President Trump is taking back the reins of the long-abandoned leadership role on the World Stage after it went missing, intentionally, under the not so caring watchful eye of the Obama administration! We don’t have to pretend anymore that these bipartisan obstructionist leaders should never have been allowed to stay in office after two terms, and now it shows like a beacon on the horizon of our night sky, and when the next ‘full moon’ appears, these bipartisan member traitors of the ‘Swamp’ should pack up their self-proclaimed idealistic versions of the constitution, and ride off into the sunset!
Hillary’s comment on President Trump’s speech to the United Nation was her opportunity to double down on her ‘Dark’ narrative when again criticizing then candidate Trump during the primaries about his assessment of America’s State of the Union under Obama’s 8 years of division and deception to alter America’s world leading exceptionalism! Hillary, like always between her lying and sticking her foot in her mouth, believes using diplomacy over conflict before resorting to the awesome power of our rebuilt military under President Trump. Now understand that this is the same military that Obama and his ‘Yes’ Generals agreed to dismantle! I guess Hillary. even back then, was into her Chardonnay and Vodka and maybe just blacked out when her husband Bill used his $4 billion-dollar diplomatic taxpayer bribe to stop North Korea’s nuclear ambition back during his Administration in the 90’s!
Psychopath Hillary, with her ‘Words Matter’ lecture and her new book of excuses, is giving the Agenda Journalist’s exactly what they deserve, absolutely nothing new to report on! For the last 8 years the ‘Paid to Report’ Media’s constant attempt to back the first unconstitutional President in America’s history by delivering ‘Fake News’ to hide their ‘paid’ for anti-Constitutional Republic’s past success, and supporting Obama’s pro Alinskyite ‘8 steps’ to the Socialist transformation of America!
Well, well, well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas for President Trump, and the present he’s just opened! It turns out now that President Trump ‘was’ wiretapped, and with past U.N. Ambassador under the Obama Administration Samantha Power divulging that some 260+ Americans were unmasked during her tenure! It appears now that President Trump was right, again, when he said he was being wiretapped, and that’s after every ‘in the bag’ Intel boss proclaimed ‘no way Jose!’ These somewhat questionable men should be gathered up, given a lie detector test, which they will never do, and be questioned under oath to get to the bottom of why this unmasking was unconstitutionally allowed to happen!
So it Ain’t so!!
Former UN ambassador Samantha Power unmasked an average of one person each day business of 2016
- She sought the identity of 260 people mentioned in intelligence documents
- As a security council member, she was allowed to seek the identities of people mentioned in intelligence reports
- She is expected to testify on Capitol Hill in October
- The House Intelligence is pursuing Obama officials who sought identities of Trump operatives mentioned in intelligence reports
- It is also probing Russian interference in the presidential election and contacts with Trump associates
- Her lawyer says she was not involved in leaking classified material
- Congressional probers are examining both Trump campaign Russia ties and any improper or illegal unmasking’s
Enough Already with the ‘Crooked’ Swamp, and Hillary’s Return to the ‘Ungrateful’ DNC!
I have to admit that when it comes to the ‘flack’ from the left in response to President Trump’s message to the United Nations General Assembly, I was more than just a little surprised, but happy, to see a response that was more in line with our past generations of patriots dropping whatever they were doing to run off to war to defend other countries in need, like Americans did for WWI and WWII when small countries freedoms and liberties of America ‘like’ allies were threatened, and not another ‘Never Trump’ narrative slam fest.
I think most if not all Americans have come to a point in time where they’ve had it with the ‘Swamp,’ and looking to get rid of the ‘RINO’s’ of the right, and the Progressive cancer on the left! As you probably know, or not, I’m a registered Independent who recently moved back to the middle, and willing to accept a Bipartisan attempt and effort to make America great again. In the last day or two there was a poll that showed 71% of America agree with President Trump working through bipartisanship to get the funding of the Government done until the end of the year. Americans are finished with pretending to care about being right or wrong, Democrat or Republican, or even being Conservative or Liberal because taking sides doesn’t put food on their table, fix their sons and daughters healthcare needs when calamity hits, or protects their family from the outside interests that are out to take down the once, and hopefully still, most powerful, respected, and generous country in the world! We can’t afford for these bloviating door stops that we elected to office to keep undermining everything and anything that this outsider nonpolitician President attempts to do for this country, and start doing what the electorate, their oath of office, and rule of law mandates their role to be when taking on the responsibilities that they were sworn to do!
Letter to the ‘Swamp’:
“When it comes to ego’s, ‘Red Line’ ultimatums, taking sides, and any other excuse you choose to justify to not fulfil your commitment to your constituency or oath of office, we really don’t actually care! The American people are being held hostage because your all political hacks that can’t see the forest through trees, can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and any other similar analogy that you choose to use for yourselves just shows how feckless and incompetent you self serving political hacks truly are!”
