Update: Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

I don’t care what you think, but there is no way that either side of the Aisle isn’t privy to what the other side of the aisle is doing, and there is no reason for either side ‘NOT’ to listen to the ‘Mandate’ of the American people! The American people wanted a ‘Wall’ built on our borders to protect our sovereignty and keep the American people safe, and in the same way they want a mandatory Federal Photo Voter ID Law to protect America’s sovereignty and to keep the American people safe from what exactly happened to the people of the member nations of the European Union!
It’s not President Trump’s fault that the 535 Americans that ‘We the People’ sent to Washington to represent the American people, shouldn’t be recalled for abandoning the same America and the American People for what’s best for the world, and using illegals to vote illegally because American made minorities figured out that it was the Democratic Leadership that have been using them for their votes by holding them hostage using entitlements and false promises to buy their votes, that is until this outsider non-politician President easily ran circles around today’s ‘Radical Left’ lies about the economy and America’s minorities expected role in it, when he open their minds of the upside potential of achieving their own American Dream!
I don’t know if you caught that, but I said only 535 Americans out of 330 Million are determining the future of America, but on top of that have decided that America’s sovereignty and the safety of the American people is not their concern, but what’s best for the world is more important, especially when those orders are coming from Global dictators instead of just we the People who are they are supposed to answer to! Hello!!!
You would think that Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, who was Mitt Romney’s vice President Candidate in 2012, and when push came to shove chose not to recycle the issue about how Obama didn’t qualify to run for the Presidency because he didn’t meet our founder’s constitutional requirement of having to be a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen, Why? What’s even stranger than that is watching 2012 debates and not once seeing team Romney/Ryan calling out Obama on Benghazi which happened just 2 months earlier when Obama tried to blame it on a video instead of the actual anniversary of 9/11 itself, and again I have to ask why?!
Now if that wasn’t enough ‘ammo’ to take down Obama and his corrupt Administration, then how about adding Lois Lerner and her IRS that got caught targeting Conservative PAC’s who were looking for tax exempt status before the same 2012 elections! Now we historically have the fact that Presidents that don’t deliver on the economy aren’t given a 2nd term, and we all know that Obama had the worst economy, or close to it, in American history! Hmmm, again! Can anybody say, ‘Red Flag?’ Does anybody think that just maybe it didn’t really make a difference when it came to who won the election because the drive to create the ‘New World Order’ was a bipartisan one?

The reason I’m pointing this out is because there were Republicans there while all this was going on, and that you would think would be chiming in on the side of our founders to prevent what turned out to be a not factually based racist inspired ‘Birther’ issue, which by the way is the same ‘Racist Well’ that Obama went back to time and time again with his first AG Eric Holder to accuse America’s city, state and local police officials of ‘Racism so that Loretta Lynch, Obama’s 2nd AG, could clear the way for the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ to be granted permission to operate on American soil! Now if you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network,’ just know it comes with the United Nations series of Agenda plans that began back in 1992 with Bush 41, and that you can read all about from beginning to the very end which is still going on, and the reason I decided that the weekend before Thanksgiving would be a good time to relate some history, but personally pray it’s not that one piece of the puzzle that in my theory ends up to be the truth!
That truth has a two edged sword that comes with it, the first edge of that very sharp sword is Mitch McConnell! Mitch McConnell plays a bigger than life role over the next week or so because he controls what’s brought to the attention of the members of the Senate by what he says will be presented to the floor of the Senate to be discussed and than voted on.
Did you know first that Mitch McConnell has financial ties to China, and did you know that this should not only be troublesome, but should force him out of the position of Senate Majority Leader before he can help China block President Trump’s election fraud challenges!
‘Secret Empires’ Bombshell on Elaine Chao and Mitch McConnell’s China Ties!
Chao, who is also the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

