I guess being the President of ‘all’ America isn’t good enough for agenda journalist who want him to point fingers at specific slices of targeted anti-American groups that are not preapproved by the ‘Deep State.’ President Trump’s Charlottesville is about the continuation of alienating and dividing all levels of America’s alt-left Social engineered attempt to transform America! The Progressive left was, and still is, attempting to take down the greatest beacon of freedom and individual liberties and rights that the world has ever witnessed!
The ‘Swamp’ and agenda journalist are, after pulling President Trump’s strings, in the same manor that George Soros pulled the strings with both President Barack Obama and fellow Alinskyite Hillary Clinton, high fiving each other thinking that they pulled one over on the outsider non-politician President, who I’m sure has more than just a few other well placed ‘tweets’ up his sleeve!
I thought I would be able to go to Vegas this weekend and avoid anything ‘News,’ especially from the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, but after watching the end of Saturday’s PGA Championship coverage from the Hard Rock Casino’s Sports Book, watched CBS go right into the Charlottesville ’whatever’ leading story, and from that point in time my weekend get-a-way turned into a forgotten good time, and forced my mind back to the political drawing board!
I guess ‘White on White’ crimes, because of ideological passion out rank what’s really important here, and that’s the out of town financed thugs going out of their way to alert the media in advance, about the new story on President Trump’s forced to taking ownership of Charlottesville’s demonstration because of his comprehensive comments about ‘all groups,’ not just ‘White’ groups, not having a place is America, so they, meaning the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, could be on hand with a new twist on the old ‘Never Trump’ racist scenario of division and deception! The truth of the matter is that the American people’s ever-growing awareness of the Progressive Left’s anti-American platform and knows that Charlottesville is being used to draw the attention away from the things that are much more important to the American people then the insignificant other things that go ‘bump in the night,’ but used as political collateral to push an agenda that goes against the ‘will’ of the American people, and for the continued transformation of America, which is away from the 244 years of exceptionalism that has led America and the world for generations!
Three dead, but only one is dead from the actual crime, but using three in total, including police, will give agenda journalists the ‘filler’ space due to the ‘Swamp’ being on their August break! Now add a police helicopter that went down because of the tail falling off miles away from the incident, and adding to the body count, especially if the body count can include our brave men in blue, and you can escalate this to a level of insanity where you can cover up the continued deaths in Chicago this past weekend, which is more news worthy then Charlottesville, but now becoming to old to rank the everyday ‘status quo,’ happening, and not being given that not significant of a rating of nothing more then a very small hill of beans!
‘Political License’ is the reason why agenda journalist are pushing this false narrative of White Supremacy, and the bipartisanship’s sole reasoning for still attempting in dethroning the first truly outsider who is not, and will never be, admitted to that bipartisan, ‘wink, wink,’ ‘Garden Party’ that has controlled the helm of America on the good ship ‘American Socialism’ since Lincoln passed the first federal ‘income tax’ in the 1860’s to fund the Civil War and the ‘North’s’ quest to free the slaves of the South, and at the same time giving, or should I say inviting, our elected officials a way to buy votes through legislation, and the redistribution of the wealth of hard working Americans who actually, especially in today’s world, working their asses off to make a better life for themselves and their families! Progressives have been attempting to steer America’s future down that same path of other subservient countries who never had the rights and freedoms that America’s immigrant founding fathers and constitution grants, who was also written by immigrants, and for all of its immigrant ‘legal’ voter base.
The outrageous clip the ‘Paid to Report’ Media continued to roll out and play when criticizing what was going on in Charlottesville, was that of Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who stood firm in his resolve that Neo Nazi’s, White Supremacist, or members of the KKK are not welcome in Virginia, when he, —one of Hillary Clinton’s oldest and most loyal supporters— declared on April 22, 2016, that he was using this pardon power to restore voting rights to 206,000 convicted felons in Virginia. This was a political bombshell, because felons vote overwhelmingly in favor of Democrats, and Virginia is a swing state (made all the more so by Clinton’s tapping Sen. Tim Kaine from that state as her running mate). Where’s the Media on this, especially when a Governor of a ‘swing’ State goes out of his way to publically try to implement ‘voter fraud’ to advance the Socialist agenda of his Alinskyite buddies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?
President Trump is showing how incompetent the members on both sides of the ‘Swamp’ are by hi-fiving their ability to maintain their ‘fence’ sitting positioning while continuing to kick that anything to get away with ‘can,’ down the road to the next political handlers of America’s future. These new generation of ‘can’ kickers, who know that their self-importance will be measured by themselves, to themselves, by the amount of money they acquired during their ‘Pay to Play’ accomplishments while in office, are now calling for President Trump to call out the White supremacy groups like the KKK, and the neo-Nazis groups, but could have cared less if agenda journalist didn’t point out the same President Obama when he didn’t call ‘Radical Islamic Terrorists’ out for what it truly was, and continue to be today a huge threat to the future of America and its sovereignty today!