With a 12.8% approval rating of Congress by the American people, and sinking as we speak, the over 60% approval rating, when it comes to the positive direction the country is moving in, America is coming back! How about that just released poll showing a 71% approval rating of President Trump working across the aisle to get the debt ceiling done, and the 10% rise in the approval rating of President Trump by Independents. What this shows me is that these over the Hill political bosses are no longer relevant, and only legends in their own mind who still think their ‘shit’ doesn’t stink!
The word pettiness comes to mind when watching these political hack combatants square off for payback of past political differences, holding grudges over past votes on past legislation, and letting their ego’s rule over their responsibility to their own constituents while America sits ringside, and watches themselves being ignored!
I think we are all done with pandering to these cry babies politicians who are making big bucks by sitting on the fence, not committing by casting a ‘for or against’ vote that might have a chance of getting them removed from the cushy, and their very profitable job! ‘Citizenship United,’ is filling their pockets with money, allowing these elected officials to sell their opinion and vote to the highest bidder as demonstrated by Obama fast track passing of the TPP legislation, a one sided anti-American worker trade agreement, and completely neglect their sworn commitment to defend and protect the Constitution!
These elected officials have crossed the American voter’s ‘Red Line,’ but unlike President Obama who did nothing when the Syria ‘Red Line’ was crossed that caused the deaths of 400,000 innocent men, women, and children, is not going to be happening to these political imposter’s offenses in this case. If you remember right we’re Americans and we have more than enough empathy, sympathy, and history to go around like we already do, and will always for the ‘poor’ DACA children who are being held here against their will! The American people have learned that lesson thanks to the agenda journalists reminding us everyday what kind of nation we are, and therefore won’t be as harsh on these political hacks that we should and could be, but will only result in the loss, not death, of the 541 elected official seats who control our lives, and whose penalty will be a forced into retirement exile, which will come about in the 2018 midterms at the voting booth when we voters take away their keys to Capitol Hill’s Gym!
When it comes to the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, ‘REPEAL THE DAMN THING,’ then work together through bipartisanship to get it right for the people that need it to be resolved! 71% of America approve of making America great through bipartisanship with no pre-strings attached before sitting down to break bread, and the ‘Swamp’ needs to hear that call, and get it not only right, but done!
When it comes to the influences that affect the traditions of the ‘ONCE’ Traditional Branch of the Democratic Party, they should, meaning the Democratic elected officials who still believe in bipartisanship, and not the ‘my way or the highway’ Progressive obstructionists, should come home to the days of ‘Father Knows Best.” It’s time to, within the existing Democratic Party to take it upon themselves to create more alliances and partnerships that support the members that still believe in America’s exceptionalism, the Constitution, and our founding father’s vision and implementation of our Constitutional Republic.
The new members of congress have been sitting back and staying silent because of their fear of not becoming the next go to ‘obstructionist.’ The funny thing about this is that these ‘newbie’ politically idealistic rookies could care less about the future of Obstructionism when they already don’t believe in that strategy in the first place! These Democratic newbies already feel in their young political careers that they’re considered just as deplorable as anyone and everyone else that doesn’t agree with the ‘New’ Socialist Party of America, a.k.a. the ‘Old’ Democratic Party of America!
The new breed of Democrats shouldn’t be silent and sit with their hands folded properly in their lap. I get it that the leadership of todays Socialist/Democratic Party doesn’t think these political neophytes know enough about the inner ‘Pay to Play’ points of ‘interests,’ that’s ‘outside’ interests if you missed the little play with words there, to be given the reins to the party, but with the apparent lack of quality leadership or direction, and no viable American approved platform other than the continuation of Obama Socialist transformation platform, and with no individual stepping up to the plate to take charge, then someone out their is not paying attention! It’s time for something to happen, someone to send Nancy Pelosi and Chuck-e Schumer packing before it’s too late, and for God sake, time for someone to stand up and be counted before the ‘willing to work through bipartisanship’ traditional moderates become extinct!
Today’s Progressive leadership are all about the ‘Pay to Play’ donations they receive from outside interests, and then creating a plan to implement that paid for agenda. Profit and power are more important in the Progressive circle these days than is a free and open exchange of ideas, or a competitive free and open market place.
When it comes to the influences of the RINO’s of the Republican Party, the same holds true. When it comes to the signed pledge candidate Trump had to sign to stay in good standings with the conservative right, and the betrayal of some of the 16 Republican combatants that lost in the Primary, and not honoring that same pledge. The next game in town was the conservative leadership claiming that, then candidate Trump, “was not conservative enough,” which became the speaker of the House, Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s ‘Never Trump’ main argument, that is until he won the Presidency and saved America from an Obama inspired Socialist future! The other big claim was that candidate Trump wasn’t ‘Presidential’ enough when defending himself against the one-way barrage of questions by the agenda journalists that were carefully selected and worded to undermine his candidacy and his character.