McConnell is the seventh-richest senator, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, with an estimated worth of $34 million as of 2018. He earns $193,400 a year as Senate leader.
McConnell Family Fortune Connected To China!
China is a nation that has a thirty-year plan designed to take over the world, and their leader is positioned for lifetime rule. They have nuclear weapons built with stolen U.S. blueprints (thanks to former President Clinton) and they are the ONLY producers of vital components for America’s electrical grid AND weapons components (NOT the U.S.A.).
The institute president said that “familial ties to the Chinese state via his father- and sisters-in-law” are cause for great concern since “James Chao, McConnell’s father-in-law, founded Foremost Group, a shipping company that has done ‘large volumes of business’ with Chinese state-owned companies” is owned by the Chinese state.
Mitch McConnell And Elaine Chao Are Illegally Making Money Off Of Russia And China!
Likewise, McConnell’s wife is Elaine Chao, the Secretary of Transportation!!
Biden’s family ‘Influence Peddling’ has not only compromised Joe Biden, but Mitch McConnell also who like Joe Biden has financially benefited from his ties to China, and now doing all he can to protect his wife’s family ties to China’s controlling Communist Party, but like the Mainstream Media has been protecting Joe Biden, they’ve also been protecting Mitch Mcconnell’s ties to the real threat to the United States, and that’s China! What you have to realize also is that all of this information I’m giving you now about McConnells ties to China because of his wife, has been in the public domain for the last 2 years, and I guess the ‘Radical Left’ is right when they say the Mainstream Media isn’t corrupt and providing cover for all these traitors, right??
The second edge of that sword is the just recently promoted to the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Lindsey Graham, and who with Mitch McConnell can basically stop President Trump’s challenges to the election results and move forward with the certification of the election results, before moving on to Inauguration Day 2021!
The conundrum I’m feeling here is the somewhat rough past history of these players involved today, and the role that Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney had in the pregame show that played big roles in to what’s going on with what could be America’s last election!
I think I can sum it all up in this two paragraphs. First is what I mean about last election is that Venezuela’s election in the early 2000’s was stolen away by Socialists who used George Soros’s voting machines, and before Chavez Packed the Venezuelan Supreme Court! That ‘Packing’ resulted in taking away the people’s voice, and the opposition’s right to challenge anything that Chaves wanted to shove down the throats of the Venezuelan People!
When it comes to the GOP ticket of Romney and Ryan who ran against Obama 2.0 in 2012, we found out that Romney’s heart wasn’t really into it when he refused to go after Obama during the election debates on the attacks on Benghazi, and calling him out on why they claimed it was a video and not the anniversary of 9/11 that caused the attack on our Embassy that killed 4 Americans! When it comes to Paul Ryan it was before the 2018 Midterms when Ryan convinced President Trump to leave the funding for the ‘Wall’ out of the pre election budget negotiations , and if President Trump did he would guarantee that the ‘Wall’ would be funded in its entirety after the election! President Trump left the funding of the ‘Wall’ out of the negotiations, but Ryan balked, but more than that left Congress altogether!
Both Romney and Ryan showed their true RINO colors and fell on their ‘Globalist Swords’ to prove it, but what no America knows with what’s going on today is weather or not with both McConnell and Graham’s negative history just a short 4 years ago, what do they know that both President Trump and the American People don’t know, and whether or not the two of them will be falling on their Globalist swords also!

