If you watched any of the talk shows on Sunday morning you know that obstruction will continue to be at the top of the Dem’s Party of ‘NO’ to-do list, with resisting running a close second! It’s also beginning to look like the continued full frontal attack on the Republican party and their followers as been going on for the last 2 years, and now promised to go on for the next 2 years, with nothing on their to do-list for the American people, the DACA recipients, or even healthcare, but again like always pushing their tax and spend agenda so that the Trump economy will slow, and Americans, like during the Obama Administration will be forced to rejoin the entitlement lines and deflate the approval ratings of the country to the same 12.8% percent approval rating that caused candidate Trump to win 2016 election by an electoral College landslide!
It’s been one day since the announced recount started, but now it appears that for the last 24 hours they’ve only been getting ready to start the recount! The only way this is going to be resolved is through a recall vote and a do over of the election! We know that 93,000 votes mysteriously showed up after the election, we know that the intent of the Democratic Lawyers who went to Florida is not about voter fraud, but to win the election as they’ve stated! There is no way with what happens from here isn’t tainted when there is documented corruption of illegals voting in ‘Blue’ States when they are simply being registered to vote when illegals apply for their approved to receive, legal driver licenses!
It’s beginning to appear that with Blacks and Latinos have deserted the Democrats and now by their own choice supporting and voting for Republicans because of the unhindered by regulations and high taxes Trump economy! Now with what’s been going on in Broward County Florida by the likes of traitor Senator Bill Nelson, who is demanding that ‘all’ the votes be counted without differentiating between legal votes compared to illegal votes, you have to be wondering whether or not Democrats could care less about the American people, and just using whoever they can
recruit to be those ‘Useful Idiots’ that Progressives need to accomplish what they originally started out to do, and that’s bypassing the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution to achieve whatever end they deem necessary no matter what the means!
How do you not know that corruption is running rampant when every vote being found in Broward County Florida are just votes for Democrats without one being for Republicans? How do you not know that the voter rolls haven’t been purged of dead voters’ names for over a hundred years? Those two facts alone should be driving home the message to every American that America, and its Constitutional Republic, is under attack by the caravans of Immigrants that have turned down offers of asylum by both Mexico and the United Nations, and should be considered as that ‘invasion’ that President Trump keeps proclaiming it to be!
I don’t know about you, but with President Trump having the right to fire Mueller at any time over the last two years, but not doing it, and Mueller announcing that his findings would be coming out after the Midterm elections, why would the temporary appointment of Jeff Sessions Chief of Staff all of a sudden be a reason for anyone to think that President Trump is looking to sabotage the Mueller Investigation, when there is absolutely no reason for him to do so? My question would have to be why aren’t these same Democrats still protecting and defending the blockage of the release of the Dossier records that have been requested by the oversight committee, subpoenaed by the oversight committee, yet still not delivered to the oversight committee?
I have to believe that the Democrat motto of the end justifies the means is setting up the American people for another ‘Fake’ dramatization of facts not in evidence when it comes to President Trump wanting to stop or interfere with the Mueller Investigation!
Any American with an ounce of common sense after 2 years, and nothing there ,there, because if there was something there, there, you know that it would have been leaked by Adam Schiff and others for sure as proven with just about anything and everything that might trip up the President to make him look bad!
Now we have Jerrold Nadler making his presence known on a Sunday morning talk show when he announced:
Nadler: House Dems ‘Could Subpoena Mueller’ If Russia Probe Is Shut Down
Are you ready for this, Robert Mueller could be subpoenaed by Congress if the Trump Justice Department prematurely ends the special counsel’s investigation into Russian interference, the incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee said Sunday.
“We could subpoena the final report. We could subpoena Mueller and ask him in front of the committee ‘what was in your final report?’” Democratic New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler said on ABC’s “This Week.”
Nadler will take over as chairman of the House judiciary panel in January.
I have to believe that All Americans, despite their party affiliation are finally beginning to understand that they’ve become those Stalin ‘Useful idiots’ that Progressive Democrats use and influence to do their bidding in the attempts to destroy America from within! These same Americans now know because of just plain common sense that what they’ve been told by the Progressive leadership of the Democratic Party, and then reconfirmed by the ‘Deep State’ run, ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media, are just outright lies, and to go further with more proof is the actions by the left to block the release of the subpoenaed Russian Dossier and FISA warrant signers by the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA, which just reinforces the treasonous corruption by those Progressive ‘Bad Actors,’ that will eventually lead us right to the top of the Obama White House, while pointing the finger at the leader of the ‘Deep State’ himself, Barack ‘Insane’ Obama!
The ‘Left’ promises to impeach Trump, impeach Kavanaugh, and to keep Justice Ginsberg alive and kicking, which is unfortunately not the same fate that Justice Scalia received, but if anything is going to bring this country back together as a nation it will be the release of the subpoenaed information that Rosenstein, who was conflicted due to his witness status and the signer of the last FISA warrant application, withheld, but with Whitaker now temporally at the helm of the Trump AG’s office, they should all now be released! This information is intentionally being withheld from the American people even though subpoenaed, and in the end I believe will lead to the White House and President Barack Obama and his corrupt Administration!