Trump’s direct and blunt candor, his shooting from the hip brashness, and him never standing down is why the American People elected him to be President! When candidate Trump responded to the boring ‘politically Correct’ asked questions by the ‘Paid to Report Media, he was chastised for his answers being politically correct unacceptable by the political, Hollywood, and on-board Globalist leaders of the world, so you got to know that America elected the right guy to lead us into the future, and preserve our exceptionalism through following the lead of our founding fathers!
Today’s newbie Republicans should, like the newbies on the ‘left,’ help show these Republican obstructionists the door, and be reminded that if this is accomplished, the outside interests, and their ‘Citizens United’ abuse, will be leaving with them!
RINO’s and Progressives are what’s wrong with the ‘Swamp,’ and if the ‘newbies’ and the electorate can drain the ‘Swamp’ together, than we will have a Constitutional Republic with a future that every American can be proud of! Anyone from any other country that wants to be a member of the most exceptional country in the world can be by just following the immigration laws, not looking to jump the line, and contributing to Americas bottom line. Now add taking the time to learn about America’s heritage, history, while learning the language, and then wanting to assimilate, is more then welcome to come and stay with my blessing! All of the false narrative about Trump’s deplorables by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media is hogwash, and there’s no problem with any American citizen that came here lawfully and became legal citizens! The push back comes when fast tracking unvetted illegal refugees and immigrants, like the ‘Pay to Play’ congress did when ‘Fast Track’ passing TPP ( the Trans Pacific Partnership)!!
The Real Problem America is Facing today is ‘Fake News,’ and Knowing What’s Real and What’s Agenda Driven?
The only news that’s not ‘FAKE’ in recent times came the other day when the more then ‘presidential’ President Trump told it like it was to the General Assembly of the United Nations! President Trump delivered a ‘State’ of the ‘world’ message to anyone and everyone that wanted to listen. Talk about hard hitting honesty that’s not being appreciated by much of the left who have chosen not to be relevant any longer, but might still have a chance if they decide to help ‘fix’ this situation by working together through bipartisanship to fight against these rogue nations who look for those ‘nuclear’ capabilities cancer in order to force ideology on the rest of the world’s less powerful, and help eradicate that cancer that’s holding all of these less powerful nations seeking peace and unity, hostage!
Are Conservative (Values) Prepared to be Censored?
Are the American People aware of the bait and switch of ‘Social Media’ when trying to get to the truth to make an educated decision on the future of America?
What images should appear when you Google “white couple”? Probably two people of European descent. If you search those words today, though, you’ll find almost exclusively black couples. The results are similarly skewed for “white man & white woman” and “white couple with children”. Try it. Strange, a bit annoying, and vaguely political – just imagine the reaction if a query for “black couple” turned up only whites. I suspect that wouldn’t fly at Google.
What results would you expect when Googling “American inventors”? Likely a mix of great innovators from our past and present, from a variety of backgrounds. Instead, Google tells us they’re almost all black. No Benjamin Franklin, no Samuel Morse, no Bill Gates. Without disrespecting Dr. Patricia Bath and her cataracts-surgery machine, the telegraph and personal computer merit a higher placement.
Somebody at Google is skewing the queries, in this case a form of digital affirmative action: conceivably another point scored in an endless matchup against “white supremacy,” whose presence at all turns is the greatest of progressive obsessions. The implication is that anything related to whiteness – even the telegraph – shouldn’t be searched for at all, and takes up “space” from the accomplishments of marginalized people. In both of the above examples, we receive a political indoctrination in lieu of sought-after information. In the second one, we actually learn an altered version of history.
Any confusion about the leftward tilt of Silicon-Valley tech companies would have been put to rest after the sacking of dissenting Google engineer James Damore, or the defenestration of Mozilla’s CEO years before him, or the de-monetization of conservative YouTubers, or Mark Zuckerberg’s robotic flirtation with progressive politics. The employees at Google, Facebook, and Twitter are adherents of the same scornful progressivism as those at CNN, ESPN and VICE – so we shouldn’t underestimate their willingness to “bake in” their biases to our search queries, and justify their efforts in doing so. A stupid racial joke on Google Images is obvious (and meant to be), but it could become much more difficult to detect or prove.