The real RINO Globalist litmus test will be if they don’t challenge Kamala Harris’s qualifications based on her not being a ‘Natural Born’ citizen to be the Vice President if these election results for Biden and Harris hold up, and whether or not Mitch McConnell along with Lindsey Graham will call upon the expertise of the 3 newest additions to the Supreme Court who are original constitutionalists to once and for all resolve this open ended question that these same two did nothing about when Obama was accused of having the same problem some 15+ years ago, but still sat idly by why they allowed Obama and his Administration to violate the constitution and the ‘Rule of Law’ practically at will, and choosing to do nothing about it!
Every in the bag commentator that represents both sides of the aisle have either spent the last 15 years claiming that if the candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America is born on American soil that he or she can be President or Vice President of the same United States of America, but again that makes them only a ‘Naturalized Citizen,’ which is not a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen and that our founder’s constitution says they must be, but only in order to be the President and/or Vice President and no other position, period!
What should make this important, and now questioned at every level when it comes to why Obama’s documents had to be altered by Nancy Pelosi instead of her just coming up with another candidate for the Presidency who was a ‘Natural Born’ Citizen instead, but what moves this from the back burner to the front burner this Holiday season is the fact that a witness for both Schiff, Nadler, and the ‘Radical Left’ who was called upon to be an expert witness during the President’s Impeachment trial named Professor Karlan, who stepped up and says that she is a Scholar of the Law of Democracy as she explained as an example why our founders included in the Constitutional requirement of having to be a ‘Natural Born’ citizen over a ‘Naturalized’ citizen in order to be the President of the United States! Then she went on to say that it’s to ensure that America isn’t corrupted by foreign influence and the reason why that individual who’s not a ‘Natural Born’ citizen can’t become President!
Again, if the results of the election remain in favor of the Mainstream Media’s early call before the certification that it’s going to be President Biden and Vice President Harris, and then both McConnell and Graham don’t challenge Kamala Harris’s qualifications before being sworn in as the next Vice President, then you gotta know that not only was the deck stacked against President Trump, but also against America and the American people, but instead stacked for these Globalist oligarchs who think they know best for the world while being funded by the American taxpayer!

I think we all know that it was never about Joe Biden because we all knew that he was being used as the ‘Radical Left’s’ ‘False Front,’ and more than likely being held hostage by the information they had on his son’s Hunter business dealing with the Ukraine, Russia, and China, and while we’re here, the reason why President Elect Joe Biden shouldn’t be allowed to be briefed on any Intelligence reports during the transition period for obvious reasons, and while I’m at it again, more than another reason to challenge the Election results until every intentionally cast illegal vote is discarded!
It’s always been about Joe Biden’s hand picked running mate, and we all know this because I have more than a gut feeling after hearing Joe’s career that’s cluttered with ‘Racist’ comments from the beginning of his political career, and then Kamala Harris calling him out on those same ‘Racist’ comments while labeling him as a ‘Racist,’ you have to believe Kamala Harris wasn’t Racist’ Joe Biden’s first pick!
Kamala Harris isn’t an if but a when she takes the reins from Joe Biden’s obvious failing Physical and Mental health, just know that she will be implementing the most progressive agenda in the history of America, and like everyone else who predicted the same, it’s solely based on her progressive voting record that not even the Mainstream Media was able to hide from the American People!
As the expression goes, it takes two to Tango, and that’s also true when it comes to getting around our founder’s constitutional ‘Checks and Balances!’ Wouldn’t you think, especially after taking an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, that if your partner bypasses those same founder’s Constitution and ‘Rule of Laws’ for what appears to be nefarious reasons, that just maybe some American serving in Congress would have dropped a dime and reported that treasonous son of a bitch to the right authority, but the question that’s never been asked is what if that treasonous son of a bitch is on the same side?
Now Let’s take that one step further by seeing if Mitch McConnell, and the Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan 2012 Presidential ticket that was going up against Obama and Biden 2nd team actually cared about taking Obama out in 2012, or were the 3 of them just playing along for appearances while putting on a ‘Dog and Pony’ show to try and convince the American Public that they were on President Trump’s side, or just playing possum while helping push back everything that the American people deserve to know about the findings of the Durham-Barr criminal investigation that was looking into the Obama Administration’s FBI, DOJ, and CIA’s orchestrated and completely corrupt Leadership information findings that was supposed to be released last spring!
As the facts about the fixed election keep looking bad for the winning team of Joe Biden and his unconstitutional and unqualified Vice President because of her citizenship that permits her to run, but never allowed to be sworn in, which you know she knows is the case and the law, but now like everything else that’s going on for the first time in American history, needing to be hid from the American people, and as it’s beginning to look like, just another piece of important information being pushed back to beyond the 2020 elections so that the American people don’t see how played we all were regardless of what Political Party you followed, and that’s because it was intentional, and they need to find a way to divide a country that’s known for being indivisible with a little liberty and justice for thrown in for good measure!
Mitch McConnell…
Mitch McConnell took over for Harry Reid as the Senate Majority Leader for the Republicans in 2014, and as a result of the 2014 Midterm elections, but the more important result was that very American finally got to say goodbye to the biggest obstructionist Senate Majority Leader in American History, but did McConnell turn the page, or was he going to be like Harry Reid by being the continuation of what Harry Reid was and needed to be to advance George Soros’s ‘New World Order’ dream!

