I just happen to see, because of a Facebook post by an old golfing friend in New Jersey, that President Trump’s groping, and foul language, is still the driving force when it comes to their hatred for our 45th President! Everything and anything negative Trump is what gives meaning and direction to these Progressive’s lives, but apparently still blind to the reality of what this President has historically done, or the accomplishments he has made in just the first 6 months! With all the positives going on ever since President Trump took office these Progressive Liberals love to hate MAGA! Donald J. Trump is the MAGA President who came to fruition because the American people finally woke up and decided that President Obama, after 8 years of hell, deserves President Trump as his legacy!
As the old saying goes, ‘you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink,’ is more than suitable for this unmotivated den of thieves who appear to be just living off the system or planning to be living off the system, but truly having no interest in bringing America back from the edge of ‘Clintonization,’ let alone making America great again! The left keeps making demands in order to play ball, but the problem with this is that their ‘Better Deal’ is just another extension of Obama’s and Hillary’s ‘America Last’ agenda of taxes, regulations, and no foreign policy that has us taking the lead on the world stage, and the last and most important, socially engineering our military while stripping it of the funds our military desperately needs to maintain the Pre-Obama representation that was respected and feared around the world.
The Progressive Liberals love to hate America, and has become not only irrelevant, but close to extinction as long as that ‘Progressive’ cancer is still controlling and not driven out of the Party, and the traditional version takes back the reigns, and decides to step up to the plate and help, not hinder, the positive influence of all of America that’s happened because of the outsider non-politician who only knows respected about success in business around the world, and how to make America great again! Tax and spend is what the Progressive left is demanding to work tax reform through bipartisanship means, but they also say that there can be no increase to the national debt, when under Obama it almost went up $10 Trillion. The truth of the matter is that if Hillary won the election the stock market would more than likely be in the tanker, the $4 Trillion that been generated by the increase in the Trump economy wouldn’t exist, We be living under different first and second amendments because Hillary said there was room in those two amendments for regulation during a pre-election interview, and we know that would of happened for sure because of the appointment of a Progressive justice to the Supreme court! The continual exits of companies leaving and taking American jobs with them because the corporate tax and regulation would be at least the same, but probably higher. Our military would still be taking a back seat to the new rulers of the world, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and fulltime unemployment would increase in favor of part time employment, and the highest poverty in America’s
history will continue to grow, unvetted and illegal immigrants would continue to grow while the border patrol ranks would be told to stand down. Sanctuary cities would still be funded, even though there not following the federal laws on immigration that already had been on the books, but never enforced by the Obama Administration, and America would never be great again!
How many Americans know about the enormous accomplishments of the Trump Administration for the first six months? How many of you would love to see our feckless bipartisan ‘swamp’ override the outside efforts of outside interest who are buying America’s future and sovereignty because Citizens United allows it to happen, and how many Americans want to see America made great again?
The negative Trump narrative is being bought and paid for through the super PAC’s, and the outside interests that funds them. As I mention in yesterday’s article, it’s because of the Citizens United decision back in 2010, which opened the door for foreign interests, not only the Russians, to effect policies, effect ideologies, and set the negative mindset of the American people to anything Trump, and fueling the Progressive Liberals love to hate agenda to bring anything down that this exceptional country stands for, and doing it through the division created by political correctness, intolerance, and the misguided perception of reality!
I lost sleep over what’s going on with America’s healthcare last night, and the lie of the land known as Obamacare! The ‘Swamp’ can’t answer the call of the American people, but choose to still just sit on the fence hoping it will just get kicked down the road again to the next lame duck feckless group of fence sitters! I never saw a bunch of gutless weaklings who represent the ‘Will’ of the American people being more concerned about cashing in on their new-found money, due to the ‘Citizens United’ legislation back in 2010! Our elected officials couldn’t give a shit about saving our constitutional republic, or our constitution, and that’s because of them path of least resistance, and feeling that overwhelming greedy necessity to stay in office at all costs so that they can thrive off the backs of the Hardworking taxpayer, just like Obama’s ‘sheeple’ have done for the last 8 years!
Hillary bitched about the outside interest’s money in politics, and used that as part of the Presidential ‘final’ push to the Presidency against Donald J. Trump, but what the agenda journalist fails to tell you is that Hillary, as Secretary of State, was cashing in big time by soliciting donations for the Clinton Foundation, and the Clintons ‘Pay to Play’ pregame before she eventually threw her hat in the ring to run for President. Crooked Hillary has to get up a lot earlier to kid a kidder, and if you noticed I mentioned all the record money Hillary amassed before running for the office of President, but then flip flopped and changed her tune about her support of the ‘Citizens United’ bonanza, and reversed her position to probably cover her trail, and cut off the goose that laid her golden egg, and by doing so, cutting off any possible donors to other candidates for the next time her guaranteed coronation as President of the United States is a slam dunk…lol!