Let’s say Google subverted the organic results for “Obama’s Foreign Policy”: you could receive results that bury Obama’s red lines in Syria, a history in which we never ceded power to Russia and Iran. “How is Trump doing on the economy” could give you economic indicators designed to dissatisfy. A “Reasons Hillary lost” query could route you to the infinite think pieces declaring all 63 million Trump voter’s bigots, or better yet, to visceral stories of hate crimes occurring during and after his election.
Educated people would work around this bias, as we already do across media channels. But novice information seekers – and those of the next generations – are far more vulnerable.
Kashmir Hill, a journalist for Gizmodo, recounts exactly such a process of censorship when she dared to publish a piece criticizing Google itself. First, her then-employer Forbes faced pressure from the search engine to take down the offending article, with vague threats to starve them of web traffic if they didn’t comply. The cached version “was soon scrubbed from Google search results,” a fact Hill found “disturbing,” “unusual,” an “almost dystopian abuse of the company’s power”:
“websites captured by Google’s crawler did not tend to vanish that quickly.”
The offending material h
as disappeared. Cases of influencing searches both subtle and flagrant. Purging dissenters from inside its ranks. Who’s to say Google wouldn’t go further to disfavor views it doesn’t like?
George Orwell warned us in 1984 of a society in a constant state of re-creating history to dominate its citizens:
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
With every search query, we hand over power, often unconsciously, to shape our thoughts. Each becomes an opportunity for indoctrination.
In a world where every platform for progressive thought-making is exploited – from the kindergarten classroom to the pages of Teen Vogue – it’s a natural development that left-leaning tech companies too will shape us in their own image.
The bias would infiltrate other tech platforms, where some opinions are clearly more equal than others. On Facebook, a crackdown on “fake news” is unlikely to treat right-wing bogus with the same equanimity as liberal myth-making around Russian electoral interference.
On Twitter, conservative users already complain of a blue-checkmark bias:
The platform awards reputability to any liberal hack with a smartphone but not James O’Keefe of Project Veritas (330K followers). Voices are stifled altogether with total bans, most famously alt-right provocateur Milo Yiannopoulus. His supporters unloaded a racist tirade on black actress Leslie Jones, but is that really worse than the Women’s March glorifying a cop-killer to its five hundred thousand followers? Twitter can choose to be a cesspool or not, but to clean up one side only is an odious double standard.
Wikipedia, a key source of information for novices and experts alike, could selectively edit pages without anyone knowing. Web platforms could refuse to host opinions they dislike, as happened to the Neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer after the white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville. With the distinction between “Nazi” and “Republican” being blurred by so many in public life, it’s easy to imagine mainstream conservative groups being similarly no-platformed.
First, they came for the actual Neo-Nazis, and then they learned there really weren’t that many of those…
Fine, say many conservatives, arms crossed. We’ll start our own search engines. We’ll have our own social networks. But the impulse for us to huddle together feeds a growing alienation from “the mainstream” – everything we see and hear. It’s an alienation that makes people doubt the existence of objective information, and by extension objective truths: every fact we’re offered, every voice we’re allowed to hear, comes from one side, so what could be true of what we’re told? The disaffection finds its human incarnation in the fact less Right-Wing reactionary: your aunt the birther, your neighbor the Pizza Gate crackpot. It has hollowed out the modern conservative intellectual movement.
The topography of our politics is as influenced by the course of time as our physical world is, and movements that sustain themselves bring in new adherents as others fall away. If we seek to continue living as we do – to conserve what is good – we must be able to reach both thinkers coming of age and converts to our worldview. Access to neutral facts and dissenting voices, to a private manner of constructing thought, is a lifeline in a world saturated with messages from the other side.
Fundamentally, information forms ideas, and if certain ideas are not allowed – what Orwell called thoughtcrime – the information that leads to them will be stamped out.
Conservative thought is not facing a fatal environment on the free Internet yet. But the intensity and urgency of attacks are no doubt rising on those who express dissent from the progressive sacred truths: that to uplift marginalized people we must obliterate all vestiges of historical power; that every aspect of our society has been irredeemably tainted by oppression.
In the coming years, we will see the erosion of objectivity where we do our thinking, which is mostly over the Internet. It will come from the inside of our tech companies – as social engineering is codified, dissenters are purged, and everybody else joins up or shuts up – and it will come from the outside, with Twitter mobs, viral petitions, and a blizzard of media hits.
Republicans technically hold political power, but the ascendant movement in America is an increasingly puritanical progressivism. It threatens the safety of conservatives expressing mainstream opinions. That the fervor is spreading through the halls of our greatest tech companies – to the minds that control our minds – is a dire signal for all free thinkers.
Google plays strange games of race politics. Conservative voices are shut out or shut down. Our access to objective information becomes imperiled. Are conservatives prepared to be censored?
~~By Albert Eisenberg, a Friend of America!