the ‘Nuclear Option,’ which is a simple majority of just 51 votes needed compared to the usual 60 votes, and now hearing that when it comes to passing the additional monies to the American people that 60 votes is what’s needed…. But here’s another kicker, that ‘Nuclear Option’ was always in place to be used when it came to questions relating to the ‘BUDGET!’ I might be wrong, but isn’t this a ‘BUDGET’ issue? Let’s see if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is really being manipulated by the Chinese, and let’s see if he’ll bend over backwards to make sure the American people get their fair share of their own taxpayer dollars!
Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!
Republicans now are trying to play the fiscal responsibility card here when the American people need the cash yesterday, and when you realize that if those 2 Senate seats are lost in Georgia in just a week, you got to know that extra $900 Billion to the budget, which is what I’m hearing will be the additional cost to give the American people the $2,000 instead of $600 which should have been $1,200 originally 6 months ago that was going to be sent out and ready to go by President Trump if Pelosi had not blocked it from being approved, and from what I’ve heard blocked some 40 times by Pelosi in the interim.

How fitting is it that it will be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who can, and if I had to bet on it say he will, try to put the Republican Party out of business when he sabotages the $2,000 Covid-19 Aid Package for the American People? And of course doing it to give cause to why the Republicans lost both Georgia Senate seats in what’s already going to be an election theft like in 2018, and when the Democrats used ‘Vote by Mail‘ voter fraud and also changing the rules on how votes were cast and counted to steal back the House.
If you don’t recall what happened let me refresh your memory, what I’m referring to midterm election day 2018 there were 7 House seats that were actually won by Republicans on election day itself, but with the deadline to receive votes extended, all those 7 Republican House seats were all reversed and went to Democrats, and if that isn’t enough to deal with, Nancy Pelosi won her 2nd Gavel as Speaker of the House by 4 votes!
If you weren’t made aware of that fact it was probably because the Mainstream Media was too busy diverting your attention to the election fraud down in Broward County Florida when the focus of every Mainstream Media outlet was on Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes, the same ‘Stuffer’ of the Ballot Box for Debbie Wasserman Schultz back in 2016!

If you’ve been following me you’d know that for the last couple of weeks I’ve exposed the China connection to the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife, and who by the way is Elaine Choi, America’s Secretary of Transportation, and whose connection to China is included in the article below! I thought I would copy and paste and excerpt coming out of one of the last pages of my book ‘The End Game,’ and that would be found after the article.
Mitch McConnell: The Key to the 2020 Election Results, and the future of America!
21 November 2020 by Jonathan E. P. Moore
‘The End Game’ Excerpt…
Obama should be remembered by every American for the last speech he gave to the United Nations before leaving office when he called for America to be ‘Bound by International Laws,’ and to Give up Control to the international community, a.k.a. the United Nations Agenda leading to a New World Order!

What every American should also understand is that it’s not about Identity Politics or Political Correctness, and that’s because those are the shiny objects that the Bipartisan ‘Swamp’ wants every American to focus on so that you would ignore the fact that for the last 28 years it’s been the bipartisan ‘Swamp’ that has been slowly pulling the rug out from underneath our guaranteed rights, America’s exceptionalism, our values and culture, but more than that the intellectual property that George Soros new favored nation China’s status announcement that came in 2009, the same year that Obama’s first inauguration was held to announce the new President! Coincidence?
The biggest, and still unknown questions and answers that still linger, have to do with Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and now Lindsey Graham, and with 2 of the 3 possible obstacles still out there, and who both had a rocky beginning, and expressed openly their different opinions with the now President Trump after he managed to knock off the other more qualified 16 pro Globalist challengers in the Republican Primaries, and before advancing to the final round against Hillary Clinton! I’m feeling that just maybe with Lindsey Graham elevated in 2019 the chairman of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee could also mean that he will be the GOP’s point man when dealing with a host of issues involving the Trump administration that are certain to be raised by House’s new Democratic Majority! The only question left pertaining to Lindsey Graham is will it be unlikely that he will exercise much of the independence or bipartisanship for which he was known back in the days when he was John McCain’s chief Senate sidekick and remembers the way President Trump spoke about John McCain not being a hero and seek to revive the idea of comprehensive immigration reform that he supported during the Bush and Obama administrations.
But for Lindsey Graham that would mean bucking his president which has moved hard right on that and so many other subjects, but now has gotten past those comments about his friend and deciding to be a team player for the foreseeable future? Only time will tell!
What we do know is that already departed ‘RINO’ Paul Ryan who was a pro-immigration and open border advocate who decided to take a parting shot at President Trump before the 2018 midterms! Paul Ryan begrudgingly accepted the House Speakers job to replace John Boehner, but as soon as budget negotiations started his immigration and open border beliefs became more than obvious when he gave then President Obama all the funding, he requested to continue his financing of his open border policies and financial support that he was giving illegals at both the cost to the military and the American people who were just in as much need of those funds as were his own priorities!

Paul Ryan’s parting shot happened when he promised President Trump that if left his request for more money for the border wall out of the budget negotiations before the 2018 Midterm elections that he, Paul Ryan, would make sure that the ‘Wall’ would be financed in its entirety, but after the election Ryan not only balked on that promise, but left Congress all together!
What History will be made today when it comes to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his protected China ties that the Mainstream Media has closely and intentionally avoided for the last 3 weeks when it comes to delivering for the American people, and who by the way, is not a Republican, but a NWO pushing Globalist?