What we have here is a failure to communicate, and when the American people are chastised by the leadership of America and the World for choosing a President who actually answered the American people’s call to drain the ‘Swamp,’ you have to ask yourself when did the world come before America’s wants and needs, and second to what the world needs now?
When was the decision made to silent conservative values in our upper educational institutions when teaching our children the ways of the world and learning how to fend for yourself using the principles that are guaranteed to every American citizen under the Constitution? Why is it a crime all of a sudden to listen to the beat of the same drummer as did our parents and their parent’s parents before who made sure they left us in a better world, and the better world we are expected to leave our future generations,
but due to Obama’s Socialist political correctness won’t be left to the next generation of Millennial’s that never got that chance, that is until President Trump’s policies, to ever witness and be part of America when it’s hitting on all cylinders!
I have to believe that if President Trump didn’t come out of the shadows, as did the silent majority when they came out of the shadows to vote candidate Trump in as the 45th President of the United States, that America would have been on auto pilot with Hillary at the helm, and big bold regulations attached to our first and second Amendments, and a Progressive Liberal seated in SCOTUS stripping Americans of their guns, their religion, and their sovereignty, and all for the good of the New World Order!
With McConnell and Pro immigration advocate Paul Ryan pushing the issues dealing with immigration reform and the ‘Wall’ until after the Midterms you got to know that it’s all hands on deck when it comes to short circuiting the investigations into the corrupt and treasonous leadership of our INTEL agencies, the delving into the sale of 20% of America’s Uranium to the Russians, that was covered up by the leadership of the Obama FBI, DOJ, and CIA, which was led by none other than Robert Mueller, and his right hand man in charge, Rod Rosenstein.
The Schumer and Pelosi ‘stall’ with 97 days to go before the election has been joined by Ryan and McConnell, especially when it comes to immigration and the ‘Wall,’ and is it really a surprise to anyone? Let’s start with Mitch McConnell who has stayed silent behind the scenes while shuffling and prioritizing the peoples representatives work like Harry Reid did to line up their Globalist agenda without any further obstacles or detours! then we have bleeding heart Paul Ryan who from the beginning how he walked in the shoes of illegals and supports their illegal and unconstitutional crossing of the border so that the taxpayers would fund their mission of flooding the ballot box in exchange for amnesty!
I’m sure that most Americans, no matter what side of the aisle you hail from, are getting just a little tired of the regurgitating of the Mueller’s investigation into the Russians and the Trump Campaign, but I guess when the ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media keeps running up the flag pole the same old revisions of the same stories time and time again, and with renewed excitement of something possibly being new when its only something ‘Blue,’ you got to know that President Trump is just protecting his own flank, and anyone that tries to defend President Trump’s position and mission on Social Media is being washed out and hung out to dry at the smallest utterance of anything that’s not generated from the side of a ‘Never Trumper!
It appears now that after pretending to actually be won over by President Trump and his ‘Deplorables’ that both Ryan and McConnell have both decided, for the American people of course, that the issue of the ‘Wall’ can wait until after the Midterms before addressing the plight of the immigrants and immigration reform!
And their doing it for the American people in the same fashion as the Liberal Left did when they closed the government down because of the lack of attention by the Trump Administration to the DACA situation, and then decided to abandon the DACA recipients because they were beginning to understand that to support the men and women in ‘Blue’ (Democrats turned Socialist) that they would be actually reestablishing in their new home the same Socialist failures that forced them out of their homeland to travel to our founding fathers envisioned ‘Promise Land’ that they’ve heard and read about for years, but now after understanding what the Democrats end game is are no longer willing to make that commitment that would have been guaranteed with a Hillary coronation that would have come with jumping the line of immigrants for Amnesty!
While the ‘Swamp’ keeps bringing up any story that hopefully will take away the attention and distracts the American people’s focus away from the collusion with the Russian stories, know that it’s solely for the purpose of keeping the Mueller investigation out of the limelight, under wraps and buried while President Trump on the other hand is keeping the Mueller Investigation front and center every chance he gets because he knows it’s just another case where our trusted, but can’t be trusted anymore leadership of our INTEL agencies, are looking to maintain their continued bypassing of America’s Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ to protect the ‘Witch Hunt’ that President Trump has been predicting for the last 2 years minimum, and now that 70% of Americans, at least as of yesterday’s polls, believes it to be a witch hunt also!