I’ve been calling for both Boehner and McConnell to step down for years, but after listening to Mitch McConnell proclaiming what being conservatism means, and what Trump needs to do to unite the party under the demands of what all American People already thought conservatism means, shows me it’s time for bitching Mitch to take a hike! McConnell leads a group of over the hill crony Capitalists who have been caught trying to sneak in the back door to regain the trust of the American Conservative voter base! Boehner got the hint, and if the GOP wants to unite the Republican Party under the guise of the conservative perception that they pretend to believe, then Trump’s new vision for the party of ‘America First’ needs to prevail, and become the reality! It is time for younger, wiser, and more courageous Republican leadership — constitutional conservatives who understand the role of a statesman in perilous times — who are willing to truly lead the nation and the Republican Party based on America’s enlightened principles, advance the cause of liberty and republican government, and make the case every day to the American people.
Mitch McConnell was able to convince Sen. Marco Rubio to be a part of the Gang of Eight to get Tea Party support for the amnesty bill that had passed the Senate that year. McConnell, meanwhile, waffled on his support of the bill and ended up voting against it. And yet, the fact that he had persuaded Rubio behind the scenes to become a face to that bill, should show every Republican about the shady deception that McConnell engages in to pretend that he’s a conservative in an election year, and then proceeds to channel Harry Reid nefarious power grab as the Senate Majority Leader. McConnell and his believed to be conservative values that now President Trump supposedly didn’t have enough of according to both McConnell and Paul Ryan, blocked amendments that would have defunded Planned Parenthood and implemented Kate’s Law in cracking down on sanctuary cities using the “filling the tree” process of crowding out amendments that he didn’t like- the same tactic that former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid used against Republicans.

We had every Republican under the McConnell and Ryan ‘Never Trump’ spell thinking Trump was a joke to be running for President, and said he won’t win and be the worst thing to happen to the Republican Party, and if that wasn’t telling enough, had him sign a commitment letter that they were regretting after the fact, but even more than that, going against the will of the American Republican voter. McConnell told the New York Times that he will drop Trump like a hot rock and won’t let him be the candidate for the Republican Party because he, supposedly, won’t beat Hillary. First, Hillary beats Hillary, and if any American votes for her, and her Socialist/Obama agenda, then there is no hope for this country at all. I have a little more faith in the American people than McConnell apparently does
You have to believe that Mitch McConnell might still be holding in some of that 2016 pent up frustration with a little payback from when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told panicking Republicans that the GOP would actively destroy Donald Trump’s election chances if it came to that! You have to remember though that back then things were getting truly desperate in conservative camps, but now forced to accept that this isn’t a bad dream and that Trump is almost guaranteed to win the nomination has begun to set in! The ‘Oh Shit’ moment came and as a result Republican sources confirmed to the New York Times that Republican party leadership had plans to destroy Trump and give Hillary Clinton the win rather than let him have control of the GOP, and dealt with it by preparing a 100-day-plan to deny him the nomination, should it come down to that.
Another one of those missed ‘Red Flags’ that should have been raised was when both sides of the aisle decided that it was the Republicans turn to take the heat with the Mainstream Media’s dedicated and honest reporting, asked “Where was the GOP’s 100-day plan to take out Obama? Does anybody remember that plan, and what should have been in 2016, and needed to keep up with appearances with ” Where’s the GOP’s 100-day plan to take out Hillary Clinton? Anybody heard of that plan?”
Ready for this one, McConnell hatched a strategy to retreat and letting Hillary win while focusing on keeping control over the Senate, and if Trump wins the general election then devoting their energy on beating Hillary at the Senate level!
It was Mitch McConnell and his unwillingness to split the proposed Republican Health Care legislation into two bills so that they could live up to their promise, free up the taxes and subsides issues that were needed to make tax reform work, and make it work quickly, can any Republican tell me why, now I’m saying that because I’m neither a Democrat of Republican but a conservative constitutionalist, that is more like the last 3 nominated and then confirmed justices to the Supreme Court, who are original Constitutionalists who interpret the law when making their decisions that they base on our founders written word and the intent and interpretation that comes along with the times!