What they want the President to do is take sides like Obama and his first Lieutenant, Eric Holder did when they jumped the gun and accused the men in blue of racism and murdering Michael Brown before the facts were made available to the public, but when the truth came out refused to chastise and rebuke the actions of the White House’s actions! There was no outrage, and no matter how damage and deaths were initiated over those days of riots and looting, the ‘Paid to Report’ Media stayed silent, and so did the conservative right, who now appears to me to be in cahoots with the Progressive left, and their lock-step march to Global Socialism!
President Trump is the President of all America, and not a pawn, like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, to advance a narrative that can divide and discredit our Constitutional Republic, or our Constitution, and point a finger at, ‘Domestic Terrorism’ by calling out individual groups that fit their ‘Never Trump’ agenda, and their ‘Political Correctness’ to push the same platform of change that Obama and Hillary could get done on their own, and the American people short circuited once they understood their end game!
You can’t make this sh*t up, and if you believe that Mitch McConnell and America’s Healthcare, or the other murders going on in the real world of ‘Domestic Terrorism,’ known as Chicago, then you’re on the right page and falling for these Progressives regurgitation of lies that helps them to survive.
Who is in charge and pays for the immoral practices of the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, and who are the ones that determine the lock-step topics that all agenda journalists follow to undermine this President, and the deplorables that his followers are called because they believe in the exceptionalism of our immigrant founding fathers vision?
I would think that Obama’s shrinking our military for the last 8 years would be news worthy, that 70% of Americans who thought the Iran deal was a bad idea was news worthy, that the illegal discharge of terrorist without the approval or notification to congress would have been news worthy, the death of 400,000 Syrian innocent men, women, and children, because of his cowardly inaction of consequences when his ‘Red Line’ ultimatum was violated would have been news worthy, and last but not least, Obama’s reelection victory in 2012 due to voter fraud, and documented, and again in 2016, and again documented, even though the left has doubled and tripled down on there being no proof of election fraud to stop the reality of the needed legislation to establish a comprehensive Federal Voter ID Law!
Other more important news worthy tid bits, I would think, would be the increased deaths of our fighting men due to unmaintained equipment, and the lack of mechanics to services our fighting men’s basic transportation needs when going off to defend America, or even here at home while training. This is so unacceptable, especially when there are less men dying in the battle fields all over the world, then there are soldiers dying from faulty run-down equipment that can’t get the funds approved, under Obama, to make sure that our fighting men’s needs are met to keep them safe!
When is enough going to be enough, and when are the rest of the ever-growing Silent Majority going to come out of the woodwork and speak their mind? When is the Agenda Journalists going to breach the ever-growing death toll in Chicago and force Rao Emanuel, the Mayor of Chicago, to come out and condemn MS-13 and unvetted illegal immigrant and refugee’s criminals who need to be deported, but not because of Political Correctness, and implicit bias which is a term that describes what’s happening when, despite our best intentions and without our awareness, racial stereotypes and assumptions creep into our minds and affect our actions. The first step in understanding how implicit racial bias works is to understand the general concept of implicit bias, which can shape the way we think about lots of different qualities: age, gender, nationality, even height.
You can think of it generally as “thoughts about people you didn’t know you had.” …. Again, you can’t make this sh*t up….! I guess what this means is that if you’re a deplorable, you were always deplorable, but just didn’t know it until Hillary said decided to tell us.
President Trump played ball and came out again to fill in the blanks of yesterday’s comments on Charlottesville because the Progressive left and agenda journalists thought it wasn’t enough when it was more than enough already, but now I want him to come back and include Black Lives Matter, all of the other George Soros funded anti-American organizations, and the list of RINO’s that are sabotaging making America great again!
I wish I could say that it’s a shock that someone died in Charlottesville, but I’ve been predicting just this sort of thing in radio appearances for months. The liberal media is dying to blame it all on Donald Trump, but it should look in the mirror.
To begin with, the liberal media is almost entirely responsible for growing the Alt-Right merger of hate groups and internet trolls. Most people are well aware of the stifling political correctness that reached an apex under Barack Obama. People are sick and tired of being attacked and scolded by the humorless left-wing thought police every time they stray from the latest liberal doctrine. That created a large group of people who enjoyed tweaking social justice warriors and some of them realized the easiest way to do that was with racial slurs. Every time some doofus leaves a noose on a college campus or says the N-word, it’s treated like a national crisis. If you’re an anonymous troll who enjoys getting people to react to everything you say, that’s a FEATURE, not a bug. All you have to do is say something racially offensive and all these people who studiously try to ignore you will go out of their minds.