Now we’re back to the meeting with Trump Jr. and the fact that the Russian lawyer that called for the meeting that never actually happened, is another Russian agent with ties to the Kremlin, which I thought we already knew back when, didn’t You? But here’s the real kicker and punch line of this born again and laughable joke?
Natalia Veselnitskaya is not one of indictments that the Mueller Investigation handed down to ant of the 25 Russians they fingered! Now how is that possible?
Veselnitskaya was, and still is, after all, the poster child for Russian collusion, whose 20-minute meeting with Donald Trump, Jr. was to be the deathblow to the Trump administration. Yet, by her account, she has yet to be interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller:
The Moscow lawyer said to have promised Donald Trump’s presidential campaign dirt on his Democratic opponent worked more closely with senior Russian government officials than she previously let on, according to documents reviewed by The Associated Press.
Scores of emails, transcripts and legal documents paint a portrait of Natalia Veselnitskaya as a well-connected attorney who served as a ghostwriter for top Russian government lawyers and received assistance from senior Interior Ministry personnel in a case involving a key client.
The data was obtained through Russian opposition figure Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s London-based investigative unit, the Dossier Center, that is compiling profiles of Russians it accuses of benefiting from corruption. The data was later shared with journalists at the AP, the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger, Greek news website Inside Story and elsewhere.
Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who top Trump campaign officials were told had compromising information on Hillary Clinton ahead of 2016 Trump Tower meeting, said in an interview with The Associated Press that special counsel Robert Mueller has not interviewed her as part of the Russia probe.
What’s next on the President Trump ‘Hit’ parade is that we now have one of his many lawyers he uses to run his businesses, charities, and family matters, trying to claim President Trump knew about the meeting with this Russian Lawyer, but this lawyer happens to be the same lawyer that Mueller obviously knew about but chose not to bother to indict or question, but now instead concentrating on President Trump’s ‘Tweets,’ in the hopes of finding anything that will draw the attention away from his involvement in Uranium One Deal hidden agenda, while the leader of
Obama’s FBI Robert Mueller, and his side kick and number one right hand man Rod Rosenstein, continue to try and cover up the Uranium One deal from the cat bird seat on top of the Mueller investigation, where the Clinton Foundation picked up a cool $145 Million, Russia got 20% of America’s Uranium, and the people involved eventually, because of the corruption and collusion of the Obama Justice Department, basically got away with their wrist slapped!
For all of you well wishers that thought that Mueller and Rosenstein got away Scott free, then think again. Jeff Sessions has opened an investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the treasonous Uranium One deal that sold 20% of America’s Uranium to our #1 enemy Russia, but it’s all and only about Trump being the scoundrel right?
Lets hope that justice comes home to roost and that the ‘Bad Actors’ who still believe that they’ve made it, and now covered up by hiding in the weeds of the ‘Swamp,’ that they’ve escaped from the long arm of the law, but unfortunately with the opening of a
new investigation into the Uranium One deal and the Clinton Foundation, that in those ‘Bad Actors’ moments of weakness and greed might come back to haunt them when they finally get their ‘real’ day in court!
I think it’s time for the American people to see what real justice, and not the ‘double standard’ that the Progressive Left lives by, and what bypassing the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution gets the common man when getting what is deserved, and when you talk about Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice and the ‘Clinton 5,’ James Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, and anyone else who deserves to be the example that’s set for future individuals who think they’re bigger than the ‘Deplorables’ that elected them to office, and bigger than the letter of the law!
Now with all of that being said and knowing that there is an investigation as we speak looking into those things listed above, you got to know that if Mueller and Rosenstein can’t find anything involving President Trump in anything, like they did to Mueller’s other targets that got him indictments, but indictments that had nothing to do with the Russians colluding with the Trump Campaign, then their asses are in deep shit, and if President Trump’s agenda is stopped by the retaking of the House by the ‘New’ Socialist Party of America, a.k.a. the Old ‘Loyal’ to the ‘Rule of Law’ Democratic Party, then the American people should know with 100% certainly that the investigation will be stopped into the Uranium One deal!