It took a little time before Mitch McConnell showed America that he would be taking a page out of Harry Reid’s obstruction and resistance Democratic Playbook when he decided to, like Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid did, and is his constitutional right to do so, tabled 367 House passed legislation so that Obama could claim the ‘do’ nothing Congress was at fault for his feckless leadership, and as a result now was forced to use his famous, ‘Pen and Phone’ to bypass the Constitution, the ‘rule of law,’ and the Congress, decided that he, as the Republican Senate Majority leader, would use his power to block amendments that would have defunded Planned Parenthood and implemented Kate’s Law in cracking down on sanctuary cities using the “filling the tree” process of crowding out amendments that he didn’t like, which again is a page out of the former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that he used against Republicans also.
Every Republican who thought Trump was a joke to be running for President, and said he won’t win, are now trying to say he would be the worst thing to happen to the Republican Party. They had him sign a commitment letter, and now they are regretting their decision, and more than that, going against the will of the American Republican voter. McConnell told the New York Times that he will drop Trump like a hot rock and won’t let him be the candidate for the Republican Party because he, supposedly, won’t beat Hillary. First, Hillary beats Hillary, and if any American votes for her, and her Socialist/Obama agenda, then there is no hope for this country at all. I have a little more faith in the American people than McConnell apparently does!
Next, we had Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) dreaming about cutting major deals as Senate majority leader for most of his career. He finally got the chance to do it with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the most ambitious free trade agreement since the Clinton era. The only thing standing in his way is his own political party, and then we had Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) say that Congress’ upper chamber would give President Barack Obama expedited authority to negotiate major trade deals “later this week,” despite strong opposition from members of the president’s party.
Nearly all Democrats were opposed at the time, as were a strong contingent of Republicans, who were hesitant to hand Obama a victory, but yet Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, was confident that the measure would pass the lower chamber. “We will have the votes,” Ryan said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “We’re doing very well. We’re gaining a lot of steam and momentum.”
What I’m beginning to see here is that both Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan were helping President Obama work out a trade deal that neither sided of the aisle members were interested in doing!! Hmmm…

Hey, numbers don’t lie no matter how you want to look at it, Boehner Got $5 million, Ryan $2 Million, and Mitch McConnell $9.2 MILLION! I bet you now know what every American now knows when it comes to why and how TPP was Passed? (2015)
So today we have Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the best friend of deceased Senator John McCain, Lindsey Graham who also has a somewhat questionable history when it comes to protecting and defending the Constitution, and with just a month to go before the election of 2020, I’m beginning to wonder if either of them can be trusted to be on the right side of America and for the American people when they seemed to have forgotten, like the members of the now ‘Radical’ Branch of the Democratic Party who replaced the ‘Progressive’ Branch of the Democratic Party, and who replaced my mother and father’s ‘Classic’ Democratic Party, about their oath to protect and defend our constitutional values and guaranteed right, freedoms, and liberties!
I hope that every American remembers the last time Pelosi failed to deliver for the American people, and for all of you that don’t it was just a short few weeks ago when Pelosi called for a special session to bailout the Post Office for their ‘Vote by Mail’ scheme that surely would be vetoed by President Trump, but that’s only if it’s lucky enough to get by the two most powerful and persuasive men in the Senate, and who in my mind have yet to prove themselves to me when it comes to giving a dam about the future of America and the American People based on past actions and comments directed at this MAGA President during the beginning, and what I would have to call ‘rocky’ and contentious at best!
Again, and I repeat the names of those two men who are Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the chairman of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee Lindsey Graham because I don’t want you to forget, and if the Biden/Harris ticket are victorious you can in good faith blame both McConnell and Graham who had openly spoke of candidate Trump as not being conservative enough then, but now reversing that assumption because the Republican Party has moved closer to the ‘Left’ then anybody could have possibly imagined, and as a result have no interest in allowing President Trump’s 3 newest original constitutionalists Justices on the Supreme Court to pull the plug on Kamala Harris’s illegal run for the Vice Presidency under President Joe biden!

