This is the America that exists today, and if you don’t align your beliefs with the Progressive left, the cancer of the Democratic Party, then you too can be figuratively tarred and feathered in public just like Kanye has been! How about the same happening to our kids because they’re wearing a T-shirt that doesn’t meet the ideological stance of the Progressive Principle, the Liberal teacher, or the community whose leadership has decided to bypass the ‘Will’ of the members of their community for their self-imposed version of the greater good!
These partly self appointed people to these positions that influence our young children have decided that just because they have been either elected or appointed by the community, that their power, as we witnessed during the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, overrides the ‘Rule of Law,’ the Constitution, and more than that, common Sense!
This election day there will be people who are more than willing to trash any Candidate for the Supreme Court if he or she believes in interpreting and following the guidelines set forth by our founders Constitution to rule on the feasibility of all arguments that challenge the ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution! If you want to know why I say this, it’s because ‘Never Trumper’s’ are afraid that after 8 years of Obama’s lawlessness, and doing it all with the help of his AG’s Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch who willingly turned a blind eye every time Obama strayed from his oath of office, that they all have become ‘addicted’ to the same lawlessness in order to get the results they only wish they had! Progressives are afraid of the Constitution and ‘Rule of Law,’ and because of Hillary’s loss in the 2016 elections have been forced to continue on with the same lawlessness to prevent the ‘Deep State’ secrets of Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration, the real colluders that from the very beginning have been working to destroy America from within using the ‘Anti Middle Class’ Socialist Model as their guiding star!
What comes with today’s Democrat’s obstructing and resisting anything and everything Trump is their mission to do whatever is necessary to take back the House! They’ve been moving the goal posts back and stalling to the point of me thinking they have something up their sleeves that might artificially turn the election into a repeat of the 2012 election when Obama won his 2nd term through smoke and mirrors, a.k.a. Voter Fraud!
All Americans, and even illegal Americans, should want to know the truth behind the determining factors that are in play when establishing America’s future in the Midterm election in 19 days! It would be one thing if we knew for a fact that our founders are still ideologically at the helm and still steering the good ship ‘America, but when you realize that the future of America is in the hands of just 4 people, Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi, and Ryan who control the how, the why, and the when a Bill comes out of the House and onto the Senate Floor for possible passage and becoming a law!
When you think about its actually just one person out of 325 Million Americans that controls the flow for or against the future of America, and that’s the Majority leader in the Senate that controls what goes to the floor, and what gets tabled for hopefully another day!
It was Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate Majority Leader during the Obama Administration who earned the reputation of being the biggest Obstructionist in the history of the Senate by tabling anything Republican based coming out of the House, but also responsible for the ‘Nuclear Option’ (Simple Majority instead of 60 votes) that Democrats used to pass Obamacare, stuff the Courts with progressive justices that over rode President Trumps constitutional ‘Travel Ban,’ and then just about everything else Dems. unconstitutionally wanted passed to bypass Trump’s Republicans!
No matter what you personally think about President Trump and his un-presidential and unusual ways he conducts business, know that he does keep his promises, and he would have completed a lot more of them if Democrats, who are led by Schumer and Pelosi were redefining their Party by doing nothing to assist the American People in making America first and great again, but instead doing everything in their power, including destroying our founders ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution by discarding Due Process and the presumption of innocence to obstruct and resist!
Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history.
Why Vote for Democrats?
“Given what the Trump administration is saying are record achievements for a president at this stage in office, why would anyone consider voting for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections?
Writing in The Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard lists 289 accomplishments of the Trump administration, beginning with the obvious one, the economy: “They include 173 major wins, such as adding more than 4 million jobs, and another 116 smaller victories, some with outsize importance, such as the 83 percent one-year increase in arrests of MS-13 gang members.”
They also include two justices now on the Supreme Court and 82 other federal judges confirmed to lower courts.
As the White House has touted, unemployment in all demographics is the lowest it has been since 1969. Despite a recent blip in the stock market, portfolios have grown fatter since Trump became president. An analysis in The Wall Street Journal predicts economic growth is likely to continue “for years.”
Other positives include updated trade deals with Mexico and Canada that will produce benefits for American manufacturers and workers far more than the old NAFTA deal ever did.
Consumer confidence reached an 18-year high in September, according to Lynn Franco, director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board, which conducts the Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index(R).
Top this off with the successfully negotiated release of Pastor Andrew Brunson from a Turkish prison and a more realistic foreign policy in confronting America’s enemies.
According to Gallup’s weekly tracking poll, for the week of Oct. 7, the president’s approval rating jumped a percentage point, from 42 percent to 43 percent. His disapproval rating holds at 53 percent, though that number is down three percentage points from the week of Sept. 16. Rasmussen, which tends to be more favorable toward Republicans, puts the president’s approval at 51 percent. That is higher than President Obama achieved at a similar point in his presidency. Presidential polling does not necessarily forecast voter behavior in state and local races, though one Quinnipiac University Poll shows that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has a nine-point likely voter lead over his opponent Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas).
In view of Republican successes, including tax cuts and the booming economy, what Democratic policies would produce results better than these? Other than spite for the president, why would voters elect candidates who want to return to a past where things were far different?
Do people who didn’t have jobs during the previous administration want to embrace policies that kept them unemployed? Do businesses once prevented from hiring people because of regulations now wish to have regulations re-imposed and to lay off workers they recently hired?
By what logic do some people wish to return to the recent past, including a recent past that includes Republican presidents who cannot lay claim to the type of successes President Trump is enjoying?
Perhaps most amazing is the president’s growing approval among African-American voters, whose votes he is openly campaigning for as evidenced by rapper Kanye West’s endorsement and the president’s reciprocal embrace. USA Today reported on a new Rasmussen poll that shows “approval rating among African Americans is at 36 percent, nearly double his support at this time last year.” Despite the NAACP’s hostility toward the president, African-American voters seem focused more on results than symbolism.
Polls have been wrong in the past — take the 2016 election as the latest example — but the president has begun touting his record while campaigning for candidates. That record appears to be resonating with voters, at least in some states. Never has the Ronald Reagan question “Are you better off than you were four years ago” seemed more relevant. Never has the answer appeared more obvious.”