The leadership of the Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party, like the leadership of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA under Obama, refuse to give up their ability to call the shots when it comes to destroying America from within! The question every Democrat should be asking themselves is if there’s going to be a newbie or Sophomore Democrat who has the guts to challenge the mandatory lockstep marching obedience with locked lips behind the traitorous Progressive open border, and tax and spend leadership of the Party of ‘NO’ for the next two years!
Will Democrats work through yesteryear’s belief in bipartisanship resolve for all the problems troubling the American people, or continuing on with whatever it takes to eliminate the American dream and the existence of a Middle Class for Socialist change!
Due to the lack of term limits these long time planning assassins of our Republic will be at the helm pushing their partisan Socialist beliefs and demands! They are starting with the stealing of elections through lawlessness, as was done by Obama when he used intent and interpretation of our laws in order to bypass them, and then attacking any Justice that’s not progressive, but still nominated for the Supreme Court by a President who believes in making America first and great again and the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution, and expects the Justices he nominates, like I’m guessing a huge majority of Americans also do, to interpret our laws and Constitution based on the letter of the law as written by our founders!
I have to believe that Americans who thought that they hated Trump more than they loved America have finally come to the realization that when it comes to the truth about the clandestine goals of destroying America from within, they realize they’ve been lied to and that these Progressive ‘bad actors’ are doing everything in their power, with the help of the ‘in the bag’ Mainstream Media, to control the narrative and message that’s being delivered to the American people! It’s time for Americans, and I’m not referring to Republicans, Democrats, or Independents, but true Americans like we were before the intentionally planned Politically Correct Obama agenda started dividing and conquering the American people against one another so that what the ‘Deep State’ was actually doing to weaken our founders mission of granting individual rights, liberties, and freedoms that are granted to every American citizen!
Future citizens who are now being the ones used by Democrats to recreate the exact same third world existence in America that these new illegal ‘Useful Idiots’ immigrants have left behind to make a better life for themselves!
It’s time for the ‘Swamp’ to start eating their own by replacing Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Jerrold Nadler and others who have lost their loyalty and the meaning of their oath of office they took to protect and defend the constitution, which they have obviously abandoned which is proven when watching the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court when they tried to make the American people believe that ‘Due Process’ and the ‘Presumption of Innocence’ is never a guarantee!
The Progressive Branch of the Democratic Party are the ones behind the corruption of the once respected Democratic Party, and when it comes to lawlessness, their new oath of office, and as of now seem to be very wealthy for their efforts due to outside interest stuffing their pockets! How many Americans know that House minority leader, and soon to be majority leader Nancy Pelosi, who has been serving the residents of California in various capacities in Washington D.C. for 30 years, is now estimated to be worth north of $150 Million dollars! Hmmm… is that why she calls the Trump savings to the American taxpayer ‘crumbs?’
The 77-year-old Democrat maintains her residence in Northern California where she and her husband Paul, own an idyllic estate and vineyard 65 miles north of San Francisco on the Napa River. The couple’s neighbors know when the Washington D.C. power couple is in town by the line of luxury black SUV s making their way up the Pelosi’s driveway on Zinfandel Lane. Everyone from California Governor Jerry Brown to former Google CEO Eric Schmidt have hobnobbed at the Pelosi’s California estate. All of this got us wondering just what Nancy Pelosi’s net worth is and how she amassed it – after all, her government salary of $174,000 is nice, but not enough to amass a personal net worth between $42 million and $202 million, as she stated on her 2015 wealth disclosure, but with an additional 3 more years under her corrupt her belt now estimated at $160 Million as the starting point up to whatever on the higher side!
If you want to know why Pelosi maintains her overdue ‘term limit’ designated expiration date I would have to say let’s look into those donor records at the same time she wants to go after President Trump’s tax returns! What most American people don’t understand is that showing your tax returns has always been a voluntary action by past Presidential candidates, but never ever required to be released by any law!
Now let’s look a little deeper into the Court of Public Opinion that Democrats tried to use to justify why ‘Due Process’ and the ‘Presumption of Innocence’ weren’t called for when trying to make Justice Kavanaugh prove his Innocence when accused of sexual assault while in High School some 40 years ago! What the American people need to understand that when it comes to the ‘Court of Public Opinion’ it works both ways, and what you need to understand is that it’s exactly the same when it comes to President Trump when the accusations by Democrats against candidate Trump were found to be ‘fake’ news, lies, and innuendos because he was found innocent in that same ‘Court of Public Opinion’ when he won the 2016 Electoral College landslide victory that delivered than candidate Trump, by the votes of the American people exonerating him from all charges leveled against him by the false accusation by Democrats ‘before’ the 2016 elections!
Please share if you agree with my findings. I’ve been benched by Facebook again, but when one door closes another one opens, and this relatively new diversion from Facebook has enabled me to speak my mind with just as many political and the same venues that I’m able to post to and chat with easily without the political censorship that comes in the form of anything conservative or Capitalist leaning if posted on Facebook….Try it, you might like it, and like it more…..Brilliant features with no BS. No Ads. No Spyware. MeWe is the Next-Gen Social Network.