I’ve pointed out what those actions were by Mitch McConnell to undermined the now President Trump’s agenda, but when it comes to John McCain’s best friend Lindsey Graham, and President Trump questioning McCain’s supposed ‘Hero’ status because of his days in the military when he was a prisoner of War (POW), and after talking to McCain’s fellow prisoners who say that when McCain was released, he left behind other P.O.W’s!
Can anybody say about John McCain’s release was just another Joe Biden like ‘Quid Pro Quo’ due to his father John Sidney “Jack” McCain Jr. who was a United States Navy admiral who served in conflicts from the 1940s through the 1970s, including as the Commander, United States Pacific Command? Hmmm… Oh, did I forget to tell you that it was John McCain who was put in charge of monitoring all the intel on missing POWs who were left behind and never found?
The biggest, but still unknown questions and answers that still linger, have to do with Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and now Lindsey Graham, and with 2 of the 3 possible obstacles still out there, and who both had a rocky beginning, and expressed openly their different opinions with the now President Trump after he managed to knock off the other more qualified 16 pro Globalist challengers in the Republican Primaries, and before advancing to the final round against Hillary Clinton! I’m feeling that just maybe with Lindsey Graham elevated in 2019 the chairman of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee could also mean that he will be the GOP’s point man when dealing with a host of issues involving the Trump administration that are certain to be raised by House’s new Democratic Majority! The only question left pertaining to Lindsey Graham is will it be unlikely that he will exercise much of the independence or bipartisanship for which he was known back in the days when he was John McCain’s chief Senate sidekick and remembers the way President Trump spoke about John McCain not being a hero, and seek to revive the idea of comprehensive immigration reform that he supported during the Bush and Obama administrations. But for Lindsey Graham that would mean bucking his president which has moved hard right on that and so many other subjects, but now has gotten past those comments about his friend and deciding to be a team player for the foreseeable future? Only time will tell!
What we do know is that the already departed ‘RINO’ Paul Ryan, and who was a pro-immigration and open border advocate, decided to take a parting shot at President Trump before the 2018 midterms! Paul Ryan begrudgingly accepted the House Speakers job to replace John Boehner, but as soon as budget negotiations started his immigration and open border beliefs became more than obvious when he gave then President Obama all the funding he requested to continue financing his open border policies and financial support for illegals instead of the support needed by returning veterans from the combat zone, and the American people who were just in as much need of those funds as were Obama’s own priorities!

Paul Ryan’s parting blow was when he promised President Trump that if left his request for more money for the border wall out of the budget negotiations before the 2018 Midterm elections that he, Paul Ryan, would make sure that the ‘Wall’ would be financed in its entirety after the election, and that he would personally get it done, but after the election Ryan not only balked on that promise, but left Congress all together! My only question I have left, and the only question I had left near the end of my book ‘The End Game,’ is whether or not the future of our founders Constitutional Republic is going to be protected and defended by both Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham who took an oath many years ago, and many times since after being elected to serve the people in the good states of Kentucky and South Carolina, my mothers home state when she lived in Lancaster S.C.!