America has always come together when another less fortunate country was being attacked by the bullies of the world that believed their way was the only way, and your way wasn’t worthy enough for you to even exist! We watched Americans drop whatever they were doing and run off to foreign lands to bail out the weaker countries for the greater good of the world, and the reason why America did that for WWI and WWII, and then been there to assist, no matter where the yell for help always come after every natural disaster, and still there when other bullies of the world, in their attempts to overrun weaker governments, or committing genocide on innocent men, women, and children because of religious beliefs!
I don’t know why President Trump won’t wheel that ‘Pen’ like anti-Constitutional Obama frequently did, but when it comes to healthcare, and repealing and replacing Obamacare, forget the ‘pen,’ and go to the American people’s video of past acts of patriotism, and step up their game, like we did in the past for other peoples of the world, and now needed to be done by for our very own people, and their healthcare needs.
What about taking down that full-time self-imposed work requirement that companies and corporations use as an excuse for not granting healthcare coverage to employees, but now allow these companies and corporations to accept non-employee people ‘without’ preexisting conditions to join their company plans? There would be an application process by the individual companies HR or other delegated employee for those enrollee candidates without preexisting conditions, and the ones with preexisting conditions can seek out a government funded program separate from the other family members, like the now existing Medicaid provides, but without the expansion that now allows able bodied workers to slack off and live off the hardworking taxpayer funded expanded entitlements?
Now add competition across borders, a percentage kick back or tax credit to the companies that participate in the program, and giving that new and higher enrollment volume the increased power of negotiation that will get that better deal on healthcare for all involved! When it comes to the exchanges, the company headquarters/website could be the exchange, and the non-employee plans could be shopped by the individual(s) looking for healthcare, which would create another level of competition for lowering insurance costs even further. A very large consideration and huge advantage here is that within the individual states most of these companies know what their employees in that particular community needs, and what they already supply in terms of insurance coverage, so to add to that already insured base with people in the same community should be a no brainer, and when it comes to not having to deal with preexisting conditions, which is the ‘Elephant in the Room, let government’s already Medicaid safety net do its thing and protect those who can’t protect themselves!
There would be no expansion in government, which is something the Progressive Left will never let happen, and that’s because they believe in bigger government, higher taxes, and the necessity to control the ‘Will’ of the American people! This program can be weaned off the support of the companies and corporations eventually after getting its feet on the ground and running, or not, and it can blossom into the most affordable healthcare plan in the world for the ones that can’t afford healthcare!
For the last 200 plus years, America has been the greatest and most envied country in the world, and to think that any outside interest (due to Citizens United) would be able to adjust the patriotic thinking by spending money to change that reality is just crazy, or in my mind, impossible! We now are stuck with a political party that is being supported by the ‘Never Trump’ ‘Paid to Report’ Media, doesn’t, or chooses not to see the light at the end of the tunnel, especially after the 8 dark years of President Obama’s attempt to undermine America’s constitution, stifle its economy, have the highest rate of poverty and people on welfare, decapitating our military to the point where the lack of mechanics taking care of the equipment are killing more of our soldiers then enemy bullets! Obama’s Administration through their Alinsky blueprint to Socialism needed to drive the biggest companies and corporations out of the country and off shore using the highest corporate tax rate, and most enforced unobtainable regulations in the world when it comes to CO2 emissions, is not acceptable, especially when we are the country that basically supports the world with what’s needed, and to pull the plug on what makes America great, is not going to happen, and the American people are beginning to understand this! This is not a coincidence by the way, but a planned World Order globalist agenda to take down this exceptional shinning city on the Hill. The Progressive dark side needs to eliminate, or have America succumb to the leanings of the Progressive left, and that’s because the rest of the world has their sites on the better life for their families that they see only exists here in America, and has to settle for anything else would be taking away the dreams of wannabe American citizens, and giving Socialist Globalism a shot at taking down the only thing stopping them from having complete support and control over the ‘have not’ countries of the world!
From Gorka’s op-ed in The Hill:
Dr. Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Trump, outlines key aspects of Trump’s “America First” foreign policy, noting that the first six months of his presidency shows that “America is back” and “the era of apologizing for America is over.”