That racial element gave the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK mouth-breathers a way to connect with the more socially
adept trolls making the Pepe the Frog memes. Of course, the media liberals fueled them as well with their hypocrisy. They painted EVERY white supporter of Donald Trump or the Republican Party as a racist even as they ignored and defended the vicious anti-white rhetoric that has become commonplace on the Left. Just to give you a quick example of that, there was a hashtag that trended on Twitter after the attack called #ThisIsNotUS. It started out as a way for white liberals to virtue signal, but it quickly turned into an all too typical attack on white people, America and Trump voters. Here are some of the most popular comments from the hashtag…
#ThisIsNotUs Then who is it? 63% of white men & 53% of white women voted for KKK-endorsed Trump. The majority of EVERY OTHER ETHNICITY didn’t
If you are white and you are trying to say #ThisIsNotUs you are part of the problem.
If you’re earnestly tweeting #ThisIsNotUS, know that the you might as well have been one of the white supremacists walking w/ tiki torches.
Every white person that tweets #ThisIsNotUs is being complicit in not addressing the rampant racism and bigotry that in their community
#ThisIsNotUS? Easy to say so. Unfortunately, you can’t have the Black, Brown, Asian, Jewish, Muslim or LGTBQ “experience” to know #THISISYOU
Gaga, prime example of a white woman using tag #ThisIsNotUs like this country wasn’t built on slavery & racism. THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN AmeriKa
#ThisIsNotUs is how white people try to absolve themselves from their complicity in white supremacy; it v much is you, your inaction fuels it
The biggest talking point white supremacists have been comments like these. Would that be true if the mainstream media actually treated these comments with the same sort of contempt it has for the Alt-Right?
Yet these sorts of comments are MAINSTREAM on the Left. Let me repeat that. They are MAINSTREAM on the Left.
On the other hand, white supremacists are nothing on the Right. David Duke is a joke. Richard Spencer? Let me tell you a little story about Richard Spencer. I was walking around CPAC and noticed an enormous gaggle of media surrounding someone I didn’t recognize, who didn’t seem to be drawing a crowd of regular attendees. As it turns out, the massive group of media people weren’t following a big name. They were following Richard Spencer, who was later kicked out of the conference, presumably because the organizers never wanted him there in the first place.
Yet Richard Spencer, like David Duke before him, is treated like some kind of rock star by the media liberals even though he’s a nobody in the conservative movement. Why? Because they don’t care about conservative opinion. They don’t care about conservative views. They care about creating propaganda that paints the Right as a bunch of hood-wearing, Nazi-saluting scumbags. So, they treat Richard Spencer like a rock star.
This creates a sort of Kim Kardashian effect. Ninety five percent of any influence Spencer has comes from the fact that anything he does is a big deal to the media. Why were Spencer and Duke able to gather even 500 Tiki torch-waving idiots in Charlottesville? Because the media would cover everything they did with bated breath. It gave them a chance to feel important, to feel like they were making an impact. In fact, white supremacists have started to believe its own BS because they keep hearing it from the media. After fighting with Richard Spencer on Twitter, I still remember one of his fans claiming that white supremacists were an essential part of Trump getting elected. My response was….
“Yeah, you guys made a bunch of Holocaust memes & called people cucks and then you’re all….’I’m helping.’”
The hardcore racists out there are pariahs everywhere except in the mainstream media, where they’re treated as incredibly important.
On the other hand, the same mainstream media that has elevated the Alt-Right has been silent as violence has increasingly become a mainstay at liberal protests, including the counter-protest of this event. A few shops getting looted or people getting hurt doesn’t stop the media from describing a liberal event as a peaceful protest. Even the counter-protests in Charlottesville were widely described as “peaceful.” Yet, protesters chanted “From the Midwest to the South, punch a Nazi in the mouth,” a female reporter was punched by one of those counter-protesters, the organizer of the rally was hit, and other people were attacked. That’s not peaceful. That’s something LIBERAL POLITICIANS should be asked to condemn.
In other words, Nazi and KKK members are HORRIBLE. The violent liberal counter-protesters are ALSO horrible. James Alex Fields, Jr? Who appears to have marched at the rally before plowing into a crowd? I condemn what he did. I also condemn the Bernie supporter who shot up a congressional Republican softball game. Additionally, I will condemn the next person on the Left or the Right who kills someone over politics, which seems inevitable when you have opposing sides carrying shields and weapons to political rallies. Those condemnations don’t make a damn bit of difference as long as the liberal media keeps elevating white supremacists and excusing the violence of the Alt-Left. I’m genuinely sorry people are dying at political rallies, but it would be surprising if the death at Charlottesville were the last one. Their blood will be on the hands of the liberal media. ~~ By John Hawkins, a Friend of America!