President Elect Biden ‘Blackouts’ Atrocities at Our Southern Border!

The continuation of the Obama/Biden New World Order path created by intentionally eliminating the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law’ is a must because without doing so, the George Soros inspired New World Order would never of had a chance, and still doesn’t, of ever becoming a reality!

The yet to be certified by Congress Biden Administration is now ordering a ‘Blackout’ of all information about the atrocities at our Southern Border, and we are now being subjected to what should of happened back in 2016 when Hillary’s coronation was supposed to be a lock, and that the Mainstream Media and all their polls predicted because they knew the fix was in!

The American people were spared the same fate that the people of the member nations of the European Union suffered with the storming of their country’s borders as are todays America’s borders are being forced to endure for the sake of the impending attempt to create a New World Order!

Proof that America’s 2020 election stolen!!

Democratic Lawmaker Says He’s Been ‘Warning’ White House About Border Crisis!

The discovery of George Soros’s voting machines just weeks before the 2016 election in 16 Swing States within 307 voting districts allowed the American people and the world see just how much damage the Obama/Biden Administration had intentionally done to America and the American people! The proof of this is just watching how President Trump was able to turn the economy in record breaking time, how it took President Trump just under a year to destroy the caliphate, and how the military that had suffered from the Obama/Biden Administration’s sequestration was able to go from being shrunk to levels not seen since WWII, with the Navy to levels not seen since WWI, to levels never seen in the history of America, with America’s strength in leadership returned to the world stage!

After Hillary’s loss in 2016 you had to know that they would continue to attempt to steal any future elections because the ‘Radical Left’ knew that the American People would never by into a Socialist existence and therefore would never win another election based on their platform! Stealing 3 elections using George Soros’s now favored nation of choice Communist China gave him a pathway to use the remote access software for voting machines that he was caught installing into voting machines       

Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Chief Justice Roberts, and now Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff for sitting by and doing nothing to defend the Constitution should be brought up on crimes against humanity as where the equivalent leaders of Hitler’s Nazi’s when they sent the Jews to the gas chambers, and as the yet to be certified Biden Administration is doing to the illegal immigrant children who are truly being locked up in cages!

Biden has allowed infected with Covid-19 illegal Immigrants to be put on busses and sent to who knows where that intentionally puts the American people at risk in the hopes of shutting down the country again to give the yet to be  certified Biden Administration enough time to get those China manned United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ on American soil to confiscate our right to bear arms 2nd Amendment rights, and to fight against what I can now safely say is what their undefined ‘Violent Extremism’ is, and that’s White Americans who believe in the Rule of Law and the Constitution that has made this country the most envied and greatest country in the world for the last 245 years!

We have a President and Vice President that were never constitutionally certified by congress due to the Pelosi choreographed storming of the Capital, We have a President “Elect’s” unconstitutional Executive Orders actually being implemented against the ‘Rule of Law’ that not only is threatening America’s sovereignty but threatening the safety of the American People, and now realizing that Chairman of the Joint chiefs Milley is just another Liberal cry baby who won’t be living up to his pledge or his word when he said ““We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual. No, we do not take an oath to a country, a tribe, or a religion…”We take an oath to the Constitution!”

The Non-stop Effort to Take Down Trump and America!

~By William F. Jasper!

When Donald Trump was elected, the head of the United States Cyber Command warned Trump about a planned coup against him by America’s elites. He was spot-on.

On November 17, 2016, a meeting that may turn out to have been one of the most pivotal in American history took place at Trump Tower in New York City. On that day, nine days after the tumultuous 2016 presidential election, Admiral Michael S. Rogers met secretly with President-elect Donald Trump. It was a meeting that set off Deep State alarms, and those alarm bells instantly started echoing throughout the controlled Deep State media empire.

Why the intense anxiety? As director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Admiral Rogers was then also chief of the Central Security Service (CSS) and commander of the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). He had previously served as the director for intelligence for both the Joint Chiefs of Staff and U.S. Pacific Command, as well as commander of the U.S. 10th Fleet and commander of the U.S. Fleet Cyber Command. In other words, he was the top dog in the world of signals intelligence (SIGINT) and held the keys to the kingdom of America’s powerful surveillance-state apparatus.

The patriot vs. the plotters:

Nine days after the 2016 election, Admiral Michael S. Rogers (shown) made a high-risk journey to New York to warn President-elect Donald J. Trump he was being spied upon and inform him of a Deep State coup effort that included other intelligence chiefs.

What was Admiral Rogers doing at Trump Tower? According to globalist Deep State media assets, such as the Washington Post, NPR, and the New York Times, he was ingratiating himself to Donald Trump, hoping to get a job in the new administration as director of national intelligence (DNI), a position then held by Obama appointee James Clapper.

The admiral’s detractors claim that he was about to be fired by President Obama for NSA intelligence failures and for his “aloof” leadership style. But according to Rogers’ defenders, the admiral’s journey to New York was a daring mission to warn the incoming president about a treasonous coup plot involving top members of the Obama administration and key leaders in the other intelligence agencies. And the media efforts to denigrate Rogers’ reputation were aimed precisely at publicly undermining his credibility and the warning he was delivering.

The extraordinary events of the past four years support the position of Admiral Rogers’ advocates, not his attackers. We all have witnessed, in real time, an unprecedented and ongoing coup effort in which high-level officials within the Trump administration, together with members of Congress, former government officials, media organizations, major think tanks, tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, and militant street mobs have carried out a coordinated and relentless campaign of disruption, subversion, insurrection, sabotage, and “resistance” to cripple and topple President Donald J. Trump. During that time, a continuous stream of revelations — through leaks, whistleblowers, inspector general reports, court rulings, congressional investigations, and Department of Justice investigations — has provided crucial witness testimony and documentary evidence to connect many of the dots.

We also know the hate that Obama had for America because of his first act as President was to tour the world apologizing for America’s past, and than declaring America not exceptional! The Obama/Biden Administration had plans to dismantle our military and America’s local, County, and State police forces in favor of the United Nations ‘Strong Cities Network’ that had been unconstitutionally and illegally approved to be on American soil by Obama’s 2nd AG Loretta Lynch, but more than that, now manned by Communist China’s military!

“One if by Land and Two if by Sea,” is ’45’s’ ‘Censored’ Message!

11 January 2021 by Jonathan E. P. Moore

For information about how America was blind sided by our own elected officials that started back with Bush 41 back in 1992, and then the next 3 administrations, check out ‘The ‘End Game’ Updates and the 50 + Articles I’ve written since the the beginning of October when I had to turn in the manuscript!