I think if I see another ‘Meme’ about how Obama is still the most admired man in America since 2008, or that he was the best President in History, that I’m going to PUKE! What should be more concerning is that today’s polls suggest that the American people don’t believe in protecting America’s sovereignty, don’t believe after hearing the facts about the Drugs, human trafficking, and the amount of crime that has increased, and that DEA, DHS, and the leadership of every Border Patrol and the other experts who are on the ‘Wall’ in 77 other countries around the world, would still believe the Pelosi and Schumer assertion that ‘Walls’ don’t work!

These pollsters, are exactly like, and in some instances the same ‘Paid to Report’ Mainstream Media that consider the American people those same Stalin like ‘Useful Idiots’ that are so stupid that they would :
Want to surrender their rights to become a member of the United Nation’s ‘New World Order!
Want to pay $54B in aid to foreign countries, and financially support abortions in foreign countries before coughing up $5.7B for the ‘Wall.’
Want to continue to spend over $200B a year because of an ex-President’s unconstitutional Executive Order to open the Southern Border while at the same time ordering America’s Border Patrol Agents to not enforce the Immigration Laws of the Land and to stand down!
The people that supposedly answer these pollster’s questions have to be from the future ‘Socialists Party of America,’ or everyone that worships the land of ‘Free Shit,’ and like all those illegals who are being registered to vote automatically when going for an illegal, but legal because it’s a ‘Blue State,’ Driver’s License, but that all Americans know that no matter how many times the ‘Left’ claims that they don’t vote, that we all know they do vote!

Now these illegals are the same people that are asked by Gallup, another one of those polls who goes to the Southern Border for their participants in their polls, are asked the questions to get those ‘Paid to Report’ dollars from the same people who paid for the polls that showed by close to 100% by the polls taken, that Hillary was going to win the 2016 Presidential Election over Donald J. Trump, and not only that, but would win in a landslide!
“You want the truth, you can’t handle the truth,” and if you want to get the skinny on all of Obama’s Scandal ‘free’ Administration’s actions, then just check out the link below…