However, Gorka also makes clear that “‘America first’ does not mean ‘America alone.’”
with a very simple message: I will fix the economy, build the wall and destroy ISIS.
In this, he channeled the simplicity of Ronald Reagan’s own election platform. Then-Gov. Reagan promised to restore Americans’ faith in our nation, to fix the economic “malaise” of the Carter years and to defeat the Soviet Union once and for all.
For the Trump campaign, and now the Trump administration, our approach is summarized under the “Make America Great Again” motto, or #MAGA.
However, winning an election is not the same as governing or implementing a policy agenda once in office. Bumper stickers saying MAGA make for effective political communication, but do not automatically translate by themselves into policies or grand strategy.
Now, as the Trump administration marks six months in office, observers, allies and enemies are asking: How does the MAGA message translate into American foreign and national security policy under America’s new commander in chief?
Soon, President Trump will issue America’s new national security strategy. But given the very high operational tempo of the last 25 weeks, thanks in large part to the challenges and outright threats we inherited, the key principles of the Trump foreign policy have already been laid down.
The first principle of our administration is plain for all to see. America is back. And under President Trump, so is American leadership. American influence is a global good and this recognition is a first step toward advancing our leadership, which in turn can help set the conditions for the security and prosperity of the United States and its allies. The era of apologizing for America is over.
We have openly rejected the passive and reactionary ideas central to the Obama years, especially “leading from behind” and “strategic patience.” It is our key assumption that a world without American leadership, in which the president does not forcefully stand up for the eternal truths upon which the republic was founded, is a very dangerous world. And the last eight years proved us right.
When America withdraws from the world, and when we apologize for our civilizational values and our culture, those who have other values will step into the vacuum and eventually endanger us and our allies, undermining peace globally. That is why the Obama years saw the invasion of Crimea, the collapse of the Middle East and the rise of ISIS, the use of chemical weapons in Syria, an increasingly belligerent Iran, and China spreading its military, political and economic influence worldwide.
The international system created after more than 60 million souls perished in World War II was shaped by the influence of our great nation. That system may have been far from perfect, but it prevented the global spread of communist dictatorship and nuclear war between East and West. We cannot solve all the world’s ills, and it is not the president’s mandate to do so, but when our influence is not felt, the influence of others is, others who wish to destabilize and ultimately undermine what we have achieved.
President Trump is not, however, interested in being an interventionist commander in chief. Nor are we interested in fighting other people’s wars for them. But, that does not automatically mean we are isolationists. We do not believe in extremes.
“America first” does not mean “America alone.”
This brings us to the question of America’s alliances and international partnerships after Jan. 20, and to the second principle upon which all our strategies are built: In order to respond to threats, we must first name them truthfully.
In Warsaw, the president not only reasserted American leadership, he also reminded the world what makes America and her allies special. We believe that the values of our founding are not based on some cold utilitarian calculation, or on a subjective interpretation of “right and wrong.” America’s values are based on objective truth — the truth we have inherited as part of our membership in Western civilization.
Before becoming the most powerful man in the world, President Trump was a highly successful businessman. As such, ideology had no place in his world. What mattered was the truth — the true state of the world — not the ideological color of any lens imposed upon it. His administration reflects this approach. We look at the world as it is, not as we would want it to be. At the same time, we will stand shoulder to shoulder with any nation, for example Poland, which shares the values that made the West great and is prepared to defend them.
We are only one-half year into Donald Trump’s presidency. In that very brief period, we have seen the nation’s economy re-energized, illegal migration plummet, the NATO alliance revitalized, and the president order new measures to secure America from terrorists.
Most striking of all is what President Trump has managed to achieve in just 25 weeks with regard to the totalitarian menace that is the Islamic State.
When the administration came into office, ISIS held territory in multiple countries in the Middle East, with fully functioning affiliates in more than a dozen countries. On the territory of the physical “caliphate,” Abu Bakr’s deadly cohorts were running actual slave markets, selling women and children into sex slavery, and had even established their own system of “caliphate taxation.” Now, with the liberation of Mosul, the death knell of the caliphate is being rung, and ISIS is on the run. All this thanks to our replacing a strategy of attrition with a strategy of annihilation.
Just as America was crucial to the defeat of the totalitarians of the Third Reich, and to the ideological defeat of the communist threat posed by the Soviet Union, we will defeat the newest totalitarian threat to the West, radical Islamic terrorism under the leadership of the current American president. This is but the beginning of translating MAGA onto the global stage.
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